Planting calendar for gardeners
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Lunar planting calendar helps gardeners plan to work on the site. It is composed by different phases of the moon, which affects germination and speed of growth of certain horticultural crops.
About what phases of the moon have different effects on the growth and development of plants, is known exactly. This is confirmed by many studies. Of the main provisions of the sowing of the lunar calendar, which is recommended sure – the days of new and full moon, and lunar eclipses are not suitable for planting and sowing. These days it is not worth to carry out work in the garden. The exception is pest control.
Following the landing, the principle is that when the moon rising, a large part of the juices in plants, seeds, bulbs, tubers, plants concentrated in the upper part. Planting and seed material, which falls into the ground during the waxing moon, is programmed on the development and growth of the aerial part (rise up). During waning moon the power of plant leaves in the bottom part and the better developed those crops that are under ground – roots.
In addition, when planting and other gardening works, it is important to consider which sign of the zodiac at the moment the Moon is. All the signs are divided into three groups: fertile, medium and poor.
To fertile are: Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio.
Average marks: Libra, Capricorn, Taurus, Sagittarius.
Aries, Virgo, Aquarius, Gemini, Leo, are thought to be barren signs.
Eleven million six hundred seventy six thousand four hundred seventy nine
Knowing the moon phases and what sign it is, you can make a calendar of planting yourself.
Knowing the moon phases and what sign it is, you can make a calendar of planting yourself. Here is an example of a sowing calendar for may 2015.
1 and 2 may The moon rising in Libra – it is recommended that the planting of trees, legumes and flowers.
3 may The moon rising in Scorpio – it is recommended that planting of all crops, growing up: cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, aubergines, courgettes, pumpkins and so on.
4 may –Moon in Scorpio, full moon is not recommended to carry out planting, you can fertilize and destroy pests.
5 and 6 may The moon is waning in Sagittarius – recommended for cultivation and getting rid of the pests, planting is better not to exercise.
7, 8, 9 may Is the moon waning, in Capricorn, the recommended planting of root crops, especially potatoes, it is not recommended to plant flowers.
10 and 11 may The moon waning in Aquarius – not recommended for planting, to weeding and pruning.
12 and 13 may – Waning moon in Pisces is good to plant bulbs culture, as well as root crops (radishes, celery).
14 and 15 may The moon waning in Aries – not recommended to carry out planting, it is better to prepare the soil.
16 and 17 may – The moon is decreasing in Taurus – planting roots and bulbs will be particularly efficient, also you can trim the trees and shrubs.
May 18 – new moon, Moon in Gemini – not recommended crops and planting.
19 may – The moon is rising in Gemini – it is recommended to plant leguminous, others curly, grapes.
20, 21, 22 may The moon rising in Cancer, the recommended planting all vegetable crops, growing up, including salads and greens.
23 and 24 may – Moon rising in Leo – planting vegetables will be ineffective, but it is good to plant shrubs and trees.
25, 26, 27 may – The moon is rising in Virgo – good plant ornamental and climbing plants not intended for harvest.
28 and 29 may The moon rising in Libra – it is recommended that planting flowers of fruit trees.
30 and 31 may The moon rising in Scorpio – it is possible to plant vegetable crops, growing up, and also the trees and berry bushes.published
Source: domashniy.ru/
Lunar planting calendar helps gardeners plan to work on the site. It is composed by different phases of the moon, which affects germination and speed of growth of certain horticultural crops.
About what phases of the moon have different effects on the growth and development of plants, is known exactly. This is confirmed by many studies. Of the main provisions of the sowing of the lunar calendar, which is recommended sure – the days of new and full moon, and lunar eclipses are not suitable for planting and sowing. These days it is not worth to carry out work in the garden. The exception is pest control.
Following the landing, the principle is that when the moon rising, a large part of the juices in plants, seeds, bulbs, tubers, plants concentrated in the upper part. Planting and seed material, which falls into the ground during the waxing moon, is programmed on the development and growth of the aerial part (rise up). During waning moon the power of plant leaves in the bottom part and the better developed those crops that are under ground – roots.
In addition, when planting and other gardening works, it is important to consider which sign of the zodiac at the moment the Moon is. All the signs are divided into three groups: fertile, medium and poor.
To fertile are: Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio.
Average marks: Libra, Capricorn, Taurus, Sagittarius.
Aries, Virgo, Aquarius, Gemini, Leo, are thought to be barren signs.
Eleven million six hundred seventy six thousand four hundred seventy nine
Knowing the moon phases and what sign it is, you can make a calendar of planting yourself.
Knowing the moon phases and what sign it is, you can make a calendar of planting yourself. Here is an example of a sowing calendar for may 2015.
1 and 2 may The moon rising in Libra – it is recommended that the planting of trees, legumes and flowers.
3 may The moon rising in Scorpio – it is recommended that planting of all crops, growing up: cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, aubergines, courgettes, pumpkins and so on.
4 may –Moon in Scorpio, full moon is not recommended to carry out planting, you can fertilize and destroy pests.
5 and 6 may The moon is waning in Sagittarius – recommended for cultivation and getting rid of the pests, planting is better not to exercise.
7, 8, 9 may Is the moon waning, in Capricorn, the recommended planting of root crops, especially potatoes, it is not recommended to plant flowers.
10 and 11 may The moon waning in Aquarius – not recommended for planting, to weeding and pruning.
12 and 13 may – Waning moon in Pisces is good to plant bulbs culture, as well as root crops (radishes, celery).
14 and 15 may The moon waning in Aries – not recommended to carry out planting, it is better to prepare the soil.
16 and 17 may – The moon is decreasing in Taurus – planting roots and bulbs will be particularly efficient, also you can trim the trees and shrubs.
May 18 – new moon, Moon in Gemini – not recommended crops and planting.
19 may – The moon is rising in Gemini – it is recommended to plant leguminous, others curly, grapes.
20, 21, 22 may The moon rising in Cancer, the recommended planting all vegetable crops, growing up, including salads and greens.
23 and 24 may – Moon rising in Leo – planting vegetables will be ineffective, but it is good to plant shrubs and trees.
25, 26, 27 may – The moon is rising in Virgo – good plant ornamental and climbing plants not intended for harvest.
28 and 29 may The moon rising in Libra – it is recommended that planting flowers of fruit trees.
30 and 31 may The moon rising in Scorpio – it is possible to plant vegetable crops, growing up, and also the trees and berry bushes.published
Source: domashniy.ru/