The man promised to return in a week, but disappeared for 20 years
There are different personality types. And immediately guessing which men leave and which do not, is not always possible. But there is no shame in mistrusting the wrong person. But is it hurtful? Sure.
Irina knew firsthand what it was like to feel abandoned and forgotten. The man, the love of her life, just left. And 20 years later, there's no word from him. But one short call changed everything.
A sudden call Irina has long planned to get rid of the landline. Nobody uses it anyway. And the rare calls usually turned out to be advertising designed for retirees. Not that Irina was a pensioner, but advertising for her monthly payment she definitely did not need. Now the world of communication is ruled by mobile phones. Irina has already 2nd, the son gave it.
Irina was very proud of her family. Although the children did not visit her often, she was well aware that the modern world requires more time and energy. They call, and that's great.
Peels Suddenly a woman jumped. She had forgotten what her phone sounded like. Loud and even annoying. Expecting to hear another recording announcing a good cable TV fare, Irina picked up the phone. On the other side there was a raucous male voice:
- Hello, Irunchik, is that you?
- Kostya?!
Irina was lucky to have a chair nearby. From an old familiar voice, the woman’s legs stopped obeying her, and she descended on the seat.
"Think about it! After 20 years, he found my phone number!, Irina thought. She actually wanted to cry. She has been waiting for this moment for a long time.
Events of the past Irina and Konstantin met in the last year of the university. It was that unique feeling of first love that remains with a person for the rest of his life. The young people could hardly break away from each other. Constantine wrote poems to Irina, and she brought him delicious cakes. It was fast approaching the wedding. And although Konstantin has not yet made an offer, Irina was sure that it was not far off.
However, instead of the proposal, Irina heard something completely different. Konstantin said his parents were moving to another area. And he'll have to go with them. But he'll be back in a week. No distance can separate them.
The Peels went a week, then another. Konstantin did not come, write or call. Irina began to write a letter several times, but quickly remembered that she did not know the new address of her lover.
Painful weeks grew into months and then into years. Irina finished her studies, got a job and married a good man. Although Irina was happy with her family life, she remembered Constantine almost every year. She also tried to imagine what life would have been like if she hadn’t left her.
Konstantin's story - What do you need? - Irina asked. - Why bother?
- Let me visit you. I need to explain.
- Good. Remember the address?
In the evening, Constantine crossed the threshold of her apartment. He looked tired and stuck. His clothes, however, showed good fortune. Unfortunately, Irina could not boast of this. She invited him to tea, noting with pleasure that she did not experience the expected storm of emotions. It's a lot easier.
- Where is your husband? asked Konstantin.
- A better world.
- I'm sorry. I'm a widower.
For a while they were silent, but then Constantine said:
- I have to apologize to you. I'm very guilty to you. I know it's hard to forgive, but I'll try to explain why. But it's actually very trivial. When we moved in, it turned out that my parents wanted to introduce me to a girl. She was of a wealthy seven, the daughter of a friend of her father. And I fell in love. It wasn't even about the money. The roof was blown away, it was so beautiful. And I completely forgot about you. And when he remembered, he was afraid to confess. I didn’t want to look like a traitor.
Irina listened to her first love, feeling nothing but pity and contempt. She assumed, but did not want to think that her chosen one could just get scared.
- You know, I thought things, she said. I told myself that you were lost in the woods. Or he hit his head in such a way that his memory was lost. And you were just a coward. But what made you come to see me now?
- Conscience, Constantine replied bitterly. I’ve been thinking about my mistakes lately. And there were plenty of them, and I'm trying to fix something. I hope you'll forgive me.
Irina sighed loudly. She could not help but admit that the resentment never went away. However, she now knew that she would not want to associate her life with such a person. In fact, she was lucky he never came back. So Irina happily forgave her first love. Then I bought him some candy and walked him to the door. She hoped this would be their last meeting.
Peels Life Wisdom: What Does This Story Teach Us? It does not matter who and when betrayed, cheated, offended. But it is very important to release the offense in time so that it does not affect the rest of your life. And the most important thing is not which men leave, but those who stay for life. Irina was lucky, and she realized that her life had gone well. For beside her, though not for life, was a man who really loved her and gave her happiness.
Irina knew firsthand what it was like to feel abandoned and forgotten. The man, the love of her life, just left. And 20 years later, there's no word from him. But one short call changed everything.

A sudden call Irina has long planned to get rid of the landline. Nobody uses it anyway. And the rare calls usually turned out to be advertising designed for retirees. Not that Irina was a pensioner, but advertising for her monthly payment she definitely did not need. Now the world of communication is ruled by mobile phones. Irina has already 2nd, the son gave it.
Irina was very proud of her family. Although the children did not visit her often, she was well aware that the modern world requires more time and energy. They call, and that's great.

Peels Suddenly a woman jumped. She had forgotten what her phone sounded like. Loud and even annoying. Expecting to hear another recording announcing a good cable TV fare, Irina picked up the phone. On the other side there was a raucous male voice:
- Hello, Irunchik, is that you?
- Kostya?!
Irina was lucky to have a chair nearby. From an old familiar voice, the woman’s legs stopped obeying her, and she descended on the seat.
"Think about it! After 20 years, he found my phone number!, Irina thought. She actually wanted to cry. She has been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Events of the past Irina and Konstantin met in the last year of the university. It was that unique feeling of first love that remains with a person for the rest of his life. The young people could hardly break away from each other. Constantine wrote poems to Irina, and she brought him delicious cakes. It was fast approaching the wedding. And although Konstantin has not yet made an offer, Irina was sure that it was not far off.
However, instead of the proposal, Irina heard something completely different. Konstantin said his parents were moving to another area. And he'll have to go with them. But he'll be back in a week. No distance can separate them.

The Peels went a week, then another. Konstantin did not come, write or call. Irina began to write a letter several times, but quickly remembered that she did not know the new address of her lover.
Painful weeks grew into months and then into years. Irina finished her studies, got a job and married a good man. Although Irina was happy with her family life, she remembered Constantine almost every year. She also tried to imagine what life would have been like if she hadn’t left her.
Konstantin's story - What do you need? - Irina asked. - Why bother?
- Let me visit you. I need to explain.
- Good. Remember the address?
In the evening, Constantine crossed the threshold of her apartment. He looked tired and stuck. His clothes, however, showed good fortune. Unfortunately, Irina could not boast of this. She invited him to tea, noting with pleasure that she did not experience the expected storm of emotions. It's a lot easier.
- Where is your husband? asked Konstantin.
- A better world.
- I'm sorry. I'm a widower.

For a while they were silent, but then Constantine said:
- I have to apologize to you. I'm very guilty to you. I know it's hard to forgive, but I'll try to explain why. But it's actually very trivial. When we moved in, it turned out that my parents wanted to introduce me to a girl. She was of a wealthy seven, the daughter of a friend of her father. And I fell in love. It wasn't even about the money. The roof was blown away, it was so beautiful. And I completely forgot about you. And when he remembered, he was afraid to confess. I didn’t want to look like a traitor.
Irina listened to her first love, feeling nothing but pity and contempt. She assumed, but did not want to think that her chosen one could just get scared.
- You know, I thought things, she said. I told myself that you were lost in the woods. Or he hit his head in such a way that his memory was lost. And you were just a coward. But what made you come to see me now?
- Conscience, Constantine replied bitterly. I’ve been thinking about my mistakes lately. And there were plenty of them, and I'm trying to fix something. I hope you'll forgive me.
Irina sighed loudly. She could not help but admit that the resentment never went away. However, she now knew that she would not want to associate her life with such a person. In fact, she was lucky he never came back. So Irina happily forgave her first love. Then I bought him some candy and walked him to the door. She hoped this would be their last meeting.

Peels Life Wisdom: What Does This Story Teach Us? It does not matter who and when betrayed, cheated, offended. But it is very important to release the offense in time so that it does not affect the rest of your life. And the most important thing is not which men leave, but those who stay for life. Irina was lucky, and she realized that her life had gone well. For beside her, though not for life, was a man who really loved her and gave her happiness.
Brewing is lightning fast, I no longer suffer from the faults of my husband, ordering a cold one without reason.
Star sons who carry their mothers in their arms