Choose your method of feeding: type alpha and type omega
We will focus on how to offer you to put a simple experiment with his diet. Even if you never heard about the possibility of choosing the method of supply in accordance with the Lunar days, please try what is suggested below. After all, no harm to your health, this experiment will not bring, but benefit from it you'll soon feel more yourself.
And, not to forget, write down your answers in the diary on paper (which you certainly won't lose) or in a special file on your computer. Can save the file directly to your desktop so you'll never lose it.
TYPE ALPHA AND TYPE OMEGAEach of us noticed that on certain days a certain food seems divinely delicious, it is easily digested and absorbed, and we have a whole day full of energy and vitality, making, in truth, great things. In other days we decide, at whatever cost, to start a new, healthy life, and despite the fact that we used only healthy and nutritious food, we feel tired even sitting at the table. More important things even just tumbled from his hands.
First of all, you have to take it for granted that there is nothing harmful and nothing is useful for everyone. For someone salt is white death, but for others it can be the most healing medicine. Some organisms in the Sahara see sweet poison for other sugar – best friend.
How many times have we heard that white flour is harmful and everyone should go to black, rye bread. However, one of the us rye bread is really going to benefit, while others feel that they are deprived of something bright, kind, joyful....
Animal and vegetable fats among nutritionists since time immemorial there are disputes, what is more useful. And ordinary people, meanwhile, are choosing fats to your liking.
Most stupid invention are calorie tables and calculators that they count, after all, the person who wants to lose weight, have all day to think about the future in harmony, and about food, which led him to overweight. Instead of taking the extra time to get up, to run, or, at least, a walk, a man sits there and counts your calories...besides, such a dead practice silences the voice of one's own body – counting calories drowns out their own feelings of the body.
Remember the second axiom: everything is Permitted... But only at the right time.
Really, you can eat anything, especially something you love, and then you feel comfort in the soul, lift the mood, making your body enjoys life. However, there is a need, nevertheless, to measure. If you've noticed, more common in children, take care of seven nurses, street the Tomboy transcend all – and the food with dirty hands, and sometimes hunger.
Remember another rule:
Even if you eat what you feel is not useful, but you honestly want to eat right now, eat, only without remorse. In any case, no need to regret what you ate. Only when your mind stops to analyze whether you have done that, ate a piece of pie or the entire belongings of fat, only when your mind is silent, you will hear the voice of your body. Your body will start to give you signals about how it reacted to the cake or fat. “Well, give me more!” or “it is Not necessary to torment more me this product.” Only then can you really learn to understand food and be able to determine for themselves the best diet.
Imagine that you are sitting in the most expensive restaurant, brought to you the best and most expensive dishes, but the waiter covering your table, not left, but stood over you and began to wail: “Again, the cook has not washed his hands as I cut the vegetables! And one carrot and fell on the floor, but he took her from the floor and began to cut in your meal. And all the cook has not yet recovered from cold, and he coughed a few times, when interfered pan!”
You understand that after such reviews waiter you can't eat this dish, and if you collect in a fist all the will and, contrary to his plan, all the same, eat food, almost one hundred percent guarantee that the house you spend the night with a bout of poisoning.
But the same thing happens when you eat food, tormented by pangs of conscience. Your body resents exactly the same as you would in your apartment, at your Desk was the same bad waiter.
Remember, when you eat food – it disinfects and fears and remorse – poison and add you extra pounds.
And yet, indeed, not all food are equally useful for you.
What food is healthy?No nutritionist will not be able to tell what foods and what diet is useful for you. Can't tell immediately. After all, to get a true picture of the internal activities of your body, you and your dietitian will take about three months. Moreover, it will be three pilot months. So, please be patient.
There are two main types: Type alpha and Type omega.
These names are coined Johann Paungger and Thomas Poppe. They also developed a test to determine your host type.
To find out what type you belong to, take a sheet of paper and a pencil and spend a vertical line in the middle or open a blank file and it do the same thing.
Left column name "Type alpha" and the right "Type omega".
Now you have themselves to answer 10 questions, which relate to your eating habits, how these habits reacts with your body, as well as some questions to clarify the other properties of your body.
The questionnaire will meet the phrase: “do you use certain foods or not.” Let me explain what is meant by the words "not to move".
"Intolerance" can be expressed in many different ways, for example:
1. After consuming this product you are fatigue sets in. It can manifest itself in seemingly harmless desire to sleep after eating. In fact, “desire to sleep” – a sure sign that the food you just took, you the harmful. Oddly enough, even many doctors think that “sleep” after a meal – this is the most common desire. Alas, it is not. Foods that are harmful for you, takes away your energy instead of giving it to you. From the products that are useful to you, you feel only a rush of energy, even if you stayed a bit and ate too much.
2. After eating you start heartburn, feel full, bloating, even if you ate a little bit. By the way, headache and migraine also are allergic reaction to the wrong food and drinks. Just no one matches the meal with a headache, and even physicians are not always aware of this connection. In part, this is because the headache may not occur immediately after eating, and sometimes even the next day.
3. After eating you suddenly in a bad mood, you become anxious and nervous. The children improper diet react faster than adults. But the term “removing” poison children for longer. Sometimes, for example, requires the whole day to from the body of the child has displayed harmful white flour or sugar, and the whole day is spent not in the mood, which is further aggravated by the fact that adults feed the child harmful product, and even to accuse him of disobedience.
4. You notice bad breath, the sharp smell of sweat, other bodily secretions, is not associated with ingestion of garlic or onion, not related, same with tooth decay. The smell is associated with bad digestion, fullness (because the bad food, the stomach is forced to digest a much longer and spend much more energy and enzymes).
5. You have a fungus or herpes on the outside or inside. Improper diet disrupts the skin and mucous and cold sores always a sign of mental or physical aversion to something (or someone).
6. You have back pain, especially in the sacrum. Back pain is very often an allergic reaction to "polished", dead wheat, because the overloaded kidneys through the nervous processes transfer the excess substance in the spine..
7. If you are interested to build your diet, to determine for themselves the list of useful and harmful products, to determine your type of food, let's move on.
Take a test:Question 1. We all use fats. What you perceive as better than animal fats or vegetable oils?
It is not something that you like, and what fat you carry the better. And then you feel fitter and more energetic – after the salad, dressed with vegetable oil or sour cream?
You can not answer this question immediately, but take time out for a few weeks. Try one week of eating exclusively vegetable oils and other animal fats. Those who ideologically do not accept animal fat, I want to say that it is foolish to feel sorry for the already killed animal, while not sparing themselves, destroying the organism. It doesn't make you a reasonable person. Another thing, if not your mind but your body will refuse animal fats. On the other hand, the call “omnivores” – you are, indeed, well tolerated milk, sour cream and butter, or simply for you it is “tasty”, but you constantly feel fatigue and think you are just lazy by nature?
Watch for them, without becoming slaves to their own ideology or their (perhaps bad) habits.
If you honestly examine your biases, but still this question puts you in a dead end, select a few days of the light of the waxing moon (when the Moon goes through the signs of Gemini, Libra or Aquarius), and these days enrich their menus first vegetable, then animal fats. Of course, you should use clean animal fats, and unrefined, not poisoned by the oil vegetable fats.
The answers to these questions as well as others, can be quite complex, especially when, in order to get these answers, you have to give up their attachment to false ideology or taste habits.
But, understand – it's worth it! Perhaps when you learn what actually requires your body, and go to meet him, you will get better sleep, mood, you will see a new Sun in the sky, for you new singing birds, you will Wake up in the morning in a good mood, work actively throughout the day, will be able to do what you have never had the strength...
Experiment and gain experience until then, until you get a clear picture, even if it takes three months. After all, if your feelings are long silent, and, especially, if they are driven deep into the tyrant's mind, you need a lot of time to convince your body that it finally again allowed will.
Do another experiment: some time do not eat dairy products, and return them during the full moon.
Carefully, with passion explore the skin around the eyes. How she changed under his eyes there were circles, or maybe they have disappeared? Please note as you began to sleep better, or, conversely, have trouble falling asleep or often Wake up at night. How do you feel in the morning – more cheerful, or, on the contrary, more sluggish? What other changes occur to you in connection with the increased intake of dairy products.
By the way, a common lately, the view that milk is harmful for adults is a myth. However, we are still talking about milk, not milk drinks, which are often sold in grocery stores under the name “Milk”.
But in any case, milk is better to drink in the afternoon and not the morning, but not later than 6 PM, because the later intake of milk overload the liver.
If based on the study itself, you have determined that is better to accept animal fats, check the box “Type alpha”. If better perceive the vegetable oil, it indicates the affiliation to the “omega”.
Question 2. What type of flour more to the liking of your body – white, wheat or dark rye?
Similarly, do not rush to answer. Observe yourself – try a week to eat only white bread, and another week – black.
This question (and answer) is of great importance. After all, if you eat contrary to its type, the consequences can be quite sad.
We have already mentioned that back pain is often associated with wheat intolerance. For example, if you go to rye bread, the pain may disappear without any medication and procedures.
On the other hand, if you think that rye bread is healthier, as your body reacts to your mind?
If you have an opinion was divided, and you can't find the right answer, again ask for help to the moon in the lunar calendar select multiple days of water on the Growing moon (when the Moon goes through the signs Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces), and these days eat only products made from wheat flour, or rye. Discard products from multiple grains is not helpful, not only for your food experiment, but generally: a mixture of grains only confuses the rhythms of your body.
Experiment until the picture of your tastes cleared up completely. Let it will take 3 months, but ahead of you have a healthy life (for you) and proper nutrition.
At the end of “flour” experiment put a tick in the appropriate column:
If your body voted for rye flour—put a tick in the box "Type alpha", if wheat – select "Type omega".
Question 3. What does your body: tea or coffee?
Some of you may have delighted: finally a simple question! Because most of us are sure at least, that we like tea or coffee. Because this habit has been in place for decades. But remember – we're experimenting.
Besides, surely you know a lot of examples that some people not only love coffee, but get a good night sleep after it. But after the right food, people should not experience sleepiness.
Comfort food gives a burst of energy and not overwhelming. And the sleep becomes itself strong and healthy, after which the person wakes up rested and refreshed.
Coffee lovers who use this drink as a sleep aid, try, as an experiment, go to a quality green tea. Just remember that you don't need to fill the kettle is the amount of tea that its flavor is reminiscent of a booze – taste reminiscent of a good green tea herbal drink. Check to see whether you'll become more cheerful and relaxed, or, on the contrary, after the green tea you will be more anxious and excited.
In the experiment, should not participate, packet tea and instant coffee – you know perfectly well that neither one nor the other can not be useful for you, for whatever you type or treated.
If your body chooses a good tea — put a tick in the "alpha Type" if it takes high — quality coffee in the "omega".
Question 4. Are you a night Owl or an early bird?
Now it's not about your mode of the day, to impose on you by work or other circumstances. In fact, maybe you're a night Owl but have to get up for work at 6am. We are now discussing, that tells you your body. There are some criteria by which to determine that it is more acceptable.
There are people who long to swing in the morning, at work, before proceeding to the immediate activity for which the person came, this person must drink a Cup and some tea or coffee, to water all the flowers or just sit down (or stand up for the machine) and some time “to meditate on the work” before it wakes up the brain. But after lunch a man feels that he can move mountains, and came home in the evening it comes alive, getting up late, enjoying life and their business.
Others Wake up early, regardless of whether they need to go somewhere or not. Often they don't even need an alarm clock, they still Wake up before it rings. Waking up, these people do not like to stay, just stand up, and they immediately get busy. Some women even to work (even if their working day starts at 8 am) time to make fresh food to his family, to wash and hang the Laundry. A range of treatments – from facial gymnastics to mask all these people manage to do it in the morning and they do not experience a drop in this voltage, because it is so convenient to do everything from morning to evening to free up time for recreation. Such people are found among office workers whose work is somehow connected with numbers. Also among them are many “guru” of yoga or fitness instructors.
Like, everything is simple and clear.
But there is one interesting detail. For example, many believe that among farmers and generally, villagers mainly found larks. Because we all know that in the villages have to get up early, milk cows, drive cattle to pasture in the summer or feed her in the winter. Now, you may be interested to know that, again, live in villages, most of them are “Owls.” So. Yes, they Wake up at 4-5 o'clock in the morning, immediately get up and perform a lot of work, and feel great. If you will manage to watch typical rural inhabitants, you will find that they, indeed, get up early, sometimes very early. In the morning, before the heat, watered gardens, or perform other necessary work, but after Breakfast about 9 o'clock in the morning ... lay down to rest.
Many of the “Owls” it is a mistake to indulge their “owl” habits, tinkering late in the evening (even at night), and in the morning, still waking up, even if nowhere to go, at 9 o'clock, flips to the other side and sleep until noon or longer. Woke up, these folks feel tired and overwhelmed, though, by this time they had a good night's sleep.
For “Owls” it would be better to get up earlier, and very early, and go to bed not too late and again very early.For example, to stay awake from 3 a.m. until 8 p.m., or from 4 am to 9 PM. And, if possible, lie down to rest in the afternoon, for 20-30 minutes, and “listen” to your body after you Wake up.
Those who learned a “night owl”, and experiment with the regime of the day – for now, during testing, its type, we are experimenting in everything, including the perfect day regimen requires fitting and testing.
If you identified themselves as “Owls”, put a tick in the box “Type alpha”. If you know in yourself “Lark” – you are “the omega”.
Question 5. How your body relates to sugar?
It is, in fact, not about sugar, but sweet, whether honey or sugar. Of course, we can talk about sweets in General. But we all know that the vast majority of sweets are harmful. Not sweet, and it is industrial chocolate. For the sake of experiment, even the great sweet tooth, try to abandon industrial sweets. Let's experiment with the sweet, which really can be of benefit to your body.
This is a difficult question, because there is a huge role played by habit: the habit of drinking tea with candy, or a bite to eat and coffee cupcake. The body has long stopped, and most people don't want to listen to your body, when it comes to sweet. Even people who have excessive and very overweight, are willing to give up bread, but eating sugar can not.
Speaking of sweet, it should be noted that sweet, in General, is harmful, very harmful for teeth and particularly for the nervous system. Sweet calms. But the drugs also calm. While we all know that there are a number of situations where drugs are not poison and a medicine that relieves pain. As well and sweet. Other people refuse the sweet strong-willed effort, caring about the proper Petrii. And thus become more tense, sad and “extinct”. And maybe they just sugar and useful.
Want to check, helpful or harmful sweet (natural sweet) right for you? – Perhaps there will have to do more than answers to previous questions. After all, the habit of sweet entrenched from childhood. But still, let's try.
If you are a sweet tooth, give up sweets for a week. From sugar in tea or coffee, from sweets, from cakes, ice creams, even honey. Suppose that for some of you this will be painfully difficult, but the experiment requires the truth!
Write in your diary (or file) of observations, how is the mood in the course of this week, is there any differences, or it is stable elated or sad? do you feel more vitality, or, on the contrary, I feel not passing fatigue? How do you sleep at night?
If you, instead, indulge in sugar and sweet, give yourself a chance to know whether you go without eating sweets. If you do not prohibit your doctor, during the week, put sugar in tea or coffee, or at least eat honey with spoons.
A week later, both groups may already be able to understand whether you need sugar for your body (not your habits, namely the body!).
If your body can do without sugar – you belong to the “Type alpha”. If your body needs sugar, put a tick in the box “omega”. However, even if you and your body United in the love of the Sahara, we are talking about natural sweets. Remember, the vast majority of products “sweet” the food industry is destroying your body, not helping him.
Question 6. Which is better for your body – eat 1-2 times a day, but a lot, or often but in small portions?Modern dietetics adheres to the fashion advice is to eat many times a day in small portions. Perhaps the idea came from ancient times when people ate the “smenkare”. However, eating 2-3 times a day, not 4-6 like new-fangled nutritionists.
The fact that there is constantly in General for the body is harmful. Indeed, it is very harmful, because in this diet the person is not gives rest to your digestive system, forcing her to work all the time: still unable to cope with the digestion of the previous portions, it is forced to immediately start processing the next one. The digestive system then works hard, without stopping to rest.
At all times traditionally believed that to sit at the table the person should only when it feels hunger – because in this way digestive system indicates that it has completed the work given earlier, took a breath and was ready to work again. Feeling the head is very important to us. After all, when we are hungry, we know exactly what we want – meat or tomatoes, turnips, or buckwheat. Without feeling head, we don't understand what you are asking now our body.
However, there are no rules common to all. In General, the traditional approach to nutrition is correct, however, there are people whose body is made differently. Their body takes a variety of small servings, though, with the already known condition that even mnogozhdy times a day they eat, experiencing hunger, not because “is so necessary”. Snacks between meals for people are not harmful, but rather useful.
For most of you this question will be simple, and the answer you will find immediately. Harder it will be full of people who, often, do not feel hungry, and eat “on the clock”. Try it for a week to abandon the “power mode”, and this recommendation is especially useful to diabetics, who much to my surprise, you're not on the “fractional food”, but on the contrary, their health is getting worse.
Try to wait for hunger, since hunger and appetite are two very different concepts. During the week, eat only when you are hungry. And listen to your body. Perhaps he will speak immediately, but only on the third and fifth day. But, but, he will tell you the whole truth on this issue.
If your body better when you're seriously and honestly fill your stomach in large portions. but only 1-2 times a day – your the alpha Type. If your body feels better when you let him snack between meals, and requires that you eat often, but little by little, your Type omega.
Question 7. “Ripened Apple and pear” – which is happy your body?
As in the previous experiments, we will focus on organic fruits and vegetables.
Does your body apples, citrus, cucumbers, carrots?
Or cucumbers your body prefers mainly in salads, lightly mashed (preferably cucumber mash with nutmeg and a small amount of salt, and before putting the salad on the table, you need to drain excess liquid from cucumbers), otherwise your body will respond to treat belching?
How well do you perceive fruits, bananas, tomatoes? Or tomatoes you start to ache joints?
Many people love all fruits and vegetables, without discrimination, because we are convinced that ALL useful ALL the fruits and vegetables. Therefore, before to answer this question, alternately try eating apples, cucumbers, citrus fruits, carrots, and separately, some time later – fruits, tomatoes and bananas. Do not mix in their experiments fruits and vegetables that are intended for different types.
After a few days, or maybe months of the experiment, determine what type brought your body's preferences for vegetables and fruit, place a tick in the appropriate box: if you (your body) prefer apples, cucumbers, carrots, citrus is your Type of alpha. If apples and cucumber cause you weight and other troubles, but you are happy to accept tomatoes, bananas, fruits – your omega.
Question 8. Spicy and salty for your body: benefit or harm?
You may not have to experiment to find the answer to this question. Because the experience in the use of spicy and salty is at all – positive or negative.
Sometimes you just feel the cry of your body, the requirement to give him spicy, the hotter, the better, and after you complete it requirements, you quite clearly hear happy purrs your body (and you with him). Similarly, your body perceives and salty.
Others of you are like the desires of the body unfamiliar, and if they do, they leave you in awe, because you all know how it ends: the cramps, bloating, heartburn and other troubles. You prefer to feed your body so that your colleagues on the experiment will be called “fresh”.
Lovers of spicy and salty are of Type alpha. Those who are trying to escape the sharp, knowing about the unpleasant consequences are of Type omega.
Question 9. You prefer to sit or lie?
“All that you can do lying down, I never do it. All that can be done while sitting, I never do standing” – this aphorism belongs to the great Winston Churchill.
You agree with him or not?
Can you sit for long periods, even on a stool, holding without strain your back straight, or you need back, and it is very comfortable because the back is more important to you the seat?
If you need the seat backrest and armrests, and even better, the sofa, your style alpha. If you are satisfied with a nice, comfy chair and sometimes a stool – put a tick in the column “omega”.
Question 10. Whether you love heat or cool?
How do you prefer to sleep covered with a warm blanket, and sticking out only his nose, or do you like the coolness, and you rarely get cold at night? Of course, the question here is not about extremes – bitter cold or the scorching summer. Do you like light clothing even in cool weather, or do you prefer to wear a sweater, based on the principle of “Fever bones ache”?
“Bastards” and “bitches”, wrapped in a warm blanket, can put a tick in the column “Type alpha”. Those who prefer a cool room, and light clothing – check the box “Type omega”.
So, the test is finished. Long or short, but you answered all the questions. Now at your disposal is a piece of paper or file, in which you see all the answers to the test questions.
V. 1
V. 2
V. 3
V. 4
V. 5
V. 6
V. 7
V. 8
V. 9
V. 10
You have circled or all of the alpha or the omega, or, more often, just the vast majority in one graph.
And now in your power, consistent with what you just learned, to improve your health and even the perception of life.
This table with a tick can be the key to your well-being until old age.
Let's look at the results in your table from a practical point of view. Suppose, since childhood, following the example of their parents, you are accustomed to drinking coffee, and you found out that your your body prefers animal fats and rye flour. In this case, your habit of drinking coffee is harmful. As you know, not at all harmful to drink coffee, avrege right for you. Try for months to drink instead of coffee, tea, and see how your body react to such changes.
By the way, similarly you should not blindly follow the opinion that black tea harmful, but useful only green – there are people whose body strongly disapproves of green tea, and this does not mean that their bodies prefer coffee. Just, if you believe that black tea harmful, and the green you do not like, in this case, you can try to train yourself to herbal teas.
Or you prefer vegetable oil, but willingly drink lemon juice, which is not consistent with vegetable oils.Try to switch to pure water and some time refuse the black bread. Find access to quality wheat flour. However, if you realize that you “are” wheat flour, contrary to popular belief about its harm, vegetable fat, low fat milk and sugar, perhaps you will be surprised that useful to you not only white flour, but coffee. Just do not drink coffee a bit of sugar with the flour products from the grain flour.
But you can safely allow yourself so berated by nutritionists white bread rolls and croissants.After all, sweet and white bread, you will only benefit.
If, on the contrary, you understand that perfectly react to rye flour, animal fats, whole milk, cream, pork fat, smoked, spicy, you really should give up coffee. In this case, it is bad for you is not any flour, but wholly for you is a very harmful products made from wheat flour, until the appearance of herpes, and fungi.
Based on the foregoing, we can say that fashion now bread of mixed flour harmful and representatives such as the alpha and omega.
And yet –Adults, please don't force young children is something from which they turn away, and that they spit out of his mouth. The kids have not lost your voice, the body, and they very clearly feel that they benefit, and that hurts. Someone refuses to drink “useful” milk, while others eat butter right hands. Allow the children to keep the inner voice of their own sonorous body, and the body is a wise and caring.
Try for some long time to eat products suitable for you personally and you will understand that it is not only good, but great.
We are all born with a certain type of food. From the first day the kids behave as representatives of type alpha or omega. Watch what happens to you when you get back to your healthy diet and enjoy the fun. published
Authors: Johann Paungger and Thomas Poppe,from the book “everything is Permitted!”
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: faceculture.ru/tip-vashego-pitaniya-alfa-ili-omega.php
- Starting today, in accordance with the Lunar calendar, please watch for them in the days of the Light (when the Moon goes through the signs of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius), do you need these days your body is more or less fat than other days.
- How does your body in the days of Water (when the Moon is in signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) relative to carbohydrates (flour products, potatoes, vegetables). Asks whether it is more or less than usual, how to react to them?

And, not to forget, write down your answers in the diary on paper (which you certainly won't lose) or in a special file on your computer. Can save the file directly to your desktop so you'll never lose it.
TYPE ALPHA AND TYPE OMEGAEach of us noticed that on certain days a certain food seems divinely delicious, it is easily digested and absorbed, and we have a whole day full of energy and vitality, making, in truth, great things. In other days we decide, at whatever cost, to start a new, healthy life, and despite the fact that we used only healthy and nutritious food, we feel tired even sitting at the table. More important things even just tumbled from his hands.
First of all, you have to take it for granted that there is nothing harmful and nothing is useful for everyone. For someone salt is white death, but for others it can be the most healing medicine. Some organisms in the Sahara see sweet poison for other sugar – best friend.
How many times have we heard that white flour is harmful and everyone should go to black, rye bread. However, one of the us rye bread is really going to benefit, while others feel that they are deprived of something bright, kind, joyful....
Animal and vegetable fats among nutritionists since time immemorial there are disputes, what is more useful. And ordinary people, meanwhile, are choosing fats to your liking.
Most stupid invention are calorie tables and calculators that they count, after all, the person who wants to lose weight, have all day to think about the future in harmony, and about food, which led him to overweight. Instead of taking the extra time to get up, to run, or, at least, a walk, a man sits there and counts your calories...besides, such a dead practice silences the voice of one's own body – counting calories drowns out their own feelings of the body.
Remember the second axiom: everything is Permitted... But only at the right time.
Really, you can eat anything, especially something you love, and then you feel comfort in the soul, lift the mood, making your body enjoys life. However, there is a need, nevertheless, to measure. If you've noticed, more common in children, take care of seven nurses, street the Tomboy transcend all – and the food with dirty hands, and sometimes hunger.
Remember another rule:
Even if you eat what you feel is not useful, but you honestly want to eat right now, eat, only without remorse. In any case, no need to regret what you ate. Only when your mind stops to analyze whether you have done that, ate a piece of pie or the entire belongings of fat, only when your mind is silent, you will hear the voice of your body. Your body will start to give you signals about how it reacted to the cake or fat. “Well, give me more!” or “it is Not necessary to torment more me this product.” Only then can you really learn to understand food and be able to determine for themselves the best diet.
Imagine that you are sitting in the most expensive restaurant, brought to you the best and most expensive dishes, but the waiter covering your table, not left, but stood over you and began to wail: “Again, the cook has not washed his hands as I cut the vegetables! And one carrot and fell on the floor, but he took her from the floor and began to cut in your meal. And all the cook has not yet recovered from cold, and he coughed a few times, when interfered pan!”
You understand that after such reviews waiter you can't eat this dish, and if you collect in a fist all the will and, contrary to his plan, all the same, eat food, almost one hundred percent guarantee that the house you spend the night with a bout of poisoning.
But the same thing happens when you eat food, tormented by pangs of conscience. Your body resents exactly the same as you would in your apartment, at your Desk was the same bad waiter.
Remember, when you eat food – it disinfects and fears and remorse – poison and add you extra pounds.
And yet, indeed, not all food are equally useful for you.
What food is healthy?No nutritionist will not be able to tell what foods and what diet is useful for you. Can't tell immediately. After all, to get a true picture of the internal activities of your body, you and your dietitian will take about three months. Moreover, it will be three pilot months. So, please be patient.
There are two main types: Type alpha and Type omega.
These names are coined Johann Paungger and Thomas Poppe. They also developed a test to determine your host type.
To find out what type you belong to, take a sheet of paper and a pencil and spend a vertical line in the middle or open a blank file and it do the same thing.
Left column name "Type alpha" and the right "Type omega".
Now you have themselves to answer 10 questions, which relate to your eating habits, how these habits reacts with your body, as well as some questions to clarify the other properties of your body.
The questionnaire will meet the phrase: “do you use certain foods or not.” Let me explain what is meant by the words "not to move".
"Intolerance" can be expressed in many different ways, for example:
1. After consuming this product you are fatigue sets in. It can manifest itself in seemingly harmless desire to sleep after eating. In fact, “desire to sleep” – a sure sign that the food you just took, you the harmful. Oddly enough, even many doctors think that “sleep” after a meal – this is the most common desire. Alas, it is not. Foods that are harmful for you, takes away your energy instead of giving it to you. From the products that are useful to you, you feel only a rush of energy, even if you stayed a bit and ate too much.
2. After eating you start heartburn, feel full, bloating, even if you ate a little bit. By the way, headache and migraine also are allergic reaction to the wrong food and drinks. Just no one matches the meal with a headache, and even physicians are not always aware of this connection. In part, this is because the headache may not occur immediately after eating, and sometimes even the next day.
3. After eating you suddenly in a bad mood, you become anxious and nervous. The children improper diet react faster than adults. But the term “removing” poison children for longer. Sometimes, for example, requires the whole day to from the body of the child has displayed harmful white flour or sugar, and the whole day is spent not in the mood, which is further aggravated by the fact that adults feed the child harmful product, and even to accuse him of disobedience.
4. You notice bad breath, the sharp smell of sweat, other bodily secretions, is not associated with ingestion of garlic or onion, not related, same with tooth decay. The smell is associated with bad digestion, fullness (because the bad food, the stomach is forced to digest a much longer and spend much more energy and enzymes).
5. You have a fungus or herpes on the outside or inside. Improper diet disrupts the skin and mucous and cold sores always a sign of mental or physical aversion to something (or someone).
6. You have back pain, especially in the sacrum. Back pain is very often an allergic reaction to "polished", dead wheat, because the overloaded kidneys through the nervous processes transfer the excess substance in the spine..
7. If you are interested to build your diet, to determine for themselves the list of useful and harmful products, to determine your type of food, let's move on.
Take a test:Question 1. We all use fats. What you perceive as better than animal fats or vegetable oils?
It is not something that you like, and what fat you carry the better. And then you feel fitter and more energetic – after the salad, dressed with vegetable oil or sour cream?
You can not answer this question immediately, but take time out for a few weeks. Try one week of eating exclusively vegetable oils and other animal fats. Those who ideologically do not accept animal fat, I want to say that it is foolish to feel sorry for the already killed animal, while not sparing themselves, destroying the organism. It doesn't make you a reasonable person. Another thing, if not your mind but your body will refuse animal fats. On the other hand, the call “omnivores” – you are, indeed, well tolerated milk, sour cream and butter, or simply for you it is “tasty”, but you constantly feel fatigue and think you are just lazy by nature?
Watch for them, without becoming slaves to their own ideology or their (perhaps bad) habits.
If you honestly examine your biases, but still this question puts you in a dead end, select a few days of the light of the waxing moon (when the Moon goes through the signs of Gemini, Libra or Aquarius), and these days enrich their menus first vegetable, then animal fats. Of course, you should use clean animal fats, and unrefined, not poisoned by the oil vegetable fats.
The answers to these questions as well as others, can be quite complex, especially when, in order to get these answers, you have to give up their attachment to false ideology or taste habits.
But, understand – it's worth it! Perhaps when you learn what actually requires your body, and go to meet him, you will get better sleep, mood, you will see a new Sun in the sky, for you new singing birds, you will Wake up in the morning in a good mood, work actively throughout the day, will be able to do what you have never had the strength...
Experiment and gain experience until then, until you get a clear picture, even if it takes three months. After all, if your feelings are long silent, and, especially, if they are driven deep into the tyrant's mind, you need a lot of time to convince your body that it finally again allowed will.
Do another experiment: some time do not eat dairy products, and return them during the full moon.
Carefully, with passion explore the skin around the eyes. How she changed under his eyes there were circles, or maybe they have disappeared? Please note as you began to sleep better, or, conversely, have trouble falling asleep or often Wake up at night. How do you feel in the morning – more cheerful, or, on the contrary, more sluggish? What other changes occur to you in connection with the increased intake of dairy products.
By the way, a common lately, the view that milk is harmful for adults is a myth. However, we are still talking about milk, not milk drinks, which are often sold in grocery stores under the name “Milk”.
But in any case, milk is better to drink in the afternoon and not the morning, but not later than 6 PM, because the later intake of milk overload the liver.
If based on the study itself, you have determined that is better to accept animal fats, check the box “Type alpha”. If better perceive the vegetable oil, it indicates the affiliation to the “omega”.
Question 2. What type of flour more to the liking of your body – white, wheat or dark rye?
Similarly, do not rush to answer. Observe yourself – try a week to eat only white bread, and another week – black.
This question (and answer) is of great importance. After all, if you eat contrary to its type, the consequences can be quite sad.
We have already mentioned that back pain is often associated with wheat intolerance. For example, if you go to rye bread, the pain may disappear without any medication and procedures.
On the other hand, if you think that rye bread is healthier, as your body reacts to your mind?
If you have an opinion was divided, and you can't find the right answer, again ask for help to the moon in the lunar calendar select multiple days of water on the Growing moon (when the Moon goes through the signs Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces), and these days eat only products made from wheat flour, or rye. Discard products from multiple grains is not helpful, not only for your food experiment, but generally: a mixture of grains only confuses the rhythms of your body.
Experiment until the picture of your tastes cleared up completely. Let it will take 3 months, but ahead of you have a healthy life (for you) and proper nutrition.
At the end of “flour” experiment put a tick in the appropriate column:
If your body voted for rye flour—put a tick in the box "Type alpha", if wheat – select "Type omega".
Question 3. What does your body: tea or coffee?
Some of you may have delighted: finally a simple question! Because most of us are sure at least, that we like tea or coffee. Because this habit has been in place for decades. But remember – we're experimenting.

Besides, surely you know a lot of examples that some people not only love coffee, but get a good night sleep after it. But after the right food, people should not experience sleepiness.
Comfort food gives a burst of energy and not overwhelming. And the sleep becomes itself strong and healthy, after which the person wakes up rested and refreshed.
Coffee lovers who use this drink as a sleep aid, try, as an experiment, go to a quality green tea. Just remember that you don't need to fill the kettle is the amount of tea that its flavor is reminiscent of a booze – taste reminiscent of a good green tea herbal drink. Check to see whether you'll become more cheerful and relaxed, or, on the contrary, after the green tea you will be more anxious and excited.
In the experiment, should not participate, packet tea and instant coffee – you know perfectly well that neither one nor the other can not be useful for you, for whatever you type or treated.
If your body chooses a good tea — put a tick in the "alpha Type" if it takes high — quality coffee in the "omega".
Question 4. Are you a night Owl or an early bird?
Now it's not about your mode of the day, to impose on you by work or other circumstances. In fact, maybe you're a night Owl but have to get up for work at 6am. We are now discussing, that tells you your body. There are some criteria by which to determine that it is more acceptable.
There are people who long to swing in the morning, at work, before proceeding to the immediate activity for which the person came, this person must drink a Cup and some tea or coffee, to water all the flowers or just sit down (or stand up for the machine) and some time “to meditate on the work” before it wakes up the brain. But after lunch a man feels that he can move mountains, and came home in the evening it comes alive, getting up late, enjoying life and their business.
Others Wake up early, regardless of whether they need to go somewhere or not. Often they don't even need an alarm clock, they still Wake up before it rings. Waking up, these people do not like to stay, just stand up, and they immediately get busy. Some women even to work (even if their working day starts at 8 am) time to make fresh food to his family, to wash and hang the Laundry. A range of treatments – from facial gymnastics to mask all these people manage to do it in the morning and they do not experience a drop in this voltage, because it is so convenient to do everything from morning to evening to free up time for recreation. Such people are found among office workers whose work is somehow connected with numbers. Also among them are many “guru” of yoga or fitness instructors.
Like, everything is simple and clear.
But there is one interesting detail. For example, many believe that among farmers and generally, villagers mainly found larks. Because we all know that in the villages have to get up early, milk cows, drive cattle to pasture in the summer or feed her in the winter. Now, you may be interested to know that, again, live in villages, most of them are “Owls.” So. Yes, they Wake up at 4-5 o'clock in the morning, immediately get up and perform a lot of work, and feel great. If you will manage to watch typical rural inhabitants, you will find that they, indeed, get up early, sometimes very early. In the morning, before the heat, watered gardens, or perform other necessary work, but after Breakfast about 9 o'clock in the morning ... lay down to rest.
Many of the “Owls” it is a mistake to indulge their “owl” habits, tinkering late in the evening (even at night), and in the morning, still waking up, even if nowhere to go, at 9 o'clock, flips to the other side and sleep until noon or longer. Woke up, these folks feel tired and overwhelmed, though, by this time they had a good night's sleep.

For “Owls” it would be better to get up earlier, and very early, and go to bed not too late and again very early.For example, to stay awake from 3 a.m. until 8 p.m., or from 4 am to 9 PM. And, if possible, lie down to rest in the afternoon, for 20-30 minutes, and “listen” to your body after you Wake up.
Those who learned a “night owl”, and experiment with the regime of the day – for now, during testing, its type, we are experimenting in everything, including the perfect day regimen requires fitting and testing.
If you identified themselves as “Owls”, put a tick in the box “Type alpha”. If you know in yourself “Lark” – you are “the omega”.
Question 5. How your body relates to sugar?
It is, in fact, not about sugar, but sweet, whether honey or sugar. Of course, we can talk about sweets in General. But we all know that the vast majority of sweets are harmful. Not sweet, and it is industrial chocolate. For the sake of experiment, even the great sweet tooth, try to abandon industrial sweets. Let's experiment with the sweet, which really can be of benefit to your body.
This is a difficult question, because there is a huge role played by habit: the habit of drinking tea with candy, or a bite to eat and coffee cupcake. The body has long stopped, and most people don't want to listen to your body, when it comes to sweet. Even people who have excessive and very overweight, are willing to give up bread, but eating sugar can not.
Speaking of sweet, it should be noted that sweet, in General, is harmful, very harmful for teeth and particularly for the nervous system. Sweet calms. But the drugs also calm. While we all know that there are a number of situations where drugs are not poison and a medicine that relieves pain. As well and sweet. Other people refuse the sweet strong-willed effort, caring about the proper Petrii. And thus become more tense, sad and “extinct”. And maybe they just sugar and useful.
Want to check, helpful or harmful sweet (natural sweet) right for you? – Perhaps there will have to do more than answers to previous questions. After all, the habit of sweet entrenched from childhood. But still, let's try.
If you are a sweet tooth, give up sweets for a week. From sugar in tea or coffee, from sweets, from cakes, ice creams, even honey. Suppose that for some of you this will be painfully difficult, but the experiment requires the truth!
Write in your diary (or file) of observations, how is the mood in the course of this week, is there any differences, or it is stable elated or sad? do you feel more vitality, or, on the contrary, I feel not passing fatigue? How do you sleep at night?
If you, instead, indulge in sugar and sweet, give yourself a chance to know whether you go without eating sweets. If you do not prohibit your doctor, during the week, put sugar in tea or coffee, or at least eat honey with spoons.
A week later, both groups may already be able to understand whether you need sugar for your body (not your habits, namely the body!).
If your body can do without sugar – you belong to the “Type alpha”. If your body needs sugar, put a tick in the box “omega”. However, even if you and your body United in the love of the Sahara, we are talking about natural sweets. Remember, the vast majority of products “sweet” the food industry is destroying your body, not helping him.
Question 6. Which is better for your body – eat 1-2 times a day, but a lot, or often but in small portions?Modern dietetics adheres to the fashion advice is to eat many times a day in small portions. Perhaps the idea came from ancient times when people ate the “smenkare”. However, eating 2-3 times a day, not 4-6 like new-fangled nutritionists.
The fact that there is constantly in General for the body is harmful. Indeed, it is very harmful, because in this diet the person is not gives rest to your digestive system, forcing her to work all the time: still unable to cope with the digestion of the previous portions, it is forced to immediately start processing the next one. The digestive system then works hard, without stopping to rest.
At all times traditionally believed that to sit at the table the person should only when it feels hunger – because in this way digestive system indicates that it has completed the work given earlier, took a breath and was ready to work again. Feeling the head is very important to us. After all, when we are hungry, we know exactly what we want – meat or tomatoes, turnips, or buckwheat. Without feeling head, we don't understand what you are asking now our body.
However, there are no rules common to all. In General, the traditional approach to nutrition is correct, however, there are people whose body is made differently. Their body takes a variety of small servings, though, with the already known condition that even mnogozhdy times a day they eat, experiencing hunger, not because “is so necessary”. Snacks between meals for people are not harmful, but rather useful.
For most of you this question will be simple, and the answer you will find immediately. Harder it will be full of people who, often, do not feel hungry, and eat “on the clock”. Try it for a week to abandon the “power mode”, and this recommendation is especially useful to diabetics, who much to my surprise, you're not on the “fractional food”, but on the contrary, their health is getting worse.
Try to wait for hunger, since hunger and appetite are two very different concepts. During the week, eat only when you are hungry. And listen to your body. Perhaps he will speak immediately, but only on the third and fifth day. But, but, he will tell you the whole truth on this issue.
If your body better when you're seriously and honestly fill your stomach in large portions. but only 1-2 times a day – your the alpha Type. If your body feels better when you let him snack between meals, and requires that you eat often, but little by little, your Type omega.
Question 7. “Ripened Apple and pear” – which is happy your body?
As in the previous experiments, we will focus on organic fruits and vegetables.
Does your body apples, citrus, cucumbers, carrots?
Or cucumbers your body prefers mainly in salads, lightly mashed (preferably cucumber mash with nutmeg and a small amount of salt, and before putting the salad on the table, you need to drain excess liquid from cucumbers), otherwise your body will respond to treat belching?
How well do you perceive fruits, bananas, tomatoes? Or tomatoes you start to ache joints?
Many people love all fruits and vegetables, without discrimination, because we are convinced that ALL useful ALL the fruits and vegetables. Therefore, before to answer this question, alternately try eating apples, cucumbers, citrus fruits, carrots, and separately, some time later – fruits, tomatoes and bananas. Do not mix in their experiments fruits and vegetables that are intended for different types.
After a few days, or maybe months of the experiment, determine what type brought your body's preferences for vegetables and fruit, place a tick in the appropriate box: if you (your body) prefer apples, cucumbers, carrots, citrus is your Type of alpha. If apples and cucumber cause you weight and other troubles, but you are happy to accept tomatoes, bananas, fruits – your omega.
Question 8. Spicy and salty for your body: benefit or harm?
You may not have to experiment to find the answer to this question. Because the experience in the use of spicy and salty is at all – positive or negative.

Sometimes you just feel the cry of your body, the requirement to give him spicy, the hotter, the better, and after you complete it requirements, you quite clearly hear happy purrs your body (and you with him). Similarly, your body perceives and salty.
Others of you are like the desires of the body unfamiliar, and if they do, they leave you in awe, because you all know how it ends: the cramps, bloating, heartburn and other troubles. You prefer to feed your body so that your colleagues on the experiment will be called “fresh”.
Lovers of spicy and salty are of Type alpha. Those who are trying to escape the sharp, knowing about the unpleasant consequences are of Type omega.
Question 9. You prefer to sit or lie?
“All that you can do lying down, I never do it. All that can be done while sitting, I never do standing” – this aphorism belongs to the great Winston Churchill.
You agree with him or not?
Can you sit for long periods, even on a stool, holding without strain your back straight, or you need back, and it is very comfortable because the back is more important to you the seat?
If you need the seat backrest and armrests, and even better, the sofa, your style alpha. If you are satisfied with a nice, comfy chair and sometimes a stool – put a tick in the column “omega”.
Question 10. Whether you love heat or cool?
How do you prefer to sleep covered with a warm blanket, and sticking out only his nose, or do you like the coolness, and you rarely get cold at night? Of course, the question here is not about extremes – bitter cold or the scorching summer. Do you like light clothing even in cool weather, or do you prefer to wear a sweater, based on the principle of “Fever bones ache”?
“Bastards” and “bitches”, wrapped in a warm blanket, can put a tick in the column “Type alpha”. Those who prefer a cool room, and light clothing – check the box “Type omega”.
So, the test is finished. Long or short, but you answered all the questions. Now at your disposal is a piece of paper or file, in which you see all the answers to the test questions.
V. 1
V. 2
V. 3
V. 4
V. 5
V. 6
V. 7
V. 8
V. 9
V. 10
You have circled or all of the alpha or the omega, or, more often, just the vast majority in one graph.
And now in your power, consistent with what you just learned, to improve your health and even the perception of life.
This table with a tick can be the key to your well-being until old age.
Let's look at the results in your table from a practical point of view. Suppose, since childhood, following the example of their parents, you are accustomed to drinking coffee, and you found out that your your body prefers animal fats and rye flour. In this case, your habit of drinking coffee is harmful. As you know, not at all harmful to drink coffee, avrege right for you. Try for months to drink instead of coffee, tea, and see how your body react to such changes.
By the way, similarly you should not blindly follow the opinion that black tea harmful, but useful only green – there are people whose body strongly disapproves of green tea, and this does not mean that their bodies prefer coffee. Just, if you believe that black tea harmful, and the green you do not like, in this case, you can try to train yourself to herbal teas.
Or you prefer vegetable oil, but willingly drink lemon juice, which is not consistent with vegetable oils.Try to switch to pure water and some time refuse the black bread. Find access to quality wheat flour. However, if you realize that you “are” wheat flour, contrary to popular belief about its harm, vegetable fat, low fat milk and sugar, perhaps you will be surprised that useful to you not only white flour, but coffee. Just do not drink coffee a bit of sugar with the flour products from the grain flour.
But you can safely allow yourself so berated by nutritionists white bread rolls and croissants.After all, sweet and white bread, you will only benefit.
If, on the contrary, you understand that perfectly react to rye flour, animal fats, whole milk, cream, pork fat, smoked, spicy, you really should give up coffee. In this case, it is bad for you is not any flour, but wholly for you is a very harmful products made from wheat flour, until the appearance of herpes, and fungi.
Based on the foregoing, we can say that fashion now bread of mixed flour harmful and representatives such as the alpha and omega.
And yet –Adults, please don't force young children is something from which they turn away, and that they spit out of his mouth. The kids have not lost your voice, the body, and they very clearly feel that they benefit, and that hurts. Someone refuses to drink “useful” milk, while others eat butter right hands. Allow the children to keep the inner voice of their own sonorous body, and the body is a wise and caring.
Try for some long time to eat products suitable for you personally and you will understand that it is not only good, but great.
We are all born with a certain type of food. From the first day the kids behave as representatives of type alpha or omega. Watch what happens to you when you get back to your healthy diet and enjoy the fun. published
Authors: Johann Paungger and Thomas Poppe,from the book “everything is Permitted!”
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: faceculture.ru/tip-vashego-pitaniya-alfa-ili-omega.php
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