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Your emotions - the vibrating indicator balance or imbalance

Your physical body from birth provided with an extremely accurate and sophisticated translators of vibrations, but you sometimes do not realize that they possess, and use in particular - for the determination of physical reality. But you live in a vibrating world, and if you can and take it, it is because that you have the ability to "translate" vibration.

Your eyes are transferred vibration, and therefore you have a vision.
Your ears translate the vibration, and so you have a hearing.
Your nose translates vibrations, so you have a sense of smell.
Your skin carries vibration, and so you have a sense of how the sense of touch.
And your tongue translates vibrations, so you have taste.

The ability to understand the integrity of their own "I" as the Eternal nonphysical entities (embodied, including the physical body) is shown with the help of vibration translators, who do you call emotions.

That emotion every moment provide you comprehensive information about the non-physical vibration between "I" and physical "I". Nothing is more important than the relationship. Nothing can improve the physical life, as the understanding of their own emotions. They will tell you everything that you need to know about the relationship between physical and non-physical "I».

When you pay attention to your own emotions, you literally feel how your vibrations correspond to the vibration source.

One has only to want to, and you will not only be aware of the relationship with his non-physical side, but also be able to maintain a constant vibrational match to it. All you need to do - the conscious desire and a bit of practice

. We call this state of conscious vibration matched its own initial energy ... Art Acceptance. Art is taking you to fully feel your "I" in this mighty advanced instant.
Whenever you reach this amazing connection, you like to feel more alive. You feel the zeal, passion, zeal, love, gratitude, and purity, you overwhelm the power of life and enthusiasm. In other words, you get the benefit of that "I", which you have been being on the cutting edge of creativity. This is the best creative experience, is the highest manifestation of life - and this is the most natural state of your being

. Thus, the connection with his real 'I' is achieved by vibrational match - a kind of coincidence of vibration signals, so to speak. This process does not differ from the radio tuning to the correct frequency. You understand that if you need the station, located at 98.7 FM wave, it is necessary to adjust the receiver is on it. Frequencies must be the same, of course, if you want the sound was clean.
And let your physical body is not equipped with a special knob or counter that would show, on what kind of frequency you "broadcast" - but you have emotions. They always provide you with the relevant information.

Once you set a conscious connection between the physical personality (which you know as the "self" in the physical body) and non-physical Eternal Consciousness (which is your true "I"), you can succeed in this physical life.

You need to understand that life does not begin at physical birth, but is merely an extension of your true "I". Knowledge of their own integrity - a prerequisite that you could somehow "held" in the physical life

. Another important point for the pleasure of life is the realization of self-worth and importance. To achieve this, you can only by a real connection with their own non-physical component. In other words, if you do not realize who you really are, and you reach a vibrational match with your true "I", in the physical world can not find a substitute for this compound.

Sometimes you connect to the source, when you look at something pleasant or communicate with a person who is in compliance with their inner self. You can come into compliance with the state without even being aware of what you are doing this, for example, when experiencing feelings of gratitude ... But the highest manifestation of life is understanding the importance of compliance and understanding of how to achieve and maintain it.

Source Energy, Inner Essence (can be called Eternal nonphysical energy, from which you have come, as you see fit) will never, under any circumstances, will not feel for you nothing but love and gratitude.

Once you learn to recognize the feelings that arise in compliance or non-compliance of the initial energy, it will be able to effectively use their own emotional Steering System.

You can, for example, say:

whether you are in compliance or non-compliance (with its Energy Source);
you are connected or not connected (to your Source Energy);
you are taking or protivodeystvuete (its Energy Source).

Achieving a conscious awareness of the relationship between the natural vibration and the vibration source - that is fundamental to the conscious creation of a happy and harmonious life. You should feel the vibration correspondence between thoughts that currently occupy your mind and thoughts, which adheres to your Inner Being on this point - in this case, strictly speaking, it is Conscious Connection. When you feel a vibration, or the harmony of dissonance between the two vibration positions, then you begin to understand the principles of their own emotional Steering Systems.

Consciously reach the thoughts that lead your two vibration positions in line - that is the real definition of energy balance. When you join our true "I", then you feel your own energy balance and come into compliance with the real strength and power inner essence. Nothing will ever be able to replace this correspondence.

Having reached a balanced state of energy, you feel clarity, vitality, ardor and zeal. For you to come to physical health, wealth and well-being throughout. You will feel great joy. And it is the most natural state for the entity that you really are.

Understand the main thing: you are vibrating "magnet" for things and events, and you can control what happens in life. When you are fully aware of this before you open a new, previously unknown horizons ... You do not need anything to limit myself, do not try to protect themselves from possible dangers - for any undesirable events can not forcibly break into your life. You yourself are creating their own destiny, and no one else has the ability to influence it. This is very true for each of you.

We refer to relevant sources of vibration condition of acceptance. And when talking about non-compliance of a vibrating source, then we give him a certain lack of acceptance. The farther you move away from conformity, the weaker your connection with the Source, the more you render counteract vibration of joy, health, clarity and understanding, wealth and prosperity, and finally, their own good. Pay attention to your emotions - they are at any time to help you understand the level of acceptance or opposition: the better the mood, the stronger your connection with the Source. The worse the mood, the more you protivodeystvuete the Good.

Suppose you decide that the awareness of the vibrational relativity between themselves and the source is a matter of paramount importance. Be aware - you have made the most important decision of all. At this point you consciously stepped up its own steering system, which now will not allow you to stray from the true path. By learning to understand their emotions and their meaning, you will be able to lift your mood, choosing more and more positive thoughts - and then there is no desire or decision that you would not be able to easily bring to life ... You can get everything easily that only want.

As you will continue to be created, new desires and intentions, and with them will gradually increase the belief in their own abilities. You will cover a delightful sense of freedom and self-invincibility that seemed to bask in the happiness, joy and love. You will feel the same as your Inner Being - and become to enjoy all facets of the world, are born in your new desires. You will feel like the desire to accumulate energy, created all things, and its flow elevates you to the top of the leading edge of the universe.

And to put it simply: the vibration relationship between you and your inner self characterizes the difference between positive and negative emotions. Positive emotions mean appropriate sources, or taking it, while negative emotions indicate your countering energy sources.

Let's look at the whole spectrum of emotions, ranging from positive (joy, love, gratitude, and so on. D.) To the negative (depression, powerlessness, fear, grief, etc.). Do not you feel a huge creative force have positive emotions, negative emotions and how can cut the ground from under his feet? Do not you understand what freedom is waiting for you at one end of the vibration of the scale, and to what extent you are enslaved to another?

That portion of the Steering Emotional Scale, on which there are positive emotions, corresponds to the vibration perceived freedom. The negative end of the Emotional Scale Steering coincides with the vibration of unfreedom. Freedom or lack thereof - in fact no more than a sensation. In fact (whether you realize it or not) you are always completely free, because no one can forcibly break into your consciousness and make you emit certain vibrations. Only your own vibratory promise may have an impact on your life. That is why it is so important to understand and recognize that some emotions are telling you about the feeling of absolute freedom and power, others - signal about your weakness and dependence

. Your Inner Being (the same source) understands that you will always, at all times free to create what you want. But if you feel that you are not free, the negative emotions (which are due, for example, depression, discouragement, despair or fear) indicates no connection to the source. Your Inner Being (or source) understands that you, under any circumstances, free to create what you would like. Therefore, if you feel free, you feel internal harmony, and it speaks volumes about your relevant sources.

If you have come to the conclusion that there is nothing more important than feeling good, you did it for yourself is the most important conclusion. This means that you have decided to consciously control the vibrational relationship between himself and the Source. You have decided to use the inherent steering system for controlling vibrational relativity between its own vibration and the vibration of the Inner Being. You have decided to maintain a connection with the Source. You have decided to enjoy life. You have chosen clarity, vitality, energy, love, passion, abundance in everything - and endless joy


Imagine Steering Emotional Scale, at one end of which there are positive emotions, and on the other - negative. Now imagine that the end on which are located the positive emotions - a state of acceptance, and to the end, on which the negative emotions - a state of opposition. It is obvious that you can move on this scale either up or down depending on your choice of thoughts. The more obvious is that the further you move away from the one end of the scale, the more approach to another. Simply put, one idea is better, the other - worse. That is, one makes you feel positive emotions, the other - negative. A positive thought means a state of acceptance, negative - says on combating ...

If you are at all times will strive to emotions that little bit better than what you are experiencing at the moment, then over time the world will appear before your eyes just the way it sees your inner self. And then the opposition will remain far behind.

Your own opposition - that is the only factor that prevents the execution of all of what you dream

. The disease - a counter
. Frustration - a counter
. Poverty and destitution -
opposition. Sadness and sorrow -
opposition. Accidents - is also counter ...

All that is for you to trouble or problem arises in life solely because of your counter natural goods.

From the book by EI D.Hiks "Amazing power of conscious intent"