Eczema is begging for fats
Ninety six million one hundred seventy seven thousand three hundred forty two
Scientific studies have shown that omega-3 fats prevent and improve the condition of eczema, allergies, asthma, Alzheimer's disease, depression and nervous diseases, diabetes, hyperactivity of children, psoriasis, osteoporosis, arthrosis, cardiovascular problems, as well as more serious diseases such as prostate cancer or breast cancer
Omega–3 PUFA have a wide range of clinical and pharmacological effects:
– normalizes lipid metabolism,
– prevents the development of metabolic and cardiovascular disorders,
– improves rheological properties of blood and microcirculation,
– regulate vascular tone,
– ensures the production of inflammatory prostaglandins (prevents endothelial damage and endothelial dysfunction),
– is a structural component of cells of the immune, nervous and cardiovascular system, the retina, ensuring their optimal functioning.
A wide range of clinical and pharmacological effects of omega–3 draws the attention of obstetricians and gynecologists. Recent studies confirm the important role of omega–3 PUFA in the life of the human body:
• Omega–3 PUFA are involved in the formation of cell membranes of all organs and tissues (the brain, the visual analyzer,etc.)
• Omega–3 fatty acids for synthesis of tissue hormones, the so-called eicosanoids (prostaglandins, prostacyclin, thromboxanes, and leukotrienes) that regulate local cellular and tissue functions, including inflammatory reactions, functioning of platelets, leukocytes and erythrocytes, the narrowing and widening of blood vessels,etc.
• Omega–3 PUFA to form an adequate response of body cells to the action of external pathogenic factors, regulate lipid metabolism, prevent the development of inflammation, blood clots, abnormal heart rhythm,
• Deficiency in the human body omega–3 PUFA, in particular eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA), is one of the reasons for the development of atherosclerosis and related diseases,
• Omega–3 PUFA found wide application in various fields of modern medicine (obstetrics, gynecology, cardiology, rheumatology, Oncology, etc.).
On forums and in real life when dealing with people we often hear this phrase "out of my food completely eliminated all fats!" Usually people say these words with pride. Fats in the diet are often considered to be the main culprit of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular and other diseases. However, scientists have long published studies on the usefulness of certain types of fats in the prevention of several diseases and overall health promotion. The key is to understand the variety of fats, and knowing which of them improve the efficiency and benefit of your daily diet.
Almost anyone interested in the topic of healthy eating, heard or read about the benefits of omega-3. Fats are necessary for us for many reasons:
form the basis of the energy reserves of the body;
part of the cell membranes;
cover protective cover internal organs.
The same fatty acids in the body plays a special role. They serve for the synthesis of hormone-like substances, prostaglandins, which are capable of:
lowering blood pressure;
to raise the temperature of the body;
to increase the sensitivity of nerve fibers, and much more.
In our hands, there is a unique opportunity to influence their health – we can add to your diet healthy fats. Useful fatty acids in turn are divided into three classes of fats:
It is believed that fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6 most strongly influence the level of prostaglandins. The true secret to good health is in maintaining the balance of omega-3 fats and omega-6. But in our diet don't have enough fatty acids omega-3, because we either rarely eat or prepare food incorrectly, or believe harmful products rich in omega 3 fats.
What is good for the body from omega-3 fatty acids?
1) Reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
2) the skin a healthy Shine. So it eliminates the imbalance of hormones that cause inflammation, which can cause serious skin problems, including acne.
3) Lead to significant improvements in diseases of the joints. Again, due to the ability of omega-3 fatty acids suppress inflammation.
4) Struggling with chronic fatigue syndrome.
5) Useful in the treatment of emotional disorders.
6) Are crucial for proper formation of the fetus in the womb. The brain and the retina of the baby much needed omega-3 fats, the higher the consumption, the lower the likelihood of developing in a child neurological diseases.
7) have a Positive effect on people who are in a state of depression.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: omega3-fortex.ru/fat.html
Scientific studies have shown that omega-3 fats prevent and improve the condition of eczema, allergies, asthma, Alzheimer's disease, depression and nervous diseases, diabetes, hyperactivity of children, psoriasis, osteoporosis, arthrosis, cardiovascular problems, as well as more serious diseases such as prostate cancer or breast cancer
Omega–3 PUFA have a wide range of clinical and pharmacological effects:
– normalizes lipid metabolism,
– prevents the development of metabolic and cardiovascular disorders,
– improves rheological properties of blood and microcirculation,
– regulate vascular tone,
– ensures the production of inflammatory prostaglandins (prevents endothelial damage and endothelial dysfunction),
– is a structural component of cells of the immune, nervous and cardiovascular system, the retina, ensuring their optimal functioning.
A wide range of clinical and pharmacological effects of omega–3 draws the attention of obstetricians and gynecologists. Recent studies confirm the important role of omega–3 PUFA in the life of the human body:
• Omega–3 PUFA are involved in the formation of cell membranes of all organs and tissues (the brain, the visual analyzer,etc.)
• Omega–3 fatty acids for synthesis of tissue hormones, the so-called eicosanoids (prostaglandins, prostacyclin, thromboxanes, and leukotrienes) that regulate local cellular and tissue functions, including inflammatory reactions, functioning of platelets, leukocytes and erythrocytes, the narrowing and widening of blood vessels,etc.
• Omega–3 PUFA to form an adequate response of body cells to the action of external pathogenic factors, regulate lipid metabolism, prevent the development of inflammation, blood clots, abnormal heart rhythm,
• Deficiency in the human body omega–3 PUFA, in particular eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA), is one of the reasons for the development of atherosclerosis and related diseases,
• Omega–3 PUFA found wide application in various fields of modern medicine (obstetrics, gynecology, cardiology, rheumatology, Oncology, etc.).
On forums and in real life when dealing with people we often hear this phrase "out of my food completely eliminated all fats!" Usually people say these words with pride. Fats in the diet are often considered to be the main culprit of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular and other diseases. However, scientists have long published studies on the usefulness of certain types of fats in the prevention of several diseases and overall health promotion. The key is to understand the variety of fats, and knowing which of them improve the efficiency and benefit of your daily diet.
Almost anyone interested in the topic of healthy eating, heard or read about the benefits of omega-3. Fats are necessary for us for many reasons:
form the basis of the energy reserves of the body;
part of the cell membranes;
cover protective cover internal organs.
The same fatty acids in the body plays a special role. They serve for the synthesis of hormone-like substances, prostaglandins, which are capable of:
lowering blood pressure;
to raise the temperature of the body;
to increase the sensitivity of nerve fibers, and much more.
In our hands, there is a unique opportunity to influence their health – we can add to your diet healthy fats. Useful fatty acids in turn are divided into three classes of fats:
It is believed that fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6 most strongly influence the level of prostaglandins. The true secret to good health is in maintaining the balance of omega-3 fats and omega-6. But in our diet don't have enough fatty acids omega-3, because we either rarely eat or prepare food incorrectly, or believe harmful products rich in omega 3 fats.
What is good for the body from omega-3 fatty acids?
1) Reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
2) the skin a healthy Shine. So it eliminates the imbalance of hormones that cause inflammation, which can cause serious skin problems, including acne.
3) Lead to significant improvements in diseases of the joints. Again, due to the ability of omega-3 fatty acids suppress inflammation.
4) Struggling with chronic fatigue syndrome.
5) Useful in the treatment of emotional disorders.
6) Are crucial for proper formation of the fetus in the womb. The brain and the retina of the baby much needed omega-3 fats, the higher the consumption, the lower the likelihood of developing in a child neurological diseases.
7) have a Positive effect on people who are in a state of depression.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: omega3-fortex.ru/fat.html
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