Why is it believed that a man in 50 years is still wow, and a woman is old?
Everything was so good, stable and understandable – and all of a sudden there is a blues, despondency and the feeling that life is slipping through your fingers without any meaning. This is how we imagine the midlife crisis, without even knowing that it is far from the first or last on our life path. Someone passes this line without even noticing, and someone is stuck for a long time. In order not to fall into the trap of your own brain, it is quite useful to know what age crises exist in psychology.
First of all, it is necessary to understand that crises are an integral part of our lives. These are crossroads, and it may take time to make the right decision. Therefore, if you or someone close to you is tormented by doubts, it is quite possible that this is one of the crises. As already mentioned, there is far more than just adolescence and midlife crisis. In total, there are about 10.
The word “crisis” does not mean anything good, it is understandable. As in economics, a crisis in psychology implies a collapse of the system, a sharp turning point, failures in a well-established system. Do you feel like that for the first time? Well, it's not, and there's nothing shameful or bad about it. It is bad if these crises are not addressed.
A typical example is the psychological portrait of an Eastern European man slightly over 45, who is at the epicenter of his crisis. You've certainly seen them, and someone even married one of them. This is a worker who comes home and devotes most of his time to television. Some of them have already got a beer tummy, and all they care about is their own peace. At worst, they look at young girls, run away from home for fishing with enviable frequency, disappear in the garage for days or spend all their savings on a motorcycle. Meet me, this is a midlife crisis. You think he's the only one? As if not...
Read more about what other crises are and what to do about them in our article.
Born into the world, children cry and cry. One can only imagine how painful this process is, and it is good that we do not remember it. The comfortable and warm womb of the mother is replaced by a cold world in which you need to think about how to breathe and pay attention to others’ needs by the same cry. During this period, closeness with parents, especially with the mother, is very important. Some mothers share this crisis with their child – cases of postpartum depression are far from uncommon, but for some reason few people admit it.
The average 4-year-old can ask about 250 questions a day! This stage of growing up is associated with self-identification in this world, knowledge of the environment. This is a very important moment for parents who should try and respond to each of them. In the brain of the child at this moment, there is a calibration of reality, an understanding of what he is. The world around us is paradoxical for a child. If you replace communication with a tablet or phone at this point, in the future such children become very closed and fixated on gadgets. And that leads to the next crisis.
The second point of growth is socialization. Many go through it at the stage of kindergarten at the age of 5 years. Or at the age of 7, when they go to school (it all depends on the format of the kindergarten and school). Many children who did not go to kindergarten experience socialization very painfully. School in the first few months or even years is a prison for children. Problems can also haunt a person in adulthood. As a rule, children who have late socialization are prone to introversion. In the modern world, this is not a problem, but it is much easier for extroverted individuals to find work, friends and generally organize in life.
The third point of growth is the adolescent crisis. The moment of separation from parents, rebelliousness and the realization that mom and dad are separate people, and their opinion does not always meet the needs. Getting through this crisis is very important for the child. With scandals, tears and possible riots. This will help people build their boundaries. Children who decide to adjust to their parents’ standards during this critical period find it more difficult to defend their boundaries and desires in adulthood.
Unsplash Childhood Is Over, and Crises? And crises remain. As with socialization at age 7, the next two crises are not mandatory, but quite common. It is a crisis of youth (going to university and finding direction in this life) and a crisis of 30 years. People usually experience one of these crises. If everything is clear with the throwing of students, then the crisis of 30 years is very insidious. This is the moment when school is over, the job is found, and everything seems to be stable. Except it's all wrong.
At this point, a huge number of people (about half) radically change hobbies, profession, place of residence. Someone decides to build a family and get married, and someone is already getting divorced. This is a confused crisis that most people overcome relatively easily because of their youth. But often young people lose about 2 years of life on mental throwing, not daring to overcome this milestone.
Unsplash The monster under the bed - midlife crisis The realization that half of life has already passed - a serious blow to the psyche, if you think about it. At the age of 45, many decide to slow down, stop and rethink everything they’ve done. What job have you been working on all this time? What did you do? Did you get what you wanted? What do you want now? Many children have finally grown up, you can catch your breath and think a little. Unfortunately, many at this point conclude that they have not achieved enough heights. The midlife crisis is in many ways an existential crisis, the acceptance that many of us are, alas, not Bill Gates or Elon Muskie. Many of us will never become millionaires, will never go to space, and so on. How do you live with that?
It is most difficult for men at this time. Because their competitive spirit and materialistic outlook is a source of great stress and frustration. First and foremost in ourselves. Faced with this intransigence, the psyche often goes into regression, that is, rolls back into childhood. It is our defense mechanism to go through a difficult phase in life. Hence spontaneous purchases of motorcycles, romances with people much younger and unjustified spending on entertainment.
This affects many grandparents - the crisis of loneliness, the crisis of their own old age. Accepting your own age is great wisdom and great effort. In addition, children have long lived separately, there is a lot of time for themselves. And here, if the psyche gives weakness, there is a crisis. While in it, the elderly often pester children, trying to manipulate their health or age, trying to change something in their lives. They still need to be important. Like any parent, though. From this, many elderly people do not differ in angelic character, but turn into grumpy old people who could not overcome the last crisis.
According to statistics, more than 40 percent of people from 18 to 30 years old and about the same number aged 40-50 years are affected by crises. At this point, it is extremely important for a person to support loved ones and their participation in life. If a person is unable to cope with the tipping point, it is possible to develop depression. And the older the person, the higher the risk of depressive disorder after one of the crises.
In Slavic culture, there is an opinion that a man in 50 years is anywhere else! But the woman already belongs to the velvet age, with such ladies allegedly do not meet and are not called on dates.
But the truth is, it's just the opposite. Women are much easier to handle the midlife crisis, and the result is usually positive: they are fully accepting of themselves, they are stable and confident. And often they simply do not have the time and desire to spend themselves on fleeting dates. They are either serious or long-married. But no, no, and sometimes spent on tons of clothes, which are worn once a year. Why not a motorcycle? While many 50-year-old men still do not know what they want from life.
We all have crises, and it is impossible to predict how much they will affect us. But you need to meet them with a proudly raised head and in full combat readiness. And it is much easier to do this when you know where the next age crisis lies. What do you think?

First of all, it is necessary to understand that crises are an integral part of our lives. These are crossroads, and it may take time to make the right decision. Therefore, if you or someone close to you is tormented by doubts, it is quite possible that this is one of the crises. As already mentioned, there is far more than just adolescence and midlife crisis. In total, there are about 10.
The word “crisis” does not mean anything good, it is understandable. As in economics, a crisis in psychology implies a collapse of the system, a sharp turning point, failures in a well-established system. Do you feel like that for the first time? Well, it's not, and there's nothing shameful or bad about it. It is bad if these crises are not addressed.
A typical example is the psychological portrait of an Eastern European man slightly over 45, who is at the epicenter of his crisis. You've certainly seen them, and someone even married one of them. This is a worker who comes home and devotes most of his time to television. Some of them have already got a beer tummy, and all they care about is their own peace. At worst, they look at young girls, run away from home for fishing with enviable frequency, disappear in the garage for days or spend all their savings on a motorcycle. Meet me, this is a midlife crisis. You think he's the only one? As if not...
Read more about what other crises are and what to do about them in our article.

Born into the world, children cry and cry. One can only imagine how painful this process is, and it is good that we do not remember it. The comfortable and warm womb of the mother is replaced by a cold world in which you need to think about how to breathe and pay attention to others’ needs by the same cry. During this period, closeness with parents, especially with the mother, is very important. Some mothers share this crisis with their child – cases of postpartum depression are far from uncommon, but for some reason few people admit it.
The average 4-year-old can ask about 250 questions a day! This stage of growing up is associated with self-identification in this world, knowledge of the environment. This is a very important moment for parents who should try and respond to each of them. In the brain of the child at this moment, there is a calibration of reality, an understanding of what he is. The world around us is paradoxical for a child. If you replace communication with a tablet or phone at this point, in the future such children become very closed and fixated on gadgets. And that leads to the next crisis.

The second point of growth is socialization. Many go through it at the stage of kindergarten at the age of 5 years. Or at the age of 7, when they go to school (it all depends on the format of the kindergarten and school). Many children who did not go to kindergarten experience socialization very painfully. School in the first few months or even years is a prison for children. Problems can also haunt a person in adulthood. As a rule, children who have late socialization are prone to introversion. In the modern world, this is not a problem, but it is much easier for extroverted individuals to find work, friends and generally organize in life.
The third point of growth is the adolescent crisis. The moment of separation from parents, rebelliousness and the realization that mom and dad are separate people, and their opinion does not always meet the needs. Getting through this crisis is very important for the child. With scandals, tears and possible riots. This will help people build their boundaries. Children who decide to adjust to their parents’ standards during this critical period find it more difficult to defend their boundaries and desires in adulthood.

Unsplash Childhood Is Over, and Crises? And crises remain. As with socialization at age 7, the next two crises are not mandatory, but quite common. It is a crisis of youth (going to university and finding direction in this life) and a crisis of 30 years. People usually experience one of these crises. If everything is clear with the throwing of students, then the crisis of 30 years is very insidious. This is the moment when school is over, the job is found, and everything seems to be stable. Except it's all wrong.
At this point, a huge number of people (about half) radically change hobbies, profession, place of residence. Someone decides to build a family and get married, and someone is already getting divorced. This is a confused crisis that most people overcome relatively easily because of their youth. But often young people lose about 2 years of life on mental throwing, not daring to overcome this milestone.

Unsplash The monster under the bed - midlife crisis The realization that half of life has already passed - a serious blow to the psyche, if you think about it. At the age of 45, many decide to slow down, stop and rethink everything they’ve done. What job have you been working on all this time? What did you do? Did you get what you wanted? What do you want now? Many children have finally grown up, you can catch your breath and think a little. Unfortunately, many at this point conclude that they have not achieved enough heights. The midlife crisis is in many ways an existential crisis, the acceptance that many of us are, alas, not Bill Gates or Elon Muskie. Many of us will never become millionaires, will never go to space, and so on. How do you live with that?
It is most difficult for men at this time. Because their competitive spirit and materialistic outlook is a source of great stress and frustration. First and foremost in ourselves. Faced with this intransigence, the psyche often goes into regression, that is, rolls back into childhood. It is our defense mechanism to go through a difficult phase in life. Hence spontaneous purchases of motorcycles, romances with people much younger and unjustified spending on entertainment.

This affects many grandparents - the crisis of loneliness, the crisis of their own old age. Accepting your own age is great wisdom and great effort. In addition, children have long lived separately, there is a lot of time for themselves. And here, if the psyche gives weakness, there is a crisis. While in it, the elderly often pester children, trying to manipulate their health or age, trying to change something in their lives. They still need to be important. Like any parent, though. From this, many elderly people do not differ in angelic character, but turn into grumpy old people who could not overcome the last crisis.

According to statistics, more than 40 percent of people from 18 to 30 years old and about the same number aged 40-50 years are affected by crises. At this point, it is extremely important for a person to support loved ones and their participation in life. If a person is unable to cope with the tipping point, it is possible to develop depression. And the older the person, the higher the risk of depressive disorder after one of the crises.
In Slavic culture, there is an opinion that a man in 50 years is anywhere else! But the woman already belongs to the velvet age, with such ladies allegedly do not meet and are not called on dates.
But the truth is, it's just the opposite. Women are much easier to handle the midlife crisis, and the result is usually positive: they are fully accepting of themselves, they are stable and confident. And often they simply do not have the time and desire to spend themselves on fleeting dates. They are either serious or long-married. But no, no, and sometimes spent on tons of clothes, which are worn once a year. Why not a motorcycle? While many 50-year-old men still do not know what they want from life.

We all have crises, and it is impossible to predict how much they will affect us. But you need to meet them with a proudly raised head and in full combat readiness. And it is much easier to do this when you know where the next age crisis lies. What do you think?
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