An unhealthy gut is the main cause of autoimmune diseases
The search for the causes of the death of his father led Dr. O'bryan to the understanding of how food choices affect our health.
What conclusions he came.
Our body is a biological organism that needs nourishment, biologically compatible with the body. Other word, only biologically correct food contains substances that the body is able to extract from such food and use to maintain health. And biologically correct food for different people different. If someone often eats food that does not match the capabilities and needs of the body, health problems are inevitable.
Forty four million five hundred thirty six thousand eight hundred eighty three
For example, if the body cannot tolerate gluten, in the stomach problems begin with gluten-containing food. (Almost 100% of people sensitive to gluten). The stomach feels that it is not suitable food. The stomach cannot work properly with such food and can prepare it for further digestion in the intestine.
We must bear in mind that people are often unaware of their gluten intolerance. They don't feel bad when, for example, eat bread and other foods containing wheat, rye, barley in one form or another. So with great pleasure eat bread, pancakes, etc., but this time inside the body there are injuries, first painless and unnoticeable.
How does it happen? When gluten-containing food down into the upper part of the small intestine, the immune system that is always on guard, immediately feels the problem. Gluten has certain proteins that the immune system reacts. It causes inflammation and permeability in the form of small holes in the walls of the small intestine ("leaky gut"). In this condition, the intestinal wall can't function normally. Through the damaged wall of the blood can get into the toxins and even food particles, causing a strong reaction of the immune system.
In addition, through the inflamed wall of the intestine cannot absorb food the vitamins and minerals that are fuel for the body and that the body needs. Chronic deficiencies gradually begins to cause health problems. It all starts with the food that the body does not perceive as biologically appropriate.
For example, chronic inflammation of the intestine causes a lack of vitamins in the body. This causes accumulation in the body of the amino acid homocysteine. This substance called the "silent killer" because too much homocysteine causes a lot of problems, in particular, causes spasms of blood vessels. Dr. O'bryan believes that these spasms were the cause of the sudden death of his father.
Dr. O'bryan believes that homocysteine can be easily kept in the normal range, if you give up eating gluten and add to food vitamins to eliminate elevated levels of homocysteine.
Interview with Dr. Jeffrey Bland: the Doctor says about how badly damaged the body of inappropriate eating. Now account for 88 diseases in different parts of the body that are caused by the fact that the immune system mistakes the in search of the "enemy" and draws its strength on your own body.
As the doctor determines that damage caused by the immune system? Look at the antibodies the immune system produces against his own body. The question is: what are the cells of the body that attacks the immune system, from their original healthy state?
Interview with Liz LIpski, PhD. She believes that we live in a hothouse environment. Initially, the organism was adapted to more severe conditions of existence. We now live in such conditions that were not even 150 years ago. Now the immune system is overloaded. So sometimes is not responding adequately. Then there are autoimmune problems.
Dr. David Brady: in the past 30 years the number of autoimmune diseases has greatly increased. For example, Crohn's disease has acquired epidemic proportions. Now there are many new chemicals that were not there before. They are all around us and in us. They are in the body alter our cells in such a way that it is often the immune system sees the cells of your body as strangers — they are so toxic. The immune system attacks them.
Ocean Robbins (expert in the field of healthy nutrition and lifestyle) in the United States, the life expectancy of farmers is 48 years, because of the constant contact with chemicals (pesticides, herbicides, etc.). We are also poisoned when they eat food grown with the use of such chemicals. And we too will become sick.
Dr. O'bryan: the destruction of the organism by harmful products begins quickly. The disease is already there, the antibodies in the body is already formed, but the disease is still not diagnosed. So, for example, lupus is diagnosed years after the start of the process. A person feels normal, but the disease is already advanced.
Sara Ballantyne, PhD: autoimmune disease is when the immune system gets out of control when it is overactive. This is facilitated by such factors:
For these factors it is necessary to pay attention because they provoke the development of diseases.
Nineteen million eight hundred forty three thousand two hundred eight
Dr. Peter Osborne: a recent conference of dermatologists was an interesting case. One of the doctors brought his patient, and 60 participants of the conference tried to define what kind of strange disease in a patient. What happened? The patient had a gluten intolerance, which was manifested in the skin in a very unusual manner. This suggests the power of food and how it is important to know what we eat and how food will affect our health.
Dr. O'bryan: future doctors get 4-8 hours of lectures on the influence of nutrition on the body. Now developing a new area of medicine: functional medicine. This region may be what really will be effective to help people restore health.
Dr. Patrick Hanaway: functional medicine treats not the symptoms but seeks the cause of the disease.
Dr. Mark Hyman: bad food and stress affect every autoimmune disease. There are three important factors that cause autoimmune diseases:
One and the same disease in different people may have different causes.
Dr. Benjamin Brown, ND talks about himself — about what he from childhood had a constant chronic fatigue. The doctors couldn't help him. Helped doctor naturopath and advised to change lifestyle. Then Benjamin Brown and he became a doctor-a naturopathic physician. He is particularly interested in digestive problems. Tells about the importance of proper, healthy microflora in the gut, or microbiomes, as it is now called the doctor. When she is not healthy (and it depends on what we eat), the problem of “leaky gut”, and this, in turn, leads to numerous health problems.
Example:“leaky gut” affect the health of the brain. Many refuse to believe it, but it is.
Susanne Barker, MS, RD: the root of the problem with an avalanche of autoimmune diseases — an unhealthy gut. When we begin to heal not itself an autoimmune disease, and the intestine, we see a remarkable improvement in the health.
Dr. Tom O'bryan: if we have a problem with skin, we go to the dermatologist. If the problem with the joints, we refer to a rheumatologist. If the problem with the brain, we visited a neurologist. But recent discoveries lead to the conclusion that many diseases — it's like burning pilot lights in the car. They tell us that the body is the main problem that causes a variety of symptoms. The problem is this one: a sick gut. If it is to cure many diseases simply disappear.
Dr. Patrick Hanaway, MD: the intestinal wall protected the epithelial layer (gut lining), which is very thin, only 1 layer of cells. This is the boundary between food and body. What happens if the food does not match the biology of the organism?
The area of the intestines where the absorption of nutrients, large as the area of two tennis courts.And if this area is damaged, food particles through damage absorbed into the body. Immune system it instantly feels. She aktiviziruyutsya. If intestinal damage is not resolved, the “leakage” of food from the intestine continues, damage increase and after a short time, the body begins to show symptoms:
Liz Lipski, PhD: every day we eat a lot of junk food. It can cause problems in the intestines or not. The immune system must react to food. That's why the majority of immune cells are found in the intestine. Food is not neutral. She or provokes inflammation, or is anti-inflammatory. This means that the quality of the food is critical milking health.
Sara Ballantyne, PhD, the Current food from the supermarkets is very poor in vitamins, enzymes, minerals. These foods do not provide the body with sufficient nutrients, which are necessary for the occurrence of many reactions taking place every minute in the body. The body is craving these substances, and a lot. So we do not need high-calorie food, and food full of real nutrition (nutritionally dense food), which does not contain components that are incompatible with our biological organisms.
We are not machines, we are rather a chemical laboratory for extraction of many substances from the incoming material, which we call “food.”
Dr. Tom O'bryan: thousands of people can improve health by abandoning wheat. If a serious condition cannot be treated, try to give up wheat. Improvement can come in a couple of days, but 30 days is optimally time to understand how wheat affects health.
Dr. Cara Fitzgerald, ND: what are the symptoms of “leakage” of the gut? It:
The period from the arrival of food in the mouth to its exit from the body should be approximately 24 hours.
Dr. Tom O'bryan: the Bowel contains 1-3 kg of microbes. Each body also contains its own set of microorganisms. In man more microbes than our own cells.
Dr. Jeffrey Bland, PhD: in a healthy person not so many germs are harmful. But if your microbiome is damaged, it can be restored.
Autoimmune diseases predominate in industrialized countries due to the fact that people have weak immune system. In third world countries among the population of the immune system stronger.
Michael Ash: In industrialized countries people the diversity of gut microbes is significantly less (60% less) than the population of the underdeveloped countries. The diversity of the intestinal flora protects people from autoimmune diseases. When people from underdeveloped countries move to industrialized countries and change their nutrition, protection disappears. Sanitary living conditions are better, people have less access to a variety of microbes, microflora in the gut are less diverse, as a result, people in industrialized countries more autoimmune diseases.
It is increasingly becoming a problem. Newborns are now so many threat to their life allergies! This means that the immune system of newborns do not work. Even our generation in childhood was stronger.
Immunologists have noted a difference in the immune systems in children from developed countries compared to children from undeveloped countries. Even within one country as, for example, States, children living in cities, suburbs and on farms, the immune system is different. Children from rural areas of the immune system is much more stable and balanced. These children have intestinal flora much healthier.
Between the immune system and microbiomes there is a direct link. The immune system needs to be told who to fight. Ie this system is like an army without generals. The immune system requires the presence of beneficial microflora to she pointed out the immune system for harmful microbes. Need biological microbial diversity. When in the intestines of many species, the immune system gets a training how to work with these microbes.
Dr. Aron Lerner, MD: When a child is born the normal way, it passes through the birth canal. At this time, he gets the parent bacteria. It is a kind of vaccination is necessary for health. Thus the child gets the proper microbiome. So the time of birth is very important.
Bacteria, in fact, is a biological library. The bacteria must be maternal. In our days, when the cesarean section the doctors with a sponge to get bacterial lubricant mother and wipe the grease taken out of the child, that though thus to make it necessary bacterial inoculation.
A child with normal birth receives the necessary information for future life. In addition, the process of natural birth is a necessary stressor.
Doctors love to prescribe antibiotics for any infection. But antibiotics can act only on bacteria. Other microorganisms — fungi, for example, do not respond to antibiotics. Ear infection is 70% fungal.
Although serotonin is known as a mediator of the brain, 90% of serotonin is manufactured in the gut. If an unhealthy microbiome (for example, damaged by antibiotics), serotonin produces less, because it is produced by certain microorganisms of the intestine.
A lack of serotonin affects osteoporosis, cardiovascular problems, irritable bowel syndrome.
Antibiotics kill valuable the microbiome of the body. So antibiotics is the last thing the doctor needs to try.
“Leaky gut” is a sign that there are certain problems in other parts of the body.
In our bodies human cells are smaller than microorganisms. It's complicated. Even our DNA is not only ours.
Dr. Mark Hyman: How to restore the microbiome? A change of diet. If you restore the healthy microflora, and autoimmune diseases will disappear. Need to get rid of harmful bacteria and populate the intestine with beneficial.
For this purpose to change the diet? It is known that sugar, simple carbohydrates (e.g. refined flour) feed the harmful microflora. Useful microflora feed on prebiotics. Also needed insoluble fiber vegetables. Fiber love all types of germs. Let your food be 7-10 types of fiber to successfully crush the harmful microflora.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.horosheezdorovje.ru/prichiny-autoimmunnykh-boleznejj-1/
What conclusions he came.
Our body is a biological organism that needs nourishment, biologically compatible with the body. Other word, only biologically correct food contains substances that the body is able to extract from such food and use to maintain health. And biologically correct food for different people different. If someone often eats food that does not match the capabilities and needs of the body, health problems are inevitable.
Forty four million five hundred thirty six thousand eight hundred eighty three
For example, if the body cannot tolerate gluten, in the stomach problems begin with gluten-containing food. (Almost 100% of people sensitive to gluten). The stomach feels that it is not suitable food. The stomach cannot work properly with such food and can prepare it for further digestion in the intestine.
We must bear in mind that people are often unaware of their gluten intolerance. They don't feel bad when, for example, eat bread and other foods containing wheat, rye, barley in one form or another. So with great pleasure eat bread, pancakes, etc., but this time inside the body there are injuries, first painless and unnoticeable.
How does it happen? When gluten-containing food down into the upper part of the small intestine, the immune system that is always on guard, immediately feels the problem. Gluten has certain proteins that the immune system reacts. It causes inflammation and permeability in the form of small holes in the walls of the small intestine ("leaky gut"). In this condition, the intestinal wall can't function normally. Through the damaged wall of the blood can get into the toxins and even food particles, causing a strong reaction of the immune system.
In addition, through the inflamed wall of the intestine cannot absorb food the vitamins and minerals that are fuel for the body and that the body needs. Chronic deficiencies gradually begins to cause health problems. It all starts with the food that the body does not perceive as biologically appropriate.
For example, chronic inflammation of the intestine causes a lack of vitamins in the body. This causes accumulation in the body of the amino acid homocysteine. This substance called the "silent killer" because too much homocysteine causes a lot of problems, in particular, causes spasms of blood vessels. Dr. O'bryan believes that these spasms were the cause of the sudden death of his father.
Dr. O'bryan believes that homocysteine can be easily kept in the normal range, if you give up eating gluten and add to food vitamins to eliminate elevated levels of homocysteine.
Interview with Dr. Jeffrey Bland: the Doctor says about how badly damaged the body of inappropriate eating. Now account for 88 diseases in different parts of the body that are caused by the fact that the immune system mistakes the in search of the "enemy" and draws its strength on your own body.
As the doctor determines that damage caused by the immune system? Look at the antibodies the immune system produces against his own body. The question is: what are the cells of the body that attacks the immune system, from their original healthy state?
Interview with Liz LIpski, PhD. She believes that we live in a hothouse environment. Initially, the organism was adapted to more severe conditions of existence. We now live in such conditions that were not even 150 years ago. Now the immune system is overloaded. So sometimes is not responding adequately. Then there are autoimmune problems.
Dr. David Brady: in the past 30 years the number of autoimmune diseases has greatly increased. For example, Crohn's disease has acquired epidemic proportions. Now there are many new chemicals that were not there before. They are all around us and in us. They are in the body alter our cells in such a way that it is often the immune system sees the cells of your body as strangers — they are so toxic. The immune system attacks them.
Ocean Robbins (expert in the field of healthy nutrition and lifestyle) in the United States, the life expectancy of farmers is 48 years, because of the constant contact with chemicals (pesticides, herbicides, etc.). We are also poisoned when they eat food grown with the use of such chemicals. And we too will become sick.
Dr. O'bryan: the destruction of the organism by harmful products begins quickly. The disease is already there, the antibodies in the body is already formed, but the disease is still not diagnosed. So, for example, lupus is diagnosed years after the start of the process. A person feels normal, but the disease is already advanced.
Sara Ballantyne, PhD: autoimmune disease is when the immune system gets out of control when it is overactive. This is facilitated by such factors:
- lack of sleep,
- too much stress,
- not just the food.
For these factors it is necessary to pay attention because they provoke the development of diseases.
Nineteen million eight hundred forty three thousand two hundred eight
Dr. Peter Osborne: a recent conference of dermatologists was an interesting case. One of the doctors brought his patient, and 60 participants of the conference tried to define what kind of strange disease in a patient. What happened? The patient had a gluten intolerance, which was manifested in the skin in a very unusual manner. This suggests the power of food and how it is important to know what we eat and how food will affect our health.
Dr. O'bryan: future doctors get 4-8 hours of lectures on the influence of nutrition on the body. Now developing a new area of medicine: functional medicine. This region may be what really will be effective to help people restore health.
Dr. Patrick Hanaway: functional medicine treats not the symptoms but seeks the cause of the disease.
Dr. Mark Hyman: bad food and stress affect every autoimmune disease. There are three important factors that cause autoimmune diseases:
- allergens,
- microbes,
- toxins.
One and the same disease in different people may have different causes.
Dr. Benjamin Brown, ND talks about himself — about what he from childhood had a constant chronic fatigue. The doctors couldn't help him. Helped doctor naturopath and advised to change lifestyle. Then Benjamin Brown and he became a doctor-a naturopathic physician. He is particularly interested in digestive problems. Tells about the importance of proper, healthy microflora in the gut, or microbiomes, as it is now called the doctor. When she is not healthy (and it depends on what we eat), the problem of “leaky gut”, and this, in turn, leads to numerous health problems.
Example:“leaky gut” affect the health of the brain. Many refuse to believe it, but it is.
Susanne Barker, MS, RD: the root of the problem with an avalanche of autoimmune diseases — an unhealthy gut. When we begin to heal not itself an autoimmune disease, and the intestine, we see a remarkable improvement in the health.
Dr. Tom O'bryan: if we have a problem with skin, we go to the dermatologist. If the problem with the joints, we refer to a rheumatologist. If the problem with the brain, we visited a neurologist. But recent discoveries lead to the conclusion that many diseases — it's like burning pilot lights in the car. They tell us that the body is the main problem that causes a variety of symptoms. The problem is this one: a sick gut. If it is to cure many diseases simply disappear.
Dr. Patrick Hanaway, MD: the intestinal wall protected the epithelial layer (gut lining), which is very thin, only 1 layer of cells. This is the boundary between food and body. What happens if the food does not match the biology of the organism?
The area of the intestines where the absorption of nutrients, large as the area of two tennis courts.And if this area is damaged, food particles through damage absorbed into the body. Immune system it instantly feels. She aktiviziruyutsya. If intestinal damage is not resolved, the “leakage” of food from the intestine continues, damage increase and after a short time, the body begins to show symptoms:
- pains,
- joint inflammation,
- skin rash, etc.
Liz Lipski, PhD: every day we eat a lot of junk food. It can cause problems in the intestines or not. The immune system must react to food. That's why the majority of immune cells are found in the intestine. Food is not neutral. She or provokes inflammation, or is anti-inflammatory. This means that the quality of the food is critical milking health.
Sara Ballantyne, PhD, the Current food from the supermarkets is very poor in vitamins, enzymes, minerals. These foods do not provide the body with sufficient nutrients, which are necessary for the occurrence of many reactions taking place every minute in the body. The body is craving these substances, and a lot. So we do not need high-calorie food, and food full of real nutrition (nutritionally dense food), which does not contain components that are incompatible with our biological organisms.
We are not machines, we are rather a chemical laboratory for extraction of many substances from the incoming material, which we call “food.”
Dr. Tom O'bryan: thousands of people can improve health by abandoning wheat. If a serious condition cannot be treated, try to give up wheat. Improvement can come in a couple of days, but 30 days is optimally time to understand how wheat affects health.
Dr. Cara Fitzgerald, ND: what are the symptoms of “leakage” of the gut? It:
- poor digestion,
- flatulence,
- intolerance to fat,
- diarrhea or constipation.
The period from the arrival of food in the mouth to its exit from the body should be approximately 24 hours.
Dr. Tom O'bryan: the Bowel contains 1-3 kg of microbes. Each body also contains its own set of microorganisms. In man more microbes than our own cells.
Dr. Jeffrey Bland, PhD: in a healthy person not so many germs are harmful. But if your microbiome is damaged, it can be restored.
Autoimmune diseases predominate in industrialized countries due to the fact that people have weak immune system. In third world countries among the population of the immune system stronger.
Michael Ash: In industrialized countries people the diversity of gut microbes is significantly less (60% less) than the population of the underdeveloped countries. The diversity of the intestinal flora protects people from autoimmune diseases. When people from underdeveloped countries move to industrialized countries and change their nutrition, protection disappears. Sanitary living conditions are better, people have less access to a variety of microbes, microflora in the gut are less diverse, as a result, people in industrialized countries more autoimmune diseases.
It is increasingly becoming a problem. Newborns are now so many threat to their life allergies! This means that the immune system of newborns do not work. Even our generation in childhood was stronger.
Immunologists have noted a difference in the immune systems in children from developed countries compared to children from undeveloped countries. Even within one country as, for example, States, children living in cities, suburbs and on farms, the immune system is different. Children from rural areas of the immune system is much more stable and balanced. These children have intestinal flora much healthier.
Between the immune system and microbiomes there is a direct link. The immune system needs to be told who to fight. Ie this system is like an army without generals. The immune system requires the presence of beneficial microflora to she pointed out the immune system for harmful microbes. Need biological microbial diversity. When in the intestines of many species, the immune system gets a training how to work with these microbes.
Dr. Aron Lerner, MD: When a child is born the normal way, it passes through the birth canal. At this time, he gets the parent bacteria. It is a kind of vaccination is necessary for health. Thus the child gets the proper microbiome. So the time of birth is very important.
Bacteria, in fact, is a biological library. The bacteria must be maternal. In our days, when the cesarean section the doctors with a sponge to get bacterial lubricant mother and wipe the grease taken out of the child, that though thus to make it necessary bacterial inoculation.
A child with normal birth receives the necessary information for future life. In addition, the process of natural birth is a necessary stressor.
Doctors love to prescribe antibiotics for any infection. But antibiotics can act only on bacteria. Other microorganisms — fungi, for example, do not respond to antibiotics. Ear infection is 70% fungal.
Although serotonin is known as a mediator of the brain, 90% of serotonin is manufactured in the gut. If an unhealthy microbiome (for example, damaged by antibiotics), serotonin produces less, because it is produced by certain microorganisms of the intestine.
A lack of serotonin affects osteoporosis, cardiovascular problems, irritable bowel syndrome.
Antibiotics kill valuable the microbiome of the body. So antibiotics is the last thing the doctor needs to try.
“Leaky gut” is a sign that there are certain problems in other parts of the body.
In our bodies human cells are smaller than microorganisms. It's complicated. Even our DNA is not only ours.
Dr. Mark Hyman: How to restore the microbiome? A change of diet. If you restore the healthy microflora, and autoimmune diseases will disappear. Need to get rid of harmful bacteria and populate the intestine with beneficial.
For this purpose to change the diet? It is known that sugar, simple carbohydrates (e.g. refined flour) feed the harmful microflora. Useful microflora feed on prebiotics. Also needed insoluble fiber vegetables. Fiber love all types of germs. Let your food be 7-10 types of fiber to successfully crush the harmful microflora.
- resistant starches,
- root vegetables,
- sweet potato,
- celery ,
- pickled vegetables.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.horosheezdorovje.ru/prichiny-autoimmunnykh-boleznejj-1/