Excerpts from nightmares and erotic dreams
* ... I dream that my dog Alma brought me two puppies. Suits me 'fins, and then suddenly said in a human voice: "This is yours, remember ..." I woke up in a cold sweat' and then I have a whole week there was a desire to get rid of skunk 'as if in fact it was (the man' 38 years).
* ... I dreamed that I was sorry, I wrote in an elevator. On the floor and on the wall, where else. And this is my little precious liquid suddenly turns into golden nuggets of various sizes. I'm on my knees - I collect bits and pieces. Reaching home, I drank tea and toilet, and there is not obtained gold. I try, I try, but it is impossible. I'm back in the elevator - to collect the gold. It was a dream contagious, but ended badly. I woke up a little wet (engineer, 36 years).
* ... I struggled all night from the stork, who wanted to infect me with the baby, and I really did not want to take it, because I'm still learning (school girl 13 years).
* ... I have the dream was a reality. Half true. My two year old son in the garden something I ate or what, in general, it proponosilo. All day Saturday I was sitting on the pot. Loud sat. All have passed, and on Monday night I had a dream that he had diarrhea again and I put him on the potty. Just turned away as my mother in law (in the dream) screaming at me: "Are you a child to the pot does not tie! Look for it now ... "I turned around and froze: pot blown around on the floor of the sea son of diarrhea and no - fall. I get on her hands and tears on the kake - seeking children. I hear him crying ... and instantly wake up. My son was scared of something in a dream, woke up and screamed. They say that the mother feels, even in a dream child (female, 24 years).
* ... I dreamed that I was with a friend go through the woods and pick raspberries. Suddenly my friend abruptly stop, offering to be quiet and show up on the meadow. "You see - he says - Sponsors fly. Do not be scared. " I carefully looked closer: indeed, the flowers and herbs flying men age 20-25 and smiling at us. One saw and older - age 30. A friend of mine showed me how to sponsor beckon: fell on the grass and began to ride, how often do outdoor cats. Sponsors immediately perked up, and one of them, and then the second flew up to her and sat down on his shoulder. I decided not to lag behind and also a little ride on the ground. But I was afraid of the sponsors, and I began to sneak up behind them and grab the legs. They were thin and broke away. One thing I still caught. But no matter how the spit, did not understand why he told me. So I wake up (female, 43 years).
* ... Dream aliens gave me a little alien man. His height was twenty centimeters. I fed him and cared for. One (or just do not remember), we decided to engage in love with him. He was a great lover, but he always had to implanting (girl 24 years).
* ... I dreamed that a married woman who gave the announcement of oral sex. I did, of course, never seen, because the ordinary supporter of love. But the dream was like a movie. Around the teeth, mouth, genitals, tails and spines. All the moves and disgusting squelching. I miraculously escaped and survived (the man ''42).
* ... I dreamed a large tree, which, like nuts, hanging my former boys. And I'm with my best friends went to dance around the tree. We learned of his former fans, but for some reason this much feared and hid their faces in the leaves (student, 19 years).
* ... My most pleasant dream lately, though out of the window of the car I was rushing in emphasis shoot a machine gun, "Uzi" lover of his ex-wife. I see clearly and the machine, and turn into a colander enemy (man, 24 years old).
* ... And sleeping in a dream squeezed a pimple on his nose, but rather stem from the hole squeezed out a note folded into a tube. I read it and ran on a date with some girl ... and woke up completely (man, 18 years old).
* ... I often dream that my four children. In fact, I am a mother of three children. It's funny, but when I wake up, then mentally count them (a woman, 42 years old).
* ... A dream that my mother-in-law broke a bottle of vodka, and I called her mother and put the ax (male, 32 years).
* ... I dreamed that I was on trial in the court for the rape of an ordinary cat. And this is my cat Lepantina give testimony against me. And I said to her as Catwoman, and a finger touch. Only patted on the back and fed the fish. It is ridiculous of course, but I was given eight years in prison. In the dream, it was not funny (male, 33 years).
* ... A dream that Moscow broke the army of Batu Khan. Tatars run through the streets and loot shops. Dreaming that burned city hall, and the "Arena" have been stable. The Tatars were somehow all nice. I kept waiting for when they start raping Russian women. Waited, waited, but did not wait - woke up (girl 19 years).
* ... We are with a girlfriend for some reason got into the gang, which is preparing for a bank robbery. I whisper to her friend that she did not do anything to us then not planted. A leader had heard and said that we are the most responsible thing: first to enter the pot and entice protection. We make excuses, but we showed great razor, and we immediately agreed. On the day of the robbery we poured the erotic deodorant and threw coats on bare skin. I remember a long corridor along which are densely guards. When I approach to each, it swing open a second coat and showed him their charms. All fainted. So my friend and laid all the guards and went to the cashier. Cashiers-men felt something was wrong, and grabbed for his gun, but I have time to get ahead of them. I swing open in front of them a fur coat, but somehow beneath her I'm not naked and in dress. Bankers are already taking aim to kill me first, and I'm tearing my dress to bare his chest in front of them ... With a cry, I wake up: alarm goes off, I'm in tears, and on his chest torn nightgown (student, 21 years).
* ... So distinctly remembered the dream. A dream that can be taken to the commission of their old men, and in return receive a voucher for the purchase of new, non-drinking husband. I am a night stood, all occupied, passed, card received, all happy ... all of a sudden wake up really somewhere in the beginning of the four in the morning and start to gather, daughter wakes up and asks where it is, I improved, and I was like, "to the commission "... How we laughed and then (a woman, 38 years old).
* ... I dreamed that I hand over to the clinic wet and solid analysis. I am ashamed as a nurse is very young and beautiful. She picks up a box of shit, looks inside and happily pulls her to his chest: "I love strawberry!" (Man, 18 years old).
* ... I see myself in a dream on the edge of the forest. And from under the grass pulled up manhood. Yes, all these vigorous that dazzled. While come round - they were gone. I am - I do not find. Only one remained under the leaf, but such inferior (female, 44 years).
* Bad ... I dream of my immediate supervisor. He was forced to walk on his reception in the form of half-naked, and instead of my dinner, make love to me. And when I protivlyus this, he said that all the staff are doing, they say, give birth to his deputy marketing, then you will go for dinner (the secretary, 24 years).
* ... In my strange dream I got married, I have every half hour the children were born. About twenty per day, and bore not tired niskolechko (girl, 16).
* ... I dreamed big and pure love. In the morning I woke up and decided to record a dream, but felt shy (girl, 21).
* ... I recently had a dream: to visit me and a friend came as soon as I have from Women, the doorbell rang. I opened it and saw on the threshold of the military commissar. He tied me straight to the shoulder straps shirt and said: "Go to the army, my son, and I do it for you posteregu" (man, 18 years old).
* ... I dreamed that my mother sold me for $ 100 million Andrei Gubin. I became his wife lived in a mansion, and spent his money. And when all spent, then she returned to her mother (girl 13 years).
* ... I made love immediately with three pretty girls. This is my favorite dream. It is a pity that rarely see! (man, 17 years old).
* ... I fell asleep right on the beach and I do not know, that to me there is a dream, but I suddenly jumped up from his pad and casually slapped a passing stranger. So we met, but a week later parted (student, 22 years old).
* ... I dreamed about my own wedding. The groom looked at me with gentle eyes and whispered love. Suddenly everything tasted lettuce and shouted "bitter" and we began to kiss, and when turned on visitors, we saw that they were poisoned and died of lettuce (girl, 21).
* ... In my sleep, my husband and I have in real life husband No, I changed, and I ran after him with a dagger in his hand. I ran - ran, but never caught. I woke up and I think, should have been in school physical education not to miss (a woman '27 years).
* ... I dreamed that I was kissing with her cat. It is very rests not hurt scratched her wet nose and bulging eyes. Like Amy, with whom we kissed summer camp (student, 13 years).
* ... As soon as I fell asleep, as in a dream he came to his school. I'm sitting in class, but I know that the school corridor running scary monsters waiting 'when change comes, and we all come out of the class. And the bell rang and the students ran out into the corridor. Monsters with two or three heads disappointedly looked at us - these small and skinny. Then one of the monsters said to the others: "What there is' a small fry. Let's go to the teachers! "(Girl '16 years).
* ... I dreamed that I was walking down the street and met his old friend. The street was hot, and he was walking in winter fur hat. When I asked: "What's the matter? '' - He said:" I grow horns! "With tears in the eyes of a friend asked me to help get rid of them. We went to him, and at first they tried to tear, but nothing came of it, and then had to cut. I do not remember, we sawed it or not, but when I met him in reality, he complained of headaches (female, 27 years).
* ... I have almost every week give birth in a dream boy or a girl, and as I have not yet married and lead a monastic way of life 'is all very strange. I went to a psychic and asked to explain my dreams. He took the money and said that it is necessary to bear in earnest. A dream to me now to dream a little bit different: labor began to take the psychic. Though small, but still help (Girl '23).
* ... The most horrible dream all night defended the mausoleum from which tried to make a paid toilet. Sam did not write and did not give the other (male, 54 years).
* ... I have a beautiful 'soft' red cat Barsik. He loves me very much, and I love it. One day I dreamed a dream. Comes with Barsik spree, and immediately to the kitchen - there wants. I pour it into a bowl of soup, and he looks at me and says, humanly, "What do you have so badly fed? I would give sausages, and then some soup! You do not see 'I'm a cat, and I actually - man' man 'but that's bewitched into a cat. " I opened my mouth in surprise. Here 'I think' Wow, like a fairy tale. A cat again: "I myself have already tired of the cat walk. That would be a man. Help me 'You do love me, and I'll marry you. " Well, I'm asking, what do I need to do. It turned out that I have to eat the mouse, which I will Barsik. First, something I was sorry for him, I agreed, and when he returned with a mouse in his mouth, I nearly died of fright. How do I take it in my mouth as I will chew, swallow as it was then? (woman '35 years).
* ... I dreamed that I was gradually becoming similar to the Chechens. My comrades in the tank look at me very suspiciously, and hide from me the grenade. I do not want to become, but is increasingly becoming. Every five minutes shave haircut and his black beard, but it is growing (man '21).
* ... I dreamed that I froze ear and it came off really. Oh, I do not remember 'but I think I stuck him with a rubber adhesive, but the adhesive to glue ear, so it is impossible, and I went' likely 'to the doctor. I walk down the street and carry ear at arm's length. And somewhere in there I lost it. Can you imagine a nightmare: the night to seek their own ear. Under all I look down the bench, snow rake, asking passers in urns looking for. Caught many ears, but strangers. Curves are very small or 'even black (by blacks) found, but some nonsense. So with nothing and woke up. He remembered the dream and all day looking at the ears of the people passing by. And you know - in real life, too, nothing good will come across. Such are rubbish! (man '37 years).
* ... Dreamed to visit me, President Putin came and brought four bubble vodka. We sat down with him at the table ', and we did not have glasses. I rummaged through the kitchen 'but found nothing' than you can scoop up. We Putin then go to the neighbors and ask them for a glass. Very silly dream. I call 'neighbors stare and silence' I shouted to them: the president 'so peretak' and you feel sorry for glasses. Long walked. At the end of the sleep we are again with the president at the entrance deafen from the same glass. He recognized me in their hearts that this entrance will not elect him president once even a glass was not given. And crying. I almost tverezy, and he almost sat on the windowsill. Then I accompany him to the Kremlin went and woke up ... (the man '52).
* ... I milked a cow all night. The first and 'hope' for the last time (director of "44).
* ... I had a bath, Vladimir Zhirinovsky. He was holding a piece of soap and said, eat it, if you do not fulfill their campaign promises. And then somehow I ate (pensioner, 59 years).
* ... I dream that I have been freed after six years of his release. I came home 'met friends and went with them to celebrate the release. Pretty drunk, we went to the disco. Well, here 'a fight broke out. I was taken to the police station, and it turned out that the man was killed in a fight ', and this corpse sew me. At this time, I woke up and realized 'this is just a dream - and was very happy that I'm still (prisoner' 23).
* ... Just a horrible dream. To me he climbed into bed big alien dog. It lays down 'like a man', and silent. I did not move, I think, fall asleep, then I'm in the kitchen of her run away and wait out there. I looked, and she does not sleep, but somehow a human looks at me, stuck his paw 'as an ordinary man' and I suddenly touched his chest. I closed my eyes, pretend to me that everything seemed. And she told me 'dog is suddenly whispered in his ear so that it is up to me to declare the marriage of the newspaper came out and the number of its subscriber M-23541. That, they say, is now silent. Since I chose me. But she so me and paw paw. I yell: What are you, a reptile, straight into the shoes of me climbed into bed! Dirty same. But she had two hands ... I rest and woke up. In the hands of a pillow, which she herself grabbed and teeth imprints on a cushion. Even the tremors of this took place on the back. She looked after, and my teeth are something (a woman ''33).
* ... A dream that I'm "old lady" on the banks of the river near the leaky trough. On the beach - a lot of old men with fishing poles. I kept a sharp look out for, who first caught a goldfish. But I could not wait - woke up (young woman).
* ... At night I dream went on some cemetery. I saw the graves of pre-revolutionary, then went to German, so I thought, hills 'then ordinary graves, graves of my relatives' somehow all together. I saw there and his grave - what could it be? Then a very bright light - and went to the grave of the future. I looked at the graves of people still alive, and read what they died of. Then I saw the graves of the rich - the "new Russian". I even remember some of the inscriptions: "Moscow Shot racketeers", "drowned with his mistress in the Mediterranean Sea," "poison the oysters in a Paris restaurant," and so on (the student '24 years).
* ... Recently I dreamed I was captured by the Indians. They all raped me first, and then eaten. I woke up barely alive (she 's 17).
* ... I dreamed that my pipiska broke away from his usual place and began to run from my apartment. I jumped out of bed 'took the net and began to chase her (man' 18 years).
* ... I dream that I got a job in some company. I went to the cashier to get paid, and the cashier said to me, in which office do I get the money. I went into the room, and sitting there on the couch beautiful blonde. She explains to me that the country's economy is bad and they do not give out money and paying it with his body. After that she starts to kiss me and undress. We go with her on the couch and have sex. Apparently "all workers and employees of this company have been paid for this beauty (man '26 years).
* ... I dreamed that I died and gone to hell. Devils rushed to undress me, but I rejected their help. Not the Queen, I think, undress herself. And the little things more entire will. Section, the foot touched the water in the boiler. Not very hot. Suddenly I see: and there is not only women are fried, but also men swimming naked. I'm hysterical, I will not in the general wash bath, a separate women's boiler. I listened, listened, and shoved in general. Varyus little and reflect on their sins. Yes, and not so much those turned out. I looked closely at the sides, and spotted a peasant himself. He suffered in the neighborhood. Paddled to him, word for word - and temptations. We even foam on the water in the boiler whipped. Devils terrified 'and all that (student, 23 years).
* ... Night dream 'that I - a single man, and I have never had a wife. I woke up in a good mood, even smiled at his wife (a man '38 years).
* ... I dreamed that St. Petersburg has declared war Moscow, and I wrote to the air regiment.
* ... I dreamed that I was sorry, I wrote in an elevator. On the floor and on the wall, where else. And this is my little precious liquid suddenly turns into golden nuggets of various sizes. I'm on my knees - I collect bits and pieces. Reaching home, I drank tea and toilet, and there is not obtained gold. I try, I try, but it is impossible. I'm back in the elevator - to collect the gold. It was a dream contagious, but ended badly. I woke up a little wet (engineer, 36 years).
* ... I struggled all night from the stork, who wanted to infect me with the baby, and I really did not want to take it, because I'm still learning (school girl 13 years).
* ... I have the dream was a reality. Half true. My two year old son in the garden something I ate or what, in general, it proponosilo. All day Saturday I was sitting on the pot. Loud sat. All have passed, and on Monday night I had a dream that he had diarrhea again and I put him on the potty. Just turned away as my mother in law (in the dream) screaming at me: "Are you a child to the pot does not tie! Look for it now ... "I turned around and froze: pot blown around on the floor of the sea son of diarrhea and no - fall. I get on her hands and tears on the kake - seeking children. I hear him crying ... and instantly wake up. My son was scared of something in a dream, woke up and screamed. They say that the mother feels, even in a dream child (female, 24 years).
* ... I dreamed that I was with a friend go through the woods and pick raspberries. Suddenly my friend abruptly stop, offering to be quiet and show up on the meadow. "You see - he says - Sponsors fly. Do not be scared. " I carefully looked closer: indeed, the flowers and herbs flying men age 20-25 and smiling at us. One saw and older - age 30. A friend of mine showed me how to sponsor beckon: fell on the grass and began to ride, how often do outdoor cats. Sponsors immediately perked up, and one of them, and then the second flew up to her and sat down on his shoulder. I decided not to lag behind and also a little ride on the ground. But I was afraid of the sponsors, and I began to sneak up behind them and grab the legs. They were thin and broke away. One thing I still caught. But no matter how the spit, did not understand why he told me. So I wake up (female, 43 years).
* ... Dream aliens gave me a little alien man. His height was twenty centimeters. I fed him and cared for. One (or just do not remember), we decided to engage in love with him. He was a great lover, but he always had to implanting (girl 24 years).
* ... I dreamed that a married woman who gave the announcement of oral sex. I did, of course, never seen, because the ordinary supporter of love. But the dream was like a movie. Around the teeth, mouth, genitals, tails and spines. All the moves and disgusting squelching. I miraculously escaped and survived (the man ''42).
* ... I dreamed a large tree, which, like nuts, hanging my former boys. And I'm with my best friends went to dance around the tree. We learned of his former fans, but for some reason this much feared and hid their faces in the leaves (student, 19 years).
* ... My most pleasant dream lately, though out of the window of the car I was rushing in emphasis shoot a machine gun, "Uzi" lover of his ex-wife. I see clearly and the machine, and turn into a colander enemy (man, 24 years old).
* ... And sleeping in a dream squeezed a pimple on his nose, but rather stem from the hole squeezed out a note folded into a tube. I read it and ran on a date with some girl ... and woke up completely (man, 18 years old).
* ... I often dream that my four children. In fact, I am a mother of three children. It's funny, but when I wake up, then mentally count them (a woman, 42 years old).
* ... A dream that my mother-in-law broke a bottle of vodka, and I called her mother and put the ax (male, 32 years).
* ... I dreamed that I was on trial in the court for the rape of an ordinary cat. And this is my cat Lepantina give testimony against me. And I said to her as Catwoman, and a finger touch. Only patted on the back and fed the fish. It is ridiculous of course, but I was given eight years in prison. In the dream, it was not funny (male, 33 years).
* ... A dream that Moscow broke the army of Batu Khan. Tatars run through the streets and loot shops. Dreaming that burned city hall, and the "Arena" have been stable. The Tatars were somehow all nice. I kept waiting for when they start raping Russian women. Waited, waited, but did not wait - woke up (girl 19 years).
* ... We are with a girlfriend for some reason got into the gang, which is preparing for a bank robbery. I whisper to her friend that she did not do anything to us then not planted. A leader had heard and said that we are the most responsible thing: first to enter the pot and entice protection. We make excuses, but we showed great razor, and we immediately agreed. On the day of the robbery we poured the erotic deodorant and threw coats on bare skin. I remember a long corridor along which are densely guards. When I approach to each, it swing open a second coat and showed him their charms. All fainted. So my friend and laid all the guards and went to the cashier. Cashiers-men felt something was wrong, and grabbed for his gun, but I have time to get ahead of them. I swing open in front of them a fur coat, but somehow beneath her I'm not naked and in dress. Bankers are already taking aim to kill me first, and I'm tearing my dress to bare his chest in front of them ... With a cry, I wake up: alarm goes off, I'm in tears, and on his chest torn nightgown (student, 21 years).
* ... So distinctly remembered the dream. A dream that can be taken to the commission of their old men, and in return receive a voucher for the purchase of new, non-drinking husband. I am a night stood, all occupied, passed, card received, all happy ... all of a sudden wake up really somewhere in the beginning of the four in the morning and start to gather, daughter wakes up and asks where it is, I improved, and I was like, "to the commission "... How we laughed and then (a woman, 38 years old).
* ... I dreamed that I hand over to the clinic wet and solid analysis. I am ashamed as a nurse is very young and beautiful. She picks up a box of shit, looks inside and happily pulls her to his chest: "I love strawberry!" (Man, 18 years old).
* ... I see myself in a dream on the edge of the forest. And from under the grass pulled up manhood. Yes, all these vigorous that dazzled. While come round - they were gone. I am - I do not find. Only one remained under the leaf, but such inferior (female, 44 years).
* Bad ... I dream of my immediate supervisor. He was forced to walk on his reception in the form of half-naked, and instead of my dinner, make love to me. And when I protivlyus this, he said that all the staff are doing, they say, give birth to his deputy marketing, then you will go for dinner (the secretary, 24 years).
* ... In my strange dream I got married, I have every half hour the children were born. About twenty per day, and bore not tired niskolechko (girl, 16).
* ... I dreamed big and pure love. In the morning I woke up and decided to record a dream, but felt shy (girl, 21).
* ... I recently had a dream: to visit me and a friend came as soon as I have from Women, the doorbell rang. I opened it and saw on the threshold of the military commissar. He tied me straight to the shoulder straps shirt and said: "Go to the army, my son, and I do it for you posteregu" (man, 18 years old).
* ... I dreamed that my mother sold me for $ 100 million Andrei Gubin. I became his wife lived in a mansion, and spent his money. And when all spent, then she returned to her mother (girl 13 years).
* ... I made love immediately with three pretty girls. This is my favorite dream. It is a pity that rarely see! (man, 17 years old).
* ... I fell asleep right on the beach and I do not know, that to me there is a dream, but I suddenly jumped up from his pad and casually slapped a passing stranger. So we met, but a week later parted (student, 22 years old).
* ... I dreamed about my own wedding. The groom looked at me with gentle eyes and whispered love. Suddenly everything tasted lettuce and shouted "bitter" and we began to kiss, and when turned on visitors, we saw that they were poisoned and died of lettuce (girl, 21).
* ... In my sleep, my husband and I have in real life husband No, I changed, and I ran after him with a dagger in his hand. I ran - ran, but never caught. I woke up and I think, should have been in school physical education not to miss (a woman '27 years).
* ... I dreamed that I was kissing with her cat. It is very rests not hurt scratched her wet nose and bulging eyes. Like Amy, with whom we kissed summer camp (student, 13 years).
* ... As soon as I fell asleep, as in a dream he came to his school. I'm sitting in class, but I know that the school corridor running scary monsters waiting 'when change comes, and we all come out of the class. And the bell rang and the students ran out into the corridor. Monsters with two or three heads disappointedly looked at us - these small and skinny. Then one of the monsters said to the others: "What there is' a small fry. Let's go to the teachers! "(Girl '16 years).
* ... I dreamed that I was walking down the street and met his old friend. The street was hot, and he was walking in winter fur hat. When I asked: "What's the matter? '' - He said:" I grow horns! "With tears in the eyes of a friend asked me to help get rid of them. We went to him, and at first they tried to tear, but nothing came of it, and then had to cut. I do not remember, we sawed it or not, but when I met him in reality, he complained of headaches (female, 27 years).
* ... I have almost every week give birth in a dream boy or a girl, and as I have not yet married and lead a monastic way of life 'is all very strange. I went to a psychic and asked to explain my dreams. He took the money and said that it is necessary to bear in earnest. A dream to me now to dream a little bit different: labor began to take the psychic. Though small, but still help (Girl '23).
* ... The most horrible dream all night defended the mausoleum from which tried to make a paid toilet. Sam did not write and did not give the other (male, 54 years).
* ... I have a beautiful 'soft' red cat Barsik. He loves me very much, and I love it. One day I dreamed a dream. Comes with Barsik spree, and immediately to the kitchen - there wants. I pour it into a bowl of soup, and he looks at me and says, humanly, "What do you have so badly fed? I would give sausages, and then some soup! You do not see 'I'm a cat, and I actually - man' man 'but that's bewitched into a cat. " I opened my mouth in surprise. Here 'I think' Wow, like a fairy tale. A cat again: "I myself have already tired of the cat walk. That would be a man. Help me 'You do love me, and I'll marry you. " Well, I'm asking, what do I need to do. It turned out that I have to eat the mouse, which I will Barsik. First, something I was sorry for him, I agreed, and when he returned with a mouse in his mouth, I nearly died of fright. How do I take it in my mouth as I will chew, swallow as it was then? (woman '35 years).
* ... I dreamed that I was gradually becoming similar to the Chechens. My comrades in the tank look at me very suspiciously, and hide from me the grenade. I do not want to become, but is increasingly becoming. Every five minutes shave haircut and his black beard, but it is growing (man '21).
* ... I dreamed that I froze ear and it came off really. Oh, I do not remember 'but I think I stuck him with a rubber adhesive, but the adhesive to glue ear, so it is impossible, and I went' likely 'to the doctor. I walk down the street and carry ear at arm's length. And somewhere in there I lost it. Can you imagine a nightmare: the night to seek their own ear. Under all I look down the bench, snow rake, asking passers in urns looking for. Caught many ears, but strangers. Curves are very small or 'even black (by blacks) found, but some nonsense. So with nothing and woke up. He remembered the dream and all day looking at the ears of the people passing by. And you know - in real life, too, nothing good will come across. Such are rubbish! (man '37 years).
* ... Dreamed to visit me, President Putin came and brought four bubble vodka. We sat down with him at the table ', and we did not have glasses. I rummaged through the kitchen 'but found nothing' than you can scoop up. We Putin then go to the neighbors and ask them for a glass. Very silly dream. I call 'neighbors stare and silence' I shouted to them: the president 'so peretak' and you feel sorry for glasses. Long walked. At the end of the sleep we are again with the president at the entrance deafen from the same glass. He recognized me in their hearts that this entrance will not elect him president once even a glass was not given. And crying. I almost tverezy, and he almost sat on the windowsill. Then I accompany him to the Kremlin went and woke up ... (the man '52).
* ... I milked a cow all night. The first and 'hope' for the last time (director of "44).
* ... I had a bath, Vladimir Zhirinovsky. He was holding a piece of soap and said, eat it, if you do not fulfill their campaign promises. And then somehow I ate (pensioner, 59 years).
* ... I dream that I have been freed after six years of his release. I came home 'met friends and went with them to celebrate the release. Pretty drunk, we went to the disco. Well, here 'a fight broke out. I was taken to the police station, and it turned out that the man was killed in a fight ', and this corpse sew me. At this time, I woke up and realized 'this is just a dream - and was very happy that I'm still (prisoner' 23).
* ... Just a horrible dream. To me he climbed into bed big alien dog. It lays down 'like a man', and silent. I did not move, I think, fall asleep, then I'm in the kitchen of her run away and wait out there. I looked, and she does not sleep, but somehow a human looks at me, stuck his paw 'as an ordinary man' and I suddenly touched his chest. I closed my eyes, pretend to me that everything seemed. And she told me 'dog is suddenly whispered in his ear so that it is up to me to declare the marriage of the newspaper came out and the number of its subscriber M-23541. That, they say, is now silent. Since I chose me. But she so me and paw paw. I yell: What are you, a reptile, straight into the shoes of me climbed into bed! Dirty same. But she had two hands ... I rest and woke up. In the hands of a pillow, which she herself grabbed and teeth imprints on a cushion. Even the tremors of this took place on the back. She looked after, and my teeth are something (a woman ''33).
* ... A dream that I'm "old lady" on the banks of the river near the leaky trough. On the beach - a lot of old men with fishing poles. I kept a sharp look out for, who first caught a goldfish. But I could not wait - woke up (young woman).
* ... At night I dream went on some cemetery. I saw the graves of pre-revolutionary, then went to German, so I thought, hills 'then ordinary graves, graves of my relatives' somehow all together. I saw there and his grave - what could it be? Then a very bright light - and went to the grave of the future. I looked at the graves of people still alive, and read what they died of. Then I saw the graves of the rich - the "new Russian". I even remember some of the inscriptions: "Moscow Shot racketeers", "drowned with his mistress in the Mediterranean Sea," "poison the oysters in a Paris restaurant," and so on (the student '24 years).
* ... Recently I dreamed I was captured by the Indians. They all raped me first, and then eaten. I woke up barely alive (she 's 17).
* ... I dreamed that my pipiska broke away from his usual place and began to run from my apartment. I jumped out of bed 'took the net and began to chase her (man' 18 years).
* ... I dream that I got a job in some company. I went to the cashier to get paid, and the cashier said to me, in which office do I get the money. I went into the room, and sitting there on the couch beautiful blonde. She explains to me that the country's economy is bad and they do not give out money and paying it with his body. After that she starts to kiss me and undress. We go with her on the couch and have sex. Apparently "all workers and employees of this company have been paid for this beauty (man '26 years).
* ... I dreamed that I died and gone to hell. Devils rushed to undress me, but I rejected their help. Not the Queen, I think, undress herself. And the little things more entire will. Section, the foot touched the water in the boiler. Not very hot. Suddenly I see: and there is not only women are fried, but also men swimming naked. I'm hysterical, I will not in the general wash bath, a separate women's boiler. I listened, listened, and shoved in general. Varyus little and reflect on their sins. Yes, and not so much those turned out. I looked closely at the sides, and spotted a peasant himself. He suffered in the neighborhood. Paddled to him, word for word - and temptations. We even foam on the water in the boiler whipped. Devils terrified 'and all that (student, 23 years).
* ... Night dream 'that I - a single man, and I have never had a wife. I woke up in a good mood, even smiled at his wife (a man '38 years).
* ... I dreamed that St. Petersburg has declared war Moscow, and I wrote to the air regiment.