How to plan summer work on the movement of the moon
Lunar calendars truckers is very popular. Today, there are few who doubt that the Moon affects all life on our planet, and the impact is largely predictable. However, the recommendations, which are in abundance offering various publications, can be treated differently — because sometimes they clearly contradict. About as popular horoscopes in all sorts of magazines))
In the days when the Moon passes through a Zodiac sign, its effect on living organisms is characterized by symptoms that the corresponding constellation. Hence the recommendations — what to do on certain days, and any work should be avoided.
Someone believes these tips are a direct guide to action, someone is convinced that they are simply "far-fetched" or "sucked from the finger". Who is right?.. Judge a long-running dispute could only experience based on knowledge and real practice. So why don't we know more about the interaction of the moon and of the Zodiac? And then will verify this information "in the field" and share your impressions)) moreover, on the threshold of another holiday season, and the first shoots already green on our window sills waiting for spring...
Moon in AriesAries is a barren sign of the Zodiac; it is sown in this sign the plants quickly germinate, but poorly developed and weak fruit. They will not be able to obtain quality seeds collected from such plants the fruits during storage will rapidly deteriorate.
Moon in TaurusTaurus is a highly productive, very fertile sign of the Zodiac; it is sown in this sign the plants germinate slowly but give a lot of seedlings, grow well and grow, bloom profusely and continuously, bring good crops, have a high resistance to cold and temperature extremes. Fruits from such plants are kept well, but the seed quality is not good.
Moon in GeminiGemini — marginal sign of the Zodiac; it is sown or planted at this time, the plants form a good root system, but the weak, unstable aerial part, give low yields; the fruit of these plants are bland in taste and almost odorless.
Moon in CancerCancer — the most productive and fertile sign of the Zodiac; however, sown at this time the seeds germinate slowly, and their aerial part is quite weak, so days when the Moon passes the sign of Cancer, favorable for planting of low plants. The root system of these seedlings are usually well-developed, strong, and Mature plants produce abundant yields. But these fruits unsuitable for long-term storage, nor for seeds, besides, the weight of the fruit can break brittle and weak shoots of plants.
Moon in LeoLeo — a barren sign of the Zodiac; this is the time when plants to disturb undesirable, we should rule out any planting, sowing, transplanting, and devote time to rest. The garden is also these days resting.
Moon in VirgoVirgo — marginal sign of the Zodiac; good yields from plants sown at this time, you can not wait, but ornamental plants, especially annuals, will please abundant flowering. Flowers, however, are small, but beautiful.
Moon in Librathe Scales for fertility are considered to be secondary sign of the Zodiac; the plants sown at this time, resistant to diseases, a little damaged by pests, seeds give excellent and pleasing to the great vintages. Fruits from such plants are distinguished by excellent taste, they are flavorful, big, and besides, well stored. The plants themselves are easily transferred to transplant, the root systems are easily restored.
Moon in ScorpioScorpio is a fertile sign of the Zodiac; it is sown in these days the seeds germinate quickly, the plants formed a strong root system and a strong stalk; they are disease resistant, very hardy; fruit is a delicious, large, the harvest is plentiful and well kept. Obtained from such plant seeds are of excellent quality.
Moon in SagittariusSagittarius — a fertile sign of the Zodiac; that sown in this time will continue to grow, will flower earlier, but a rich harvest will not be pleased. But the seeds of such plants is of excellent quality, especially if you gather them, having timed to the full moon, and in the days when the Moon is in Pisces, Scorpio or Cancer.
Moon in CapricornCapricorn is considered secondary fertility sign of the Zodiac; the fruits sown at this time plants may not surprise, but the harvest will be plentiful, and kept it longer, and the flowers are a beautiful shape. Germination will have to wait, but they will be friendly. Plants may grow slowly, but form a strong root system and powerful shoots are endurance and resistance to adverse conditions and diseases, and they collected seeds are usually of high quality, long remain viable.
The moon in Moduleaware — barren sign of the Zodiac; be totally unproductive crops, planting and transplanting any plants. Seeds germinate poorly, the seedlings are weak, and harvest such crops give very low. On the other hand, the surviving plants form strong stems and strong root system, good bloom; a few fruit will be smooth and beautiful.
Moon in PiscesPisces is a very fertile sign of the Zodiac; sown at this time, the plants develop a good root system, forming short shoots and yield an abundant harvest of delicious fruit. But for the storage and collection of seeds of such fruits, alas, unusable.
Source: www.7dach.ru

In the days when the Moon passes through a Zodiac sign, its effect on living organisms is characterized by symptoms that the corresponding constellation. Hence the recommendations — what to do on certain days, and any work should be avoided.

Someone believes these tips are a direct guide to action, someone is convinced that they are simply "far-fetched" or "sucked from the finger". Who is right?.. Judge a long-running dispute could only experience based on knowledge and real practice. So why don't we know more about the interaction of the moon and of the Zodiac? And then will verify this information "in the field" and share your impressions)) moreover, on the threshold of another holiday season, and the first shoots already green on our window sills waiting for spring...
Moon in AriesAries is a barren sign of the Zodiac; it is sown in this sign the plants quickly germinate, but poorly developed and weak fruit. They will not be able to obtain quality seeds collected from such plants the fruits during storage will rapidly deteriorate.
- treatment of soil, including in pots and containers;
- removing root seedlings, weeding and thinning, pruning strawberry mustache, topping, sanitary pruning;
- cutting flowers, harvesting of medicinal herbs, harvesting of root crops and greens for long term storage;
- control of pests and prevention of plant diseases (preferably on the waning moon);
- seed collection (preferably a week before the full moon and in the first two days after).
- sowing, planting of crops intended for seed production or harvest for long-term storage;
- transplant, swordplay;
- all types of crop plants and their formation; remove side shoots;
- watering (the sign of Aries is considered to be dry: plants do not absorb water);
- feeding.
Moon in TaurusTaurus is a highly productive, very fertile sign of the Zodiac; it is sown in this sign the plants germinate slowly but give a lot of seedlings, grow well and grow, bloom profusely and continuously, bring good crops, have a high resistance to cold and temperature extremes. Fruits from such plants are kept well, but the seed quality is not good.
- seed soaking and germination, sowing and planting of any plant, the harvest of which is intended for long-term storage, as well as slow-growing crops, especially over-wintering;
- watering, loosening the soil (avoiding the roots area), feeding;
- harvesting roots of medicinal plants, digging up bulbs, cutting flowers, harvesting, for storage;
- laying of compost, preparation of herbal extracts for plant nutrition;
- pruning stimulates the growth of sprouts (preferably on the new moon), topping shoots and vaccinations;
- blank for future use.
- transplanting plants;
- loosening the soil in the root zone.
Moon in GeminiGemini — marginal sign of the Zodiac; it is sown or planted at this time, the plants form a good root system, but the weak, unstable aerial part, give low yields; the fruit of these plants are bland in taste and almost odorless.
- sowing and planting any climbing and creeping plants and also plants with the mustache (strawberries, peas, etc.);
- weeding, thinning seedlings, loosening the soil, earthing up;
- pest control, treatment of disease (preferably on the waning moon);
- removal of unwanted seedlings, strawberry trim moustache, side-shoot removing, topping, shaping plants, grafting;
- cleaning long-term storage of root crops, grain and fruit crops;
- harvesting flowers and shoots of medicinal plants (preferably on the growing moon);
- the collection of seed;
- the digging up of bulbs, tubers, corms and korneklubni;
- mowing the grass, cutting flowers;
- harvesting for the future.
- planting and transplanting of any herbaceous plants.
Moon in CancerCancer — the most productive and fertile sign of the Zodiac; however, sown at this time the seeds germinate slowly, and their aerial part is quite weak, so days when the Moon passes the sign of Cancer, favorable for planting of low plants. The root system of these seedlings are usually well-developed, strong, and Mature plants produce abundant yields. But these fruits unsuitable for long-term storage, nor for seeds, besides, the weight of the fruit can break brittle and weak shoots of plants.
- soaking of seeds;
- sowing, planting and transplanting ornamental deciduous plants and low annuals;
- watering, loosening the soil, fertilizing (organic preferably done by decreasing the moon, and the mineral is rising in the form of solutions);
- bookmark compost;
- vaccinations;
- harvesting the leaves of the herbs;
- cleaning long-term storage of fruits and greens ("inches" — above-ground parts of plants);
- harvesting for the future.
- sowing, planting and transplanting of trees, high grass, tuber, and curly (and basket) plants;
- cleaning of tubers, root crops, harvesting of roots;
- the use of pesticides for treatments of the garden.
Moon in LeoLeo — a barren sign of the Zodiac; this is the time when plants to disturb undesirable, we should rule out any planting, sowing, transplanting, and devote time to rest. The garden is also these days resting.
- the collection of seeds, including seeds of medicinal plants;
- cleaning of all types of fruits, including carrots and potatoes for long-term storage;
- trim the excess shoots, the formation of the crown of trees (preferably on the waning moon);
- cut flowers;
- harvesting for the future.
- crops, planting, replanting;
- watering, fertilizing.
Moon in VirgoVirgo — marginal sign of the Zodiac; good yields from plants sown at this time, you can not wait, but ornamental plants, especially annuals, will please abundant flowering. Flowers, however, are small, but beautiful.
- seeding and planting of annual flowers, ornamental trees and bushes, creeping and climbing ornamental plants;
- division and transplanting of perennials, propagation by layering (preferably on the waning moon);
- swordplay, transplanting (especially of plants that were sown when the Moon was in Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces);
- watering, fertilizing (organic preferably done by decreasing the moon, and mineral — growing);
- any pruning work;
- harvesting roots and rhizomes of medicinal plants (preferably on a waning moon)
- sowing and planting of plants destined to produce a crop;
- soaking of seeds.
Moon in Librathe Scales for fertility are considered to be secondary sign of the Zodiac; the plants sown at this time, resistant to diseases, a little damaged by pests, seeds give excellent and pleasing to the great vintages. Fruits from such plants are distinguished by excellent taste, they are flavorful, big, and besides, well stored. The plants themselves are easily transferred to transplant, the root systems are easily restored.
- planting tuber flowers (waning moon!), as well as roses and shrubs (preferably on the growing moon);
- sowing, planting any plants designed to produce crops, and flowers, medicinal herbs and spice plants;
- watering, fertilizing, loosening the soil;
- rejuvenating and formative pruning, topping of the shoots, rooting of cuttings;
- cut flowers;
- cleaning of root crops for long-term storage;
- harvesting seeds;
- harvesting of the flowers of medicinal plants.
- spraying of plants;
- inoculation.
Moon in ScorpioScorpio is a fertile sign of the Zodiac; it is sown in these days the seeds germinate quickly, the plants formed a strong root system and a strong stalk; they are disease resistant, very hardy; fruit is a delicious, large, the harvest is plentiful and well kept. Obtained from such plant seeds are of excellent quality.
- soaking of seeds;
- sowing, transplanting of plants intended for seed production and harvest for storage;
- watering, fertilizing (organic preferably done by decreasing the moon, and mineral — growing);
- vaccination;
- weeding, hoeing and other soil treatments;
- bookmark compost;
- mowing grass;
- processing garden from pests and diseases;
- harvesting the leaves of medicinal plants;
- cleaning long-term storage of fruits and other aerial parts of plants.
- transplant;
- propagation by division of rhizomes, propagation of bulbous and bulbotuber plants;
- all kinds of trimming;
- harvesting potatoes (the tubers are watery, and during storage they may cause unpleasant taste).
Moon in SagittariusSagittarius — a fertile sign of the Zodiac; that sown in this time will continue to grow, will flower earlier, but a rich harvest will not be pleased. But the seeds of such plants is of excellent quality, especially if you gather them, having timed to the full moon, and in the days when the Moon is in Pisces, Scorpio or Cancer.
- sowing and planting climbing plants, flowers, growing medicinal herbs and plants intended for seeds;
- planting cuttings and seedlings;
- the digging of the soil, hoeing, earthing up;
- processing of plants against pests, prevention of diseases;
- weeding and thinning; remove side shoots; trim strawberry mustache; removal of sick and weak plants, extra seedlings;
- cleaning bulbs, corms, tubers, korneklubni, roots for long-term storage;
- the collection of medicinal plants and herbs (growing moon);
- cleaning fruit seeds (in the period commencing one week before the full moon and ending in 1-2 day after it);
- cut flowers for bouquets (the moon rising);
- harvesting (including drying) of the crop.
- watering
- pruning (can form poorly healing wounds).
Moon in CapricornCapricorn is considered secondary fertility sign of the Zodiac; the fruits sown at this time plants may not surprise, but the harvest will be plentiful, and kept it longer, and the flowers are a beautiful shape. Germination will have to wait, but they will be friendly. Plants may grow slowly, but form a strong root system and powerful shoots are endurance and resistance to adverse conditions and diseases, and they collected seeds are usually of high quality, long remain viable.
- soaking of seeds;
- sowing and planting of crops intended for seed production and (or) prolonged storage of crops;
- transplantation (waning moon) of vegetable crops and bulbous plants;
- transplantation (the growing moon) of trees and shrubs;
- planting of rootstocks for later grafting;
- transplantation of plants with weakened (damaged) root system;
- planting (including inwinter) and planting perennials, wintering in the open ground;
- autumn transplanting ornamental crops for the winter on a cold windowsill;
- prevention of plant diseases and protection from pests;
- root and foliar feeding of plants: organic — on the waning moon, mineral — on the growing moon;
- cropping (preferably in new moon), topping shoots, grafting, harvesting of cuttings (growing moon);
- harvesting for long-term storage and harvesting for seed production;
- harvesting roots and rhizomes of medicinal plants.
- work associated with the root system of plants (except for harvesting of medicinal raw materials).
The moon in Moduleaware — barren sign of the Zodiac; be totally unproductive crops, planting and transplanting any plants. Seeds germinate poorly, the seedlings are weak, and harvest such crops give very low. On the other hand, the surviving plants form strong stems and strong root system, good bloom; a few fruit will be smooth and beautiful.
- plowing, digging, hoeing, hoeing — all types of soil;
- thinning of sprouts, weeding;
- formative pruning of trees and shrubs (in the waning moon); the plants remove side shoots, removing superfluous shoots, flowers and buds, root seedlings and the sick, the weak plants; pruning whiskers strawberries;
- spraying crops for pest control and disease prevention;
- harvesting of seeds (in the period commencing one week before the full moon and ends 1-2 days after);
- harvesting of flowers, seeds and fruits of medicinal plants;
- harvesting (including bulbs, tubers, corms and korneklubni), intended for long-term storage;
- cutting flowers.
- any sowing, planting, replanting (especially if we are talking about plants intended for seed production);
- watering (high probability of root rot, occurrence of diseases of the root system);
- feeding.
Moon in PiscesPisces is a very fertile sign of the Zodiac; sown at this time, the plants develop a good root system, forming short shoots and yield an abundant harvest of delicious fruit. But for the storage and collection of seeds of such fruits, alas, unusable.
- seeding, planting, transplanting all crops, including transplanting; especially auspicious time for pumpkin and nightshade family;
- planting potatoes (most successfully, if necessary, on the third day after the full moon);
- watering (best effect — on the growing moon);
- feeding (preferred foliar fertilization with mineral fertilizers; to make organics in small doses on the waning moon);
- loosening the soil;
- harvesting of cuttings, grafting, budding, rooting of cuttings;
- pruning of trees and shrubs (preferably on the new moon), topping shoots;
- harvesting the leaves of medicinal plants;
- the laying of the compost.
- harvesting earthen mixes for seedlings and houseplants (increased risk of infection, pathogens and pests);
- processing of plants against pests and diseases
Source: www.7dach.ru