How can I see the heavy metals from the body - Opening of Dr. Yoshiaki Omura

Heavy metals can accumulate in plants and animals that we eat. They can get into our body with air, water, exhaust fumes, tobacco smoke, with household cleaning products. The isotopes of heavy metals are deposited on the internal organs, causing a variety of diseases.
Particular importance acquired the pollution of the biosphere polyutantov group that received the general name of "heavy metals". These include more than 40 chemical elements of Mendeleev's periodic system.
Heavy metals are chromium, manganese, iron, cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, gallium, germanium, molybdenum, cadmium, tin, antimony, tellurium, tungsten, mercury, thallium, lead, bismuth. Sometimes used the term "toxic elements" here is unfortunate, since all the elements and their compounds can be toxic to living organisms at a certain concentration, and environmental conditions.
The main natural source of heavy metals are rock (igneous and sedimentary) and rock-forming minerals. Many minerals in the form of fine particles included in an accessory (trace) in the rock mass. Examples of such minerals are titanium minerals (brucite, ilmenite, anatase), chromium (FeCr2O4). Many elements enter the atmosphere from space and meteorite dust from volcanic gases, hot springs, gas jets.
Release of heavy metals in the biosphere as a result of man-made dispersion is carried out in various ways. The most important of these is the emission at high-temperature processes in the steel and non-ferrous metallurgy, cement raw material during firing, burning fossil fuel. In addition, biocenoses contamination source can serve irrigation water with a high content of heavy metals, the introduction of domestic sewage sludge to the soil as fertilizer. Secondary contamination is also due to the removal of heavy metals from waste dumps mines or steel plants water or air currents, receipt of large amounts of heavy metals at constant introduction of high doses of organic and mineral fertilizers and pesticides containing heavy metals.
Part anthropogenic emissions of heavy metals entering the atmosphere in the form of aerosols is transferred for a considerable distance and causes global pollution. Another part of a hydrochemical runoff enters the stagnant waters, where it's stored in the waters and sediments and may cause secondary pollution. Heavy metal compounds relatively quickly spread on the volume of the water body. Partly they are precipitated as carbonates, sulfates, partially adsoriruyutsya on mineral and organic sediments. As a result, the content of heavy metals in sediments is constantly growing, and when the absorption capacity is exhausted by rain and heavy metals enter the water, there is a very tense situation. This contributes to increasing the acidity of water, a strong overgrown ponds, the intensification of separation of CO2 from microorganisms. Significant pollution from heavy metals, especially lead and zinc and cadmium found near highways. The width of the roadside of lead in soil anomalies up to 100 meters or more.
Heavy metals coming to the surface of the soil, accumulate in the soil mass, especially in the upper humus horizons and slowly removed by leaching plants consumption erosion. Poluudaleniya first period (i.e., removal of half of the initial concentration) of heavy metals varies considerably among different elements and takes a very long period of time: for zinc - from 70 to 510 s; Cadmium from 13 to 11 ° years old, copper-from 310 to 1500 years, lead - 770 to 5900 years
. Heavy metals are able to form complex complexes with organic matter of the soil, so the soil with a high humus content, they are less accessible to poloscheniya. Excess moisture in the soil promotes the transition of heavy metals in the lower oxidation state and in soluble form. Anaerobic conditions increase the availability of heavy metals to plants. Therefore, the drainage system, regulating the water regime, contribute to the predominance of oxidized forms of heavy metals and thereby reduce their migration characteristics. Plants can poglotat from soil minerals, including heavy metals accumulating in their tissues or on the leaf surface, and is thus, an intermediate link in the chain "soil - plant - animal - people»
. Different plants have focused a different number of trace elements: in most cases - selectively. For example, copper is absorbed by plants of the family Caryophyllaceae, cobalt - peppers. The high rate of biological absorption of zinc is characteristic of dwarf birches and lichen, nickel and copper - to Veronica and lichens. Heavy metals are protoplasmic poisons, toxicity, which increases as the atomic mass. Their toxicity is manifested in different ways. Many metals enzyme activity (copper, mercury) at toxic concentrations inhibit levels. Some of them form helatopodobnye complexes with common metabolites, disrupting normal metabolism (iron). Metals such as cadmium, copper, iron, interact with cell membranes by altering their permeability.
Of particular interest is the study of animals, is a sensitive indicator of the initial stages of heavy metal pollution. They accumulate the elements available in a biologically active form, and reflect the actual level of contamination of ecosystems. Soil animals, especially saprophytic group, because of the close connection with the soil conditions and limited habitat area can be a good indicator of chemical pollution of the biosphere. Among animals, such indicators may be European mole, the brown bear, elk, bank vole. With information about the content of heavy metals in mammals, we can predict their impact on the human body.
How can I see the heavy metals from the body in a natural way
Heavy metals can accumulate in plants and animals that we eat. They can get into our body with air, water, exhaust fumes, tobacco smoke, with household cleaning products. The isotopes of heavy metals are deposited on the internal organs, causing a variety of diseases.
1. Eat pectin substances. Pectin adsorbs on their surfaces salts of heavy metals. Contained it in vegetables, fruits, berries. Beet also contains flavonoids convert heavy metals in the inert compounds. potato starch cooked in the skin, absorbs the toxins of the body, leading them naturally. Displays the body of heavy metals, carrots, squash, eggplant, radishes, tomatoes.
2. The use of apples, citrus, quince, pear, apricot, grapes helps to eliminate toxic substances. Rowan berries, cranberry, raspberry, blueberry, cranberry bind to insoluble complexes of heavy metals. Eating cranberries, blueberries, blackberries, cloudberries, turn, you cleanse your body of accumulated toxins. You can eat fruit jelly made from these berries.
3. Drink tea made from chamomile, marigold, sea buckthorn, wild rose. Tea made from these herbs protects cells against the penetration of heavy metals and facilitates their excretion. Oil of rose hips and sea buckthorn is also useful in case of poisoning by heavy metals.
4. Conclusions from the body of radioactive cesium isotopes using sorrel, spinach, salads.
5. Take lignanosoderzhaschie substances that neutralize the radionuclides. They are found in plants: juniper, sesame seeds and burdock roots in Schisandra and Eleutherococcus. With constant exposure to radioactive isotopes of metals is recommended to use before meals for 40 drops of tincture of Aralia, levzei, Rhodiola rosea, ginseng and others.
6. Drink a tea made from the herb coriander (cilantro), it displays the mercury within two months. Four tablespoons chopped cilantro brew a liter of boiling water in a nonmetallic dish and drink, after 20 minutes.
7. Spend rice cleaning procedures. They are especially recommended for people engaged in hazardous work. Soak the rice spoon in the water in the evening and the morning cook without salt and eat. Figure displays the body of toxic metal salts.
8. Use oat broth for the purification of salts of heavy metals. A glass of oats pour two liters of water, boil on low heat for 40 minutes. Drink half a cup four times a day, so you shall be clean including by cadmium contained in cigarette smoke.
9. Remember that the body is able to remove toxins and toxins without any outside interference. However, by working and living in hazardous conditions or driving the wrong way of life, we accumulate an excess of toxic substances that cause different spectrum of diseases. Therefore pass annual preventive medical examination. Consult with experts on the use of special preparations, cleansing the body from heavy metals.
Experience Dr. Yoshiaki Omura
Heavy metals (such as mercury, lead, arsenic, cadmium) and aluminum inevitably accumulate in our bodies as we accumulate - so to speak -
life experience Swallow and breathe heavy metals well we literally everywhere: with food, tap water, exhaust fumes, tobacco smoke, household cleaning products, dental fillings ... the list can still go on, but in order not to bore anyone, stop here. A list of problems, diseases, disorders and other byaki even list here will not, who want to - look on the internet, I do not want to clutter up your blog to negative vibrations
Print the heavy metals from the body - important and urgent task, but not so easy to get rid of them. There are special expensive medical treatments such as chelation therapy ( "chelation", chelation), but there are penny of its versions, which can be arranged in the home using completely natural ingredients.
Dr. Yoshiaki Omura could not cure some of his patients from an eye infection. He prescribed him antibiotics, sore disappeared, but a few months back. But Dr. Omura was not just any doctor. He realized that the organisms causing the infection, live in areas with high concentrations of heavy metals - mercury, lead, aluminum. Pathogenic organisms are used the heavy metals to protect themselves from the effects of antibiotics.
Heavy metals leave the body in urine. Shrewdness Dr. Omura began to send their patients for analysis and once remarked that the mercury content in the urine of one of them is significantly improved after the patient has eaten Vietnamese soup. Smart Doctor examined the ingredients of the soup and found the one that caused the mercury output. With further testing it was found that the leaves of this plant (it was just a plant) output and lead and aluminum.
Dr. Omura again prescribed a course of antibiotics to their patients, this time together with the leaves of a miracle plant. And they successfully got rid of the infection.
Dr. Omura following experiment conducted on patients who retired dental amalgams. The various organs of these patients increased mercury content was recorded. All patients underwent a course using the leaves of this plant, and in a few weeks, free from mercury deposits.
Well, then again the Japanese have tested this tool on mice (studied conclusion lead), and the results were just remarkable.
What is this plant?
Coriander! He cilantro. This is so simple in nature.
Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt uses coriander for output of mercury from the brain. According to him, the minimum daily dose for the withdrawal of metal - 5 grams, about one teaspoon. Treatment should continue for at least 2-3 months.
You can also make tea from the leaves. Recipe medicinal tea: crush coriander, take 8 teaspoons (or more) chopped herbs, pour 1 liter of boiling water for 20 minutes. Do not use metal utensils !!! Otherwise, coriander bring metals from the dishes right in the tea!
Can green coriander brewing not only in water, but also, for example, in the soup. The proportions are the same. Those. take at least 8 teaspoons of riding with coriander, finely chop, throw in a boiling 1 liter of water or vegetable soup, close the lid, insist 20 minutes (do not boil). Not in a metal bowl! Drink a few sips throughout the day.
Coriander pesto recipe:
2 cup fresh coriander leaves
4 table. almond spoon
2 table. olive oil
2 table. spoons of lemon juice
2 cloves of garlic
Table 2-4. tablespoons of water (the amount of water can be changed depending on desired consistency)
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
Mix all ingredients in a mixer or blender to a state of slurry. Adjust the consistency of the amount of water added.
It is interesting to add that many of the stubborn, so-called latent infection just fine coexist with heavy metals in the body. These include chlamydia, alpha streptokkoki, Borrelia, and viruses - herpes (the whole family), cytomegalovirus, etc. Not surprisingly, it is difficult to get rid of them with antibiotics or other allopathic means..