To avoid nightmares, do not eat at night spicy and sweet

When people are bad dreams or nightmares, waking up after the first question is usually, "Something really happened, or that I just dreamed?", And when the shock passes, one begins to ask himself why he dreamed a dream.
Dreams dream of people in the so-called REM phase (REM - "rapid eye movement"), or REM sleep, during which there is increased activity in the brain. On average, per night the body goes through five to six cycles of change of fast and slow sleep, and with each cycle of REM phases become longer, and the majority of nightmares have to sleep in the last third.
Experts say that nightmares can cause anything - from a stressful situation that happened the day before watching a horror movie. To avoid nightmares, researchers are advised to stop eating before bedtime.
According to employees of the Cleveland Center of sleep disorders, nightmares may be the cause of a wrong diet when a person eats, his brain activity increases, so the number of dreams and detail increases. One study of Canadian scientists, which was attended by 389 volunteers revealed that 8, 5% to blame for the food nightmare.
This is confirmed by the experiment of Biochemistry at the University of Tasmania (Australia): Six members directly before going to bed to eat, generously seasoned with Tabasco sauce and mustard, while during the first cycle of sleep their body temperature was raised, and volunteers took longer to fall asleep, and the number of nightmares snivshihsya volunteers increased.
According to some scientists, it is not only spicy food: according to an article published in «The Journal of the Mind and Booty», can cause nightmares and other products such as ice cream or candy. The experiment showed that eating sweets caused nightmares in seven out of ten volunteers.
By the way, pose in which a person is sleeping, can also affect dreams. In 2004, scientists found that nightmares often dream to those who sleep on the left side, and if you sleep on your stomach (the least popular position, according to statistics), emotional tone of dreams becomes brighter.
via factroom.ru
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