Facts about the Moon
Moon - the closest companion of mankind in our journey in outer space, as well as the only celestial body that we visited. Nevertheless, in spite of its relative proximity to us and seeming simplicity, our satellite continues to hide a lot of interesting secrets, and some of them deserve to know about them. 1. moonquake
Despite the fact that, in fact, the moon - it's just a dead piece of rock with very low geological activity and crustal movement happening there. They are called moonquake (similar to earthquakes).
There are four types of moonquakes: the first three - deep moonquakes, vibrations from meteorite impacts and thermal moonquakes caused by solar activity - relatively safe. But moonquakes fourth type can be quite unpleasant. They are usually up to 5, 5 on the Richter scale - enough to start shaking small objects. Such tremors last for about ten minutes. According to NASA, such moonquakes make our moon "ring like a bell».
The most frightening in these moonquake that we do not have a clue about what causes them. Earthquakes in the world tend to be caused by the movement of tectonic plates, but on the Moon tectonic plates just yet. Some researchers think they may have some connection to tidal activity of the Earth, which, as it "pulls" the moon itself. However, the theory is not supported by anything - tidal forces associated with the full moon, and moonquakes usually seen at other times.
2. Double planet
Most people believe that the moon - a satellite. However, many argue that the Moon should be classified as a planet. On the one hand, it is too large for the present satellite - its diameter is equal to a quarter the diameter of Earth, so the moon can be called the largest satellite in the solar system, given this relationship. Pluto, however, also has a companion called Charon, which is half the diameter of Pluto's diameter. Only now, Pluto is no longer considered this planet, so that we Charon to take into account will not.
Because of its large size, the Moon is not actually located in low Earth orbit. Earth and Moon rotate around each other and around a certain point in the middle between them. This point is called the barycenter, and the illusion that the moon is orbiting the Earth, caused by the fact that the center of gravity is now within the Earth's crust. This fact does not allow to classify the Earth to the Moon as a double planet, but in the future the situation may change.
3. Lunar garbage
Everyone knows that a man on the moon was. But not everyone knows that this man (specifically write this word with a capital letter) using the Moon as a standard place for a picnic; astronauts on the moon left there a lot of garbage. It is believed that the surface of the moon lies about 181 437 kg of artificial materials.
Of course, blame not only the astronauts - specifically they are not scattered on the moon by sandwich wrappers and banana peels. Most of the debris left over from various experiments, space probes and lunar rover, some of which are still functioning.
4. Moonlight grave
Eugenie "Jean" Shoemaker, a well-known astronomer and geologist, in their circles is something of a legend: he developed methods of scientific exploration of outer impact, and come up with techniques that astronauts "Apollo" was used for the exploration of the Moon.
Shoemaker had wanted to be an astronaut, but could not get the job because of minor health problems. It was the biggest disappointment throughout his life, but Shoemaker, however, continued to dream that someday he could still see the moon. When he died, NASA fulfilled his fondest wish and sent his ashes to the moon station «Lunar Prospector» in 1998 year. His ashes remain there to dispel among the moondust.
5. Lunar anomaly
Some images taken by different satellites, seen very strange things on the surface of the moon. It seems that on the moon there are artificial structures, ranging in size from very tiny, usually in the form of a parallelepiped, obelisks to less than 1, 5 km high.
Fans of paranormal phenomena, even "found" objects among the great castle, "hanging" high above the lunar surface. All this seems to point to the development of civilization, previously living on the Moon and supposedly build complex structures.
NASA never denied these strange theory, despite the fact that all the images are likely forged followers "conspiracy theories».
6. Moondust
One of the most amazing and at the same time the most dangerous things on the moon - is moondust. As everyone knows, the sand gets everywhere on Earth, but the dust on the moon - a substance extremely dangerous: it is fine as flour, but it is very rough. Due to its texture and low gravity, it gets absolutely anywhere
NASA had numerous problems associated with lunar dust: it breaks shoes astronauts almost completely penetrates the ships and space suits and causes "lunar hay fever" in the unfortunate astronauts if they inhale it. It is believed that prolonged contact with the moon dust, even the most durable thing may break.
Oh, and this devilish substance smells like gunpowder zhzhёny.
7. Difficulties with low gravity
Although gravity on the moon is equal to only one-sixth of Earth's gravity, moving on its surface - a feat. Buzz Aldrin said that to establish a settlement on the Moon would be extremely difficult: the feet of astronauts in bulky spacesuits were buried in the lunar dust by almost 15 cm.
Despite the low gravity, inertia man on the moon is high, so move fast and change direction there difficult. If the astronauts want to move faster, they had to pretend to be a clumsy kangaroo, which was also a problem, because the moon is full of craters and other dangerous objects.
8. Origin of the Moon
Where did the moon? Simple and accurate answer is no, but, nevertheless, science allows you to make a few assumptions
There are five main theories about the origin of the Moon. The theory of division says that the Moon was once part of our planet and is separated from her at a very early stage in the history of the Earth - in fact, just the moon would be on the site of the modern Pacific Ocean. Capture theory says that the moon is just "wandering" of the universe, until it was captured by Earth's gravity. Another theory is that our moon was formed from debris or asteroids, or left from the collision of Earth with an unknown planet the size of Mars
The most reliable at the moment theory of the origin of the Moon is called the theory of rings: protoplanet (the planet that has just formed) called Theia collided with the Earth and the resulting debris cloud then eventually gathered together and turned into the moon.
9. The moon and sleep
Influence of the Moon and the Earth at each other is undeniable. Nevertheless, the influence of the Moon on people is a source of constant debate. Many believe that a full moon is the cause of the strange behavior of people, but science can not provide conclusive evidence for or against this theory. But science agrees that the moon can break the cycle of human sleep.
According to experiments conducted at the University of Basel in Switzerland, phases of the moon affect human sleep cycles is strictly in a certain way. Worst of all people are asleep, as a rule, the full moon. These results can fully explain the so-called "moon madness": according to the experiment and the confidence of many people, it was the full moon they often have nightmares.
10. Moon shadows
When Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin first set foot on the moon, they made a surprising discovery: the shadow of the Moon is much darker than the shadows of the earth because of the lack of atmosphere. All lunar shadows - absolutely black. Once the astronauts stepped into the shadows, they could not see their own feet, despite the blazing solar disk in the sky.
Of course, the astronauts were able to adapt to this, but such a contrast between the dark and light areas of the surface still remains a problem. Astronauts have noticed that some of the shadows - that is, their own - have a halo. Later, they learned that a terrible phenomenon is explained by the effect of the opposition, in which some dark shadow zones appear bright halo, provided that the observer is looking at the shadow at a certain angle.
Shadow of the Moon become the bane of many missions "Apollo." Some astronauts find that perform maintenance tasks on the ship impossible, because they could not see what their hands. Others thought that accidentally landed in a cave - this effect is created due to the shadow cast by the slopes.
11. Lunar magnetism
One of the most interesting mysteries of the Moon is that the Moon has no magnetic field. It is surprising that while the stones that astronauts first brought from the moon to Earth in 1960, had magnetic properties. Maybe stones have an extraterrestrial origin? How can they have magnetic properties when the moon is no magnetic field?
Over the years, science has established that the magnetic field of the moon once was, but no one can say why it disappeared. There are two main theories: one says that the magnetic field has disappeared because of the natural movements of the iron core of the moon, and the second argues that this may be due to a series of collisions with meteorites moon.
Source: iburas.livejournal.com

Despite the fact that, in fact, the moon - it's just a dead piece of rock with very low geological activity and crustal movement happening there. They are called moonquake (similar to earthquakes).
There are four types of moonquakes: the first three - deep moonquakes, vibrations from meteorite impacts and thermal moonquakes caused by solar activity - relatively safe. But moonquakes fourth type can be quite unpleasant. They are usually up to 5, 5 on the Richter scale - enough to start shaking small objects. Such tremors last for about ten minutes. According to NASA, such moonquakes make our moon "ring like a bell».
The most frightening in these moonquake that we do not have a clue about what causes them. Earthquakes in the world tend to be caused by the movement of tectonic plates, but on the Moon tectonic plates just yet. Some researchers think they may have some connection to tidal activity of the Earth, which, as it "pulls" the moon itself. However, the theory is not supported by anything - tidal forces associated with the full moon, and moonquakes usually seen at other times.

2. Double planet

Most people believe that the moon - a satellite. However, many argue that the Moon should be classified as a planet. On the one hand, it is too large for the present satellite - its diameter is equal to a quarter the diameter of Earth, so the moon can be called the largest satellite in the solar system, given this relationship. Pluto, however, also has a companion called Charon, which is half the diameter of Pluto's diameter. Only now, Pluto is no longer considered this planet, so that we Charon to take into account will not.
Because of its large size, the Moon is not actually located in low Earth orbit. Earth and Moon rotate around each other and around a certain point in the middle between them. This point is called the barycenter, and the illusion that the moon is orbiting the Earth, caused by the fact that the center of gravity is now within the Earth's crust. This fact does not allow to classify the Earth to the Moon as a double planet, but in the future the situation may change.

3. Lunar garbage

Everyone knows that a man on the moon was. But not everyone knows that this man (specifically write this word with a capital letter) using the Moon as a standard place for a picnic; astronauts on the moon left there a lot of garbage. It is believed that the surface of the moon lies about 181 437 kg of artificial materials.
Of course, blame not only the astronauts - specifically they are not scattered on the moon by sandwich wrappers and banana peels. Most of the debris left over from various experiments, space probes and lunar rover, some of which are still functioning.

4. Moonlight grave

Eugenie "Jean" Shoemaker, a well-known astronomer and geologist, in their circles is something of a legend: he developed methods of scientific exploration of outer impact, and come up with techniques that astronauts "Apollo" was used for the exploration of the Moon.
Shoemaker had wanted to be an astronaut, but could not get the job because of minor health problems. It was the biggest disappointment throughout his life, but Shoemaker, however, continued to dream that someday he could still see the moon. When he died, NASA fulfilled his fondest wish and sent his ashes to the moon station «Lunar Prospector» in 1998 year. His ashes remain there to dispel among the moondust.

5. Lunar anomaly

Some images taken by different satellites, seen very strange things on the surface of the moon. It seems that on the moon there are artificial structures, ranging in size from very tiny, usually in the form of a parallelepiped, obelisks to less than 1, 5 km high.
Fans of paranormal phenomena, even "found" objects among the great castle, "hanging" high above the lunar surface. All this seems to point to the development of civilization, previously living on the Moon and supposedly build complex structures.
NASA never denied these strange theory, despite the fact that all the images are likely forged followers "conspiracy theories».

6. Moondust
One of the most amazing and at the same time the most dangerous things on the moon - is moondust. As everyone knows, the sand gets everywhere on Earth, but the dust on the moon - a substance extremely dangerous: it is fine as flour, but it is very rough. Due to its texture and low gravity, it gets absolutely anywhere
NASA had numerous problems associated with lunar dust: it breaks shoes astronauts almost completely penetrates the ships and space suits and causes "lunar hay fever" in the unfortunate astronauts if they inhale it. It is believed that prolonged contact with the moon dust, even the most durable thing may break.
Oh, and this devilish substance smells like gunpowder zhzhёny.
7. Difficulties with low gravity
Although gravity on the moon is equal to only one-sixth of Earth's gravity, moving on its surface - a feat. Buzz Aldrin said that to establish a settlement on the Moon would be extremely difficult: the feet of astronauts in bulky spacesuits were buried in the lunar dust by almost 15 cm.
Despite the low gravity, inertia man on the moon is high, so move fast and change direction there difficult. If the astronauts want to move faster, they had to pretend to be a clumsy kangaroo, which was also a problem, because the moon is full of craters and other dangerous objects.
8. Origin of the Moon
Where did the moon? Simple and accurate answer is no, but, nevertheless, science allows you to make a few assumptions
There are five main theories about the origin of the Moon. The theory of division says that the Moon was once part of our planet and is separated from her at a very early stage in the history of the Earth - in fact, just the moon would be on the site of the modern Pacific Ocean. Capture theory says that the moon is just "wandering" of the universe, until it was captured by Earth's gravity. Another theory is that our moon was formed from debris or asteroids, or left from the collision of Earth with an unknown planet the size of Mars
The most reliable at the moment theory of the origin of the Moon is called the theory of rings: protoplanet (the planet that has just formed) called Theia collided with the Earth and the resulting debris cloud then eventually gathered together and turned into the moon.
9. The moon and sleep
Influence of the Moon and the Earth at each other is undeniable. Nevertheless, the influence of the Moon on people is a source of constant debate. Many believe that a full moon is the cause of the strange behavior of people, but science can not provide conclusive evidence for or against this theory. But science agrees that the moon can break the cycle of human sleep.
According to experiments conducted at the University of Basel in Switzerland, phases of the moon affect human sleep cycles is strictly in a certain way. Worst of all people are asleep, as a rule, the full moon. These results can fully explain the so-called "moon madness": according to the experiment and the confidence of many people, it was the full moon they often have nightmares.
10. Moon shadows
When Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin first set foot on the moon, they made a surprising discovery: the shadow of the Moon is much darker than the shadows of the earth because of the lack of atmosphere. All lunar shadows - absolutely black. Once the astronauts stepped into the shadows, they could not see their own feet, despite the blazing solar disk in the sky.
Of course, the astronauts were able to adapt to this, but such a contrast between the dark and light areas of the surface still remains a problem. Astronauts have noticed that some of the shadows - that is, their own - have a halo. Later, they learned that a terrible phenomenon is explained by the effect of the opposition, in which some dark shadow zones appear bright halo, provided that the observer is looking at the shadow at a certain angle.
Shadow of the Moon become the bane of many missions "Apollo." Some astronauts find that perform maintenance tasks on the ship impossible, because they could not see what their hands. Others thought that accidentally landed in a cave - this effect is created due to the shadow cast by the slopes.
11. Lunar magnetism
One of the most interesting mysteries of the Moon is that the Moon has no magnetic field. It is surprising that while the stones that astronauts first brought from the moon to Earth in 1960, had magnetic properties. Maybe stones have an extraterrestrial origin? How can they have magnetic properties when the moon is no magnetic field?
Over the years, science has established that the magnetic field of the moon once was, but no one can say why it disappeared. There are two main theories: one says that the magnetic field has disappeared because of the natural movements of the iron core of the moon, and the second argues that this may be due to a series of collisions with meteorites moon.
Source: iburas.livejournal.com