Reveal the secret: the moon's influence on plants
Whether or not to pay attention to the rhythms of the moon when working in the garden and in the garden? Opinions here a lot. In our family, was the stage for almost complete adherence to the lunar calendar of the gardener, which produced various garden magazines. Tried to consider the state of the moon relative to the signs of the zodiac, auspicious and inauspicious days... In the end it all tired, and soon this phase was replaced by a more simple.
Was concluded that: lunar calendar can be a helper, and it can also become a "pest" that destroys peace and harmony. If you follow the lunar calendar of the gardener unconditionally, it is possible and stress to earn .
And if you have a house, which turns out to only work on the weekends, what is there adherence to the calendar? Like, for example, to plant seedlings of tomatoes, and then turns, you need to plant potatoes or flowers. How else does it compare with the weather conditions?
It turns out that fanatical following garden calendars can lead to stress, and that plants "think" that we are nervous about them and decide: "Why do we need to grow and upset the friend of the gardener? Better without us..."
But it is also impossible to ignore the moon. She has a great influence on all living things. So looking for a compromise.
The rhythms of the moon and their effect on plantsanyone who's ever watched the Moon, knows about her 4 States. Some even felt the impact of that light on your health (usually in the days of new moon or full moon). Thus, four States of the moon are:
What you can do with plants in every state of the moonIn the full moon days and new moon is very desirable not to do anything with plants, which could seriously harm them. At this time they are vulnerable and especially in the days of the full moon.
By the way, these books drew attention to concepts such as the descending and rising Moon. While they are not fully understood, so not even going to talk about this, not to mislead you. The only thing that I will say that these notions also depend on the location of the moon in the zodiac signs.
If you wonder how does the Moon on the human body, then read the book "on their Own". But in the book, "Everything at the right time" has helpful information on this topic. We can say that the books complement each other.
By the way, today the waning Moon, and on March 30 will be the new moon. And in the one and the other book has a lunar calendar until the end of 2016, where you can always know the status of the moon in any given day.
So, to summarize:
If you have a little free time and absolutely no desire to make a what zodiac sign is the Moon, what day is it today — leaf, fruit, flower or root is not necessary to survive. Just keep in mind the days of the full moon, new moon, waning and waxing moon and you will be calm, happiness and a good harvest. If you have a lot of free time, and have a desire to follow all the rules dictated by the satellite of the Earth, no one forbids. The choice is always yours.
And a small addition.
Calendar of the gardener may be useful as a personal journal for the care of plants. For example, you can record when and what did you do on the site, then to analyze the result. Most importantly, remember that the result depends not only on the moon, but the weather conditions, the nutritional value of soil ecology in the region and the ecosystem of the garden. And Yes your mood too...
Well, the lunar calendar gardener, as you can see, sometimes useful and sometimes not. Interesting to hear your opinion on this matter. How do you feel about the lunar calendar of the gardener-gardener? Do you follow "each letter" of these calendars?
I wish you peace and harmony in the family and in the garden!!!
Source: garden4u.ru/v-pomoshh-sadovodu/lunnyiy-kalendar-sadovoda-pomogaet-nam-ili-vredit.html

Was concluded that: lunar calendar can be a helper, and it can also become a "pest" that destroys peace and harmony. If you follow the lunar calendar of the gardener unconditionally, it is possible and stress to earn .
And if you have a house, which turns out to only work on the weekends, what is there adherence to the calendar? Like, for example, to plant seedlings of tomatoes, and then turns, you need to plant potatoes or flowers. How else does it compare with the weather conditions?
It turns out that fanatical following garden calendars can lead to stress, and that plants "think" that we are nervous about them and decide: "Why do we need to grow and upset the friend of the gardener? Better without us..."
But it is also impossible to ignore the moon. She has a great influence on all living things. So looking for a compromise.
The rhythms of the moon and their effect on plantsanyone who's ever watched the Moon, knows about her 4 States. Some even felt the impact of that light on your health (usually in the days of new moon or full moon). Thus, four States of the moon are:
- the new moon (when the moon is not visible in the sky);
- young Moon (waxing Moon);
- full moon;
- waning Moon (waning).
What you can do with plants in every state of the moonIn the full moon days and new moon is very desirable not to do anything with plants, which could seriously harm them. At this time they are vulnerable and especially in the days of the full moon.
- The days of the full moon
If the trim is in the full moon days trees or shrubs, then they can die.
But fertilize the plants at the root in the full moon day is possible and even necessary, because at this time the roots are more actively absorb everything from the soil.
It is believed that if you collect medicinal plants in the full moon days, they will have the greatest effect. Apparently, the reason is that the plant on this day to absorb more nutrients from the soil. But this time it is best to agree with herbalists or book "on their Own" or "All" (more about the books a little further). - Days of the new moon
These days strongly advise you to plant or sow seeds. Ignoring this fact can receive very weak plant that is susceptible to pests and diseases. Generally it's better to abandon any manipulation with plants in new moon. - In the days of the waning moon, the juices go into the root system, and practically does not circulate through the plant. Water is best absorbed into the soil. Also, plants actively absorb more nutrients from the soil, therefore, the basal dressing with organic substances is better to do in the days of the waning moon. But feeding a sheet these days don't do, because it will use a little juice, then the plant is not moving.
In the days of the waning moon, you can prune the plants pasynkovat, trim mustache, and spray the top part of plants, biological products against pests (if indeed there is such a need). At this time, the plants suffer less from the inflicted wounds and form fewer new unnecessary processes.
It is believed that plants, the main edible part which develops under the ground (potatoes, root vegetables, onions, celeriac), it is best to plant or sow in the days of the waning moon, as this time the juices go to the ground. But other plants are better to plant in the days of the waning moon, because then again will get weaker plants, and when planting in the days of the new moon. - Young Moon promotes active circulation of juice in the ground part of plants. That is why in the days of the waxing moon is good to plant (seedlings, cuttings, tree seedlings and shrubs) to sow the seeds and fertilize the plants on the sheet (organic fertilizers), transplant plants, inoculating fruit trees.
By the way, these books drew attention to concepts such as the descending and rising Moon. While they are not fully understood, so not even going to talk about this, not to mislead you. The only thing that I will say that these notions also depend on the location of the moon in the zodiac signs.
If you wonder how does the Moon on the human body, then read the book "on their Own". But in the book, "Everything at the right time" has helpful information on this topic. We can say that the books complement each other.
By the way, today the waning Moon, and on March 30 will be the new moon. And in the one and the other book has a lunar calendar until the end of 2016, where you can always know the status of the moon in any given day.
So, to summarize:
If you have a little free time and absolutely no desire to make a what zodiac sign is the Moon, what day is it today — leaf, fruit, flower or root is not necessary to survive. Just keep in mind the days of the full moon, new moon, waning and waxing moon and you will be calm, happiness and a good harvest. If you have a lot of free time, and have a desire to follow all the rules dictated by the satellite of the Earth, no one forbids. The choice is always yours.
And a small addition.
Calendar of the gardener may be useful as a personal journal for the care of plants. For example, you can record when and what did you do on the site, then to analyze the result. Most importantly, remember that the result depends not only on the moon, but the weather conditions, the nutritional value of soil ecology in the region and the ecosystem of the garden. And Yes your mood too...
Well, the lunar calendar gardener, as you can see, sometimes useful and sometimes not. Interesting to hear your opinion on this matter. How do you feel about the lunar calendar of the gardener-gardener? Do you follow "each letter" of these calendars?
I wish you peace and harmony in the family and in the garden!!!
Source: garden4u.ru/v-pomoshh-sadovodu/lunnyiy-kalendar-sadovoda-pomogaet-nam-ili-vredit.html