Betrayal in life and business: the phenomenon and tradition
After some event associated with the subject, drew attention to the philosophical and psychological research in this area, and it turned out (Yes, really!):
first, the phenomenon is quite widespread and in life in General and business in particular (not to be confused with "thanks" and cheating are two different things);
second, traumatic, very painful for the person that leaves the deepest wounds and experiences — like the who and whoever;
thirdly, quite a confused event involving sophisticated samobytnymi and self-flagellation, and finally the most-studied phenomenon in psychology, and quite a few lit for business.
Although, I must say, in small and large scale happens at every step...
So, when and with whom, who is predisposed, who and what triggers to avoid, what to do in case. How to check a person, for example, a business partner, the probability of?...
Animal, betrayed the flock usually dies. So they is not accepted, so to speak, at the genetic level. So, it's the people! And the closer to each other, more surprising and more painful. In the available psychological, philosophical, literature and religious sources, there is even a gradation of tagaste perfect betrayal. And the most serious is the treason, who do you think? Husband\wife? Relative? Other? No! Teacher! And the dinner companion. Teachers who have invested part of their soul and gave life skills (survival) to the student. And why the dinner guest? Since cave times the risk of joint production of food and the same joint feast remain subconscious attribute the survival of human society. Betrayal together looking for food – the same as sending them to starvation. Is it possible to draw an analogy between the ancient search for a production and a business partnership?
Close trust you man (four-legged or two-legged friend, group of people, companies, countries). Ie betrayal can be called unexpected in any excuses, self-accepted failure to fulfill its obligations to entrust (have entrusted) to you and your future. Not just the biblical Judah (by the way, the Treasurer of the entire company) passed his teacher after a big joint party. In business usually betray: to grow the company, learn and transmit their skills superior, unwary zastolnye-colleague who entrusted their future companions-companions.
Usually in the most unexpected and inopportune moment. And the more it hurts.
What is different from deception? The difference of sensations.
Philosophical and religious significance. Somehow, the path of Christ to the resurrection and salvation of mankind lay through a betrayal.
The true face
Usually svershilsya guided supposedly by his own choice of expression, perspectives, possibilities, interests of third parties, i.e., the space of options. And, of course, at the moment, these “best” options are folded. Moreover, in performing this “feat” in their own (and then and littleused this action) line up the eyes of the most beautiful and striking openwork pretentiousness arguments.
So it was necessary for the case... Usually your own edinolichnoe interests disguised as the interests of the group. The act itself usually occurs spontaneously and unconsciously, but the justification is constructed during or after. I think for blurring prying eyes? Not – for closing the mouth of his conscience. Again, the justification or rationale for such action is usually quite rational, reasonable, and even with mathematical calculations.
Then what?
All of the bitterness of the betrayal rests on the chest of a devotee? Not at all! This is just resentment, which like any psychological trauma, is in a hurry to get rid of — self-forgiving, if possible, turning off consciousness with alcohol or with professional help. And the sooner the better!
But betrayed all the more interesting. First, he (she) finds all new and new explanations, rationalizarea expediency accomplished. Then he starts to talk about it publicly, to seek support and justification of others. Then, in the unwillingness to see and somehow me remind you want to get rid of the object of betrayal and circumstances, ranging from avoidance up to desire death as a devotee, and all witnesses. This, of course, a serious psychoenergy not disappearing without a trace. And only occasionally comes confession and repentance...
There is a payback.
Always. No matter how you react to the laws of karma and the will of God, what you sow, so shall you reap, is generated and betrayal follows betrayal. At our business slang is called “the return”. In other words you betray — will betray you. Thus, if something “offensive” happens — look for the causes are not outside, but in that field, which they themselves have sown. “Liked” on the side, sowed his sex interests above loyalty (explanation “I'm a male!”, “not my fault — he came”, etc.), sooner or later reaping the benefits in relationships. Bypassed the interests of business partners is circumvented his future in the business. And not necessarily the same people — it is not a primitive revenge: the law of “return” as I watched, operates not through personalities, and walks of life. Moreover, the cumulative and growing.
So, the first principle of the universal law of neprijatelja: “do Not betray yourself.”
Inclined... and that's enough. In varying degrees because of pride and selfishness. Only from one and not have to wait, other things the sacrament was waiting on a narrow path of doubt and testing. Test what? Trust. Recall, above I mentioned the truism – the betrayal more painful for the person and painful to the wallet, the closer the forthcoming the traitor admitted. Namely, the separation of table and hearth. That is why it has long been in the business environment are not encouraged to have Affairs, go that far with subordinates, not to start a business with friends, and especially don't conduct business with relatives.
Do not tempt not tempt the trust is the second principle, an axiom described by me in this article the universal law of neprijatelja.
The third principle. The atonement is the place to be. Remember repentance and the atonement — not himself, so life will sooner or later make. Than Judas — at least according to the Bible, at least according to the version of the Master Bulgakov? The atonement is equivalent to the deed. It really understand what you want.
The fourth principle. Forgiveness. This is a complex psychological way, but resentment, hidden in the chest or throat, is a poison that destroys the mind and health.
How to check?
Check the small. If people are tempted by the trifle, disregarded oral understandings, drive them out of their cases quickly and boldly, and don't wait for the strike more serious. For example, my old business partner in a challenging time for me was to buy the products around me, directly, contrary to our agreements. By the way, as I later found out, was purchased at the regular price without discounts, but thinking that I beat my mark-up (a rational reason). And after a couple of months offers a joint project. Thank God, the theme of betrayal, I then began to realize... And by the way, once sat with him, not just at the table — at his wedding! Here you will ask: and then what? Yes, I have birthed ideas, has accomplished and is after traced on myself and learned all this wonderful mechanism of being. Of something and give you built my world the law of neprijatelja, so to speak, first hand!
So, back to the point: in business you have to learn to filter the degree of delegation of authority and responsibility. For example, the employee shifted the responsibility for missing the counterpart, covering not “a recess” or at least remaining silent — wait. Business partner just not have arrived in time for an important meeting, explaining the delay plugs, but not fair — their sloppiness, wait. Imagine a close person two options: profitable for you and beneficial to yourself and wait.
How to avoid it?
Don't tempt trust. A clear statement of the tasks, rewards and punishments. In cases do not let too close. Desirable and personal life do not mix. All agreements are recorded and confirmed. Trust — but verify. Trust and obey arrangement itself. Trust and do not betray yourself...
Honesty in relationships, the willingness to discuss painful and unresolved problems, honesty. What unspoken moments, each in their own way seeming gaps in relationships, sneaky little thoughts behind often and are one of the main instigators of the rejection of its obligations.
The power of oath stamp and signature. No, only little fear of the formalization of responsibility.
I wish you to avoid to eat this very fate... I recall the path of Christ to the resurrection was through betrayal and forgiveness.published
Author: Oleg Katugin
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
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Source: psyfactor.org/lib/predatelstvo2.htm
first, the phenomenon is quite widespread and in life in General and business in particular (not to be confused with "thanks" and cheating are two different things);
second, traumatic, very painful for the person that leaves the deepest wounds and experiences — like the who and whoever;
thirdly, quite a confused event involving sophisticated samobytnymi and self-flagellation, and finally the most-studied phenomenon in psychology, and quite a few lit for business.

Although, I must say, in small and large scale happens at every step...
So, when and with whom, who is predisposed, who and what triggers to avoid, what to do in case. How to check a person, for example, a business partner, the probability of?...
Animal, betrayed the flock usually dies. So they is not accepted, so to speak, at the genetic level. So, it's the people! And the closer to each other, more surprising and more painful. In the available psychological, philosophical, literature and religious sources, there is even a gradation of tagaste perfect betrayal. And the most serious is the treason, who do you think? Husband\wife? Relative? Other? No! Teacher! And the dinner companion. Teachers who have invested part of their soul and gave life skills (survival) to the student. And why the dinner guest? Since cave times the risk of joint production of food and the same joint feast remain subconscious attribute the survival of human society. Betrayal together looking for food – the same as sending them to starvation. Is it possible to draw an analogy between the ancient search for a production and a business partnership?
Close trust you man (four-legged or two-legged friend, group of people, companies, countries). Ie betrayal can be called unexpected in any excuses, self-accepted failure to fulfill its obligations to entrust (have entrusted) to you and your future. Not just the biblical Judah (by the way, the Treasurer of the entire company) passed his teacher after a big joint party. In business usually betray: to grow the company, learn and transmit their skills superior, unwary zastolnye-colleague who entrusted their future companions-companions.
Usually in the most unexpected and inopportune moment. And the more it hurts.
What is different from deception? The difference of sensations.
Philosophical and religious significance. Somehow, the path of Christ to the resurrection and salvation of mankind lay through a betrayal.
The true face
Usually svershilsya guided supposedly by his own choice of expression, perspectives, possibilities, interests of third parties, i.e., the space of options. And, of course, at the moment, these “best” options are folded. Moreover, in performing this “feat” in their own (and then and littleused this action) line up the eyes of the most beautiful and striking openwork pretentiousness arguments.
So it was necessary for the case... Usually your own edinolichnoe interests disguised as the interests of the group. The act itself usually occurs spontaneously and unconsciously, but the justification is constructed during or after. I think for blurring prying eyes? Not – for closing the mouth of his conscience. Again, the justification or rationale for such action is usually quite rational, reasonable, and even with mathematical calculations.
Then what?
All of the bitterness of the betrayal rests on the chest of a devotee? Not at all! This is just resentment, which like any psychological trauma, is in a hurry to get rid of — self-forgiving, if possible, turning off consciousness with alcohol or with professional help. And the sooner the better!
But betrayed all the more interesting. First, he (she) finds all new and new explanations, rationalizarea expediency accomplished. Then he starts to talk about it publicly, to seek support and justification of others. Then, in the unwillingness to see and somehow me remind you want to get rid of the object of betrayal and circumstances, ranging from avoidance up to desire death as a devotee, and all witnesses. This, of course, a serious psychoenergy not disappearing without a trace. And only occasionally comes confession and repentance...
There is a payback.
Always. No matter how you react to the laws of karma and the will of God, what you sow, so shall you reap, is generated and betrayal follows betrayal. At our business slang is called “the return”. In other words you betray — will betray you. Thus, if something “offensive” happens — look for the causes are not outside, but in that field, which they themselves have sown. “Liked” on the side, sowed his sex interests above loyalty (explanation “I'm a male!”, “not my fault — he came”, etc.), sooner or later reaping the benefits in relationships. Bypassed the interests of business partners is circumvented his future in the business. And not necessarily the same people — it is not a primitive revenge: the law of “return” as I watched, operates not through personalities, and walks of life. Moreover, the cumulative and growing.
So, the first principle of the universal law of neprijatelja: “do Not betray yourself.”
Inclined... and that's enough. In varying degrees because of pride and selfishness. Only from one and not have to wait, other things the sacrament was waiting on a narrow path of doubt and testing. Test what? Trust. Recall, above I mentioned the truism – the betrayal more painful for the person and painful to the wallet, the closer the forthcoming the traitor admitted. Namely, the separation of table and hearth. That is why it has long been in the business environment are not encouraged to have Affairs, go that far with subordinates, not to start a business with friends, and especially don't conduct business with relatives.
Do not tempt not tempt the trust is the second principle, an axiom described by me in this article the universal law of neprijatelja.
The third principle. The atonement is the place to be. Remember repentance and the atonement — not himself, so life will sooner or later make. Than Judas — at least according to the Bible, at least according to the version of the Master Bulgakov? The atonement is equivalent to the deed. It really understand what you want.
The fourth principle. Forgiveness. This is a complex psychological way, but resentment, hidden in the chest or throat, is a poison that destroys the mind and health.
How to check?
Check the small. If people are tempted by the trifle, disregarded oral understandings, drive them out of their cases quickly and boldly, and don't wait for the strike more serious. For example, my old business partner in a challenging time for me was to buy the products around me, directly, contrary to our agreements. By the way, as I later found out, was purchased at the regular price without discounts, but thinking that I beat my mark-up (a rational reason). And after a couple of months offers a joint project. Thank God, the theme of betrayal, I then began to realize... And by the way, once sat with him, not just at the table — at his wedding! Here you will ask: and then what? Yes, I have birthed ideas, has accomplished and is after traced on myself and learned all this wonderful mechanism of being. Of something and give you built my world the law of neprijatelja, so to speak, first hand!
So, back to the point: in business you have to learn to filter the degree of delegation of authority and responsibility. For example, the employee shifted the responsibility for missing the counterpart, covering not “a recess” or at least remaining silent — wait. Business partner just not have arrived in time for an important meeting, explaining the delay plugs, but not fair — their sloppiness, wait. Imagine a close person two options: profitable for you and beneficial to yourself and wait.
How to avoid it?
Don't tempt trust. A clear statement of the tasks, rewards and punishments. In cases do not let too close. Desirable and personal life do not mix. All agreements are recorded and confirmed. Trust — but verify. Trust and obey arrangement itself. Trust and do not betray yourself...
Honesty in relationships, the willingness to discuss painful and unresolved problems, honesty. What unspoken moments, each in their own way seeming gaps in relationships, sneaky little thoughts behind often and are one of the main instigators of the rejection of its obligations.
The power of oath stamp and signature. No, only little fear of the formalization of responsibility.
I wish you to avoid to eat this very fate... I recall the path of Christ to the resurrection was through betrayal and forgiveness.published
Author: Oleg Katugin
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
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Source: psyfactor.org/lib/predatelstvo2.htm