Betrayal at the energy level never happens suddenly or accidentally.
A person can afford to be called hollow talk, prudish, aggressor and ignorant, but not a traitor. There's nothing worse than betrayal. This is low, mean and unacceptable, but somehow allowed by others in relation to us. Why not? Why are we betrayed, but the traitors do not agree?
They claim that they acted in accordance with their beliefs and feelings, that they owe no one and nothing, and you, in their opinion, did bad, for which they got. They only received anything (anger, alienation, lesson, etc.), but not betrayal. On the subject of betrayal, humanity imposed a “veto”.
Everyone knows that it is bad to be called a traitor, so thoughts are blocked immediately by the subconscious, even for an internal monologue, not to mention admitting the betrayal out loud. No one will ever consciously recognize himself as a traitor and will not appear for himself in such a role in someone’s eyes. We all find excuses for our actions. This is understandable from the standpoint of the personal ego.
Under betrayal lies infidelity to someone or failure to fulfill their duty to someone. In principle, this definition can fit any negative situation: in a love relationship, in a family, in a team, in a group of interests, and even in religion or politics.
Usually, a person who wants to get out of a relationship is immediately called a traitor. Although, in fact, the person has just achieved his goals in this relationship and decided to leave.
And those who see a traitor in front of them simply cannot accept that a person has put their interests above their desires. These are scales, and on one bowl personal needs, and on the second - the needs of the "traitor".
People tend to destroy their tendency to betray. To do this, they do anything, even what does not bring them joy, and even brings pain, so long as he is not considered a traitor, an egoist in society. And what comes of it? Man belittles his ego.
In fact, a person can only betray himself. Exceptional! To betray your love, interests, desires, aspirations, i.e. your Ego. Betrayal of the ego leads to inner conflict, so the brain blocks the subject even for self-discussion. A person cannot recognize himself as a traitor, it is easier for him to blame someone else for this. It is easier to blame someone else than to admit to yourself that you have betrayed yourself long ago.
As a rule, a person who has betrayed his ego begins to silence this feeling by any means, and for this he needs other people. For whom he is needed, he is a guru, he is good. There must be praise somewhere. Admiration can be obtained anywhere: in a club for interests, at work, rest, etc., as long as there are more than two people. A person needs a collective eulogy.
In such groups, usually the leader is the person who has minimally betrayed his ego, that is, he is at peace with himself. But at the lower level of the group are those who mocked their Ego to the fullest. And the lower layer is needed only to feed the energy of the group leaders. This is how sects work, for example.
The same thing happens in family relationships. . .
The leader in the family is the one who has betrayed the ego less, so he is more focused on his desires and interests. The slave, on the other hand, has a practically annihilated Ego, and is only fit to perform his direct duties and to play the part of a good husband or wife. And then, only as long as he performs his functions “excellently”, without receiving anything in return. But if suddenly he does something wrong, he will immediately die to the full program. In such relationships, the slave is held solely as the performer of certain functions, and not as an independent person. Everyone gets what they deserve. So and here - the slave partner treats himself in this way, therefore, the attitude of the leader to him is appropriate.
It's a similar situation in friendship. Usually, one strong individual is friends with another who has suppressed his ego, using the second as a workhorse, a tear vest, or a punching pear. The Vedomas in this “friendship” are a source of energy and serve as a victim.
The worst thing a person with a humiliated ego can do is to devote all his strength and potential to one goal: to become the best where he turns. For example, the slave wife in the family strives to become an impeccable hostess: prepares a hundred dishes for each meal, wipes every speck of dust, irons shirts, etc. And as a result, it becomes simply comfortable and does not receive even praise. The leading husband is sure that there is nothing to praise her for, she just performs her functions.
The desire to become the most-most does not lead a person to happiness and admiration from the outside, because a person betrays his soul, and she responds accordingly. There will be no groups around him and he will not become a leader. It will simply become a very convenient and affordable source of energy to feed others. Think back to school. There was always an excellent nerd in the class, who was shmanaed and remembered only during exams and test sessions. The excellent man had to give to write off, prompt and pull out the two-man. A notorious failure took tips without gratitude, and if the botanist refused to prompt, he fell into disgrace from the leaders of the class, he could even declare a boycott. The situation, as you can see, is similar. That is, a person with a suppressed ego was exactly that “most-most”, but as a result he did not become a leader, but became a source of energy and a slave. For that, the notorious double could easily become a leader to whom the whole class aspired to be faithful squires.
People subconsciously feel another’s ego. And if it is suppressed, they will only use such a person. If a person lives in harmony with himself, then some shortcomings simply close their eyes. For example, a woman may not be a great housewife, but write poetry, sing, dance, or just be an interesting conversationalist. And as a rule, she will become a leader, leading and people will follow her, and the guys will “fall in stacks.” And that's right - she hasn't betrayed her Ego, so she's attractive to others. The same goes for selecting a candidate for office. The chance of getting a job is greater with the one who is friendly with his Ego, even if he is not punctual and does not know all the states in America. But the intellectual, the executive, i.e., the “award-winner-nerd” in the soul, can remain behind.
So what prevents us from “friending” our ego? After all, this friendship will allow a person to really achieve success and be happy.
There is only one fact that prevents a man from betraying his ego. And if you betray once, it will be twice and three times. The man betrayed himself repeatedly, so he is very afraid that he will be exposed and he will be known as a traitor. Thus, he puts on the mask of a comfortable person and continues to please others. And if such a person tries to become a leader, he picks up an environment with an even more downtrodden ego. Not consciously, but on a subconscious level. Circumstances simply develop so that people with an destroyed Ego come into life to such a person.
The weak are drawn to the weak, and the strong to the strong is a law of nature. As a result, a person turns in a circle of gray mass and can not understand why others everything, and he nothing. He is passionate about changing his environment: finding a better job, meeting a worthy partner, finding reliable friends. But it's all in vain. Such people can endlessly complain about their environment, but change it, they do not give fear. Fear, awareness of the betrayal of one’s ego and the possibility of others revealing this secret of betrayal.
Let’s see why others betray us.
It's very simple. The environment works in a mirror system. You betrayed yourself - they repeated it, that is, they mirrored it. Think of the wonderful housewives. They were great: starched shirts, pants with arrows, duck with apples. And he went to the one that you couldn't even cook.Why is this happening? Such a woman has betrayed her ego many times, so she has been betrayed by others..
You tell the universe that I can and should be betrayed. And the person who is nearby, as it were, “forced” to follow this instruction. And he betrays, collects his things, and leaves. Is it the partner's fault? Kind of. Most of the blame falls on the shoulders of women. He's not the partner of such an asshole. He merely mirrored the woman’s attitude toward herself.
Betrayal never happens suddenly or accidentally.. The ego does not know how to cut from the shoulder and for a long time persistently gave the person signs, signals and warnings. But unfortunately, the man did not hear it. And what must the ego do to bring the master into the right senses, to enlighten him? The right thing to do is to show him the betrayal of others. And all in order for a person to finally understand that he independently led his life into a dead end and it is high time for him to get out of it.
It's important not to panic. Have you been betrayed? Great! Now you can make sure that you are not living with the right people.
Have you been betrayed? They helped you and encouraged you to grow. Growth is the healing of the ego, which leads to personal growth. Have you been betrayed? Take it right. Betrayal means they helped you rise to a higher level.
Everyone feels betrayal very painfully. He talks about it everywhere, rushes with betrayal and sucks every bone in it. But for what purpose? He is simply looking for a man with an even more suppressed ego to drink his energy. The pain of betrayal occurs because a person loses support. The same wife my husband left. She had long betrayed her Ego and relied solely on her husband’s Ego. Lived his interests, made his life comfortable, and as a result completely dissolved in him. And without him, she's nothing. The support is gone, and she knows nothing but to serve. Her ego is so shaggy that it is impossible to rely on it.
What do you do to avoid being betrayed? Don't betray yourself. Remember that your own desires and interests should always come first, and the needs and desires of your partner, group, etc. should come second. The word egoism has the root of the ego. And it's no accident. But it is not good to be selfish, but to include egocentrism is very useful. Selfishness is the imposition of one’s desires on others, but egocentrism is when a person lives his own interests, but does not impose his own path on anyone. There is nothing wrong with loving yourself more than others. And more than that, it's the right way. Don’t be afraid that the environment around you will explode if you turn on your egocentrism. As it is not paradoxical, but to such people pulls like a magnet. Around the “selfish” begin to gather “fans” in the hope of knowing his secret, to understand how he does it and to do the same.
If you focus on your desires, you quickly begin to realize that others have the right to live their own interests different from yours. As a result, two or more free, strong people with a thriving ego live in harmony with each other. And only in this situation, betrayal does not threaten you. You have not betrayed yourself – you have not been betrayed by your partner, partner, etc.
And even if a man and a woman with strong egos separate, they will not feel betrayed. Neither he nor she was betrayed, just parted ways and everyone can build their new happiness away from each other. Such people do not diverge from victims, “drops” and traitors, and people whose interests simply diverged. And such a split in relations will not be a drama, everything will pass without emotional shock, although it will hurt, but it will be tolerated.
The ego is your patron, friend, inner self. Your ego is yourself, your soul, your personality. Do not betray yourself, then no one will betray you from the outside!Be happy!published
Credit Victoria Stelmach
P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness – together we change the world!
Picture: kinesiovita.com/psihologiya/predatelstvo-na-energeticheskom-urovne
They claim that they acted in accordance with their beliefs and feelings, that they owe no one and nothing, and you, in their opinion, did bad, for which they got. They only received anything (anger, alienation, lesson, etc.), but not betrayal. On the subject of betrayal, humanity imposed a “veto”.
Everyone knows that it is bad to be called a traitor, so thoughts are blocked immediately by the subconscious, even for an internal monologue, not to mention admitting the betrayal out loud. No one will ever consciously recognize himself as a traitor and will not appear for himself in such a role in someone’s eyes. We all find excuses for our actions. This is understandable from the standpoint of the personal ego.

Under betrayal lies infidelity to someone or failure to fulfill their duty to someone. In principle, this definition can fit any negative situation: in a love relationship, in a family, in a team, in a group of interests, and even in religion or politics.
Usually, a person who wants to get out of a relationship is immediately called a traitor. Although, in fact, the person has just achieved his goals in this relationship and decided to leave.
And those who see a traitor in front of them simply cannot accept that a person has put their interests above their desires. These are scales, and on one bowl personal needs, and on the second - the needs of the "traitor".
People tend to destroy their tendency to betray. To do this, they do anything, even what does not bring them joy, and even brings pain, so long as he is not considered a traitor, an egoist in society. And what comes of it? Man belittles his ego.
In fact, a person can only betray himself. Exceptional! To betray your love, interests, desires, aspirations, i.e. your Ego. Betrayal of the ego leads to inner conflict, so the brain blocks the subject even for self-discussion. A person cannot recognize himself as a traitor, it is easier for him to blame someone else for this. It is easier to blame someone else than to admit to yourself that you have betrayed yourself long ago.
As a rule, a person who has betrayed his ego begins to silence this feeling by any means, and for this he needs other people. For whom he is needed, he is a guru, he is good. There must be praise somewhere. Admiration can be obtained anywhere: in a club for interests, at work, rest, etc., as long as there are more than two people. A person needs a collective eulogy.
In such groups, usually the leader is the person who has minimally betrayed his ego, that is, he is at peace with himself. But at the lower level of the group are those who mocked their Ego to the fullest. And the lower layer is needed only to feed the energy of the group leaders. This is how sects work, for example.
The same thing happens in family relationships. . .
The leader in the family is the one who has betrayed the ego less, so he is more focused on his desires and interests. The slave, on the other hand, has a practically annihilated Ego, and is only fit to perform his direct duties and to play the part of a good husband or wife. And then, only as long as he performs his functions “excellently”, without receiving anything in return. But if suddenly he does something wrong, he will immediately die to the full program. In such relationships, the slave is held solely as the performer of certain functions, and not as an independent person. Everyone gets what they deserve. So and here - the slave partner treats himself in this way, therefore, the attitude of the leader to him is appropriate.
It's a similar situation in friendship. Usually, one strong individual is friends with another who has suppressed his ego, using the second as a workhorse, a tear vest, or a punching pear. The Vedomas in this “friendship” are a source of energy and serve as a victim.
The worst thing a person with a humiliated ego can do is to devote all his strength and potential to one goal: to become the best where he turns. For example, the slave wife in the family strives to become an impeccable hostess: prepares a hundred dishes for each meal, wipes every speck of dust, irons shirts, etc. And as a result, it becomes simply comfortable and does not receive even praise. The leading husband is sure that there is nothing to praise her for, she just performs her functions.
The desire to become the most-most does not lead a person to happiness and admiration from the outside, because a person betrays his soul, and she responds accordingly. There will be no groups around him and he will not become a leader. It will simply become a very convenient and affordable source of energy to feed others. Think back to school. There was always an excellent nerd in the class, who was shmanaed and remembered only during exams and test sessions. The excellent man had to give to write off, prompt and pull out the two-man. A notorious failure took tips without gratitude, and if the botanist refused to prompt, he fell into disgrace from the leaders of the class, he could even declare a boycott. The situation, as you can see, is similar. That is, a person with a suppressed ego was exactly that “most-most”, but as a result he did not become a leader, but became a source of energy and a slave. For that, the notorious double could easily become a leader to whom the whole class aspired to be faithful squires.
People subconsciously feel another’s ego. And if it is suppressed, they will only use such a person. If a person lives in harmony with himself, then some shortcomings simply close their eyes. For example, a woman may not be a great housewife, but write poetry, sing, dance, or just be an interesting conversationalist. And as a rule, she will become a leader, leading and people will follow her, and the guys will “fall in stacks.” And that's right - she hasn't betrayed her Ego, so she's attractive to others. The same goes for selecting a candidate for office. The chance of getting a job is greater with the one who is friendly with his Ego, even if he is not punctual and does not know all the states in America. But the intellectual, the executive, i.e., the “award-winner-nerd” in the soul, can remain behind.
So what prevents us from “friending” our ego? After all, this friendship will allow a person to really achieve success and be happy.
There is only one fact that prevents a man from betraying his ego. And if you betray once, it will be twice and three times. The man betrayed himself repeatedly, so he is very afraid that he will be exposed and he will be known as a traitor. Thus, he puts on the mask of a comfortable person and continues to please others. And if such a person tries to become a leader, he picks up an environment with an even more downtrodden ego. Not consciously, but on a subconscious level. Circumstances simply develop so that people with an destroyed Ego come into life to such a person.

The weak are drawn to the weak, and the strong to the strong is a law of nature. As a result, a person turns in a circle of gray mass and can not understand why others everything, and he nothing. He is passionate about changing his environment: finding a better job, meeting a worthy partner, finding reliable friends. But it's all in vain. Such people can endlessly complain about their environment, but change it, they do not give fear. Fear, awareness of the betrayal of one’s ego and the possibility of others revealing this secret of betrayal.
Let’s see why others betray us.
It's very simple. The environment works in a mirror system. You betrayed yourself - they repeated it, that is, they mirrored it. Think of the wonderful housewives. They were great: starched shirts, pants with arrows, duck with apples. And he went to the one that you couldn't even cook.Why is this happening? Such a woman has betrayed her ego many times, so she has been betrayed by others..
You tell the universe that I can and should be betrayed. And the person who is nearby, as it were, “forced” to follow this instruction. And he betrays, collects his things, and leaves. Is it the partner's fault? Kind of. Most of the blame falls on the shoulders of women. He's not the partner of such an asshole. He merely mirrored the woman’s attitude toward herself.
Betrayal never happens suddenly or accidentally.. The ego does not know how to cut from the shoulder and for a long time persistently gave the person signs, signals and warnings. But unfortunately, the man did not hear it. And what must the ego do to bring the master into the right senses, to enlighten him? The right thing to do is to show him the betrayal of others. And all in order for a person to finally understand that he independently led his life into a dead end and it is high time for him to get out of it.
It's important not to panic. Have you been betrayed? Great! Now you can make sure that you are not living with the right people.
Have you been betrayed? They helped you and encouraged you to grow. Growth is the healing of the ego, which leads to personal growth. Have you been betrayed? Take it right. Betrayal means they helped you rise to a higher level.
Everyone feels betrayal very painfully. He talks about it everywhere, rushes with betrayal and sucks every bone in it. But for what purpose? He is simply looking for a man with an even more suppressed ego to drink his energy. The pain of betrayal occurs because a person loses support. The same wife my husband left. She had long betrayed her Ego and relied solely on her husband’s Ego. Lived his interests, made his life comfortable, and as a result completely dissolved in him. And without him, she's nothing. The support is gone, and she knows nothing but to serve. Her ego is so shaggy that it is impossible to rely on it.
What do you do to avoid being betrayed? Don't betray yourself. Remember that your own desires and interests should always come first, and the needs and desires of your partner, group, etc. should come second. The word egoism has the root of the ego. And it's no accident. But it is not good to be selfish, but to include egocentrism is very useful. Selfishness is the imposition of one’s desires on others, but egocentrism is when a person lives his own interests, but does not impose his own path on anyone. There is nothing wrong with loving yourself more than others. And more than that, it's the right way. Don’t be afraid that the environment around you will explode if you turn on your egocentrism. As it is not paradoxical, but to such people pulls like a magnet. Around the “selfish” begin to gather “fans” in the hope of knowing his secret, to understand how he does it and to do the same.
If you focus on your desires, you quickly begin to realize that others have the right to live their own interests different from yours. As a result, two or more free, strong people with a thriving ego live in harmony with each other. And only in this situation, betrayal does not threaten you. You have not betrayed yourself – you have not been betrayed by your partner, partner, etc.
And even if a man and a woman with strong egos separate, they will not feel betrayed. Neither he nor she was betrayed, just parted ways and everyone can build their new happiness away from each other. Such people do not diverge from victims, “drops” and traitors, and people whose interests simply diverged. And such a split in relations will not be a drama, everything will pass without emotional shock, although it will hurt, but it will be tolerated.
The ego is your patron, friend, inner self. Your ego is yourself, your soul, your personality. Do not betray yourself, then no one will betray you from the outside!Be happy!published
Credit Victoria Stelmach
P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness – together we change the world!
Picture: kinesiovita.com/psihologiya/predatelstvo-na-energeticheskom-urovne