Attention! How does ALL of the digestive system diseases

Digestive system
The digestive system is very important to know the algorithm works: reception, processing and selection. How many would not have diseases of the digestive system, they are subject to a certain law. All major problems arise at the stage of processing. At the reception there is a problem with the teeth and the esophagus.
The processing associated with the release of hydrochloric acid, the presence or absence of bacteria, enzymes and peristalsis fiber. In the body, there should be no pathological forms of bacteria, viruses, fungi and other parasites, worms, and vitamins - present
. In the digestion process involved four components: food, enzymes, bacteria, water. If these four components will be met, then all diseases will be held. In normal food should be enzymes, bacteria, which are formed during souring. The water should be alkaline, chlorine-free.
© Juan Gatti
What not to do during a meal?
You can not drink alkaline water, the water should be acidic, it is possible with the lemon juice, cranberries, lingonberries, ie Any sour herbs that support the acidity of gastric juice.
If you during the meal will drink alkaline water, then dilute the gastric juice, and this should not be done. The water should be drunk half an hour before meals, when the stomach is nothing.
Gastric juice begins to produce for 15 minutes before a meal, when a person sees food, or starts to think about it. It is also undesirable to drink immediately after a meal.
If a person feels that he needs all the time zapivavat, it is very dehydrated. There are two ways out: to drink in 2 hours, she had to go into the intestine or to eat liquid food. Peretёrtaya food stimulates the stomach recovery.
Sick stomach does not digest pieces of meat, fish, bread. He even does not digest them, they will go into the large intestine and there putrefactive bacteria to split them, and the body does not receive nothing. The enormous energy wasted on the breakdown of food.
At Yogi there is a saying: you chew tea, and solid food should be drunk. Tea should not be swallowed, it is necessary to drink sips of drinking, in order to strengthen the stomach. Herbal tea can be drunk before a meal for 15-20 minutes, it stimulates the digestive tract. Acid acid not dilute.
Dry food should chew very carefully so that it becomes water. We are making a huge mistake, breaking the Russian proverb: "When I eat, I am deaf and dumb." Just like to sleep on their backs. She's called: "IMS-ON"
. All this was forgotten. Lunch at us - it is a means to socialize, have fun, porazgovarivat, ie means of communication. This is a profound mistake. Meal should take place in complete silence. A man has to think about food, its behold. Only in this case the brain secretes the right enzymes.
If a person is distracted from the food, the brain can not properly determine what to do in a conversation. For each type of food, for each molecule are allocated certain enzymes. For example, a sandwich with butter and honey. Bread allocated some enzymes, for butter the other on the third honey.
Carbohydrates are digested only within the oral cavity, the proteins start to be digested in the stomach to digest the fats in the duodenum. Such a sandwich - a huge burden on the astral nervous system in terms of time, the concentration of enzyme secretion. And if one looks at the sandwich, it relates to a positive, loves it, relishes, chews his mouth, trying to get pleasure from it, then digest it all. If we swallow without chewing, like dogs, then digestion in 80% of people are violated.
To avoid a dangerous decrease in gastric acid is necessary to adhere to the following instilled:
Do not drink alkaline water during meals and immediately after. It is not even discussed.
Silence during meals.
Carefully chew food.
Do not use large amounts of hot food, as it leads to the destruction of cells.
Absolutely can not take food temperatures over 40 ° C.
At 60 ° C the protein dies. If you drink the water 60 ° C, the cells are immediately destroyed by the esophagus and stomach, which produce hydrochloric acid. In order to check whether you can drink, it is necessary to lower the finger and hold it for a long time. The tea must be of the temperature that can withstand your finger. And we do not go down, but when we start to understand, we begin to resist. Surely among your sign there are those who drink "hot water".
Pick up and dip their finger in what they drink, 100% finger turn red, and they cry!
It will be 1: 0 in your favor and you convince them
! In fact, people do not understand. Therefore, 50% of people suffering from gastritis zero secretion. A zero secretion, which means zero digestion. The only reason for low acidity - hot food
. Cage gastrointestinal live three days. Then she recovered. As soon as she recovered her burned people and so every day.
In Japan, women do not suffer from cancer of the esophagus. A male cancer of the stomach and esophagus - in the first place. And when they began to find out, then we found that women do not eat hot food. They admit to the table, according to the Japanese tradition, when everything is cold.
In Uzbekistan, Mongolia - a large number of cancers. They eat hot pilaf. Formed areas burned in the stomach and duodenum. It is an axiom.
Want do not want to, and need to eat food with a temperature of 36, 6-40 ° C. When you drink hot tea, the body spends a lot of energy.
No wonder they say: "Tea is not drinking, what power, drank tea, very weak." The Russian proverb has all been said. We need to listen a little.
The same thing happens when we use the vinegar. And very bad for the use of cold products. There is nothing worse than the ice cream for the child. To warm food, the body spends a tremendous amount of energy. If you drink cold water in cold weather, you spend an enormous amount of energy. If you want to pay off the power, you have to drink a glass of cold boiled water. The brain simply fade away.
Therefore, athletes are not allowed to drink. Once they began to move, select lactic acid, they want to drink, and if they drink the water, then the energy will leave immediately. In cold water does not flow into the cell because the cell has a temperature of 36 ° C 6. The water should be warm to 40 ° C. On it you will spend a lot of energy. In the heat of the water temperature should be 22-24 ° C, in the cold - 35 ° C
. Food should be warmer than room temperature. If you eat hot food, no pills to restore the stomach does not help. If three times a day to eat hot food, the cells do not have time to recover, and then the cancer occurs, erosion, etc. One person suffers erosive gastritis. Therefore, it is in the chronic group, dozens of doctors working with him.
Gastritis with low acidity doctor prescribes a lean diet. This is exactly the opposite. If this diagnosis is necessary to stimulate the stomach. It should be pepper, horseradish, stimulants.
And with erosive gastritis should be light diet, but the most sparing factor - is the temperature. The doctors are doing the opposite. No one asked, what do you eat? And people treated 10 years. Finally, he was asked about it. It turned out that he only eats hot food, doing just the opposite.
Comes grandmother, whose stomach does not hurt, but the zero acidity. She say: "You only dairy food, cereals, soups, etc. fasting." Grandmother starts to eat well, and it gets bad, because in the stomach does not digest. Dairy writing it is impossible, since in the body there is no enzymes, acids and there is nothing fermented.
Preparations for the recovery of digestion.
Two main product - enzymes and bacteria. If you agree with them, and the food is normal, then more generally do not need anything. But only spend antiparasitic program before. Inspect the liver on Giardia, and opisthorchis toxocara.
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Many are not fully tested and self-medicate. Our medicine has not been canceled. We do not go for the doctor, and go along with the doctors at the stage of preparation, treatment, rehabilitation. There is no opposition. If there are good methods of examination, they have to pass.
More definitely check indicator of blood sugar. It's not quite the digestive system and the endocrine, located in the gastrointestinal tract. On the "Oberon" measure blood sugar levels can not be set for this study, there are standard.
Testing for blood sugar, that after 40 years it is necessary to make everyone, so you do not have any surprises. If sugar is elevated, it is necessary to clean the liver and everything else.
Three ways to get rid of gas: optimize the chair bottom, to avoid constipation, stop eating food that rots and ferments, to get rid of parasites. If a person has giardia, it will have increased flatulence, and stomach will hurt.
Author: Olga Butakova