Why can't I get pregnant — obvious reasons
Part one. Introduction.
I have never been able to get pregnant, and I decided to explore. Doctors put the diagnosis: infertility of unknown etiology. That is, I'm healthy and the baby won't start. Moreover, it was unclear why the daughter had, and after that no particular incident has not happened to me.
It was six years ago. And my husband was on the verge of divorce. However, the child I wanted. I dreamed it in my sleep. Funny funny how boy. There, in the dream, I was dying of happiness and tenderness. I showed him some flowers and taught to speak. The flowers somehow were prickly to touch them was impossible.
This year I defended my degree in psychology. Well and chose a topic: "Dreams of infertile women". Anywhere else, neither before nor after I did not read any research on this subject, and this was even more interesting. I didn't know what you're getting into.
Why dreams?
I was mistress to dream. It could make movies. I saw all the important people before I meet them. I knew (we were) that dreams are virtually unexplored and play a huge role in the life of our soul.
In fact, the notorious Freud is important for the science not his theory of libido, which pretty quickly insulted and defeated by his own followers. Freud first, the first, said thatis present in our life, but Consciousness, still Unconscious and affects our actions.
He introduced this concept, this term, and this theory of the Unconscious build their doctrine five of the seven main psychological school. But then Freud put his nose to the theory of libido (this theory is now called the theory of the psychic structure of personality: all energy is not going away, but only transformered), had engaged in hysterical women, and that its value to science is almost lost.
But he was still young. They, along with Freud began, then fell out. Jung was the first to say that not everything depends on the libido, Freud called preoccupied, and Freud broke his glasses. Then Jung left off and settled there.
For thirty years, Jung recorded his dreams, which was also a great master. He looked for confirmation of another theory. There was little sex, but a lot of dreams, myths and fairy tales.
This theory is called "Theory of the collective unconscious". That is, Freud digs it up to her, he walked from the individual unconscious. Jung digs it. He saw that the head of the Swiss Professor and the savage tribe moomba is the same set of characters. He called them Archetypes.
So, this pseudo-scientific digression was necessary in order to explain how I worked with dreams. I needed to understand – and this was my theory – does the head of a woman, are not able to get pregnant, the same marker-the archetype?
Something that symbolizes the problem? And maybe there is something that indicates the cause? Wandering and almost a hundred other people's dreams, I came across these two markers, and unexpectedly stumbled upon a third that pointed to a solution to this problem!
Part two. Terrible.
I had three groups of women. The first one not pregnant never. The second was pregnant, but not wore. In the third, control group of women who either became pregnant after a long ordeal or never this problem had and got pregnant easily.
I was interested in two types of dreams. Series just and significant, that is, those which women themselves have given importance. I have these dreams told. Part I searched the Internet, and there was my dreams. I remind you that I had the same problem. Especially interested in women with the same diagnosis – infertility of unclear etymology.
Just want to say one very important thing. We were taught to listen and hear. This is the main tool of the psychologist. And for me, the same diagnostic value were the stories of dreams, and the way the woman talks about her problem. What words.
So, the first group. Primary infertility. Sounds scary, but actually says only that the woman never yet was not of conception without protection. These women had dreams with the same plot.
As they give birth to strange creatures... It could be: toys, dolls, eggs, cats, chickens. Something very small and do not require feeding. Women in my dream kept them in the freezer, in boxes, was deposited with the mom.
In other words, they didn't know what to do with them. Dreams were extremely unpleasant. Neither a mouse nor a frog, and the unknown little animal. You know? The process of birth is either not dreamed, or dreamed too little on the puppet theme: I opened the belly and out... or came home, and they lie in the box, but as a baby, I don't know... what to do with it, I don't know... how to feed, I don't know...
The second group of women with recurrent miscarriage or just a miscarriage, and that was the heaviest and scariest band. There was spooky stuff. All, without exception, women in this group had dreams-harbingers. Those dreams, after which they started bleeding and had a miscarriage.
I will share their dreams in three groups.
The first group of dreams: dream symbols: something that pretends to be whole and healthy, and then dies or is sick and the dead.
The second group of dreams: dream husband or mother or your own body in a strange defective condition.
The third group of dreams: dream children, unavailable, elusive, disappearing, not going into the hands of becoming something more.
Please do not be afraid, dear ladies. I was scared and I was even sick, when they examined this group. Even the shingles were covered. And what I the dreams then dreamed of creepy, I even wanted to quit. The day I described from one to five of these dreams and remember them by heart. Now tell in detail.
So... Something that pretends to be whole and healthy, and then dies or is sick and the dead.
Example. A woman dreams that her husband gives her flowers. The flowers are beautiful. Firm buds, strong stems. She takes them to put in a vase with water... and suddenly saw that directly in front of her oslisly stems, buds darkened... everything is falling apart in front of her, is a heavy smell of rotten water the flowers fall from his hands, the whole rotten, stinking puddle on the floor... as far As I remember, the dream was a harbinger of was repetitive, every pregnancy ended in a miscarriage. More than anything she was afraid to see the dream.
Another dream of the group ( from the website, it seems) – woman walking on a forest path, through the woods, all green... suddenly she realizes that there is darkness and swamp. Someone holds out her stick, she leans against it, and the stick falls into the muck...And so every time before the loss of a child.
The second group of dreams-harbingers: defects. I remember one dream a woman dreams that her husband has no teeth. Naked infant the jaw. Another dream that she has no Breasts. That was like her hands – no. The third dream giving birth lying on the bed, her old mother, and she's so unpleasant to understand that an old white-haired woman is giving birth, and it is unknown from whom, and who knows who...
You understand, right? Dream about a certain lack of vitality, inability to life, no important. Teeth are needed to eat. Breasts – to feed. Youth to conceive.
And finally, the third type of dreams-harbingers – children, unavailable, elusive, disappearing, not going into the hands of becoming something more.
I remember telling a friend. She often went to the gynecologist, treated, miscarriage were. And here she dreamed several times, as in the doctor's office, she sees on a chair in the corner of the child. Small, in a yellow jumpsuit. She rejoices, calling out to him, sits on his haunches, he runs to it and disappears. Or just watching from my chair and not talking. Every time she cried, when I woke up.
Control group.
Before my friend took out the child, the boy in my dream ran up to her and she hugged...
Before you get pregnant and give birth, women often dreamed of: breast full of milk. Or how they have a child (very often, these dreams) – and they're keeping him on his knees, know that he, for example, a day old, and he has rosy cheeks, a mouth full of teeth, he even speaks, and all he has done.
Dream again – bouquets of flowers, but only here everything is no trick, or dream of the sun. Just the sun in the sky. Or bread. Or that hugs her husband. Or that they are picking daisies in the meadow. Or the shelves full of groceries, a delicious and beautiful...
And always in these dreams light and HEAT. One woman was dreaming (and the dream first for me and prompted by my discovery) a huge water Lily, large yellow pond Lily, which, as Though you can stand and it holds.
Part three. Explain.
No one in our country, as far as I know, does not the psyche of women unable to conceive or carry a child. There are no special rehabilitation programmes, no comprehensive treatment, including the participation and gynecologist and psychologist. No one works with the husbands of these women.
Meanwhile, these women are suffering almost in silence. Surrounding and did not suspect that these women are not developing an inferiority complex. They develop worse and harder – the inferiority complex.
Develop neuroses, slightly like the ravings of pejorative: I'm not good enough. Each menstruation is a tragedy and tears. They can't see the wheelchair and walking children. Particularly affected are those who cannot stand those who have lost a child.
Reproductive system – the strongest and most capricious mechanism in the female body. Exploring women, I saw strange things.
Pregnant those who are speaking roughly, I blew it. Losing hope or inspired by something else. The writing of the dissertation, books. Opening a business, etc etc get Pregnant those who are in despair, having spent all the money on IVF and ditching the whole cycle, got a puppy. At least. Pregnant ones (this is confirmed by statistics) who took the child from the orphanage. Pregnant, those who had separated from her husband – from the other, the beloved. The woman that dreamed about a man without teeth, got pregnant by another man, before treated for seven years. Perhaps she did not perceive her husband as a reliable father and protector?
Doctors in one voice are advised to be distracted. Not proven, but there is a theory that attention blocks there is the whole thing in some strange way.
My conclusions are as follows. Woman, especially the young, may not get pregnant as long as it is for some reason not ready for it. Maybe she was scared of childbirth. Maybe she doesn't want a child by this man, but from myself hiding it. Maybe she does not yet want a baby, but you're supposed to want, and she toils.
All the dreams of women surveyed indicate the same problem with the personality – disintegration. That is not integrity, resplendent the parts of the soul. One part of the soul aspires to something, the other is afraid.
The fear, the reluctance, even disgust – that the dreams of these women. You focus on the problem and see only the word "necessary" – necessary child. The soul is your inexperienced and unprepared may be scared, maybe we could have other tasks for the coming year.
What I have said, is called mandala. It is the most powerful archetype in Jung's theory – Wholeness, the Self. The circle, the perfection, the harmony with yourself. Flower, water Lily, sun, a loaf of bread. The arms – clasped hands – is also a mandala. Heat and light are also symbols of wholeness, integration of personality. Milk is a symbol of mental strength, good health, fertile time.
The puzzles fell into place, the circle is closed, you're happy, not necessarily because she's pregnant. Just happy. Maybe your child is feeling, finally, now you can come to just curl up and peacefully heal my mother in the stomach. They will not be nervous and worry, and all the time to touch my heels to see how I was there... Maybe she even did not notice at first because her nose new project, or loan, or she fell in love, or just her good because she is able to feel it just...
Look at their mom and all the relatives in the female line. Who has how many children? Whether in your family, those who waited a long time for a baby? Aunts, grandmothers, sisters? How many gave birth to your mother and grandmother?
Don't need to have special merits before mankind, so God gave you a child. You just need to be. Healers say the child chooses when to come to him. Talk of course with him, tell him that you are waiting for him. Don't pull it. Better yet take something nice.
This way of dealing with insomnia use in children's hospitals. Try it and you!5 major theories about the nature of dreams and their purpose , I will not ask why you baby. It's pretty powerful program, inherent nature. Of course, you want to implement it. But still, only quietly answer yourself this question.
P. S. I failed the second time to get pregnant. And I have never had to particularly worry about it. Divorced from her husband. No wonder I dreamt of flowers with thorns, inaccessible and dangerous. I don't know if I can conceive a child from the man she loved. Will check, I hope. When you get a chance.published
Author: Yulia Rubleva
Source: ulitza.livejournal.com/1000.html
I have never been able to get pregnant, and I decided to explore. Doctors put the diagnosis: infertility of unknown etiology. That is, I'm healthy and the baby won't start. Moreover, it was unclear why the daughter had, and after that no particular incident has not happened to me.
It was six years ago. And my husband was on the verge of divorce. However, the child I wanted. I dreamed it in my sleep. Funny funny how boy. There, in the dream, I was dying of happiness and tenderness. I showed him some flowers and taught to speak. The flowers somehow were prickly to touch them was impossible.
This year I defended my degree in psychology. Well and chose a topic: "Dreams of infertile women". Anywhere else, neither before nor after I did not read any research on this subject, and this was even more interesting. I didn't know what you're getting into.

Why dreams?
I was mistress to dream. It could make movies. I saw all the important people before I meet them. I knew (we were) that dreams are virtually unexplored and play a huge role in the life of our soul.
In fact, the notorious Freud is important for the science not his theory of libido, which pretty quickly insulted and defeated by his own followers. Freud first, the first, said thatis present in our life, but Consciousness, still Unconscious and affects our actions.
He introduced this concept, this term, and this theory of the Unconscious build their doctrine five of the seven main psychological school. But then Freud put his nose to the theory of libido (this theory is now called the theory of the psychic structure of personality: all energy is not going away, but only transformered), had engaged in hysterical women, and that its value to science is almost lost.
But he was still young. They, along with Freud began, then fell out. Jung was the first to say that not everything depends on the libido, Freud called preoccupied, and Freud broke his glasses. Then Jung left off and settled there.
For thirty years, Jung recorded his dreams, which was also a great master. He looked for confirmation of another theory. There was little sex, but a lot of dreams, myths and fairy tales.
This theory is called "Theory of the collective unconscious". That is, Freud digs it up to her, he walked from the individual unconscious. Jung digs it. He saw that the head of the Swiss Professor and the savage tribe moomba is the same set of characters. He called them Archetypes.
So, this pseudo-scientific digression was necessary in order to explain how I worked with dreams. I needed to understand – and this was my theory – does the head of a woman, are not able to get pregnant, the same marker-the archetype?
Something that symbolizes the problem? And maybe there is something that indicates the cause? Wandering and almost a hundred other people's dreams, I came across these two markers, and unexpectedly stumbled upon a third that pointed to a solution to this problem!

Part two. Terrible.
I had three groups of women. The first one not pregnant never. The second was pregnant, but not wore. In the third, control group of women who either became pregnant after a long ordeal or never this problem had and got pregnant easily.
I was interested in two types of dreams. Series just and significant, that is, those which women themselves have given importance. I have these dreams told. Part I searched the Internet, and there was my dreams. I remind you that I had the same problem. Especially interested in women with the same diagnosis – infertility of unclear etymology.
Just want to say one very important thing. We were taught to listen and hear. This is the main tool of the psychologist. And for me, the same diagnostic value were the stories of dreams, and the way the woman talks about her problem. What words.
So, the first group. Primary infertility. Sounds scary, but actually says only that the woman never yet was not of conception without protection. These women had dreams with the same plot.
As they give birth to strange creatures... It could be: toys, dolls, eggs, cats, chickens. Something very small and do not require feeding. Women in my dream kept them in the freezer, in boxes, was deposited with the mom.
In other words, they didn't know what to do with them. Dreams were extremely unpleasant. Neither a mouse nor a frog, and the unknown little animal. You know? The process of birth is either not dreamed, or dreamed too little on the puppet theme: I opened the belly and out... or came home, and they lie in the box, but as a baby, I don't know... what to do with it, I don't know... how to feed, I don't know...
The second group of women with recurrent miscarriage or just a miscarriage, and that was the heaviest and scariest band. There was spooky stuff. All, without exception, women in this group had dreams-harbingers. Those dreams, after which they started bleeding and had a miscarriage.
I will share their dreams in three groups.
The first group of dreams: dream symbols: something that pretends to be whole and healthy, and then dies or is sick and the dead.
The second group of dreams: dream husband or mother or your own body in a strange defective condition.
The third group of dreams: dream children, unavailable, elusive, disappearing, not going into the hands of becoming something more.
Please do not be afraid, dear ladies. I was scared and I was even sick, when they examined this group. Even the shingles were covered. And what I the dreams then dreamed of creepy, I even wanted to quit. The day I described from one to five of these dreams and remember them by heart. Now tell in detail.
So... Something that pretends to be whole and healthy, and then dies or is sick and the dead.
Example. A woman dreams that her husband gives her flowers. The flowers are beautiful. Firm buds, strong stems. She takes them to put in a vase with water... and suddenly saw that directly in front of her oslisly stems, buds darkened... everything is falling apart in front of her, is a heavy smell of rotten water the flowers fall from his hands, the whole rotten, stinking puddle on the floor... as far As I remember, the dream was a harbinger of was repetitive, every pregnancy ended in a miscarriage. More than anything she was afraid to see the dream.
Another dream of the group ( from the website, it seems) – woman walking on a forest path, through the woods, all green... suddenly she realizes that there is darkness and swamp. Someone holds out her stick, she leans against it, and the stick falls into the muck...And so every time before the loss of a child.
The second group of dreams-harbingers: defects. I remember one dream a woman dreams that her husband has no teeth. Naked infant the jaw. Another dream that she has no Breasts. That was like her hands – no. The third dream giving birth lying on the bed, her old mother, and she's so unpleasant to understand that an old white-haired woman is giving birth, and it is unknown from whom, and who knows who...
You understand, right? Dream about a certain lack of vitality, inability to life, no important. Teeth are needed to eat. Breasts – to feed. Youth to conceive.
And finally, the third type of dreams-harbingers – children, unavailable, elusive, disappearing, not going into the hands of becoming something more.
I remember telling a friend. She often went to the gynecologist, treated, miscarriage were. And here she dreamed several times, as in the doctor's office, she sees on a chair in the corner of the child. Small, in a yellow jumpsuit. She rejoices, calling out to him, sits on his haunches, he runs to it and disappears. Or just watching from my chair and not talking. Every time she cried, when I woke up.
Control group.
Before my friend took out the child, the boy in my dream ran up to her and she hugged...
Before you get pregnant and give birth, women often dreamed of: breast full of milk. Or how they have a child (very often, these dreams) – and they're keeping him on his knees, know that he, for example, a day old, and he has rosy cheeks, a mouth full of teeth, he even speaks, and all he has done.
Dream again – bouquets of flowers, but only here everything is no trick, or dream of the sun. Just the sun in the sky. Or bread. Or that hugs her husband. Or that they are picking daisies in the meadow. Or the shelves full of groceries, a delicious and beautiful...
And always in these dreams light and HEAT. One woman was dreaming (and the dream first for me and prompted by my discovery) a huge water Lily, large yellow pond Lily, which, as Though you can stand and it holds.

Part three. Explain.
No one in our country, as far as I know, does not the psyche of women unable to conceive or carry a child. There are no special rehabilitation programmes, no comprehensive treatment, including the participation and gynecologist and psychologist. No one works with the husbands of these women.
Meanwhile, these women are suffering almost in silence. Surrounding and did not suspect that these women are not developing an inferiority complex. They develop worse and harder – the inferiority complex.
Develop neuroses, slightly like the ravings of pejorative: I'm not good enough. Each menstruation is a tragedy and tears. They can't see the wheelchair and walking children. Particularly affected are those who cannot stand those who have lost a child.
Reproductive system – the strongest and most capricious mechanism in the female body. Exploring women, I saw strange things.
Pregnant those who are speaking roughly, I blew it. Losing hope or inspired by something else. The writing of the dissertation, books. Opening a business, etc etc get Pregnant those who are in despair, having spent all the money on IVF and ditching the whole cycle, got a puppy. At least. Pregnant ones (this is confirmed by statistics) who took the child from the orphanage. Pregnant, those who had separated from her husband – from the other, the beloved. The woman that dreamed about a man without teeth, got pregnant by another man, before treated for seven years. Perhaps she did not perceive her husband as a reliable father and protector?
Doctors in one voice are advised to be distracted. Not proven, but there is a theory that attention blocks there is the whole thing in some strange way.
My conclusions are as follows. Woman, especially the young, may not get pregnant as long as it is for some reason not ready for it. Maybe she was scared of childbirth. Maybe she doesn't want a child by this man, but from myself hiding it. Maybe she does not yet want a baby, but you're supposed to want, and she toils.
All the dreams of women surveyed indicate the same problem with the personality – disintegration. That is not integrity, resplendent the parts of the soul. One part of the soul aspires to something, the other is afraid.
The fear, the reluctance, even disgust – that the dreams of these women. You focus on the problem and see only the word "necessary" – necessary child. The soul is your inexperienced and unprepared may be scared, maybe we could have other tasks for the coming year.
What I have said, is called mandala. It is the most powerful archetype in Jung's theory – Wholeness, the Self. The circle, the perfection, the harmony with yourself. Flower, water Lily, sun, a loaf of bread. The arms – clasped hands – is also a mandala. Heat and light are also symbols of wholeness, integration of personality. Milk is a symbol of mental strength, good health, fertile time.
The puzzles fell into place, the circle is closed, you're happy, not necessarily because she's pregnant. Just happy. Maybe your child is feeling, finally, now you can come to just curl up and peacefully heal my mother in the stomach. They will not be nervous and worry, and all the time to touch my heels to see how I was there... Maybe she even did not notice at first because her nose new project, or loan, or she fell in love, or just her good because she is able to feel it just...
Look at their mom and all the relatives in the female line. Who has how many children? Whether in your family, those who waited a long time for a baby? Aunts, grandmothers, sisters? How many gave birth to your mother and grandmother?
Don't need to have special merits before mankind, so God gave you a child. You just need to be. Healers say the child chooses when to come to him. Talk of course with him, tell him that you are waiting for him. Don't pull it. Better yet take something nice.
This way of dealing with insomnia use in children's hospitals. Try it and you!5 major theories about the nature of dreams and their purpose , I will not ask why you baby. It's pretty powerful program, inherent nature. Of course, you want to implement it. But still, only quietly answer yourself this question.
P. S. I failed the second time to get pregnant. And I have never had to particularly worry about it. Divorced from her husband. No wonder I dreamt of flowers with thorns, inaccessible and dangerous. I don't know if I can conceive a child from the man she loved. Will check, I hope. When you get a chance.published
Author: Yulia Rubleva
Source: ulitza.livejournal.com/1000.html
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