All that you did not know about the brain waves

So-called "brain waves» (brainwaves) are electromagnetic waves emitted by the brain of low intensity, with a frequency of between 1 and 40 hertz, which successfully fixed devices, such as electroencephalograph (EEG). There are five basic groups of brain wave.
Delta waves (0, 5-3 Hz): Appear during deep sleep, trance, hypnosis
. Theta waves (4-7 Hz) occur during sleep, deep relaxation and meditation. Increase memory capacity, focus attention, stimulate the imagination, contribute to a vivid dreams. Some people say that half an hour of theta waves in the day 4:00 replace normal sleep.
Theta waves occur when a quiet, peaceful vigil turns into drowsiness. Fluctuations in the brain become slower and rhythmic, in the range of 4 to 8 Hz. This condition is also called "twilight", because it is a person between sleep and wakefulness. Often it is accompanied by the unexpected vision, dream-like images, accompanied by vivid memories, especially children. Theta state opens access to the contents of the unconscious part of the mind, free association, sudden insights, creative ideas.
Using the theta brain stimulation in just three weeks you can learn to achieve creative conditions at any time and in any place - at the request
. Alpha waves (8-12 Hz) are recorded in the state, the boundary between sleeping and waking, meditation, evoke positive emotions, a sense of comfort and harmony. Used in various "high-speed" audio / visual images methods, for example, on tape with courses on the study of foreign languages. Even reading a textbook theta waves promotes greater absorption of the material. The alpha range is also the frequency band, known as the "Shulman resonance" (frequency, resonating with the Earth's magnetic field).
Alpha waves occur when we close our eyes and begin to passively relax, not thinking about anything. Bioelectric oscillations in the brain is slowing down, and there are "bursts" of alpha waves, i.e. oscillation in the range of 8 to 13 Hz. If we continue relaxation without focusing our thoughts, alpha waves begin to dominate throughout the brain, and we plunge into a state of pleasant tranquility, still referred to as "alpha state".
Studies have shown that stimulation of the brain in the alpha range is ideal for learning new information, data, facts, any material that has to be always at the ready in your memory.
On the electroencephalogram (EEG) healthy, not under the influence of human stress, alpha waves are always a lot. The lack of them can be a sign of stress, inability to rest and effective learning, as well as evidence of violations in the activity of the brain, or disease. It is in an alpha state of the human brain produces a larger Council-endorphins and enkephalins - own "drug", responsible for joy, relaxation and pain reduction. Alpha waves are also a bridge - provide a link with the subconscious mind
. Numerous studies by the EEG revealed that people who have experienced childhood events associated with severe trauma are suppressed alpha brain activity. A similar picture of the electrical activity of the brain can be observed in people suffering from post-traumatic syndrome, obtained as a result of war or environmental disasters. Since alpha range is sensory-motor rhythm, it becomes clear - why do people suffering from post-traumatic syndrome, complicated random access to sensuously-shaped representations (which, incidentally, is built all traditional non-drug therapy)
. Beta waves (13-30 Hz): There are active, waking state. The high activity of beta-wave always corresponds to a large release of stress hormones.
Gamma waves (30 Hz and above) go hand in hand with the concepts of "gipersoznanie", "hyperreality". Anyway, so says the Nobel Prize winner Sir Francis Crick and some other scientists.
It was found that stimulation of the brain waves of these external leads him into a state in which the waves appear natural way. For example, very excited (beta state) the person can relax, stimulate the brain alpha waves for five minutes.
The technology intricate process. The man is known to be very hard of hearing and can hear the sound in the range of 16 hertz to 20 kilohertz. There are, of course, exceptions, but ... This is an exception. And our task - to stimulate the brain through the ear, and using stereo headphones. Column does not fit! Other methods will not be discussed, as talk about the brain waves in the sound.
The essence of the technology is easier to explain with an example. Suppose we need to stimulate the brain 10th hertz. To do this ... Served in the left ear a uniform tone of 500 hertz, and right - at 510 Hz. Their "mixing" occurs in the brain. This 510 Hz - 500 Hz gives us exactly 10 Hz. This difference is perceived by the brain, it is called binaural oscillation.
In our example, with the same result can be applied such value pairs, like, say, 400, 410, 800 and 810, but not more than 1000. The ability to interleave and apply various types of waves - an art, and the material on this subject will be enough for a thick book .
David Johnson, a great expert on the subject than I, says the following:
Instant relaxation and stress relief - use the frequencies between 5 and 10 Hz for different levels of relaxation
. Sleep Replacement - thirty-minute session at 5 hertz replaces the 2-3 hours of sleep, allowing you to wake up early in the morning more cheerful. Try listening for half an hour before going to sleep, and early morning rise.
Combating insomnia - wave between 4 Hz and 6 in the first 10 minutes, then a transition to lower frequencies 3, 5 Hz (20-30 minutes), gradually going down to 2 before the end 5Hz
. Raising the tone -. Theta waves (4-7 Hz) for 45 minutes a day
Distinct visual images (eg, for artists.) - Little waves at 6 Hz, then increase to 10.
Relieving Migraine and headache - Experiment with combinations of alpha and theta
. Reduced symptoms of depression - and again, a combination of alpha and theta, theta mainly
. Accelerated learning - from 7 to 9 Hz, while playing an educational record. This increases the absorption of the material. Also in the learning process (for example, by reading) done every half-hour 10-minute time breaks, in whom listen to alpha waves (10 Hz).
subconscious programming - Use of 5 to 7 Hz while playing record (something like a hour and a half reps "I am calm, I am relaxed"), or make your own account and add the waves, mixing it with their account and adjusting the volume
Improved intuition - in this area will help to theta waves, 4-7 Hz
. Achieving higher states of consciousness - and re-theta, with a minimum of half-hour sessions per day. Expect results in about a month.
It should be remembered that the stimulation of brain waves is absolutely contraindicated:
1. People who suffer from epilepsy, arrhythmia and other cardiac diseases. Stimulation of the human beta waves first category certain intensity for 30 min. causing a seizure.
2. People who have pacemakers.
3.Lyudyam with severe mental disorders.
4. Takes psychoactive drugs, as well as being in alcoholic intoxication.