Once upon a time, the owl was a common bird. Together with other birds and animals she was glad the sun, light and even sang beautiful songs, as well as the nightingale. But once in a rainy spring, when heavy clouds hid constantly sunny sky, there was a sad story that is the story in this tale.
The whole day was rain, and Owl was hiding from him in the hollow of the old branchy oak. It was dark and damp, rain pounded monotonously on the leaves of trees and she unwittingly fell asleep. She woke up only at night, from the fact that the hole in the hollow soft light streamed silver. Sovushka looked outside and saw that the rain stopped and the sky shines a huge full moon, its pale light fell on the night forest and frozen raindrops on the leaves to catch his reflections and light small silver fireflies. The moon was so beautiful and mysterious, and the Owl thought she sends to her his silvery beams and smiles sadly. Everywhere shone and sparkled millions of small stars, it seemed that thousands of bright diamonds and emeralds are playing in silver rays, and large disc of the moon was sailing majestically over them. It seemed that in the night forest sounds barely audible slow melody.
On the night admiring Sovushka heavenly body, I watched with bated breath for its smooth movement across the sky, and the closer the moon down to the edge of the sky, the sadder she became fascinated by the bird, stronger heart ached from the strange sadness. For Luna regards edge of the horizon, pale more and more, it becomes brighter when the pre-dawn sky ... Gradually Morning enter into their legal rights. Great grief struck Owl. She ripped off from the branch, sadly cried, clapped her wings and flew higher and higher, to still enjoy the last moments vanish in the dawn of a vision, and now it is time for the coveted mirage disappeared altogether.
In deep sadness Owl returned to his tree and hid in the hollow, without looking at the sky, treacherously abandoned night queen. All day remained Owl in its hollow and did not see the first pink rays of the rising sun shining in the east, it rises, it shines and warms the forest and its inhabitants, awakens them to life in a new day;
But Owl and not thought about the sun. How fascinated, every evening she met the moon, and the night admiring the movement of silver light across the sky, waiting longingly of his disappearance over the horizon. And when the moon was hidden, distressed bird with deep anguish in my heart hidden in its dark hollow. I did not want it to see a new day, enjoy the sun and enjoy the warmth. I am looking forward to Owl when evening comes, and it can meet the rising luminary beloved.
But the Moon does not want to be the idol of the Owls. Once, looking sadly at the owl from the sky, they said softly:
- Sovushka-owl, head disease! What are you, Sovushka forgotten about honey? What are you looking at me the whole night, I overlooked all eyes so that they become round and large? Come to your senses, unhappy! After all, I do not have their own light, I only reflects the one that shines me great sun!
But not understand Owl words that said Luna. She came to the indescribable joy of the Moon speaks to her excitement and did not understand the meaning of spoken words to the moon, and she could only look at the moon with adoration.
On this night the moon beginning to fade. If earlier it was always full, round and bright, it now perhaps Owl, decided to move into the shadows, that at least this show that she was not home in the sky, it is compared to the sun, small and dark. But this is not understood and Owl. Every night, with growing horror, she watched for the decrease of the moon. When, one night, not finding in the sky the moon at all, fell into such despair that sobbed all night, and since that time, completely lost his voice and could not sing their beautiful songs. Seeing this great sorrow, the moon rose again in the sky, but since then has rarely shows its true beauty, rarely shines its rays night forest, because they do not wish the moon to be an idol, trying to remind, it was wrong for her to forget about the sun, because it alone and it provides heat and light.