Itching: HOW your skin betrays your emotions
Hands is an important part of the body. At the hands of many functions. Hands we attract, repel, beat and caress, embrace. Through the hands we bring anger into the blow.
What your hands say about you?
Hands – one of the "tools" to influence the world. It is the hands we are actively cooperating with him. And violations in this sphere, the internal stiffness in the contact with others, in samoupravleniya often appears in muscle units of the shoulder girdle and hands. It is important how you are able to make expressive movements.
Hands – our gateway to the world. If we are not able with sufficient force to beat, to push, pull, caress – tension or weakness of the hands only reflect our psychological barriers. Because the power is not in the hands hands is a guide. A serious effort is made by all body, primarily the powerful muscles of the pelvis and legs. Hands hold and direct energy throughout the body. Muscle blocks just prevent the full transmission of the whole body, or, in other terms, the energy flow to the hands.
So the problem is with the stiffness of the hands is primarily a problem with active expression in the outer world. The expressive movements of the hands can significantly dominate (or nearly absent) motion repelling or attracting; retaining; aggressive; recruiting...
Hands may be too tense to try to compensate for the weakness; may be restricted mobility, do not hand in a whole and their separate parts or muscle groups (flexors or extensors).
You probably met a symbolic interpretation of various parts of the hands?
For example, the fingers are responsible for thin contacts, learning, ability to take, hold and give. Elbows – instrument "establishing the boundaries", the powerful "natural weapons". We Masha pushes the other; its elbows, expand your personal space, and "becoming more".
In General, you need not look so much on the individual parts of the hands, as all movements in the complex.
A person with a muscular block in the thoracic segment can be cold, wet hands, or excessive nervous gestures, awkward hands. The need somewhere to hide the hands (pockets, sleeves), rubbing the hands, the desire is always something to hold in his hands (a pen, a lighter) – can also speak about the presence of voltage.
Skin disease on hands can occur when people suppress their feelings. What feelings are suppressed usually? Irritation, resentment, anger. If you have an Allergy, it can say that you are someone or something in your life do not move, do not accept. It could be someone of people, some sphere of life or some situation.
Products or substances that provoke an allergic reaction is not a cause of allergies. The reason is always inside, not outside.
But all hidden when it becomes apparent your skin betrays your emotions. It could also be guilt. You "soiled" yourself with some action. To itching may cause the suppression of our desires. Remember the expression: "itching to do it"?
Do you have desires that you don't like and do not tally with reality? Dissatisfaction in life can lead to itching and redness of the skin. Believe that itching is a subliminal analogue libido, and brushing the skin replaces symbolically the act of satisfaction. So you want to get satisfaction, but it does not fit with your moral beliefs.published
Author: Irina Sazonova
Also interesting: the Eye. Psychosomatics: the Displacement that "cannot or do NOT want to see"
Body stiffness. Jaw: all the unspoken meaningful to us
Source: cross-club.ru/299-ruki-cheshutsya.html
What your hands say about you?
Hands – one of the "tools" to influence the world. It is the hands we are actively cooperating with him. And violations in this sphere, the internal stiffness in the contact with others, in samoupravleniya often appears in muscle units of the shoulder girdle and hands. It is important how you are able to make expressive movements.

Hands – our gateway to the world. If we are not able with sufficient force to beat, to push, pull, caress – tension or weakness of the hands only reflect our psychological barriers. Because the power is not in the hands hands is a guide. A serious effort is made by all body, primarily the powerful muscles of the pelvis and legs. Hands hold and direct energy throughout the body. Muscle blocks just prevent the full transmission of the whole body, or, in other terms, the energy flow to the hands.
So the problem is with the stiffness of the hands is primarily a problem with active expression in the outer world. The expressive movements of the hands can significantly dominate (or nearly absent) motion repelling or attracting; retaining; aggressive; recruiting...
Hands may be too tense to try to compensate for the weakness; may be restricted mobility, do not hand in a whole and their separate parts or muscle groups (flexors or extensors).
You probably met a symbolic interpretation of various parts of the hands?
For example, the fingers are responsible for thin contacts, learning, ability to take, hold and give. Elbows – instrument "establishing the boundaries", the powerful "natural weapons". We Masha pushes the other; its elbows, expand your personal space, and "becoming more".
In General, you need not look so much on the individual parts of the hands, as all movements in the complex.
A person with a muscular block in the thoracic segment can be cold, wet hands, or excessive nervous gestures, awkward hands. The need somewhere to hide the hands (pockets, sleeves), rubbing the hands, the desire is always something to hold in his hands (a pen, a lighter) – can also speak about the presence of voltage.
Skin disease on hands can occur when people suppress their feelings. What feelings are suppressed usually? Irritation, resentment, anger. If you have an Allergy, it can say that you are someone or something in your life do not move, do not accept. It could be someone of people, some sphere of life or some situation.
Products or substances that provoke an allergic reaction is not a cause of allergies. The reason is always inside, not outside.

But all hidden when it becomes apparent your skin betrays your emotions. It could also be guilt. You "soiled" yourself with some action. To itching may cause the suppression of our desires. Remember the expression: "itching to do it"?
Do you have desires that you don't like and do not tally with reality? Dissatisfaction in life can lead to itching and redness of the skin. Believe that itching is a subliminal analogue libido, and brushing the skin replaces symbolically the act of satisfaction. So you want to get satisfaction, but it does not fit with your moral beliefs.published
Author: Irina Sazonova
Also interesting: the Eye. Psychosomatics: the Displacement that "cannot or do NOT want to see"
Body stiffness. Jaw: all the unspoken meaningful to us
Source: cross-club.ru/299-ruki-cheshutsya.html