Antibiotics for acne: doing more harm than good
Acne (acne) are suffering all over the world, mainly in adolescence. For many this is the main reason of embarrassment.It is important to note that acne affects not only teenagers, but one in five adults, which is also characterized by the emergence of psychological disorders on this basis. About 85 % of Americans are totally different age groups suffer from this disease, so acne is most common skin disease in the United States. According to experts, many people can't even imagine the feelings of embarrassment and social stigma that are experiencing suffering from the acne people.
As a rule, suffer from acne people feel awkwardness, embarrassment and helplessness. Many suffering from this disease, the embarrassment may cause a loss of confidence in themselves to cause a feeling of alienation and social exclusion.
Therefore, it is easy to understand why people spend so much time and money trying to overcome this disease. Having tried a lot of ineffective over-the-counter medications, many are looking for answers from the doctors. Most doctors immediately reach for letterhead for recipes. But the drug from acne to have potentially dangerous side effects, and try to treat the symptoms of acne, completely ignoring its underlying cause.
Even if the safety of these drugs, actively promoted and praised by doctors and pharmaceutical companies, I am totally against their use as a first line of defense against acne. Instead, mom and dad, take your teen to a farmer's market, not the pharmacy, because the main culprit of acne is the American diet.
Pharmaceutical treatment of acne is very profitable
Acne is one of the most common skin conditions that people turn to a dermatologist. It's amazing how such a common condition is misunderstood and treated by medical providers. The government certainly agree with is the fact that most people suffer from a type of acne called acne vulgaris is caused by bacteria inflammatory disease that usually appears on the face, neck, shoulders, back and chest, sometimes leading to the appearance of painful wounds.
But the unanimity ends.
When the drug behind the drug does not yield effective effect, and the acne continues to appear, then most likely, your doctor will call your condition "chronic acne". But, actually, this means that the treatment was wrong.
The root cause of acne and did not take into account...
Therefore, instead of treating the underlying cause, your doctor is likely to adhere to the official "Recommendations for the care and treatment of acne vulgaris", developed by the Ministry of health and social welfare of the United States. This document describes a common method of acne treatment with local and systemic antibiotics, steroids and hormonal preparations (including oral contraceptives), and "Accutane" — one of the most dangerous ever designed drugs.
The above recommendation was fully approved by the American Academy of dermatology as the treatment of acne. The Academy is an extremely influential body as the control of established standards of care for clinical, corporate and government levels. It is striking that the seventh and last item in the list of treatment is called "Dietary restrictions (not recommended)". Obviously, their selection is not associated with the main cause of acne, but only treats the symptoms.
Treating the symptoms means constant visits to the dermatologist, and continued profits for the medical and pharmaceutical industries.
The implications of these recommendations is to be expected – the hype of drugs supported by the increase in corporate costs of Federal regulations, biased, misinformed medical practices, and constant deception of the public.
A review of traditional methods of acne treatment
Avoid one of the MOST dangerous ever produced drugs
"Accutane" — a very controversial drug, which, for some incredible reason, remains the industry standard for the treatment of severe acne. Swiss pharmaceutical company Roche Holding AG, manufacturer of "Accutane", spent huge amount of time in court defending themselves against lawsuits filed by people whose health have been irreparably harmed by taking this terrible drug.
The company Roche has lost six out of six lawsuits and was recently forced to pay $25,16 million in damages took "accutane" patient, who had developed inflammatory bowel disease as a result of application of the drug. Due to competition from generic forms, and excessive expenditure on claims of injury, in June 2009, Roche stopped selling the drug.
However, the generic form "Accutane" (isotretinoin) is no less deadly and it continues to be sold on the market under the names Claravis, Sotret and Amnesteem. "Accutane" took more than two million people, although, as we know, it causes depression, suicidal ideation, inflammatory bowel disease, as well as a 100 percent guarantee of birth defects in the fetus if the drug takes pregnant woman.
In 2004, scintigraphy of the brain showed that people taking accutane, 21% reduced activity of the frontal part of the brain – it plays an important role in the formation of attitudes and in social interaction. These brain changes may explain the depression, suicidal and aggressive behavior, and psychotic reactions reported by people taking "accutane".
Is getting rid of acne is worth it?
Even official regulation policy acknowledges the real danger of "Accutane". Management on control over foodstuff and drug administration (FDA) warned doctors and patients about cases of "depression, psychosis, rarely suicidal thoughts and actions" related application "Accutane". Patients taking this drug reported to the FDA that these psychological symptoms started to regress when they stopped treatment "Accutane", and continued to progress, with the resumption of this drug.
In light of these events, has been changed marking "Accutane" to warn against its use, as the drug threat to the development of depression. Isotretinoin now have the highest degree of caution that can only be from the drug, and the FDA has assigned a rating of X in the category of pregnancy.
According to the Mayo clinic:If you are taking isotretinoin during pregnancy, you are almost guaranteed to harm your child. "Accutane" is an extremely teratogenic drug (harm to fetus).
"Upotreblenie isotretinoin contributes to the development of birth defects, so it cannot be taken by pregnant women or women who may become pregnant during treatment or within several weeks after its completion.
Essentially, the drug has such serious potential side effects that women of reproductive age can get a prescription for this medication only when participating in approved Management under the control over foodstuff and medicines of the USA monitoring program".
In addition to teratogenic and psychological adverse effects, people taking "accutane" (isotretinoin) have reported the following negative consequences:
The elevation of triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood
Elevated liver enzymes and liver damage
Erectile dysfunction
Headaches and brain swelling
Disorders of the Central nervous system
Damage to the skin and mucous membranes; premature closure of the growth zone of the epiphysis
The hyperostosis (bone growth) and bone demineralization
Neutropenia, agranulocytosis, and rhabdomyolysis (blood diseases)
The development of inflammatory bowel disease
Eye damage, including cataracts
Hearing loss
Heart attack, stroke
Allergic vasculitis
Antibiotics for acne: doing more harm than good
Many dermatologists prescribe long-term antibiotic treatment for acne. Despite the fact that oral antibiotics are widely promoted, I recommend that you avoid these medications because they will cause more problems than it would solve.
Whenever you take an antibiotic, along with pathogenic bacteria kill you and useful. It may create grounds for yeast infections, and the development of resistant strains of bacteria.
Antibiotic resistance is a serious growing problem of our time. It also includes antibiotics that are prescribed for acne, such as erythromycin. This antibiotic is becoming increasingly inefficient, because it has adapted a large number of strains of bacteria. More and more doctors are beginning to abandon the treatment of acne with antibiotics, or at least limit their use.
Besides antibiotic resistance, antibiotics are also associated with certain risks.
For example:
In fact, acne is very easy to cure natural ways
Like other chronic diseases common in Western populations (diabetes, heart disease and obesity), acne is a disease mainly of the Western world.
There is more and more evidence that the main cause of acne is not bacteria or genetics, but environmental factors, especially diet. This skin disease is less concentrated in those areas that are not so heavily influenced by the West. In this environment, refined carbohydrates and sugar are consumed in much smaller quantities. There is strong evidence that the main CAUSE of acne is a diet high in sugar and refined carbohydrates.
Now we already know that a diet low in grains or grain free diet with high probability will clear your skin forever!
Antibiotics not necessary, because the proper diet will create an internal environment that will NOT ALLOW excessive bacterial growth.
After a diet, the second most influential factor is stress.
Part of a comprehensive approach to preventing progression of acne is stress management. We know thattress is a major factor in the development of infections of any kind. So why are doctors not lining up to tell you the good news? And how will they be able to "sell" you a healthy diet? You are the only one interested in it!
Grain-free diet will relieve you from acne FOREVER!
Not all carbs are created equal. There are the following types of carbohydrates:
Elevated levels of IGF-1 may lead to increased quantities of male hormones, because of which the pores secrete more sebum, a fatty substance, which delayed the bacteria that cause acne. IGF-1 also causes the multiplication of skin cells (keratinocytes) is a process that is also associated with acne.
That is why one should avoid most grain products if you have acne.
This hypothesis is confirmed by research.
Published in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition study 2007, young people (aged 15 to 25 years), suffering from acne for 12 weeks adhered to a low-glycemic diet, as a result, significantly reduce the appearance of acne and insulin sensitivity.
Similar results were obtained in the study of 2002, which examined how the bread may trigger acne.
The rejection of grains, sugars (particularly fructose), cereals, potatoes, corn, rice, pasta, processed foods – will help significantly reduce the appearance of acne. A sufficient amount of fructose is found in fruits, so if you are predisposed to the graduate and acne, you should reduce their use. Fruit juices should be strictly avoided as they are very high sugar content. (It should be noted that vegetable juice is a great alternative, especially with the green.)
Can a gluten worsen acne?
Gluten (gluten) of wheat and other grains can contribute to the development of symptoms of acne, if you have an intolerance to gluten, like many people. This is a separate phenomenon, not related to the effects of insulin, which has already been discussed.
Gluten is the Prime suspect if you have rosacea (acne rosacea) is a common problem, particularly occurring in people born in the period of sharp increase in the birth rate.
According to a gluten-free diet:
"People with gluten intolerance cannot digest, so the body does not recognize it food and therefore when you try to digest it considers gluten a foreign body.
Because the human body gluten intolerance is not able adequately to assimilate, over time, slowly damages the small intestine, leading to digestive problems. Gluten intolerance can cause other symptoms, eliminating toxins through the skin as acne, for example."
Given this sensitivity to gluten, it makes sense to try a gluten-free diet for one month and see if it'll affect the condition of acne or a manifestation of other diseases.
The linkage of the milk, iodine and acne
I want to warn those who suffer from acne. In milk, as a rule, contains a sufficient amount of iodine, although in raw milk, it is less than the pasteurized. Iodine is known to aggravate the process of acne.
Several studies have documented this relationship, as farmers often feed cows with feed enriched with iodine to prevent infection.
So if you drink milk, choose raw, not pasteurized — it is the right thing, regardless of whether you have skin problems. Because raw milk contains iodine at healthier concentrations, it is unlikely to worsen acne, in contrast to pasteurized – but, still, there will be a probability that even raw milk can cause manifestation of the disease. With the aim of getting rid of acne once and for all, it seems appropriate to completely exclude milk and other dairy products from your diet.
I don't know about the studies that have investigated the relationship between raw milk and acne. If you want to check it out for yourself, you can try drinking raw milk from animals fed organic grass, and if your skin condition worse, eliminate milk from your diet.
A lot of funds on skin care products only aggravate the problem
What you put on the skin is as important as what you eat. After all, what you apply topically, is easily absorbed through the skin, which is actually a semi-permeable membrane, through which your body gets the substances.
Many of today's cosmetics and personal skin care is nothing more than a toxic mix of harmful chemicals, which cause more skin problems than they solve. And in the case of acne, these chemicals can cause development of the disease or prevent its cure.
Why do so many cleansers, lotions and ointments contain these potentially hazardous ingredients?
Because they are cheap, easily accessible and easily distributable.
For industry skin care is all good. Estimates of the Working group on environmental protection (EWG), 99% of personal care products contain more than one ingredient, which have never been tested for safety. The industry controls itself, working on the "principles of honor", but there are many dishonest players.
So you need to carefully read the contents on the labels to know what you are buying.
Dedicate a daily five minute face cleansing – remove dirt collected on the skin throughout the day and clog pores. And ladies, please, never go to sleep, do not wash makeup. Also preferably one or two times a week apply on the skin a light scrub. Just be careful, especially if you have a rash, and never pull or RUB the skin too much.
Use clean, safe, natural products for skin care, preferably organic. Apply such funds to warm the skin – this maximises their absorption.
The way to clean the skin without stress
Stress can lead to the deterioration of any disease, including acne. It is very important to learn how to manage your stress before it you will overcome. Even more important is to teach your children while they are still young, because the continuous stress will accumulate and will begin to have a negative impact on their health.
Recent studies support the hypothesis that stress can aggravate acne.
In one study involving College students found a link between acne outbreaks and stress from exams. The researchers found that the subjects who experienced the greatest stress during exams, suffered from acne in a more severe form, which indicates that emotional stress from external sources as a significant factor.
Previously it was thought that the stress associated with acne is its consequence, not the cause. But it's worth noting that the above researchers believe their new study proves the opposite — that stress aggravates acne, not Vice versa.
In addition, stress and fatigue can lead to adrenal fatigue, kotoroe depletes the adrenal glands. It can also impair the process of development of acne, as well as significantly increasing the level of stress.
But how to deal with the constant stress in today's demanding world?
My favorite way is emotional freedom technique or EFT. EFT is a light tapping with fingertips on energy meridians of the body, to cleanse emotional blocks, thus, restores balance of mind and body. EFT is an effective method of dealing with stress, which is easy to master by adults and children. It can even help with physical complaints such as chronic pain, Allergy symptoms and much more.
You can also try other proven methods of yoga and meditation.
You can maintain healthy condition of your skin
Remember: the color of the face reflects the overall condition of your health. Don't forget to consider these important factors in your plan on the fight against acne:
Do these 10 exercises of academician Amosov and you will always be healthy!
EFT: Emotional Freedom Technique
If you listen to my advice and change your lifestyle and diet, you will see a significant improvement in the health and appearance of skin. In addition, thanks to these methods, improves the health and condition of your purse – because you no longer have to spend money on expensive medications for acne that have no real or long lasting effect on your skin problems.
Remember: a lifestyle change is not a quick process, but in the long run you will definitely get the desired result! published
Author: Joseph Mercola
Source: russian.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2016/04/21/%D0%B8%D0%B7%D0%B1%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%82%D1%8C%D1%81%D1%8F-%D0%BE%D1%82-%D0%B0%D0%BA%D0%BD%D0%B5.aspx

As a rule, suffer from acne people feel awkwardness, embarrassment and helplessness. Many suffering from this disease, the embarrassment may cause a loss of confidence in themselves to cause a feeling of alienation and social exclusion.
Therefore, it is easy to understand why people spend so much time and money trying to overcome this disease. Having tried a lot of ineffective over-the-counter medications, many are looking for answers from the doctors. Most doctors immediately reach for letterhead for recipes. But the drug from acne to have potentially dangerous side effects, and try to treat the symptoms of acne, completely ignoring its underlying cause.
Even if the safety of these drugs, actively promoted and praised by doctors and pharmaceutical companies, I am totally against their use as a first line of defense against acne. Instead, mom and dad, take your teen to a farmer's market, not the pharmacy, because the main culprit of acne is the American diet.
Pharmaceutical treatment of acne is very profitable
Acne is one of the most common skin conditions that people turn to a dermatologist. It's amazing how such a common condition is misunderstood and treated by medical providers. The government certainly agree with is the fact that most people suffer from a type of acne called acne vulgaris is caused by bacteria inflammatory disease that usually appears on the face, neck, shoulders, back and chest, sometimes leading to the appearance of painful wounds.
But the unanimity ends.
When the drug behind the drug does not yield effective effect, and the acne continues to appear, then most likely, your doctor will call your condition "chronic acne". But, actually, this means that the treatment was wrong.
The root cause of acne and did not take into account...
Therefore, instead of treating the underlying cause, your doctor is likely to adhere to the official "Recommendations for the care and treatment of acne vulgaris", developed by the Ministry of health and social welfare of the United States. This document describes a common method of acne treatment with local and systemic antibiotics, steroids and hormonal preparations (including oral contraceptives), and "Accutane" — one of the most dangerous ever designed drugs.
The above recommendation was fully approved by the American Academy of dermatology as the treatment of acne. The Academy is an extremely influential body as the control of established standards of care for clinical, corporate and government levels. It is striking that the seventh and last item in the list of treatment is called "Dietary restrictions (not recommended)". Obviously, their selection is not associated with the main cause of acne, but only treats the symptoms.
Treating the symptoms means constant visits to the dermatologist, and continued profits for the medical and pharmaceutical industries.
The implications of these recommendations is to be expected – the hype of drugs supported by the increase in corporate costs of Federal regulations, biased, misinformed medical practices, and constant deception of the public.
A review of traditional methods of acne treatment
- Local treatment (lotions, creams, gels) – often the first thing a doctor will prescribe.
- Oral antibiotics (tetracycline, doxycycline, minocycline and erythromycin) is prescribed usually for the treatment of moderate and severe rash.
- "Accutane" (isotretinoin) and its generic form in severe cases of acne.
Avoid one of the MOST dangerous ever produced drugs
"Accutane" — a very controversial drug, which, for some incredible reason, remains the industry standard for the treatment of severe acne. Swiss pharmaceutical company Roche Holding AG, manufacturer of "Accutane", spent huge amount of time in court defending themselves against lawsuits filed by people whose health have been irreparably harmed by taking this terrible drug.
The company Roche has lost six out of six lawsuits and was recently forced to pay $25,16 million in damages took "accutane" patient, who had developed inflammatory bowel disease as a result of application of the drug. Due to competition from generic forms, and excessive expenditure on claims of injury, in June 2009, Roche stopped selling the drug.
However, the generic form "Accutane" (isotretinoin) is no less deadly and it continues to be sold on the market under the names Claravis, Sotret and Amnesteem. "Accutane" took more than two million people, although, as we know, it causes depression, suicidal ideation, inflammatory bowel disease, as well as a 100 percent guarantee of birth defects in the fetus if the drug takes pregnant woman.
In 2004, scintigraphy of the brain showed that people taking accutane, 21% reduced activity of the frontal part of the brain – it plays an important role in the formation of attitudes and in social interaction. These brain changes may explain the depression, suicidal and aggressive behavior, and psychotic reactions reported by people taking "accutane".
Is getting rid of acne is worth it?
Even official regulation policy acknowledges the real danger of "Accutane". Management on control over foodstuff and drug administration (FDA) warned doctors and patients about cases of "depression, psychosis, rarely suicidal thoughts and actions" related application "Accutane". Patients taking this drug reported to the FDA that these psychological symptoms started to regress when they stopped treatment "Accutane", and continued to progress, with the resumption of this drug.
In light of these events, has been changed marking "Accutane" to warn against its use, as the drug threat to the development of depression. Isotretinoin now have the highest degree of caution that can only be from the drug, and the FDA has assigned a rating of X in the category of pregnancy.
According to the Mayo clinic:If you are taking isotretinoin during pregnancy, you are almost guaranteed to harm your child. "Accutane" is an extremely teratogenic drug (harm to fetus).
"Upotreblenie isotretinoin contributes to the development of birth defects, so it cannot be taken by pregnant women or women who may become pregnant during treatment or within several weeks after its completion.
Essentially, the drug has such serious potential side effects that women of reproductive age can get a prescription for this medication only when participating in approved Management under the control over foodstuff and medicines of the USA monitoring program".
In addition to teratogenic and psychological adverse effects, people taking "accutane" (isotretinoin) have reported the following negative consequences:
The elevation of triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood
Elevated liver enzymes and liver damage
Erectile dysfunction
Headaches and brain swelling
Disorders of the Central nervous system
Damage to the skin and mucous membranes; premature closure of the growth zone of the epiphysis
The hyperostosis (bone growth) and bone demineralization
Neutropenia, agranulocytosis, and rhabdomyolysis (blood diseases)
The development of inflammatory bowel disease
Eye damage, including cataracts
Hearing loss
Heart attack, stroke
Allergic vasculitis
Antibiotics for acne: doing more harm than good
Many dermatologists prescribe long-term antibiotic treatment for acne. Despite the fact that oral antibiotics are widely promoted, I recommend that you avoid these medications because they will cause more problems than it would solve.
Whenever you take an antibiotic, along with pathogenic bacteria kill you and useful. It may create grounds for yeast infections, and the development of resistant strains of bacteria.
Antibiotic resistance is a serious growing problem of our time. It also includes antibiotics that are prescribed for acne, such as erythromycin. This antibiotic is becoming increasingly inefficient, because it has adapted a large number of strains of bacteria. More and more doctors are beginning to abandon the treatment of acne with antibiotics, or at least limit their use.
Besides antibiotic resistance, antibiotics are also associated with certain risks.
For example:
- Erythromycin can cause damage to your teeth or skeleton.
- Doxycycline affects the sensitivity.
- Minocycline is known to cause pigment deposition in the skin (most often in the form of acne scars), mucous membranes and teeth, and sometimes provokes the appearance of autoimmune hepatitis (lupus like syndrome) and reactions similar to serum sickness.
In fact, acne is very easy to cure natural ways
Like other chronic diseases common in Western populations (diabetes, heart disease and obesity), acne is a disease mainly of the Western world.
There is more and more evidence that the main cause of acne is not bacteria or genetics, but environmental factors, especially diet. This skin disease is less concentrated in those areas that are not so heavily influenced by the West. In this environment, refined carbohydrates and sugar are consumed in much smaller quantities. There is strong evidence that the main CAUSE of acne is a diet high in sugar and refined carbohydrates.
Now we already know that a diet low in grains or grain free diet with high probability will clear your skin forever!
Antibiotics not necessary, because the proper diet will create an internal environment that will NOT ALLOW excessive bacterial growth.
After a diet, the second most influential factor is stress.
Part of a comprehensive approach to preventing progression of acne is stress management. We know thattress is a major factor in the development of infections of any kind. So why are doctors not lining up to tell you the good news? And how will they be able to "sell" you a healthy diet? You are the only one interested in it!
Grain-free diet will relieve you from acne FOREVER!
Not all carbs are created equal. There are the following types of carbohydrates:
- Simple carbohydrates are sugar contained in candy, soda and baked goods. It is best to strictly limit them in your diet and try to give them up completely. Especially beware of corn syrup with high fructose, which is a major component in carbonated beverages and processed products.
- Complex carbohydrates contained in natural whole foods such as beans, nuts, whole grains and vegetables. Despite the fact, beans, nuts and grains have more nutritional value than simple carbohydrates, their use will have to limit if you suffer from acne.
Elevated levels of IGF-1 may lead to increased quantities of male hormones, because of which the pores secrete more sebum, a fatty substance, which delayed the bacteria that cause acne. IGF-1 also causes the multiplication of skin cells (keratinocytes) is a process that is also associated with acne.
That is why one should avoid most grain products if you have acne.
This hypothesis is confirmed by research.
Published in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition study 2007, young people (aged 15 to 25 years), suffering from acne for 12 weeks adhered to a low-glycemic diet, as a result, significantly reduce the appearance of acne and insulin sensitivity.
Similar results were obtained in the study of 2002, which examined how the bread may trigger acne.
The rejection of grains, sugars (particularly fructose), cereals, potatoes, corn, rice, pasta, processed foods – will help significantly reduce the appearance of acne. A sufficient amount of fructose is found in fruits, so if you are predisposed to the graduate and acne, you should reduce their use. Fruit juices should be strictly avoided as they are very high sugar content. (It should be noted that vegetable juice is a great alternative, especially with the green.)
Can a gluten worsen acne?
Gluten (gluten) of wheat and other grains can contribute to the development of symptoms of acne, if you have an intolerance to gluten, like many people. This is a separate phenomenon, not related to the effects of insulin, which has already been discussed.
Gluten is the Prime suspect if you have rosacea (acne rosacea) is a common problem, particularly occurring in people born in the period of sharp increase in the birth rate.
According to a gluten-free diet:
"People with gluten intolerance cannot digest, so the body does not recognize it food and therefore when you try to digest it considers gluten a foreign body.
Because the human body gluten intolerance is not able adequately to assimilate, over time, slowly damages the small intestine, leading to digestive problems. Gluten intolerance can cause other symptoms, eliminating toxins through the skin as acne, for example."
Given this sensitivity to gluten, it makes sense to try a gluten-free diet for one month and see if it'll affect the condition of acne or a manifestation of other diseases.
The linkage of the milk, iodine and acne
I want to warn those who suffer from acne. In milk, as a rule, contains a sufficient amount of iodine, although in raw milk, it is less than the pasteurized. Iodine is known to aggravate the process of acne.
Several studies have documented this relationship, as farmers often feed cows with feed enriched with iodine to prevent infection.
So if you drink milk, choose raw, not pasteurized — it is the right thing, regardless of whether you have skin problems. Because raw milk contains iodine at healthier concentrations, it is unlikely to worsen acne, in contrast to pasteurized – but, still, there will be a probability that even raw milk can cause manifestation of the disease. With the aim of getting rid of acne once and for all, it seems appropriate to completely exclude milk and other dairy products from your diet.
I don't know about the studies that have investigated the relationship between raw milk and acne. If you want to check it out for yourself, you can try drinking raw milk from animals fed organic grass, and if your skin condition worse, eliminate milk from your diet.

A lot of funds on skin care products only aggravate the problem
What you put on the skin is as important as what you eat. After all, what you apply topically, is easily absorbed through the skin, which is actually a semi-permeable membrane, through which your body gets the substances.
Many of today's cosmetics and personal skin care is nothing more than a toxic mix of harmful chemicals, which cause more skin problems than they solve. And in the case of acne, these chemicals can cause development of the disease or prevent its cure.
Why do so many cleansers, lotions and ointments contain these potentially hazardous ingredients?
Because they are cheap, easily accessible and easily distributable.
For industry skin care is all good. Estimates of the Working group on environmental protection (EWG), 99% of personal care products contain more than one ingredient, which have never been tested for safety. The industry controls itself, working on the "principles of honor", but there are many dishonest players.
So you need to carefully read the contents on the labels to know what you are buying.
Dedicate a daily five minute face cleansing – remove dirt collected on the skin throughout the day and clog pores. And ladies, please, never go to sleep, do not wash makeup. Also preferably one or two times a week apply on the skin a light scrub. Just be careful, especially if you have a rash, and never pull or RUB the skin too much.
Use clean, safe, natural products for skin care, preferably organic. Apply such funds to warm the skin – this maximises their absorption.
The way to clean the skin without stress
Stress can lead to the deterioration of any disease, including acne. It is very important to learn how to manage your stress before it you will overcome. Even more important is to teach your children while they are still young, because the continuous stress will accumulate and will begin to have a negative impact on their health.
Recent studies support the hypothesis that stress can aggravate acne.
In one study involving College students found a link between acne outbreaks and stress from exams. The researchers found that the subjects who experienced the greatest stress during exams, suffered from acne in a more severe form, which indicates that emotional stress from external sources as a significant factor.
Previously it was thought that the stress associated with acne is its consequence, not the cause. But it's worth noting that the above researchers believe their new study proves the opposite — that stress aggravates acne, not Vice versa.
In addition, stress and fatigue can lead to adrenal fatigue, kotoroe depletes the adrenal glands. It can also impair the process of development of acne, as well as significantly increasing the level of stress.
But how to deal with the constant stress in today's demanding world?
My favorite way is emotional freedom technique or EFT. EFT is a light tapping with fingertips on energy meridians of the body, to cleanse emotional blocks, thus, restores balance of mind and body. EFT is an effective method of dealing with stress, which is easy to master by adults and children. It can even help with physical complaints such as chronic pain, Allergy symptoms and much more.
You can also try other proven methods of yoga and meditation.

You can maintain healthy condition of your skin
Remember: the color of the face reflects the overall condition of your health. Don't forget to consider these important factors in your plan on the fight against acne:
- Sugars and grains: this is probably the single most important step that needs to be done to improve the health of the skin. If you are able to remove from the diet your food sugar grains and at least for a few weeks, then most likely you will notice a significant improvement in complexion.
- Water: every day drink plenty of fresh, clean water. Hydration of the body contributes to the growth and regeneration of cells, eliminate toxins and exfoliate dead skin cells. Hydration also improves your skin tone.
Daily drink enough water so that your urine was a pale yellow color. If the urine is bright yellow, you should probably drink more water (unless you take b vitamins, which are themselves color the urine bright yellow). - Exercise: a large number of high intensity exercise helps the body rid itself of toxins, including those that clogged the pores of your skin. In addition, exercise is vitally important for all other aspects of your health. Well, if you get the infrared sauna – the more you sweat, the more washed out of your pores of unwanted debris and dirt.
- Sleep: did you know that a good sleep reduces stress and helps to cleanse the skin? It was at night time while you sleep, your body is healed and restored, and your skin. Sleep is also necessary for energy and good mood.
- The proper balance of bacteria: this fact is especially important if you've taken antibiotics, because these drugs indiscriminately kill all the bacteria in the intestine, including, useful, without which it is impossible to have a strong immune system. You can reestablish your bacterial balance by taking high quality supplements with probiotics and also include in your diet, naturally fermented/cultured foods.
- Vitamin D: this nutrient is important for maintaining a healthy immune system, but most people don't have enough. Without proper levels of vitamin D the body can't resist infection, whether infection of the skin or other organ. It is best to optimize your vitamin D levels with sunlight on large areas of skin or visit safe tanning. Stay in the sun until the skin is slightly porozoveet – it would mean that you got the optimal amount of vitamin D that day.
Do these 10 exercises of academician Amosov and you will always be healthy!
EFT: Emotional Freedom Technique
If you listen to my advice and change your lifestyle and diet, you will see a significant improvement in the health and appearance of skin. In addition, thanks to these methods, improves the health and condition of your purse – because you no longer have to spend money on expensive medications for acne that have no real or long lasting effect on your skin problems.
Remember: a lifestyle change is not a quick process, but in the long run you will definitely get the desired result! published
Author: Joseph Mercola
Source: russian.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2016/04/21/%D0%B8%D0%B7%D0%B1%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%82%D1%8C%D1%81%D1%8F-%D0%BE%D1%82-%D0%B0%D0%BA%D0%BD%D0%B5.aspx
Delicious broccoli cream soup with mushrooms
Neither inhale nor exhale: the presence of a block in the diaphragmatic segment