Neither inhale nor exhale: the presence of a block in the diaphragmatic segment
As you think what affects our breathing?
You can say the concentration of carbon dioxide. The concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood increases and activates the respiratory center in the brain, is the breath.
You already know that the chest involved in breathing. What else helps breathing? Few of you know about aperture.
Let's meet her. What is it?
The diaphragm is an unpaired muscle that separates the chest and abdominal cavity. Conventionally, it is the border to hold the lower edge of the ribs. Characteristic only of mammals and crocodiles. The appearance of the diaphragm in the process of evolution resulted in a dramatic increase ventilation.
The diaphragm muscle is responsible for the implementation of breath. The dome of the diaphragm moves down during inhalation and up during exhalation, and thereby helps the lung to fill with air and oxygen to breath and excrete carbon dioxide as you exhale. The presence of the block in the diaphragmatic segment is manifested in breathing, makes it difficult to inhale and exhale.
The aperture in the bodily therapy is given special attention. From its relaxing often depends on the effectiveness of therapy.
Because man restrains his emotions straining primarily the diaphragm and holding the breath. Good breath is a manifestation of emotions, feelings, vitality.
To breathe is to manifest himself to the world, the psychology and physiology meet here. If I could breathe or not? If I could display his power?
Block the ban on the exercise of power. Some scary relax, relaxation usually occurs on the exhale. For example, the military, athletes, business people routinely live to breath when activity is connected with a constant pursuit of achievements.
This block is most evident in the society. People are afraid to be alone among people and try to show themselves less, to be accepted by others.
Guilt can be here. Automatically the shoulders up.
Irritation. And then the person says, "I'm not angry – I'm crabby". It is typical for people who are unable to manifest itself fully, can not adapt to society.
Here about anger, which involves an active rejection of unacceptable for a person of the phenomena of the world. Ie the person is not on the transformation that does not suit him, and at the maximum distance from something unbearable.
People with a diaphragmatic block is distinguished by a high level of anxiety, the disappointment in yourself and life.
Many other topics being addressed in this segment in the classroom for physical therapy.
For example, frequent colds. It is known that immune cells move through the lymphatic system. Lymph moves slowly through the vessels, the heart, the lymphatic system does, help movement of muscle contraction, vibration of the blood vessels that run alongside and the movement of the diaphragm. No movement – cell time does not fall in the right place, the infection is spreading.
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Of course, you can practice different breathing techniques and practices and they will help you, but until you understand why this is happening to you (difficulty of inhalation or exhalation) – you will be hard to get rid of it.published
Author: Irina Sazonova
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: cross-club.ru/312-diafragma-ni-vdohnut-ni-vydohnut.html
You can say the concentration of carbon dioxide. The concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood increases and activates the respiratory center in the brain, is the breath.
You already know that the chest involved in breathing. What else helps breathing? Few of you know about aperture.
Let's meet her. What is it?

The diaphragm is an unpaired muscle that separates the chest and abdominal cavity. Conventionally, it is the border to hold the lower edge of the ribs. Characteristic only of mammals and crocodiles. The appearance of the diaphragm in the process of evolution resulted in a dramatic increase ventilation.
The diaphragm muscle is responsible for the implementation of breath. The dome of the diaphragm moves down during inhalation and up during exhalation, and thereby helps the lung to fill with air and oxygen to breath and excrete carbon dioxide as you exhale. The presence of the block in the diaphragmatic segment is manifested in breathing, makes it difficult to inhale and exhale.
The aperture in the bodily therapy is given special attention. From its relaxing often depends on the effectiveness of therapy.

Because man restrains his emotions straining primarily the diaphragm and holding the breath. Good breath is a manifestation of emotions, feelings, vitality.
To breathe is to manifest himself to the world, the psychology and physiology meet here. If I could breathe or not? If I could display his power?
Block the ban on the exercise of power. Some scary relax, relaxation usually occurs on the exhale. For example, the military, athletes, business people routinely live to breath when activity is connected with a constant pursuit of achievements.
This block is most evident in the society. People are afraid to be alone among people and try to show themselves less, to be accepted by others.
Guilt can be here. Automatically the shoulders up.
Irritation. And then the person says, "I'm not angry – I'm crabby". It is typical for people who are unable to manifest itself fully, can not adapt to society.
Here about anger, which involves an active rejection of unacceptable for a person of the phenomena of the world. Ie the person is not on the transformation that does not suit him, and at the maximum distance from something unbearable.
People with a diaphragmatic block is distinguished by a high level of anxiety, the disappointment in yourself and life.
Many other topics being addressed in this segment in the classroom for physical therapy.
For example, frequent colds. It is known that immune cells move through the lymphatic system. Lymph moves slowly through the vessels, the heart, the lymphatic system does, help movement of muscle contraction, vibration of the blood vessels that run alongside and the movement of the diaphragm. No movement – cell time does not fall in the right place, the infection is spreading.
Also interesting: the Clips in my throat — your "silent" problems
What hurts your neck
Of course, you can practice different breathing techniques and practices and they will help you, but until you understand why this is happening to you (difficulty of inhalation or exhalation) – you will be hard to get rid of it.published
Author: Irina Sazonova
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: cross-club.ru/312-diafragma-ni-vdohnut-ni-vydohnut.html