Importantly! The destructive work of gluten in our body
The talk and speculation about the dangers of gluten (a wheat protein) being a long time... the First time we present the material written by doctors, with links to real research — and thus accessible to every language.
Mark Hyman is a practicing physician, founder of The UltraWellness Center, and author of several books, four became bestsellers in the charts of the New York Times, the figure of the international scale in the field of functional medicine.
The world is changing and many products are not the same...to know what the destructive work of making the gluten present in our body now is important to everyone.
Fifty four million six hundred ninety six thousand three hundred thirty four
As flour and gluten trigger mechanisms of weight gain, the development of prediabetic States, the diabetes, etc.
Modern flour may look the same as traditional but three factors significantly distinguish it: the way she provokes obesity, diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, senile dementia, etc.
Modern flour contains a "super starch» — amylopectin, he provokes more weight gain.
Modern flour contains "super gluten» possessing very high ability to provoke quiet constant inflammation.
Modern flour has a powerful narcotic effect powerful addictive and the constant desire to eat more, get more taste.
Eighty nine million nine hundred six thousand four hundred fifty one
The Bible says: "our daily Bread give us this day". Eating bread is almost a religious setting, but the biblical flour of our ancestors is an entirely different matter, we've never eat.
Instead, we eat a product that has passed many stages of genetic manipulation, hybridization, breeding. Product derived from plants, giving much more and more changed, tremendously more stable grain…
Modern wheat gives a much more starchy and rich gluten-free grain, and the gluten in modern wheat is different in structure of chromosomes, including a different new, not existed before proteins. The person who developed the new wheat, received the "Nobel" — the wheat promised to feed millions of hungry in the world... and She fed... but did the starving fat, brought disease.
First and foremost, the fact that this new wheat contains a large number of "super starch" called amylopectin A. it's always soft sliced loaves for sandwiches and delicate scones.
The reverse side of that only two modern slice of whole wheat bread raise blood sugar level as well as two heaped tablespoons of table sugar!
There is no difference between whole grain bread and bread from flour of first grade… In this regard, such propaganda is a huge fraud, the biggest marketing Scam: whole grains in products with high content of sugar and wheat do not give these products no special qualities.
It is better to avoid such products altogether, Yes, those whose packing is so often claimed that this is a healthy, useful, whole product (*including Breakfast cereals and all foods with wheat gluten)! As a rule, this hides something.
Diabetics and white flour and whole wheat raises the blood sugar level about the same, to dangerous levels. We know that foods with a high glycemic index (GI) trigger a set of fat on your stomach, provoke the development of latent quiet inflammation in the body lead to fatty liver, which, in turn, leads to a cascade: obesity-prediabetes condition-diabetes.
Now, this problem is already faced every other American, indirectly to combat it is directed almost all the financial costs of health care, indirectly this problem is the root cause of almost all chronic diseases. Diabetes now "devours" every third dollar in the budget of the Corporation honey.insurance Medicare (the largest in the US).
Eighty three million two hundred eighty six thousand nine hundred sixty nine
Modern wheat is the "Frankenstein cereal", not only contains a "super starch", but "super-gluten", which is much more likely causes inflammation in the body. In addition to the whole set of inflammatory and chronic diseases, it causes obesity and diabetes.
Gluten is a sticky is basically a protein that "glues" the bread and makes it rise. Previously, this protein had 14 chromosomes, and it has not been such a powerful instigator of inflammation and celiac disease. But the modern form of wheat has a different structure, 28 chromosomes and a variety of different gluten proteins, including those that provoke the development of celiac disease (gluten intolerance) with the highest probability.
Why suffer from gluten and fat
Gluten causes inflammation, obesity and provokes a chronic disease, mainly acting in five areas:
1. full-fledged celiac disease — autoimmune disease that triggers inflammation throughout the body, which, in turn, provokes insulin resistance, which causes weight gain and development of diabetes and more than 55 other disease States, including autoimmune diseases, irritable bowel syndrome, constant belching (reflex), depression, cancer, osteoporosis etc.
2. silent inflammation that reacts to gluten, our body, provoking the development of those same problems, even if you have a real, "full-blooded" celiac disease — chances are your reaction to gluten is just the increased amount of antibodies in the blood, but this is enough.
3. in addition, it is worth to mention the highly disturbing recent research showing that the consumption of gluten can produce a variety of autoimmune reactions from failures in other parts of the immune system and not those normally associated with the "real" Aliaksiei.
Most doctors do not pay attention to sensitivity to gluten, if you do not have a diagnosis of "celiac disease", but this new research proves that to write off this state from the accounts does not. Celiac disease develops when the body begins to synthesize antibodies against wheat and other gluten media (acquired immunity), while other forms of sensitivity to gluten develop thanks to the work of our innate immunity, which is embattled against modern gluten.
This means that people can be sensitive to gluten, even if they have no celiac disease or antibodies to gluten but it will not prevent them to from gluten inflammation and other symptoms.
4. the lectin — glycoprotein neputeviy wheat (structure, consisting of sugar and protein) called wheat germ agglutinin is a substance in the highest concentrations found in whole wheat, it also leads to inflammatory processes in all tissues of the body. This is not an autoimmune reaction but can be just as dangerous and can lead to heart attacks.
5. dangerous much to get excited about gluten-free snacks level of fast food, like for example bezplatnogo biscuits, pastries and processed foods. Industrial processed food this plan has a high glycemic index (rapidly raises the blood sugar level).
But the fact that a product is gluten free, does not mean that the product is healthy. The cookies and cakes without gluten are still baking, mix flour with fat and sweet, and often with milk, often restored or refined or modified components, reduced gidrogenizirovannye fats. A healthy decision — this whole vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts and seeds, and lean animal products — try to stick to such a list.
Let's look at the situation more carefully. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, barley, spelt and oats can cause celiac disease , which triggers inflammation throughout the body, it is also associated with autoimmune diseases, autism, emotional disorders, schizophrenia, senility, indigestion, lack of vitamins and minerals from food (or their newsweekall), diabetes, cancer etc.
First problem: celiac disease
Celiac disease and problems with the digestibility of wheat in recent years began to take a much more prominent position, they now affect at least 21 million are Americans, and most likely, not taken into account the many millions of people that are not surveyed and do not associate their condition with the consumption of wheat. 99% of people in the modern world just simply were not examined and, therefore, have no diagnoses.
98% of people with celiac disease, the genetic predisposition (it is found in 30% of the population). But, despite the fact that our genes have not changed with celiac disease over the last 50 years has become much more due to some external factor, stimulating the development of this condition.
A recent study was conducted which compared blood samples collected 50 years ago from 10,000 recruits of the U.S. air force with samples taken recently have a random 10,000 people. The results of the comparison were very interesting: over the last 50 years, according to the study, the increase in the incidence of celiac disease was 400%.
And now we're talking about "full" celiac disease, which affects approximately one in one hundred, under the United States — about three million people. Before, we thought that celiac disease only found in children with swollen bellies, rapidly losing weight, loses nutrients with food. It is now known that celiac disease can be triggered (according to genetic susceptibility) at any age and WITHOUT symptoms of areas of weak or sensitive digestion.
Inflammation, which is caused by celiac disease, can result in insulin resistance, the acquisition of excess weight and/or diabetes, and the author of this article, a doctor by profession, observes the following scheme constantly.
Second problem: gluten and inflammation in the intestine
In addition to celiac disease, wheat creates problems the other way: gluten causes inflammation because our body reacts to gluten, modern, quiet (low-intensity) autoimmune reactions. Our immune system in response to the presence of gluten synthesizes antibodies to the protein (a small amount). In fact, these antibodies are present in the blood of 7% of the population, 21 million people (in the USA). These same antibodies were found in 18% of people with autism and 20% suffering from schizophrenia.
The report of a large-scale study published in the "Journal of the American medical Association" (Journal of the American Medical Association) reported that a latent sensitivity to gluten (identified by elevated antibody levels in the cases when the true celiac disease was not detected) increases the risk of death from 35 to 75%, basically, statistically, the death was caused from cancer or a heart attack. Only in the mainstream of this mechanism in the risk zone of heart attack, obesity, and cancer fall, more than 20 million Americans (the consumption of wheat in Russia and the United States is not much different).
Exactly how gluten causes the development of inflammation, cardiovascular diseases, obesity and cancer?
The risk is maximum when the inflammation caused by gluten, spreading like fire throughout the body. First, it violates the integrity of the protective layers of the small intestine, resulting in nezapravlenny food and parasites have the opportunity to penetrate into the bloodstream through the damaged intestinal barriers, and thus unwanted substances come in contact with the immune defense system (protective layer in the intestine is very thin and immune barriers located directly behind this thin layer), triggered an immune response.
The total surface area of the small intestine, thus, comparable to the area of a tennis court! The immune system begins to attack the foreign proteins, trying to protect the purity of the blood, and these attacks lead to systemic inflammation, which then, in turn, causes heart disease, dementia, cancer, diabetes and other diseases.
Dr. Alessio Fasano (Dr. Alessio Fasano), a specialist in celiac disease medical faculty of the University of Maryland, have discovered a protein produced in our small intestine, so-called "zone" is the concentration of this protein increases significantly in the presence of gluten.
Zonal "realplay" the cells of the intestinal tissues that are usually responsible for protecting the immune system against penetration of the blood parasites and foreign proteins — i.e., to prevent "leaks" through the intestinal barrier. It is from here went to the English term "gut leakage", aka "leaky gut syndrome" and "syndrome of increased intestinal permeability" (leaky gut).
If you find this syndrome, then eating wheat products, you will always live with inflammatory processes throughout the body and gradually get a whole list of other symptoms and diseases, at first glance, unrelated to your diet.
Why is the number of "sensitive to gluten" people have grown so much in the last 50 years?
The point here is that plant breeders were able to change the composition of wheat, quality and concentrations of gluten in cereal. Gljuteinovye proteins were different and they became much more in the same amount of product, this change and is behind the growth of celiac disease and auto-immune reactions to wheat.
Add to this the overall aggressiveness of our diet for our digestive system, as well as the aggressive environment and unhealthy lifestyle and using medication — you would be the perfect set of preconditions for sensitivity to gluten (literally translated as "gluten intolerance", which is probably correct).
"Super-gluten" can easily penetrate into our system through the intestinal barrier and our immune system is forced to react, and it reacts as if gluten is a foreign substance (which it is), so on those cranks open the fire.
Inflammation serves to destroy the foreign proteins but the war is often are all victims indiscriminately. Inflammation does not act selectively, so the attack exposed our own cells, which leads to dejerine and other conditions and diseases caused by inflammatory processes in the body.
The damage that our digestive system is applied together, comprehensively, the use of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory medications, a diet with a small amount of living plant tissue and a large amount of sugar — it leads to the development of celiac disease and gluten intolerance or sensitivity to it, and as a result, we obtain the permanent latent inflammation. That is why elimination of gluten and other food allergens may be the most powerful method of prevention or correction of diazirine and other chronic diseases.
Forty two million two hundred twenty thousand seven hundred twenty nine
Super drug
Wheat contains not only the "super-starch and super-gluten", which makes this cereal a super-parnasim and provoking inflammation — in addition, wheat and even high-quality a powerful drug which, in fact, crazy, causing hunger and dependence.
In the process of digestion, wheat proteins are broken down into shorter protein chains (polypeptides), which are called entryname. They are similar in nature to the endorphins that runners get from running. These substances are also treated to the opioid receptors in the brain and give the feeling of pleasure, lifting almost the same way that heroin gives addicts. The wheat polypeptides are absorbed into the bloodstream and penetrate from the bloodstream to the brain. They are called gluteomorphin — derived from "gluten" and "morphine".
These powerful chemicals can cause a lot of problems, including schizophrenia and autism. But they also are addictive, "hooked", causing a constant desire to eat more and overeating.
No one overeats broccoli, but cookies, pie, sandwiches, or pizza and stay hard. Even more frightening is the fact that to remove this dependence can be the same medicine used in hospitals are used for overdose of heroin or morphine (talking about naloxone that blocks the action of opiates). Under the control of the naloxone people suffering from overeating, eating 30% less.
The conclusion is simple: wheat is addictive and is a stimulant of appetite.
How to beat the wheat and lose weight:
First of all should be tested and check whether you have more serious problems associated with the consumption of wheat.
If you recognize yourself in at least one of these points, it is necessary to pass the six-week course 100% abstinence from gluten-containing foods, to be able to compare the experience.
If you recognize yourself in three or more points, you should give up gluten-containing foods forever:
See also: How I got rid of sugar addiction
You will be amazed! To get rid of diabetes is possible through diet
The problems associated with the wheat — this is our reality, and now they are clearer than ever. The rejection of gluten can not only help you feel better... it can save your life.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: ecoways.ru/ru/rss/articles/kategoricheskoe_net_gluteny.html
Mark Hyman is a practicing physician, founder of The UltraWellness Center, and author of several books, four became bestsellers in the charts of the New York Times, the figure of the international scale in the field of functional medicine.
The world is changing and many products are not the same...to know what the destructive work of making the gluten present in our body now is important to everyone.
Fifty four million six hundred ninety six thousand three hundred thirty four
As flour and gluten trigger mechanisms of weight gain, the development of prediabetic States, the diabetes, etc.
Modern flour may look the same as traditional but three factors significantly distinguish it: the way she provokes obesity, diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, senile dementia, etc.
Modern flour contains a "super starch» — amylopectin, he provokes more weight gain.
Modern flour contains "super gluten» possessing very high ability to provoke quiet constant inflammation.
Modern flour has a powerful narcotic effect powerful addictive and the constant desire to eat more, get more taste.
Eighty nine million nine hundred six thousand four hundred fifty one
The Bible says: "our daily Bread give us this day". Eating bread is almost a religious setting, but the biblical flour of our ancestors is an entirely different matter, we've never eat.
Instead, we eat a product that has passed many stages of genetic manipulation, hybridization, breeding. Product derived from plants, giving much more and more changed, tremendously more stable grain…
Modern wheat gives a much more starchy and rich gluten-free grain, and the gluten in modern wheat is different in structure of chromosomes, including a different new, not existed before proteins. The person who developed the new wheat, received the "Nobel" — the wheat promised to feed millions of hungry in the world... and She fed... but did the starving fat, brought disease.
First and foremost, the fact that this new wheat contains a large number of "super starch" called amylopectin A. it's always soft sliced loaves for sandwiches and delicate scones.
The reverse side of that only two modern slice of whole wheat bread raise blood sugar level as well as two heaped tablespoons of table sugar!
There is no difference between whole grain bread and bread from flour of first grade… In this regard, such propaganda is a huge fraud, the biggest marketing Scam: whole grains in products with high content of sugar and wheat do not give these products no special qualities.
It is better to avoid such products altogether, Yes, those whose packing is so often claimed that this is a healthy, useful, whole product (*including Breakfast cereals and all foods with wheat gluten)! As a rule, this hides something.
Diabetics and white flour and whole wheat raises the blood sugar level about the same, to dangerous levels. We know that foods with a high glycemic index (GI) trigger a set of fat on your stomach, provoke the development of latent quiet inflammation in the body lead to fatty liver, which, in turn, leads to a cascade: obesity-prediabetes condition-diabetes.
Now, this problem is already faced every other American, indirectly to combat it is directed almost all the financial costs of health care, indirectly this problem is the root cause of almost all chronic diseases. Diabetes now "devours" every third dollar in the budget of the Corporation honey.insurance Medicare (the largest in the US).
Eighty three million two hundred eighty six thousand nine hundred sixty nine
Modern wheat is the "Frankenstein cereal", not only contains a "super starch", but "super-gluten", which is much more likely causes inflammation in the body. In addition to the whole set of inflammatory and chronic diseases, it causes obesity and diabetes.
Gluten is a sticky is basically a protein that "glues" the bread and makes it rise. Previously, this protein had 14 chromosomes, and it has not been such a powerful instigator of inflammation and celiac disease. But the modern form of wheat has a different structure, 28 chromosomes and a variety of different gluten proteins, including those that provoke the development of celiac disease (gluten intolerance) with the highest probability.
Why suffer from gluten and fat
Gluten causes inflammation, obesity and provokes a chronic disease, mainly acting in five areas:
1. full-fledged celiac disease — autoimmune disease that triggers inflammation throughout the body, which, in turn, provokes insulin resistance, which causes weight gain and development of diabetes and more than 55 other disease States, including autoimmune diseases, irritable bowel syndrome, constant belching (reflex), depression, cancer, osteoporosis etc.
2. silent inflammation that reacts to gluten, our body, provoking the development of those same problems, even if you have a real, "full-blooded" celiac disease — chances are your reaction to gluten is just the increased amount of antibodies in the blood, but this is enough.
3. in addition, it is worth to mention the highly disturbing recent research showing that the consumption of gluten can produce a variety of autoimmune reactions from failures in other parts of the immune system and not those normally associated with the "real" Aliaksiei.
Most doctors do not pay attention to sensitivity to gluten, if you do not have a diagnosis of "celiac disease", but this new research proves that to write off this state from the accounts does not. Celiac disease develops when the body begins to synthesize antibodies against wheat and other gluten media (acquired immunity), while other forms of sensitivity to gluten develop thanks to the work of our innate immunity, which is embattled against modern gluten.
This means that people can be sensitive to gluten, even if they have no celiac disease or antibodies to gluten but it will not prevent them to from gluten inflammation and other symptoms.
4. the lectin — glycoprotein neputeviy wheat (structure, consisting of sugar and protein) called wheat germ agglutinin is a substance in the highest concentrations found in whole wheat, it also leads to inflammatory processes in all tissues of the body. This is not an autoimmune reaction but can be just as dangerous and can lead to heart attacks.
5. dangerous much to get excited about gluten-free snacks level of fast food, like for example bezplatnogo biscuits, pastries and processed foods. Industrial processed food this plan has a high glycemic index (rapidly raises the blood sugar level).
But the fact that a product is gluten free, does not mean that the product is healthy. The cookies and cakes without gluten are still baking, mix flour with fat and sweet, and often with milk, often restored or refined or modified components, reduced gidrogenizirovannye fats. A healthy decision — this whole vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts and seeds, and lean animal products — try to stick to such a list.
Let's look at the situation more carefully. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, barley, spelt and oats can cause celiac disease , which triggers inflammation throughout the body, it is also associated with autoimmune diseases, autism, emotional disorders, schizophrenia, senility, indigestion, lack of vitamins and minerals from food (or their newsweekall), diabetes, cancer etc.
First problem: celiac disease
Celiac disease and problems with the digestibility of wheat in recent years began to take a much more prominent position, they now affect at least 21 million are Americans, and most likely, not taken into account the many millions of people that are not surveyed and do not associate their condition with the consumption of wheat. 99% of people in the modern world just simply were not examined and, therefore, have no diagnoses.
98% of people with celiac disease, the genetic predisposition (it is found in 30% of the population). But, despite the fact that our genes have not changed with celiac disease over the last 50 years has become much more due to some external factor, stimulating the development of this condition.
A recent study was conducted which compared blood samples collected 50 years ago from 10,000 recruits of the U.S. air force with samples taken recently have a random 10,000 people. The results of the comparison were very interesting: over the last 50 years, according to the study, the increase in the incidence of celiac disease was 400%.
And now we're talking about "full" celiac disease, which affects approximately one in one hundred, under the United States — about three million people. Before, we thought that celiac disease only found in children with swollen bellies, rapidly losing weight, loses nutrients with food. It is now known that celiac disease can be triggered (according to genetic susceptibility) at any age and WITHOUT symptoms of areas of weak or sensitive digestion.
Inflammation, which is caused by celiac disease, can result in insulin resistance, the acquisition of excess weight and/or diabetes, and the author of this article, a doctor by profession, observes the following scheme constantly.
Second problem: gluten and inflammation in the intestine
In addition to celiac disease, wheat creates problems the other way: gluten causes inflammation because our body reacts to gluten, modern, quiet (low-intensity) autoimmune reactions. Our immune system in response to the presence of gluten synthesizes antibodies to the protein (a small amount). In fact, these antibodies are present in the blood of 7% of the population, 21 million people (in the USA). These same antibodies were found in 18% of people with autism and 20% suffering from schizophrenia.
The report of a large-scale study published in the "Journal of the American medical Association" (Journal of the American Medical Association) reported that a latent sensitivity to gluten (identified by elevated antibody levels in the cases when the true celiac disease was not detected) increases the risk of death from 35 to 75%, basically, statistically, the death was caused from cancer or a heart attack. Only in the mainstream of this mechanism in the risk zone of heart attack, obesity, and cancer fall, more than 20 million Americans (the consumption of wheat in Russia and the United States is not much different).
Exactly how gluten causes the development of inflammation, cardiovascular diseases, obesity and cancer?
The risk is maximum when the inflammation caused by gluten, spreading like fire throughout the body. First, it violates the integrity of the protective layers of the small intestine, resulting in nezapravlenny food and parasites have the opportunity to penetrate into the bloodstream through the damaged intestinal barriers, and thus unwanted substances come in contact with the immune defense system (protective layer in the intestine is very thin and immune barriers located directly behind this thin layer), triggered an immune response.
The total surface area of the small intestine, thus, comparable to the area of a tennis court! The immune system begins to attack the foreign proteins, trying to protect the purity of the blood, and these attacks lead to systemic inflammation, which then, in turn, causes heart disease, dementia, cancer, diabetes and other diseases.
Dr. Alessio Fasano (Dr. Alessio Fasano), a specialist in celiac disease medical faculty of the University of Maryland, have discovered a protein produced in our small intestine, so-called "zone" is the concentration of this protein increases significantly in the presence of gluten.
Zonal "realplay" the cells of the intestinal tissues that are usually responsible for protecting the immune system against penetration of the blood parasites and foreign proteins — i.e., to prevent "leaks" through the intestinal barrier. It is from here went to the English term "gut leakage", aka "leaky gut syndrome" and "syndrome of increased intestinal permeability" (leaky gut).
If you find this syndrome, then eating wheat products, you will always live with inflammatory processes throughout the body and gradually get a whole list of other symptoms and diseases, at first glance, unrelated to your diet.
Why is the number of "sensitive to gluten" people have grown so much in the last 50 years?
The point here is that plant breeders were able to change the composition of wheat, quality and concentrations of gluten in cereal. Gljuteinovye proteins were different and they became much more in the same amount of product, this change and is behind the growth of celiac disease and auto-immune reactions to wheat.
Add to this the overall aggressiveness of our diet for our digestive system, as well as the aggressive environment and unhealthy lifestyle and using medication — you would be the perfect set of preconditions for sensitivity to gluten (literally translated as "gluten intolerance", which is probably correct).
"Super-gluten" can easily penetrate into our system through the intestinal barrier and our immune system is forced to react, and it reacts as if gluten is a foreign substance (which it is), so on those cranks open the fire.
Inflammation serves to destroy the foreign proteins but the war is often are all victims indiscriminately. Inflammation does not act selectively, so the attack exposed our own cells, which leads to dejerine and other conditions and diseases caused by inflammatory processes in the body.
The damage that our digestive system is applied together, comprehensively, the use of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory medications, a diet with a small amount of living plant tissue and a large amount of sugar — it leads to the development of celiac disease and gluten intolerance or sensitivity to it, and as a result, we obtain the permanent latent inflammation. That is why elimination of gluten and other food allergens may be the most powerful method of prevention or correction of diazirine and other chronic diseases.
Forty two million two hundred twenty thousand seven hundred twenty nine
Super drug
Wheat contains not only the "super-starch and super-gluten", which makes this cereal a super-parnasim and provoking inflammation — in addition, wheat and even high-quality a powerful drug which, in fact, crazy, causing hunger and dependence.
In the process of digestion, wheat proteins are broken down into shorter protein chains (polypeptides), which are called entryname. They are similar in nature to the endorphins that runners get from running. These substances are also treated to the opioid receptors in the brain and give the feeling of pleasure, lifting almost the same way that heroin gives addicts. The wheat polypeptides are absorbed into the bloodstream and penetrate from the bloodstream to the brain. They are called gluteomorphin — derived from "gluten" and "morphine".
These powerful chemicals can cause a lot of problems, including schizophrenia and autism. But they also are addictive, "hooked", causing a constant desire to eat more and overeating.
No one overeats broccoli, but cookies, pie, sandwiches, or pizza and stay hard. Even more frightening is the fact that to remove this dependence can be the same medicine used in hospitals are used for overdose of heroin or morphine (talking about naloxone that blocks the action of opiates). Under the control of the naloxone people suffering from overeating, eating 30% less.
The conclusion is simple: wheat is addictive and is a stimulant of appetite.
How to beat the wheat and lose weight:
First of all should be tested and check whether you have more serious problems associated with the consumption of wheat.
If you recognize yourself in at least one of these points, it is necessary to pass the six-week course 100% abstinence from gluten-containing foods, to be able to compare the experience.
If you recognize yourself in three or more points, you should give up gluten-containing foods forever:
- there are signs of celiac disease (allergic, digestive, autoimmune, inflammatory, diazirine)
- no gluten-containing foods you are obviously feeling better
- you have elevated antibodies to gluten (anti-gliadin, antigliadin antibodies or antibodies to tissue transglutaminase)
- a biopsy of the small intestine showed positive results
- you have found the genes responsible for predisposition to rejection of gluten (HLA DQ2/8)
See also: How I got rid of sugar addiction
You will be amazed! To get rid of diabetes is possible through diet
The problems associated with the wheat — this is our reality, and now they are clearer than ever. The rejection of gluten can not only help you feel better... it can save your life.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: ecoways.ru/ru/rss/articles/kategoricheskoe_net_gluteny.html