Alpha lipoic acid — antioxidant N1
Alpha lipoic acid is one of the most powerful antioxidants, which few have heard. It is also called a super-antioxidant that is closest to the ideal. It serves as an antioxidant to other antioxidants.
The uniqueness of alpha-lipoic acid depends on several factors:
— due to the small size of the molecules it easily overcomes the barrier between the blood and tissues of the brain by acting directly to brain cells. It is the only antioxidant able to get directly to the brain;
— due to its special chemical structure and can dissolve in water and fat and, accordingly, can move equally efficiently in water and in the fatty parts of the brain;
— it is the only antioxidant able to regenerate not only itself, but also a few important antioxidants — vitamins C and E, coenzyme Q10 and glutathione, restoring their antioxidant capacity;
— it is able to neutralize the most dangerous to brain cells nitrogen radicals, including nitric oxide. Previously focused on the suppression of oxygen radicals, but recent studies revealed the presence of both types of free radicals and nitrogen, which are the most serious threat to brain cells;
— increases the efficiency of mitochondria — the energy factories of cells. With age, the efficiency of the mitochondria decreases, glucose and oxygen are consumed worse, and free radicals are given more. Laboratory studies at UCLA showed that alpha lipoic acid reduced the rate of decline in energy production by mitochondria in old rats more than 50%, and their activity increased to the level of the young;
— is a regulator of insulin levels and blood sugar levels and reduces the production of sugar-damaged proteins (end products of lizirovania), accelerate aging, and in large numbers contained in the blood of diabetics.
Alpha lipoic acid is able to protect you from a stroke, and if he did come, limit its consequences and will significantly speed up the recovery.
Laboratory studies showed that animals receiving alpha-lipoic acid, will recover after a stroke. The researchers artificially caused a stroke in rats by compression of the carotid artery and blocking the blood and oxygen to the brain.
The main danger of a stroke is that after restoring blood flow, along with blood on the brain is bombarded by a flow of oxygen (reperfusion). It causes formation of large amounts of free radicals and normal antioxidant defense cannot cope with them. In result, brain cells die, which can lead to temporary or even permanent disability, and in some cases death.
In the experiments, the scientists up to 80% of the rats died during the first days after restoration of oxygen supply to the brain.
When the restoration of normal blood flow and oxygen to the brain rats were administered alpha-lipoic acid deaths animals has been reduced to 25%, and all surviving animals were recovered without apparent visible effect.
Further studies showed that alpha-lipoic acid is able to prevent free radical attack vulnerable parts of the brain. The autopsy of the rats who did not receive alpha-lipoic acid showed brain damage as a result of free radicals. The same rats that received the acid, such damage was found.
But that's not all that is capable of alpha-lipoic acid. It prevents age-related memory impairment. Clinical researchers at the Institute of psychiatry, Mannheim was added alpha-lipoic acid in the water is old but healthy mice. Like humans, with age, the memory of animals is weakening. Few weeks after the start of treatment, the mice were put in the maze. And mice in the drinking water which has added alpha lipoic acid, coped with the task much better. This gives grounds to believe that due to its antioxidant activity, alpha lipoic acid slows the aging process of the brain.
However it should be noted that alpha lipoic acid does not affect the growth of new nerve cells and neural connections. It is believed that the worsening of memory resulting from the ingestion of alpha-lipoic acid is due to the updates in the membranes of nerve cell receptors that regulate transmission of signals in the brain.
But the improvement of memory under the influence of alpha-lipoic acid was not observed in young animals, because it is only repairs and revitalizes chain of neurons, but does not give any ability.
Currently, alpha-lipoic acid — the most powerful antioxidant known to man.
In large quantities it is found in tomatoes, spinach, broccoli.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: fitnessbrain.ru/zdoroviemozga/pitaniedlymozga/alfa-lipoevaya-kislota-antioksidant-1
The uniqueness of alpha-lipoic acid depends on several factors:

— due to the small size of the molecules it easily overcomes the barrier between the blood and tissues of the brain by acting directly to brain cells. It is the only antioxidant able to get directly to the brain;
— due to its special chemical structure and can dissolve in water and fat and, accordingly, can move equally efficiently in water and in the fatty parts of the brain;
— it is the only antioxidant able to regenerate not only itself, but also a few important antioxidants — vitamins C and E, coenzyme Q10 and glutathione, restoring their antioxidant capacity;
— it is able to neutralize the most dangerous to brain cells nitrogen radicals, including nitric oxide. Previously focused on the suppression of oxygen radicals, but recent studies revealed the presence of both types of free radicals and nitrogen, which are the most serious threat to brain cells;
— increases the efficiency of mitochondria — the energy factories of cells. With age, the efficiency of the mitochondria decreases, glucose and oxygen are consumed worse, and free radicals are given more. Laboratory studies at UCLA showed that alpha lipoic acid reduced the rate of decline in energy production by mitochondria in old rats more than 50%, and their activity increased to the level of the young;
— is a regulator of insulin levels and blood sugar levels and reduces the production of sugar-damaged proteins (end products of lizirovania), accelerate aging, and in large numbers contained in the blood of diabetics.
Alpha lipoic acid is able to protect you from a stroke, and if he did come, limit its consequences and will significantly speed up the recovery.

Laboratory studies showed that animals receiving alpha-lipoic acid, will recover after a stroke. The researchers artificially caused a stroke in rats by compression of the carotid artery and blocking the blood and oxygen to the brain.
The main danger of a stroke is that after restoring blood flow, along with blood on the brain is bombarded by a flow of oxygen (reperfusion). It causes formation of large amounts of free radicals and normal antioxidant defense cannot cope with them. In result, brain cells die, which can lead to temporary or even permanent disability, and in some cases death.
In the experiments, the scientists up to 80% of the rats died during the first days after restoration of oxygen supply to the brain.
When the restoration of normal blood flow and oxygen to the brain rats were administered alpha-lipoic acid deaths animals has been reduced to 25%, and all surviving animals were recovered without apparent visible effect.
Further studies showed that alpha-lipoic acid is able to prevent free radical attack vulnerable parts of the brain. The autopsy of the rats who did not receive alpha-lipoic acid showed brain damage as a result of free radicals. The same rats that received the acid, such damage was found.
But that's not all that is capable of alpha-lipoic acid. It prevents age-related memory impairment. Clinical researchers at the Institute of psychiatry, Mannheim was added alpha-lipoic acid in the water is old but healthy mice. Like humans, with age, the memory of animals is weakening. Few weeks after the start of treatment, the mice were put in the maze. And mice in the drinking water which has added alpha lipoic acid, coped with the task much better. This gives grounds to believe that due to its antioxidant activity, alpha lipoic acid slows the aging process of the brain.
However it should be noted that alpha lipoic acid does not affect the growth of new nerve cells and neural connections. It is believed that the worsening of memory resulting from the ingestion of alpha-lipoic acid is due to the updates in the membranes of nerve cell receptors that regulate transmission of signals in the brain.
But the improvement of memory under the influence of alpha-lipoic acid was not observed in young animals, because it is only repairs and revitalizes chain of neurons, but does not give any ability.
Currently, alpha-lipoic acid — the most powerful antioxidant known to man.
In large quantities it is found in tomatoes, spinach, broccoli.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: fitnessbrain.ru/zdoroviemozga/pitaniedlymozga/alfa-lipoevaya-kislota-antioksidant-1
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