If you want to live in prosperity, don’t throw it away.
In the traditions of all peoples there is a sacred amulet, which is revered with special trepidation. You probably already held it today. It's about bread. So familiar to everyone, he requires respect. For example, dry slices in any case should not be thrown to other scraps. Folk signs explain why you can not throw garbage in the evening. It's to quarrel and misfortune. But what can lead to disrespect for bread? Let's go on.
Why You Shouldn't Throw Out Bread is an Amazing Product Even if you eat only black bread and water, you can live a long time without harm to health. It is rich in fiber, carbohydrates, vitamins of group B and E. The product contains potassium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus, which nourish our nervous system, bones, muscles and vessels.
Reverence for bread is a rare beast these days. His remains without a second thought are thrown into the trash. What's the big deal? He used to be at the head of the table. Nobody's starving right now. Moreover, it will not be lost in the trash, but will become food for street cats and dogs.
That's not really true. You can't throw away bread. Every time you get rid of it as something unnecessary, you condemn yourself to privation, you steal wealth and happiness from yourself. But it's reversible. And here's what we need to do.
To attract money and family joy to your abode, try one simple and useful practice. Select a package or box for this task. Collect in them all the bread that you did not eat. It's stale and mouldy, too. Even crumbs - they are best swept away in a separate package.
When you fill the container, the bread should be given to a good cause. Take it to a shelter, for example. Or give it to people who keep pets. Court dogs, pigs, goats and other animals will eat delicious bread for a sweet soul. Crumbs can be poured into the trough and arrange a feast for sparrows and tits.
Giving bread in good hands or pouring it into the trough, utter the following conspiracy: “I share my bread, I invite abundance into the house.” Really! It is important to understand every word, to pass through yourself.
If you do this always, there will be no ring coin, no good food, no peace in your home. Experience this everyday ritual and be sure to share your impressions with us!
The fragrant edge straight from the oven served for our ancestors not only as a savior from hunger. Bread blessed a new home for happiness, harmony and prosperity. Before settling in, it was customary to go around each room with a piece of bread and salt to plant a grain of wealth and fertility in the monastery.
Lucky and good health will smile for Tom, who will eat all the slice given to him without dropping a crumb. The bread you take with you will protect you from danger and hardship.
Our ancestors believed that bread should be treated with respect, otherwise poverty could not be avoided. For example, it can not be passed through the threshold or fed to dogs during lunch. Cut the right amount of bread - remove the knife, do not leave it in the loaf, or you will bring hunger. Also, young girls should not put bread on a fork or knife, otherwise misfortune will knock on the door.
What else can not be thrown into the bin In the old days, other products were not thrown away in the trash. For example, porridge from any cereal. With them came financial prosperity. He could have lost all the money he had. If you don't plan to finish your porridge, you better give it to the street bobbies and moors. They'll be happy. In the village, livestock will eat such food with pleasure.
Vegetables and fruits were also not sent to the garbage so as not to cause trouble for the family. These products symbolized home happiness. If possible, use recycled gifts of nature or give them to birds and animals.
Dairy products were also not lost in our great-great-grandmothers. They were recycled. On sour milk baked pancakes, pies, made of it yogurt. In order not to bring on native diseases, in any case do not throw sour cream, milk or cottage cheese into the trash.
What do you think of these folk customs and signs? Do you throw bread in the trash? Share with us in the comments.

Why You Shouldn't Throw Out Bread is an Amazing Product Even if you eat only black bread and water, you can live a long time without harm to health. It is rich in fiber, carbohydrates, vitamins of group B and E. The product contains potassium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus, which nourish our nervous system, bones, muscles and vessels.
Reverence for bread is a rare beast these days. His remains without a second thought are thrown into the trash. What's the big deal? He used to be at the head of the table. Nobody's starving right now. Moreover, it will not be lost in the trash, but will become food for street cats and dogs.

That's not really true. You can't throw away bread. Every time you get rid of it as something unnecessary, you condemn yourself to privation, you steal wealth and happiness from yourself. But it's reversible. And here's what we need to do.
To attract money and family joy to your abode, try one simple and useful practice. Select a package or box for this task. Collect in them all the bread that you did not eat. It's stale and mouldy, too. Even crumbs - they are best swept away in a separate package.

When you fill the container, the bread should be given to a good cause. Take it to a shelter, for example. Or give it to people who keep pets. Court dogs, pigs, goats and other animals will eat delicious bread for a sweet soul. Crumbs can be poured into the trough and arrange a feast for sparrows and tits.
Giving bread in good hands or pouring it into the trough, utter the following conspiracy: “I share my bread, I invite abundance into the house.” Really! It is important to understand every word, to pass through yourself.
If you do this always, there will be no ring coin, no good food, no peace in your home. Experience this everyday ritual and be sure to share your impressions with us!

The fragrant edge straight from the oven served for our ancestors not only as a savior from hunger. Bread blessed a new home for happiness, harmony and prosperity. Before settling in, it was customary to go around each room with a piece of bread and salt to plant a grain of wealth and fertility in the monastery.
Lucky and good health will smile for Tom, who will eat all the slice given to him without dropping a crumb. The bread you take with you will protect you from danger and hardship.

Our ancestors believed that bread should be treated with respect, otherwise poverty could not be avoided. For example, it can not be passed through the threshold or fed to dogs during lunch. Cut the right amount of bread - remove the knife, do not leave it in the loaf, or you will bring hunger. Also, young girls should not put bread on a fork or knife, otherwise misfortune will knock on the door.
What else can not be thrown into the bin In the old days, other products were not thrown away in the trash. For example, porridge from any cereal. With them came financial prosperity. He could have lost all the money he had. If you don't plan to finish your porridge, you better give it to the street bobbies and moors. They'll be happy. In the village, livestock will eat such food with pleasure.

Vegetables and fruits were also not sent to the garbage so as not to cause trouble for the family. These products symbolized home happiness. If possible, use recycled gifts of nature or give them to birds and animals.
Dairy products were also not lost in our great-great-grandmothers. They were recycled. On sour milk baked pancakes, pies, made of it yogurt. In order not to bring on native diseases, in any case do not throw sour cream, milk or cottage cheese into the trash.

What do you think of these folk customs and signs? Do you throw bread in the trash? Share with us in the comments.
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