Interpretation of erotic dreams
Are erotic dreams a consequence of the lack of sex in real life? Sometimes – maybe. However, in most cases, a wet dream has nothing to do with physical love.
Dreaming of a French kiss with a stranger is not a manifestation of Your desire relations with a new sexual partner, an erotic dream about Your Secretary doesn't mean a secret desire to have contact with her.
On human actions and reactions have an impact as a consciousness and a huge number of unconscious desires, motivations and fears. And if the day consciousness manage to keep a dominant role, during sleep we are driven by the unconscious. “Dreams, as Dr. Sigmund Freud – the Royal path of knowledge of the unconscious” because it is the night we can open the door there, ruled by a so-called primary psychical process – the movement of ideas and passions, not obeying the laws of logic. The unconscious does not speak to us directly and expressed in the language of symbols and smeshanno-condensed images. That is why what we see in dreams cannot be interpreted literally.
Understanding the nature and basic laws of erotic dreams and most importantly listening to emerging associations, it is possible to decipher their true meaning. Hormonal boom Brightly painted erotic dreams, especially if they are accompanied by the rapid orgasm in the dream, are not a consequence of our lack of attention to intimate life. Rather, it is a signal the body's readiness for sex. On the hormonal level of our body ready for discharge and dokladyvaet about it. That is explained by the fact that dreams of a sexual nature often have pregnant women. It is hardly necessary to believe that the future mom wants sex with a neighbor is nothing more than reaction of the body to fluctuations in hormonal levels.
Testing in night shift
Through dreams, including the love, the consciousness tries to penetrate the information, perceived and not perceived, not “overcooked” day. The subconscious thus indicates the completion of some episode in relationships, lack of psychological elaboration. The hot embrace with a colleague in a dream not talking about Your desired romantic touch. Most likely, something was kept back in the day, the situation negabarita. Do neosoznavaya, You are in the process of resolving some important tasks, and the brain is trying to process.
The thirst for change
Often in erotic dreams we demonstrate behavior which is not peculiar to us in real life. For example, a woman driven and victimization in a dream sees himself as dominant and aggressive. Do not be afraid of change. Rather, it shows the accumulated emotions (same aggression or the opposite – soft), to show that because of fear of failing to meet expectations of society, we can not. The accumulated affects have a powerful energy potential. Think about how to implement them in a conscious, including intimate life.
The finish
The unconscious speaks to us in the language of symbols and associations. There is logic in the symbolism of dreams, rooted in mythology, anthropology, linguistics. So all long and sticking up objects considered to be phallic symbols and objects, bounding the hollow space vessels, boxes, symbolize the feminine nature. However, most of the symbols and Association are of course individual, as related to Your personal history. So the dog of Your neighbor might symbolize for the lady of the dedication, and for You – the threat (if she scared You).
After waking up it is Important to listen to your own feelings. What emotions are you carrying Your erotic dream? Pleasure, joy, doubt, anxiety, guilt, shame, delight, awkwardness? The unconscious in the dream mirrors a real life event that is associated with this experience. Try to find a situation in real life, which causes long and retains such emotion, it is possible that it is associated with the image of the person You saw in a dream.
For example, seen in a dream erotic scene with her husband that caused the guilt, most likely, indicates Your feelings about the wrong act committed by You with respect to the spouse.
For understanding the meaning of dreams is not only important to the plot of the dream and the images, but the aftertaste that it leaves.
Source: estet-portal.com
Dreaming of a French kiss with a stranger is not a manifestation of Your desire relations with a new sexual partner, an erotic dream about Your Secretary doesn't mean a secret desire to have contact with her.
On human actions and reactions have an impact as a consciousness and a huge number of unconscious desires, motivations and fears. And if the day consciousness manage to keep a dominant role, during sleep we are driven by the unconscious. “Dreams, as Dr. Sigmund Freud – the Royal path of knowledge of the unconscious” because it is the night we can open the door there, ruled by a so-called primary psychical process – the movement of ideas and passions, not obeying the laws of logic. The unconscious does not speak to us directly and expressed in the language of symbols and smeshanno-condensed images. That is why what we see in dreams cannot be interpreted literally.
Understanding the nature and basic laws of erotic dreams and most importantly listening to emerging associations, it is possible to decipher their true meaning. Hormonal boom Brightly painted erotic dreams, especially if they are accompanied by the rapid orgasm in the dream, are not a consequence of our lack of attention to intimate life. Rather, it is a signal the body's readiness for sex. On the hormonal level of our body ready for discharge and dokladyvaet about it. That is explained by the fact that dreams of a sexual nature often have pregnant women. It is hardly necessary to believe that the future mom wants sex with a neighbor is nothing more than reaction of the body to fluctuations in hormonal levels.
Testing in night shift
Through dreams, including the love, the consciousness tries to penetrate the information, perceived and not perceived, not “overcooked” day. The subconscious thus indicates the completion of some episode in relationships, lack of psychological elaboration. The hot embrace with a colleague in a dream not talking about Your desired romantic touch. Most likely, something was kept back in the day, the situation negabarita. Do neosoznavaya, You are in the process of resolving some important tasks, and the brain is trying to process.
The thirst for change
Often in erotic dreams we demonstrate behavior which is not peculiar to us in real life. For example, a woman driven and victimization in a dream sees himself as dominant and aggressive. Do not be afraid of change. Rather, it shows the accumulated emotions (same aggression or the opposite – soft), to show that because of fear of failing to meet expectations of society, we can not. The accumulated affects have a powerful energy potential. Think about how to implement them in a conscious, including intimate life.
The finish
The unconscious speaks to us in the language of symbols and associations. There is logic in the symbolism of dreams, rooted in mythology, anthropology, linguistics. So all long and sticking up objects considered to be phallic symbols and objects, bounding the hollow space vessels, boxes, symbolize the feminine nature. However, most of the symbols and Association are of course individual, as related to Your personal history. So the dog of Your neighbor might symbolize for the lady of the dedication, and for You – the threat (if she scared You).
After waking up it is Important to listen to your own feelings. What emotions are you carrying Your erotic dream? Pleasure, joy, doubt, anxiety, guilt, shame, delight, awkwardness? The unconscious in the dream mirrors a real life event that is associated with this experience. Try to find a situation in real life, which causes long and retains such emotion, it is possible that it is associated with the image of the person You saw in a dream.
For example, seen in a dream erotic scene with her husband that caused the guilt, most likely, indicates Your feelings about the wrong act committed by You with respect to the spouse.
For understanding the meaning of dreams is not only important to the plot of the dream and the images, but the aftertaste that it leaves.
Source: estet-portal.com