As of any crisis to make the big win
Sixty three million three hundred ten thousand five hundred fifty nine
“Adversity is the touchstone of valor.”© Seneca Since October 2008 almost every country, where I spend training, I have to deal with a growing fear — the global economic crisis, and, in General, in almost all spheres of life Western man is now in crisis: ecology, family, education, etc. People are afraid of losing the material standard of living. Many have already forgotten about a peaceful sleep, someone started to look at the world through black glasses, someone started to deteriorate relations with the people, and, in severe cases, someone started to drink alcohol or even drugs. The crisis is good because it makes sure that people, manifested his weakness. But if the person is harmonious, it is easy to overcome all the "vicissitudes of life" and, in the end, is on many levels above in all respects.
1. The important thing to understand at the domestic level - in this world nothing is permanent, including a permanent lift, take-off, otherwise there would be no taste of life, and live it would be boring. There has to be changes that many believe the crises.
2. The crisis offers new opportunities. In Chinese, the word crisis consists of two characters — "danger" and "chance". This means that if you successfully overcome times of crisis, you will have a much greater chance to succeed in life.
3. To avoid a "crisis epidemic", do not communicate with the pessimists and don't listen to much news. We determine your mindset. In the ancient Indian epic "Ramayana" it is stated:"Everything that happens to us unexpectedly and against our will is fate." Life circumstances – this is our karma, it is not always possible to change, but it depends on us how to react to these circumstances, because that is what we, in the first place, and change their destiny.
4. The crisis should not be underestimated – it may be different, and even something very unpleasant. It is very important mentally, in my mind, to imagine the worst scenario and go through it, taking the internal situation and at a higher level of personal development is to thank for it God. On the external level you need to safely and, at the same time, actively strive to overcome this situation. If at the external level, the worst time has not yet come, imagine what will you do, if it comes (go to the labour exchange, to spend the night to relatives, etc.) – one this projection gives a positive energy.
5. Do not be afraid of crises, by contrast, learn to appreciate them. Only in the midst of testing possible internal growth. It is said that the souls to a higher spiritual level, always choose an incarnation where there are any difficulties, some kind of struggle. Not accidentally it is said that "for a broken two unbeaten give."
6. The crisis forces you to take a different view on life, is a reassessment of values, comes the very important understanding that everything in this world is temporary. For example, when loved ones die, we realize that we face the same fate that we are not this body, that everything is temporary. This helps us to anything and no one attached, and also free from pain. Because pain is caused when we are not ready to accept the inevitable.
Suffering is not accepted. If there is an inner acceptance of the situation allowed much easier and faster.
“Despair is hell in the soul, before being relegated the soul to hell.” John Chrysostom
“Suffering is the seed of joy.” Japanese proverb
7. Stress of any kind must be able to pass harmoniously, at all four levels: physical, social, intellectual and spiritual.
- On the physical level to relieve stress you need to move more during exercise, any external active activities, produces hormones of happiness – endorphins. Nature itself teaches us this, after all, is what many animals under stress.
It is very desirable to occupy himself in any activity: cleaning, Laundry, etc. are Also very important in yoga (relaxation and calming of the mind) and proper nutrition. Meat, coffee, food from preservatives, chemical additives only reinforce negative emotions. It is very important not to overeat, not to eat at night and drink at least two liters of water a day because, among other positive features, the water takes on negative emotions. No less important is proper sleep – early to bed, early to rest the nervous system. To avoid insomnia, more outdoors, more exercise, move, swim, take salt baths, in the morning after you Wake up-a cold shower for two hours before going to bed — hot shower. It removes all mental tension. The crisis in the first place, has health, and health is the basis of everything. Therefore, start to monitor their health much earlier than a crisis, to approach him in the best shape. It will develop in the body necessary protective reaction and energy.
- On a social level, especially during crisis, it is very important to help someone, not to focus only on yourself. The energy of the stress goes away, because in crisis we think that we are the worst. But in the world around us it is easy to find someone who has it worse and just start to help him. When we unselfishly help others, through us is the energy of happiness: giving, benefits and typically intuitive insight-the way out of crisiss and how we can do more to serve others.
- On an intellectual level at this time is very favorable reading philosophical and spiritual literature, which helps us in finding the meaning of life, sense activities. Because it is important to know the objectives, clearly understand why you live. Aimless life is full of pain. Especially in the crisis it is important to realize and to see these goals. If a person sees a goal, his mind calm, and opens up new possibilities. Meaningful life — protection from the impact of the crisis.
Also during the crisis, sometimes you need to rethink your system of values, to adjust the plans to abandon cease to be relevant intentions and desires.
Intellectual level is another power of will and courage, and these qualities are in a crisis as important as ever.
“The best support in trouble, not the mind, and courage.” Vovenarg
“Courage without prudence is only a kind of cowardice.” Seneca
“The Supreme test of courage is to bear defeat and not lose heart.” R. G. Ingersoll
"Who bravely endures grief, then one achieves happiness." Plautus
- On a spiritual level is the best time for growth of the spirit. Prayer, meditation, practice of conscious life, the selflessness, the absence of discomfort and a constant sense of gratitude-all this in a short time to raise to a new spiritual level and thereby to solve any crisis.
8. The crises are different: economic, political, physical (health), personal (of a crisis), etc. we need them, because often the crisis is one way to show us that we are not going there.
The cause of most crises, we become ourselves, sometimes out of nowhere. If we lived harmoniously, the many crises just would not exist.
Crises are dangerous because, if we are with them can not cope, then falls a few levels below, and thus, sooner or later, we still have to go through this lesson. For example, if a person needs to learn to pass in this embodiment, a crisis in a personal relationship, a partner starts to behave illogical, giving rise to the claim, offense. And if the person is not forgiven, is wrong has passed this situation, he is faced with betrayal, and if he does not make correct conclusions, come disease. If the person does not accept them, the time comes for serious illnesses and misfortunes, then do not force yourself to wait for death itself. Man will have to go again and again these lessons, all will be repeated from birth to birth, until a man will pass this test(without any offense, aggression, discomfort etc).
9. Especially in the crisis need to be in all respects flexible, have no fear and greed. But the most important thing in a crisis situation is the ability to deal with our attachments and dependencies(usually refuse them). By and large, the force of the crisis depends on how much we are beginning to identify himself with his mortal body and all that it relates to. Hence all the pain.
We are not this body, we are eternal spirit, which periodically incarnates in different bodies. This realization means the overcoming of the crisis on a spiritual level. Our life is a play and we — actors and writers. Changing your mindset, you can turn life into good Comedy, and tragedy – and it is our choice. Someone, knowing that she is ruined, thrown out the window, and someone is happy that tomorrow is not necessary to go to work. Do not be afraid that you will temporarily have to lower material standard of living to which we have so long sought. You can build a new life, or worthy to complete it without any money. And, if You are temporarily sank to the bottom, don't be afraid to roll up their sleeves, to take up menial jobs. You should be able to take any scenario, once it happened, then so should you.
10. Human happiness depends on the level of his life, of external circumstances inevitably catches up with the crisis. He becomes a slave of circumstances, it is very easy to manipulate. At the same time, man, free from attachment, crisis uneasy. Therefore, it is important not to get attached to a comfortable condition.
If something we desire passionately or have us deprived, and a crisis. The more we become attached, the more that we lose.
We have a right to enjoy in this world only because we are not afraid to lose.
The successful businessman fabulously rich who are not afraid to take risks, i.e. not afraid to lose his capital, he is uninhibited and unattached. Risk gives the taste of life. But to risk, need wings (power of detachment). It is very important to understand that a strong attachment on the subtle plane kills as well as hatred. Human happiness depends on the achieved level of life that may temporarily abandon the usual comfort, covering the crisis
“Who's afraid of the suffering that already suffers from fear.”Montaigne
"All religions are based on fear of the many and agility several" Stendhal
Comfort is the last snare of civilization. To achieve internal growth, you need to be able to practice austerity – to do yoga, to limit yourself in something from time to time to fast – it gives the energy (Shakti). The power of men, primarily manifested in the ability to endure the pain, endure the suffering and limitation.
“Fright is a sudden fear that losing the presence of the spirit.” Kant
11. Death, destruction, the end of something is always the beginning of something new! If in our life closes one door, somewhere he opens a window. You have to be harmonious person, to live consciously in the flow, calm the mind, and then we can easily see the door.
12. In crisis must be able to afford not to restrain their feelings, if the soul is "scratching cat". Do not try to put on a long face on mask and pretend that You are well, because in that case the negative energy will turn inward and destroy the subtle body, and then and rude. Happens a split personality, which can lead to severe depression and mental illness.
Need to be with this emotion of pain, suffering – there is nothing to be ashamed of. Allow yourself to consciously suffer, to grieve. Preferably said aloud: "Oh, my God, I can feel the tension in the body, lump in throat etc". "Said" emotion goes a lot faster, leaving the subtle body scars.
Also, the crisis gives us an understanding of the duality of the world – cold-hot, good-evil, bad-good, etc. But the divine love and the soul of the above duality. If You correctly go through a traumatic situation, You can get very deep spiritual realization.
13. Disease and the crisis winner is unconditional Love. Should not be to deal with the crisis, first of all it is necessary to love and accept. When you are with someone or fight, then the opponent there is a response of aggression, it takes your strength and energy.
In Eastern psychology, in martial arts there is a rule: you can't defeat someone or something, if you can't unconditionally love. Therefore, always before the encounter opponents bowed to each other, expressing thus respect for, and sent each other love. In this state the person lives in the "flow", listening to your intuition. When we love life, all around, we are not tied, because our main aspiration is giving and service.
But love cannot be used in a selfish way (now I'm all love, and the crisis will pass), it doesn't work. All our troubles and illnesses are our Teachers look at them differently, take them and send them energy of love and gratitude. The first step is the adoption of a domestic crisis, then the appreciation and acceptance of her love.
"Don't do evil — you will not be in constant fear." Sumerian proverb
14. Any crisis, especially long, can remain in the subconscious as depression, strong negative emotions. Therefore, it is desirable to visualize it (for example, paint on paper, a crisis period of time, perhaps in the past) and fill it with love. Now You can't act differently, to go back to that point physically, but you can do it on a subtle level (mental).
15. The crisis in 99% of cases gives rise to fear for the future, and this is the most serious and devastating fear that can take all of our energy. There is only one moment – here and now. So you need to ask yourself: "what can I do here and now to improve the situation? Where and how can I show the creative quality?" If You are in the mood, here and now, You can step by step to solve the problem, using the opportunities provided by circumstances. You need to stop feeling sorry for yourself, take in destructive thoughts such as: "And for that I am such a (good) all this? What would happen if...?" Right question: "why me?".
16. We are happy to the extent that we can sacrifice. Everything in this world is achieved by the victim (impact) and thus. Without austerity we will not achieve anything even in material terms: to achieve this goal, we have a greatly restricted — to work more regularly to perform certain duties, etc.
If a person is in this life a lot easily, so he earned it in past lives. Accordingly, the problems start with our unwillingness to sacrifice, to give up, unwillingness to take the pain.
In our civilization it is believed that pain is bad and everything is done to avoid it. But the pain, difficulty reasonably necessary. If we want to achieve something and be happy, we must be able to sacrifice. When we live in sacrificial state, we perceive the crisis as an opportunity to help and donate to others.
Life is filled with meaning and interest, when we sacrifice some higher idea service. And the higher the idea, the more happiness. Sacrifice for the sake of acquiring material wealth gives happiness for a while, but fills subtle energy. Then comes the emptiness, because the soul needs only love and not wealth and recognition. We must sacrifice the lives of their friends, their country, their nation and, ultimately, to God.But if man lives only by himself, for himself, or even his relatives – this is the real crisis. An egoist lives in a permanent crisis, because he sacrificed the life of his ego, temporary and illusory. Ego can only be fear, tension, pride.The purpose and nature of the soul is to love, serve and give – then life becomes filled with meaning and comes to life.
“Who's afraid of the suffering that already suffers from fear.” Montaigne
"All religions are based on fear of the many and agility several" Stendhal
17. Everything is relative. We have been immersed in their problems, believing themselves the center of the Universe. And all around people are dying, maimed, suffer from serious diseases, are pushed into the abyss of suffering. Compared to their problems, the vast majority of our worries are far-fetched. Yes, something happened – were you fired from work, you lost your status, you are left favorite people – thank the Almighty, after all, and there is a useful lesson, at least for the soul. And very often for the body, because maybe if that loved one would remain with You, after some time, he would become your main source of pain; can be due to the money we lost, in the future we would be deprived of his life trying to Rob etc Even while dying, to radiate happiness, to encourage others.
"Wherever there is life there is danger." Emerson
18. When you internally take any scenario and give thanks to God for them, are quite different energies. Deep down there is joy and peace, and apparently you can easily solve any problem, as full of energy and clearly hear your intuition. If you correctly pass the crisis, the situation is improving, new crises becomes much less. Just become harmonious people, get rid of attachments, live love – and you will be able to overcome any crisis and even out of the country or even mankind. It is said that a Holy person can save the country.
So don't listen to any forecasts – live on the prediction that everything is fine and every day gets better and better in all respects. "Everything would have been done, all for the better." And create around themselves a reality filled with love and happiness.
Be healthy, successful and happy! opublikowano
© Rami Blekt
Source: www.bleckt.com/publication/articles/1742.html
“Adversity is the touchstone of valor.”© Seneca Since October 2008 almost every country, where I spend training, I have to deal with a growing fear — the global economic crisis, and, in General, in almost all spheres of life Western man is now in crisis: ecology, family, education, etc. People are afraid of losing the material standard of living. Many have already forgotten about a peaceful sleep, someone started to look at the world through black glasses, someone started to deteriorate relations with the people, and, in severe cases, someone started to drink alcohol or even drugs. The crisis is good because it makes sure that people, manifested his weakness. But if the person is harmonious, it is easy to overcome all the "vicissitudes of life" and, in the end, is on many levels above in all respects.
1. The important thing to understand at the domestic level - in this world nothing is permanent, including a permanent lift, take-off, otherwise there would be no taste of life, and live it would be boring. There has to be changes that many believe the crises.
2. The crisis offers new opportunities. In Chinese, the word crisis consists of two characters — "danger" and "chance". This means that if you successfully overcome times of crisis, you will have a much greater chance to succeed in life.
3. To avoid a "crisis epidemic", do not communicate with the pessimists and don't listen to much news. We determine your mindset. In the ancient Indian epic "Ramayana" it is stated:"Everything that happens to us unexpectedly and against our will is fate." Life circumstances – this is our karma, it is not always possible to change, but it depends on us how to react to these circumstances, because that is what we, in the first place, and change their destiny.
4. The crisis should not be underestimated – it may be different, and even something very unpleasant. It is very important mentally, in my mind, to imagine the worst scenario and go through it, taking the internal situation and at a higher level of personal development is to thank for it God. On the external level you need to safely and, at the same time, actively strive to overcome this situation. If at the external level, the worst time has not yet come, imagine what will you do, if it comes (go to the labour exchange, to spend the night to relatives, etc.) – one this projection gives a positive energy.
5. Do not be afraid of crises, by contrast, learn to appreciate them. Only in the midst of testing possible internal growth. It is said that the souls to a higher spiritual level, always choose an incarnation where there are any difficulties, some kind of struggle. Not accidentally it is said that "for a broken two unbeaten give."
6. The crisis forces you to take a different view on life, is a reassessment of values, comes the very important understanding that everything in this world is temporary. For example, when loved ones die, we realize that we face the same fate that we are not this body, that everything is temporary. This helps us to anything and no one attached, and also free from pain. Because pain is caused when we are not ready to accept the inevitable.
Suffering is not accepted. If there is an inner acceptance of the situation allowed much easier and faster.
“Despair is hell in the soul, before being relegated the soul to hell.” John Chrysostom
“Suffering is the seed of joy.” Japanese proverb
7. Stress of any kind must be able to pass harmoniously, at all four levels: physical, social, intellectual and spiritual.
- On the physical level to relieve stress you need to move more during exercise, any external active activities, produces hormones of happiness – endorphins. Nature itself teaches us this, after all, is what many animals under stress.
It is very desirable to occupy himself in any activity: cleaning, Laundry, etc. are Also very important in yoga (relaxation and calming of the mind) and proper nutrition. Meat, coffee, food from preservatives, chemical additives only reinforce negative emotions. It is very important not to overeat, not to eat at night and drink at least two liters of water a day because, among other positive features, the water takes on negative emotions. No less important is proper sleep – early to bed, early to rest the nervous system. To avoid insomnia, more outdoors, more exercise, move, swim, take salt baths, in the morning after you Wake up-a cold shower for two hours before going to bed — hot shower. It removes all mental tension. The crisis in the first place, has health, and health is the basis of everything. Therefore, start to monitor their health much earlier than a crisis, to approach him in the best shape. It will develop in the body necessary protective reaction and energy.
- On a social level, especially during crisis, it is very important to help someone, not to focus only on yourself. The energy of the stress goes away, because in crisis we think that we are the worst. But in the world around us it is easy to find someone who has it worse and just start to help him. When we unselfishly help others, through us is the energy of happiness: giving, benefits and typically intuitive insight-the way out of crisiss and how we can do more to serve others.
- On an intellectual level at this time is very favorable reading philosophical and spiritual literature, which helps us in finding the meaning of life, sense activities. Because it is important to know the objectives, clearly understand why you live. Aimless life is full of pain. Especially in the crisis it is important to realize and to see these goals. If a person sees a goal, his mind calm, and opens up new possibilities. Meaningful life — protection from the impact of the crisis.
Also during the crisis, sometimes you need to rethink your system of values, to adjust the plans to abandon cease to be relevant intentions and desires.
Intellectual level is another power of will and courage, and these qualities are in a crisis as important as ever.
“The best support in trouble, not the mind, and courage.” Vovenarg
“Courage without prudence is only a kind of cowardice.” Seneca
“The Supreme test of courage is to bear defeat and not lose heart.” R. G. Ingersoll
"Who bravely endures grief, then one achieves happiness." Plautus
- On a spiritual level is the best time for growth of the spirit. Prayer, meditation, practice of conscious life, the selflessness, the absence of discomfort and a constant sense of gratitude-all this in a short time to raise to a new spiritual level and thereby to solve any crisis.
8. The crises are different: economic, political, physical (health), personal (of a crisis), etc. we need them, because often the crisis is one way to show us that we are not going there.
The cause of most crises, we become ourselves, sometimes out of nowhere. If we lived harmoniously, the many crises just would not exist.
Crises are dangerous because, if we are with them can not cope, then falls a few levels below, and thus, sooner or later, we still have to go through this lesson. For example, if a person needs to learn to pass in this embodiment, a crisis in a personal relationship, a partner starts to behave illogical, giving rise to the claim, offense. And if the person is not forgiven, is wrong has passed this situation, he is faced with betrayal, and if he does not make correct conclusions, come disease. If the person does not accept them, the time comes for serious illnesses and misfortunes, then do not force yourself to wait for death itself. Man will have to go again and again these lessons, all will be repeated from birth to birth, until a man will pass this test(without any offense, aggression, discomfort etc).
9. Especially in the crisis need to be in all respects flexible, have no fear and greed. But the most important thing in a crisis situation is the ability to deal with our attachments and dependencies(usually refuse them). By and large, the force of the crisis depends on how much we are beginning to identify himself with his mortal body and all that it relates to. Hence all the pain.
We are not this body, we are eternal spirit, which periodically incarnates in different bodies. This realization means the overcoming of the crisis on a spiritual level. Our life is a play and we — actors and writers. Changing your mindset, you can turn life into good Comedy, and tragedy – and it is our choice. Someone, knowing that she is ruined, thrown out the window, and someone is happy that tomorrow is not necessary to go to work. Do not be afraid that you will temporarily have to lower material standard of living to which we have so long sought. You can build a new life, or worthy to complete it without any money. And, if You are temporarily sank to the bottom, don't be afraid to roll up their sleeves, to take up menial jobs. You should be able to take any scenario, once it happened, then so should you.
10. Human happiness depends on the level of his life, of external circumstances inevitably catches up with the crisis. He becomes a slave of circumstances, it is very easy to manipulate. At the same time, man, free from attachment, crisis uneasy. Therefore, it is important not to get attached to a comfortable condition.
If something we desire passionately or have us deprived, and a crisis. The more we become attached, the more that we lose.
We have a right to enjoy in this world only because we are not afraid to lose.
The successful businessman fabulously rich who are not afraid to take risks, i.e. not afraid to lose his capital, he is uninhibited and unattached. Risk gives the taste of life. But to risk, need wings (power of detachment). It is very important to understand that a strong attachment on the subtle plane kills as well as hatred. Human happiness depends on the achieved level of life that may temporarily abandon the usual comfort, covering the crisis
“Who's afraid of the suffering that already suffers from fear.”Montaigne
"All religions are based on fear of the many and agility several" Stendhal
Comfort is the last snare of civilization. To achieve internal growth, you need to be able to practice austerity – to do yoga, to limit yourself in something from time to time to fast – it gives the energy (Shakti). The power of men, primarily manifested in the ability to endure the pain, endure the suffering and limitation.
“Fright is a sudden fear that losing the presence of the spirit.” Kant
11. Death, destruction, the end of something is always the beginning of something new! If in our life closes one door, somewhere he opens a window. You have to be harmonious person, to live consciously in the flow, calm the mind, and then we can easily see the door.
12. In crisis must be able to afford not to restrain their feelings, if the soul is "scratching cat". Do not try to put on a long face on mask and pretend that You are well, because in that case the negative energy will turn inward and destroy the subtle body, and then and rude. Happens a split personality, which can lead to severe depression and mental illness.
Need to be with this emotion of pain, suffering – there is nothing to be ashamed of. Allow yourself to consciously suffer, to grieve. Preferably said aloud: "Oh, my God, I can feel the tension in the body, lump in throat etc". "Said" emotion goes a lot faster, leaving the subtle body scars.
Also, the crisis gives us an understanding of the duality of the world – cold-hot, good-evil, bad-good, etc. But the divine love and the soul of the above duality. If You correctly go through a traumatic situation, You can get very deep spiritual realization.
13. Disease and the crisis winner is unconditional Love. Should not be to deal with the crisis, first of all it is necessary to love and accept. When you are with someone or fight, then the opponent there is a response of aggression, it takes your strength and energy.
In Eastern psychology, in martial arts there is a rule: you can't defeat someone or something, if you can't unconditionally love. Therefore, always before the encounter opponents bowed to each other, expressing thus respect for, and sent each other love. In this state the person lives in the "flow", listening to your intuition. When we love life, all around, we are not tied, because our main aspiration is giving and service.
But love cannot be used in a selfish way (now I'm all love, and the crisis will pass), it doesn't work. All our troubles and illnesses are our Teachers look at them differently, take them and send them energy of love and gratitude. The first step is the adoption of a domestic crisis, then the appreciation and acceptance of her love.
"Don't do evil — you will not be in constant fear." Sumerian proverb
14. Any crisis, especially long, can remain in the subconscious as depression, strong negative emotions. Therefore, it is desirable to visualize it (for example, paint on paper, a crisis period of time, perhaps in the past) and fill it with love. Now You can't act differently, to go back to that point physically, but you can do it on a subtle level (mental).
15. The crisis in 99% of cases gives rise to fear for the future, and this is the most serious and devastating fear that can take all of our energy. There is only one moment – here and now. So you need to ask yourself: "what can I do here and now to improve the situation? Where and how can I show the creative quality?" If You are in the mood, here and now, You can step by step to solve the problem, using the opportunities provided by circumstances. You need to stop feeling sorry for yourself, take in destructive thoughts such as: "And for that I am such a (good) all this? What would happen if...?" Right question: "why me?".
16. We are happy to the extent that we can sacrifice. Everything in this world is achieved by the victim (impact) and thus. Without austerity we will not achieve anything even in material terms: to achieve this goal, we have a greatly restricted — to work more regularly to perform certain duties, etc.
If a person is in this life a lot easily, so he earned it in past lives. Accordingly, the problems start with our unwillingness to sacrifice, to give up, unwillingness to take the pain.
In our civilization it is believed that pain is bad and everything is done to avoid it. But the pain, difficulty reasonably necessary. If we want to achieve something and be happy, we must be able to sacrifice. When we live in sacrificial state, we perceive the crisis as an opportunity to help and donate to others.
Life is filled with meaning and interest, when we sacrifice some higher idea service. And the higher the idea, the more happiness. Sacrifice for the sake of acquiring material wealth gives happiness for a while, but fills subtle energy. Then comes the emptiness, because the soul needs only love and not wealth and recognition. We must sacrifice the lives of their friends, their country, their nation and, ultimately, to God.But if man lives only by himself, for himself, or even his relatives – this is the real crisis. An egoist lives in a permanent crisis, because he sacrificed the life of his ego, temporary and illusory. Ego can only be fear, tension, pride.The purpose and nature of the soul is to love, serve and give – then life becomes filled with meaning and comes to life.
“Who's afraid of the suffering that already suffers from fear.” Montaigne
"All religions are based on fear of the many and agility several" Stendhal
17. Everything is relative. We have been immersed in their problems, believing themselves the center of the Universe. And all around people are dying, maimed, suffer from serious diseases, are pushed into the abyss of suffering. Compared to their problems, the vast majority of our worries are far-fetched. Yes, something happened – were you fired from work, you lost your status, you are left favorite people – thank the Almighty, after all, and there is a useful lesson, at least for the soul. And very often for the body, because maybe if that loved one would remain with You, after some time, he would become your main source of pain; can be due to the money we lost, in the future we would be deprived of his life trying to Rob etc Even while dying, to radiate happiness, to encourage others.
"Wherever there is life there is danger." Emerson
18. When you internally take any scenario and give thanks to God for them, are quite different energies. Deep down there is joy and peace, and apparently you can easily solve any problem, as full of energy and clearly hear your intuition. If you correctly pass the crisis, the situation is improving, new crises becomes much less. Just become harmonious people, get rid of attachments, live love – and you will be able to overcome any crisis and even out of the country or even mankind. It is said that a Holy person can save the country.
So don't listen to any forecasts – live on the prediction that everything is fine and every day gets better and better in all respects. "Everything would have been done, all for the better." And create around themselves a reality filled with love and happiness.
Be healthy, successful and happy! opublikowano
© Rami Blekt
Source: www.bleckt.com/publication/articles/1742.html