Weird superstitions of different peoples associated with food

Superstition in the lives of the peoples can only be a small innocent fun, but they can also cause incredible damage. This list contains the rather unusual superstitions related to food. Many of these superstitions came from Britain, but eventually spread around the world in the process of colonization.
Continuing the theme about the most common superstitions and omens, follows the story devoted to strange beliefs about food.
The cavity in the bread there was once a superstition that if You found a cavity in the bread, it symbolizes the coffin. This means that someone was soon to die. If a person was found a cavity in the bread, this entailed a whole day of discussion and reflection, who is still going to die. Nowadays, this superstition is gone, as many people have realized its apparent meaninglessness. The cavity in the bread — the result of a natural process of its preparation.
Egg shell there was once a superstition that if not fully grind eggshells after eating the eggs, they were collected by a witch and used to build the boat. On this boat she went to sea and caused severe hurricanes. This is a very ancient superstition, which occurred in 1580. If you crush the shell into small pieces, it was useless for a witch. Hard to find any logic in how a full-size person could fit in the egg shells. It is difficult to understand what was going on in the minds of our superstitious ancestors who believed such.
Baptized the innocent bread Is an old superstition was that all the slices of bread must be marked with the sign of the cross before baking. The idea was that the cross would prevent the penetration of the bread of the devil and evil forces that can curse and ruin the bread. Many also believed that the bread will bake much more delicious if it is to cross.
Salt we All know about the superstition related to the spilled salt, but there are even more unusual options. Used to be considered bad if You helped another person any salt. There was even a phrase that evolved from the superstition: “help to salt, help to sorry”. Salt is a very important part of human life, so no wonder that she so often appears in the history of superstition.
The tea rituals used to be considered a failure for a few people, if they drank tea from the same Cup. Also, if You left the lid from the teapot during welding of the drink, it meant that soon will come a stranger guest. There were even a number of small rituals that allow us to determine the exact day, hour and gender of the visitor.
Christmas cake Superstitions surrounding Christmas, as numerous as in the case with salt. One such superstition says that all members of the family must stir the Christmas cake mixture, or will happen to them bad. Young, unmarried girls had to mix the dough, otherwise they will remain single for the whole year.
Egg good luck And come back to the eggs, which are literally shrouded in superstition. In many parts of Europe, farmers had taken fresh eggs in the field in the hopes that it will bring a good healthy crop. Eggs were also used to guess – two yolks would mean that soon will be a wedding, a black spot on a yolk was a bad omen. The egg yolk was the bad sign and promised very bad consequences.
Garlic In Greece there is an ancient superstition called the Evil eye. It is believed that when someone wrong you'll see it can happen to fail. But evil eye can you resist carrying a head of garlic. In our culture it is called the evil eye, and it also has a lot of popular ways of dealing.
Wedding rice-Throwing rice at a wedding is such a common event that we don't even blink when we see it. But many don't realize that this is a very superstitious tradition with a very long history. Throwing rice is meant to bring prosperity, wealth and happiness to the newlyweds. Considering what amounts of money people spend on weddings these days, it would be more appropriate to throw cash instead of rice.
Source: lifeglobe.net/
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