Simple tips for vegan nutrition

Often people, after endless references to all sorts of vitamins, of talk about protein and amino acids, no desire to abandon animal food. I do not want to turn his life into a diary on the maintenance diet, I understand that perfectly, because I don't want. Before giving some practical advice, I say: the people whose diet included meat, milk, eggs and fish, in turn, are not immune from disease, although this opinion, we persist in trying navisat.
Just the nature of the different diseases. Well, for the meat-eaters more prone to cancer, because many "agricultural" animals are administered growth hormones (this is a very beautiful name for cancer cells; the fact is that cancer cow is gaining weight faster and its meat is tastier), with people eating meat, slowly but surely feeding yourself daily cancer cells. In addition, in animal products many antibiotics — well, just imagine when on farms of 1,000 or more animals day and night in the same room, without walking, adequate hygiene, they hurt everyone, because veterinarians carefully cram them full of antibiotics with food and injections. Experience — meat-eater I was sick more.
For 4 years without meat, I got sick three times, without antibiotics the body more easily opposed that course. Following infection of mesopedinella is a bone disease. In spite of loud commercials, and excessive calcium intake inhibits our cells, because it does not enter the bloodstream of many items that we eat, but especially boron, it is responsible together with calcium for our bones. Vegan can control the amount of calcium (to buy vegan cheese or milk without calcium), also it can control and allergies (which newsweekall lactose), but not omnivores. All dairy products are rich in calcium. In fact, drinking a glass of milk and ate a piece of cheese in a day, you need calcium also, but the catch is that the day you eat a lot of things that will contain calcium, meat, soy, candy bars, fruit, etc. So, quite simply, each day you will cross his "calzino" border, and then arthritis, fractures and even that pohlesche. you will be provided.
And so, to be healthy, you must eliminate from your diet all products of animal origin, to give time for the body to adapt to changes, while respecting the rule of diversity.
1. Listen to your mind and body — eat often, but small portions, do not overeat. Because vegan food is easier, people often do not notice that overeaten, but grief all day at uni, at work and in the evening for one Mach eating a daily diet you do not do the body good. Don't listen to advice about – no, no after 17, 18, 19 hours. This is unsubstantiated nonsense. It is impossible to starve. Especially do not overeat in the morning and evening to indulge in any crumbs. Such discontinuities, the body will not benefit. It is more logical to eat every day at the same time.
2. Eat nuts, dried fruit and seeds. Just make it a habit. It is a storehouse of value and a great thirst for sweet. Don't eat their packs and bags, it's stupid and causes constipation. Buy weekend of Goodies in this category and, for example, maple syrup(or not), throw them all in a bowl and mix, put it in an easily accessible place, preferably outdoor, you automatically will soon start to take a handful of beautiful raisins, hazelnuts and sunflower seeds. So, without straining you will draw a lot of protein and vitamins and minerals. In the evening in front of the TV or the computer put the miracle-plate next to the well, or take a bag of peanuts, even salted. Useful, most importantly, with peanuts not to overdo it. 200 grams a week is the absolute maximum.
Dried fruits should be washed, even out of the package.
3. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables as well as greens. They have a lot of things are well known, and enzymes, which there is not a drop in the finished food and the dried fruit with nuts (except ripped off). They are responsible for many processes in our body. Especially I can recommend the bananas, pomegranate, carrots, apples. Suggest them, as they are very rich in all sorts of utility, but is to alternate different fruits and vegetables throughout the week — today, banana and Apple, tomorrow watermelon and pear, the day after avocado and orange... and any other combination. Make vegetables, salads, tuck them oat cream, soy mayonnaise, and olive or linseed oil, that's how who loves.
4. Don't forget about the oils. Try salads to fill with these oils. What is important?! Do not buy vegetable oil in the plastic, especially light. I often save as "Luxus" not enough money, but know perfectly well that the oil from the plastic is empty. I will not be here to arrange a lecture on the production process of oil and its properties, you can easily find it online or in "how it works", but the oil is not able to maintain their properties in light plastic. If it is fried in cheap sunflower, or at least the salads refuel expensive oil from glass bottles.
5. Eat porridge! Do not try to sit on a potato pasta. They are useful in their fields, potatoes are vitamin C, pasta is carbohydrates, for your brain, but it is simply impossible. Eat porridge, feel free to buy bran (they are ready in 3 minutes just add boiling water, delicious, nourishing, mega-useful).
6. Eat soups, for normal functioning of the stomach and body as a whole, add parsley and dill (fresh, not necessary to cook them). Vegan soups ready in 10 minutes, you can use literally any products.
7. Drink rose. Very useful, a hundred times a tea. Well, or tea without caffeine. Drink often. The more you exercise, the more fluids you need. Go easy on water in plastic bottles, it is just a hoax. Quality water, from which indeed will be the result, most of us don't have the money, because it costs very expensive. Inquire how often it checks the tap water in your city, and go to her.
8. Eat enough protein of any legume, protein meat substitutes, corn, tofu, buy or make soy candles or Korobovo cake. Do not abuse, but also to please yourself right. You need protein, and don't listen to anybody. Earn anorexia. It is necessary not so much — half grams per kilogram of your weight. Ie the average girl should be about 30-35 grams per day, and the guy from 40. Get it from plant foods is not difficult at all, but if you eat only fruit, then it is likely that you will earn any of the diseases in 3-4 years. Some people do not feel the lack of protein and decades, but it will affect pregnancy, disease, injuries, old age. A lot of the protein in wheat, legumes and nuts.
9. Eat bitter chocolate. Preferably from 70% cocoa on the tile. Eat 2-4 slices a day, it will lift the spirits, chase away the blood.
10. Don't eat the candy from the ads. If you're vegan, but have not realized that Mars, texah and other stuff a bunch of animal components, then notify you. It is!
If you are a vegan, take them to eat anyway. A walking disease, diabetes, cancer, there is nothing useful, and quenching their hunger is an illusion, they are full of calories, but they are not able to give you everything you need. And they are made from GMO products. When I refused them, the first thing that caught my eye — I have better skin. No milky, bounty, skills, chocolate creams type of Nutella, gelatine (this is the way of cow bones), no cereal, covered with honey, chocolate and caramel — all produced only in order to be addictive. Choose only expensive dark chocolate, cereal without any powders and glazes, granola, Korobovo or pasta bitter chocolate paste, any paste, high-quality candies in dark chocolate with cognac or whiskey and so on. Please refrain from cheap jam, eat or homemade, or store-bought, but more expensive( most not always), of course with pectin instead of gelatin, there are now many.
11. Eat seaweed. Their usefulness, you can write a book. They have everything. Eat nori, seaweed, spirulina and other and other, at least sometimes.
12. Sprouts. Also you can write a book. I do not eat but I sometimes eat. At the same time, many love them. Shelf-life they have only 2 days, because buy small, or grow it yourself:)
13. If you are vegan, be sure to take vitamin b12 tablets (no need of a handful of banks or enough vitamins in a week) today there are many herbal vitamins that contain b12 synthesized. Its deficiency is all the people coming at different times, someone after six months, and the other 8-15 years. I will say even more. The deficit comes even from meat-eaters. The fact is that the need of this vitamin is very dependent on lifestyle, the amount of medicine we consume, and other things. B12 deficiency causes–anaemia. This is one form of anemia, characterized by tingling in the fingers, weakness, headaches and lead to serious consequences.
14. And still enjoy life, get positive, find motivation and inspiration. Be healthy, be happy, be vegan!
Source: www.ecoveggie.ru/novosti/zdorovje/79-prostie-soveti-po-veganskomu-pitaniu