14 interesting facts about dreams.

1. All people have dreams. Even if you think that you can not see them. A person can not just remember dreams.
2. Only the born blind do not see dreams. Their dreams are limited sense of smell, sound, touch, taste and emotion. Blinded after birth, like all the others have dreams.
3. In the dream, we see the face of only those people who have seen in my life. We can not know them and do not remember, but we've already seen.
4. Within five minutes after waking up, a person can remember about half of what he saw in a dream. Then, only the tenth.
5. About 12% of people see only black and white dreams. Among those younger than 25 years, the percentage is even lower - 4, 4%.
6. The number of those who see the colorful dreams, becomes every day more and more. Scientists believe that this is due to the transition from black and white to color television.
7. Dreams are symbolic. If you strongly about something dream in a dream you will definitely be given a sign.
8. Most often, the dreams show negative rather than positive emotions.
9. The most popular emotional state of anxiety in a dream.
10. The chaotic (at first glance) eye movement during sleep takes us about a quarter of total sleep time.
11. External factors can influence our dreams. For example, singing neighbor behind the wall is able to move you in a dream in a concert hall.
12. Men see in dreams, about 70% of men, while for women the proportion of "men-women" are approximately equal.
13. Almost two thirds of people have experienced deja vu based on dreams.
14. Animals also have dreams.