Spiritual causes of serious diseases

Any phenomenon in the world is an integral part of the system of higher order. For example, each person is a member of a family and the kind of belongs to a particular nation, country, mankind in general, the universe and, eventually, is a part of the Whole. And in each of these systems, there are certain relationships, debt, the violation of which leads to an imbalance in the system. It is easy to notice that in this world everything is arranged on the same principle: the part is the whole. Our body is also a system consisting of various organs.
In turn, the organs of the human body consists of a plurality of cells. And, of course, we expect that the ability to live our every organ and every cell will be directed to the good of the whole organism.
lower Purpose - to serve a higher
. And only a person has a choice: either accept the ministry to serve, and often cause harm. Therefore, many sages say that people can be more dangerous than a poisonous snake, and sometimes in the woods better meet viper than human.
In our world, all living things, even the stones have a soul, and all that is necessary to the soul - is love. And the world also expects from us only one thing - love. After all, a person can consciously generate and pass through itself this fundamental energy - unconditional love, and this is the main purpose of his
. Among all the forms of life that exist on our planet, only man has the choice up to the Divine level and live God's love - in this case the person will progress in all respects, or to give up the ministry and live rough selfishness - is the way of degradation <. br>
In our century, particularly in the "developed" countries, a growing number of cancer patients. Scientific studies show that cancer cells do not come from the outside - it is the body's own cells, which to some pores were organs of the body and perform the task of providing the body's vital functions. But at some point, they change their outlook and behavior begin to implement the idea of giving up the ministry authorities, actively proliferate, violate the morphological boundaries, set around their "strongholds" (metastases) and eat healthy cells.
The cancer is growing rapidly and needs oxygen. But the breath - is a joint process, cancer cells operate on the principle of gross selfishness, so they do not have oxygen. Then the tumor becomes autonomous, more primitive form of respiration - fermentation. In this case, each cell can "roam" and breathe on their own, separate from the body. All this ends up being a cancer destroys the body and eventually die with him. But first, the cancer cells are very successful - they grow and reproduce much faster and better than normal cells
. Selfishness and independence - by and large this is the way "to nowhere»
. The philosophy of "I do not care about the other cells," "I am what I am", "the world owes me serve and give pleasure" - a worldview cancer cell
. The concept of freedom and the immortality of cancer cells is wrong. And this error is that at first glance completely successful process of cell selfish ends pain and death. Experience shows that the behavior of the egoist - it's self-destruction, and eventually the destruction of the surrounding
. But modern people mostly live this way, unconsciously obeying the dominant social concept of "none of my business," "I do not care about others", "the most important thing for me - it is my interests." This philosophy is present everywhere: in the economy, in politics and even in modern religious organizations
. Most religious sermons aimed at the expansion of its tradition, expanding the circle of his followers, the approval of the idea that the religious institution - the best and the only right and all the rest -. Faulty
Any, even healthy, the cell must first of all take care of themselves. But then in what appears psychology of cancer cells, and where the line between selfishness and love? Healthy cell always gives more than it receives, it is for the good of the organism. Biologists say that the 80% it gives the body, and 20% of the reserves themselves.
It is interesting that in pranayama (yogic breathing exercises), the main rule - an exhalation should be longer than a breath. Why? Because, if the breath exhalation longer in the body decreases the amount of prana (chi) - vitality. In this world, we must also give more than we receive.
In what appears consumerism in everyday life?
On the material level Consumerism is manifested in greed: a person does not sacrifice even 10% of their income, does not care about others, not doing something selfless for others, lives only for himself, strives to earn as much money and spend it on your pleasures. At times he was ready to betray, steal, cheat, and so on. D. For the sake of material enrichment.
On an energetic level consumerism appears in exasperation, anger, aggression and rejection of the situation or any people - a man tied to anything, starts to depend on this world and be annoyed if things are moving, or other people do not behave the way he wants. But if we are determined to give, then we easily accept any internal developments, and there is no reason to be irritated.
On a psychological level Consumerism is manifested in the fact that people are sincerely convinced that he came to this world to enjoy the universe exists in order to provide him with all necessary to be happy, and all around are simply obliged to please him in every way. But we must realize that in this world we do not owe anyone. We came here to learn to give, to serve. Therefore, there are only two options: either to stand up to the position of a cancer cell, or live to give love and peace Love
. Love - it is an internal let-go and giving freedom of love object. We must realize that, wherever we were, we have only one goal, one purpose - to give unconditional love (more correctly - just be unconditional love). Happiness is a very simple formula: if you want to be happy - make others happy. And if we live in the "here-and-now" if we stand on the position of the impact, we always and everywhere good. But how can we live Love in a society dominated by ideology of the cancer cell, and most of the people around them - consumers
? One of the laws of karma states that if you allow anyone to parasitize on you, you will worsen the karma and myself, and this man. You must be able, if necessary, be strict -.. Children, partners, subordinates, etc. If the person you are using, and you are contributing to this, you do it by a parasite and is punishable. So if you live in a "cancerous" society, you have to be very clear communication criteria: if you see that a person lives, as a cancer cell, it is manifested in the ministry is that you help him change the world
Many people understand Love as something glamorous, very beautiful and always pleasant. But it is - cheap sentiment. It is important to understand that Love is above duality, and not always only positive emotions. Sometimes Love manifests itself very firmly, for example, if you want to punish the teenager negligent subordinates. It is important to act consciously, at the external level to be strict, but inside - to keep calm and Love
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The false ego and cancer cells combine two general principles:
1. The principle of the separation. False ego closes the soul from God, separates it from the whole and makes us think that in this world every man for himself, "it's me, but it's you," "me or you", "the main thing that I was good, even if this affects the other. »
2. The principle of protection. And cancer cells, and false ego is always protected. Note that even the killer almost never pleads guilty ( "he began," "it is society to blame, that I brought up", and so on. D.). So you need to keep track of, as soon as I start to defend themselves (.. Justified, hotly defend their opinion, etc.), I go down to the level of a cancer cell. (Although, of course, the protection of his body required, although there is not even saints such protection. They rely entirely on the will of the Divine and, interestingly, almost do not attract a situation when they are attacked by someone.)
In the ego the illusion that it is able to do something alone. The ego tries to meet their needs and dictates to man the way, apart from a good and useful only what contributes to their further alienation from the world and increase. The ego is afraid of becoming one with all, as it means his death. And even for some very important spiritual personalities false prestige, exclusivity.
When asked about the purpose of life, you can hear different answers, but most people say that the goal - development and progress. The purpose of today's doctors - medical progress (opening of new diseases, their classification, drug discovery, etc...), But the health of people in general, this does not improve: today is classified more than 70 thousand different diseases, and every day their number increases.
Scientists are eager to progress in science, spiritual people want to progress spiritually, but to consider the purpose of progress - is absurd, because it is infinite. The target may be only in the transformation of something, a qualitative change, raising to a new level. What does it mean? Imagine that the question about the purpose of the imprisoned person answers: "The purpose of my life - to get into the camera with a more comfortable environment." This is normal? Of course not. Its goal should be to be released.
According to statistics, a lot of surgery or caused harm to humans ( "the operation was successful, but the patient died"), or they can be avoided. Why is that? Because the purpose of a medical advances in medicine, rather than a qualitative leap to a new level, which is the realization that without the philosophical view of the world a man can not be healthy and happy. The word "doctor" comes from the word "lie", which means "to speak" in the ancient language. Therefore, the doctor should first be a philosopher, explained to the patient that the main cause of his illness -. In the wrong worldview and lifestyle
Changes are possible only when the aim of medicine will yield the person to a new level. Without it, even the most advanced and expensive medical equipment can not return a person's health. Won one infection - there are two new ones. Because there is a karmic reasons that do not depend on external conditions.
We live in a relatively free society, and we can do whatever we want. But are we truly free? None.
If a person is selfish, greedy, envious - he can not be free, because it becomes a puppet in the hands of its own low-energy (envy, anger, greed, etc...). If the target is human - comfort, even in the new luxurious mansion he was a slave, as a slave, and will remain. As long as man does not seek to ensure that the rise to a new, higher spiritual level and be selfless to gain true freedom, he can not be happy.
Cancer cells differ from conventional overestimation of the "I»
The core cell can be compared with the human brain; increases in value cancer cell nucleus, the nucleus grows in size, and, accordingly, increases selfish. In the same way, when a person begins to live not with the heart and the intellect, logic, it becomes a cancer cell. In Christian tradition, the devil - this is the most talented and intelligent angel, who, instead of love sought to spirituality, rationality, intelligence
. A cancerous cell is looking for immortality in the division and expansion. In the same way, and the ego acts: it tries to perpetuate itself through children, students, the implementation of standards for the record books, scientific discoveries, the "good" things and other symptoms. In other words, we seek satisfaction in something external - where it, in principle, impossible to find. It is important to understand that there is life in matter, in itself it is dead.
"To die, to be born" - what does it mean? To find the content you need to sacrifice form. That is become to nothing attached or dependent or why, and no one in this modern world.
Most people fail on the spiritual path, because few people understand that the "I" with which we identify ourselves, can not be saved or light. Many people come to the spiritual life in an attempt to escape from the material life difficulties and think: "I'll pray from morning to evening and attain enlightenment, I shall get into the spirit world, and so on..." But it is also a form of egoism - egoism in the spiritual life, because it wants to get rid of the ego - even though at the beginning of the spiritual path, and it may be a good idea
. I know many such examples among the followers of different spiritual paths. I once had a reception was orthodox Jewess who regularly studies the Torah, obey the commandments, received the blessing of many well-known rabbis, but the money it is not enough, on its not like health from getting worse and worse every year, and her daughter is not can marry. And she asks: "Rami, where is God? I've done so much for him, where he's looking? Where is a good husband for my daughter, where is the money to me for life, "It is very common: people come to the spiritual life, to solve some selfish, financial problems
. First time in the cancer cell body is very comfortable: you can only take care of themselves, breath by fermentation becomes so enjoyable life with other like-minded cancer cells are much warmer and more comfortable, but then come the suffering and death occurs
. This point is very important to understand. The basic idea of the true spiritual teaching - getting rid of selfishness. And this is what is said in the teachings of Christ, Buddha, Krishna, is the teaching of Kabbalah, Sufism, Eastern psychology. Cults and sects are very outstanding and talented people, but they are often imbued with selfishness of their founders, and it is a tragedy for thousands of people. Therefore it is very important to watch how much a person is selfish, as the main criterion of spiritual growth - getting rid of selfishness, envy, greed, desire for fame and glory. And there is no sense just to progress in the spiritual life, because when a person performs all the required rituals, regularly praying and fasting, meditating, it gives him a certain calm: "I am dedicated, I know the truth, and now I will definitely be saved." But the sacrifice of his ego manifests itself in humility, the ability to internally accept any person and any situation, forget the insults, etc. Only this -.. A sign of true progress
. "Are people right to complain about the cancer? After all, the disease - a reflection of ourselves: it shows us our behavior, our arguments, and ... end of the road. People formed cancer ... because they themselves have cancer. It does not need to win, and to understand, to learn to understand themselves. The only way we can find the weak links in the vision that humans, and cancer is used as a general picture of the world. Cancer fiasco because in opposition to what surrounds it. It follows the principle of "either - or" and protects its own, independent of the surrounding life. He lacks awareness of the great all-embracing unity. This misunderstanding is typical for a person, and for cancer: the more the ego separates itself, the faster it loses the sense of the whole, part of which is. In the ego the illusion that it can do anything "alone". But the "one" - in the same way means "one with everything", and in a "disunion of the others»
. The ego tries to meet their needs and dictates to man the way, apart from a good and useful only what contributes to its further delimitation and manifestation. It is afraid of the possibility of "becoming one with everything", because it determines his death. Man loses touch with the origins of life to the extent that distinguishes their "I" from the world »
From the book Rudiger Dahlke and Torvald Detlefsen "Illness as a way».
I really like the expression: "The great thing is always connected with the death of the ego." The feat is not always associated with the death of the physical body to make it, we have to step over your selfishness. Each forgiven us resentment, internal decision-criticism, reluctance to justify, defend its greatness, etc. -.. A little death of our ego. In Sanskrit, the merger with the Divine (getting rid of the ego) is called "samadhi". But sometimes the word is translated as "pleasure". In material life we experience some level of pleasure, and they are all connected with the abandonment of the ego.
Первый (невежественный) уровень – это когда человек уходит в другую реальность с помощью алкоголя или наркотиков, причиняет другим страдания, забывая обо всем, в том числе и о себе.
Второй уровень (уровень страсти) – когда человек забывает о себе, погружаясь в работу. Это тоже «самадхи», ведь мы можем быть счастливы, только когда забываем о себе и отказываемся от эго, а чем больше мы концентрируемся на себе, тем более мы несчастны. Но когда такой трудоголик уходит на пенсию, он очень скоро умирает – в его жизни больше нет смысла. На этом уровне кратковременное «самадхи» человек может испытать, погружаясь в погоню за чувственными наслаждениями.
На третьем уровне люди достигают «самадхи», когда погружаются в творчество: что-то изобретают, занимаются искусством, вносят в свою работу элемент творчества и т. д. В современном западном мире это самый высокий уровень наслаждения. Но наивысший, духовный уровень – когда мы отказываемся от эго ради служения Богу (Целому, Единому) и живем безусловной Любовью – это и есть подлинное «самадхи» и совершенство.
В человеке не могут одновременно жить страх и Любовь – это две полностью противоположные энергии. Но чем больше эго, тем больше оно боится. Ему мало что-то завоевать, нужно еще это сохранить и удержать. Мы не можем освободить свое эго от страха, но мы можем избавиться от эго и обрести свободу. Эта идея очень ясно выражена в христианстве: «Умереть (полностью разрушить ложное эго), чтобы родиться к жизни Вечной». Только обуздав свое стремление к отграничению, мы поймем, что общее благо – это и наше благо, что мы часть, соединенная со всем Сущим – и только тогда мы сможем стать частью Целого и брать на себя ответственность за него.
Существует макро- и микрокосмос, а каждая клетка содержит генетический код всего организма. Есть очень точное выражение, что мы созданы по образу и подобию Бога. Так и есть – мы все маленькие Боги. Но чем больше мы живем эгоизмом, тем дальше мы удаляемся от Бога, от своей истинной сущности. Раковая клетка и эго верят, что есть внешний мир, отделенный от них и, как правило, им враждебный. И эта вера несет смерть. Современные врачи относятся к болезни как к чему-то враждебному, не присущему организму, а человеческий организм рассматривают как нечто самостоятельное, отделенное от мира и не связанное с природой. Например, в определенные лунные дни нельзя делать операции, и статистика подтверждает, что такие операции практически всегда менее удачны – но современная медицина вообще не использует древние знания…
Многие люди потакают своим чувствам, никогда и ни в чем себе не отказывают, едят абсолютно все в любое время суток, имеют 40 килограммов лишнего веса и при этом искренне убеждены, что они себя любят. Как вы думаете, их тела приветствуют такой образ жизни? Любовь к себе подразумевает, что вы не причиняете себе вреда. Если вы понимаете, что ваше тело – это Божественный дар, храм для вашей души, вы будете его беречь и заботиться о нем: установите себе здоровый режим дня, будете правильно питаться, заниматься физическими упражнениями, соблюдать гигиену и т. д.
Если мы себя любим – мы избавляемся от негативных качеств, работаем над своими недостатками. Если мы любим близкого человека, то помогаем ему работать над собой (избавляться от эгоизма), но делаем это очень мягко и тактично. А если мы помогаем по принципу «догнать и причинить добро», то это уже не Любовь. Любовь – это единение со всем Сущим, она распространяется на все и не останавливается ни перед чем. В Любви нет страха смерти, так как она сама по себе – жизнь. Если мы живем Любовью, то знаем, что наша душа вечна, разрушается только тело. Где бы мы ни оказались, мы всегда можем дарить Любовь.
Раковые клетки тоже преодолевают все границы и барьеры, отрицают индивидуальность органа и распространяются, не останавливаясь ни перед чем. Они тоже не боятся смерти. Рак демонстрирует искаженную Любовь, опуская ее на материальный уровень. Совершенство и единение может быть реализовано только в сознании, но не на уровне материи. Рак – это олицетворение неправильно понятой Любви.
Символ истинной Любви – это сердце. Сердце – единственный человеческий орган, практически недоступный раку, потому что оно олицетворяет центр Божественной любви, самый главный энергетический центр человека (анахата-чакру). Если мы живем Любовью, то эта чакра открывается, и мы живем гармонично.
Есть научные данные, подтверждающие, что, когда человек начинает жить безусловной Любовью, все органы у него исцеляются и работают гармонично. Жадный, завистливый, эгоистичный человек запускает своими негативными эмоциями разрушительные биохимические процессы и тем самым разрушает свое тело.
Даже с позиции логики очевидно, что намного лучше во всех отношениях жить Любовью, жить «здесь-и-сейчас». Конечно, эго будет этому сопротивляться – для него это смерть. Таким образом, у нас каждую секунду есть выбор между безусловной Любовью и эгоизмом, который олицетворяет дорогу «в никуда».
Автор: Рами Блект, доктор философии в области альтернативной медицины
Статья написана на основе лекции, прочитанной в рамках семинара «10 шагов на Пути к совершенству». Подробно эта тема рассматривается в книгах Рудигера Дальке и Торвальда Детлефсена «Болезнь как путь», Х.Р Кларка «Исцеление от всех форм рака в последней стадии», Экхарт Толле «Новая земля», Рами Блекта «Три энергии. Забытые каноны здоровья и гармонии» и «10 шагов на Пути к счастью, здоровью и успеху».
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