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Financial success is not for everyone? 7 reasons of failure in business

I always wondered why one person can make good money, build business, and the other, even if tries to create plans, build dreams, visualize them, is a different business trainings and working hard and not getting the desired results.

If you believe the statistics, only 25-30% of Russians, more or less, realize their financial dreams. In Russia, only 1% of very rich people, and about 70-75% of the adult population have incomes up to 50-60 thousand rubles. per month, of which still need to deduct the required fees.

Seventeen million nine hundred ninety eight thousand nine hundred forty nine

Over 12 years of experience in banks, after spending more than two thousand business meetings with varying degrees of success, I have understood why many can not build a successful business or career. You can, of course, to say that money is not important in life, and we need to think more about spiritual things, about self-development, family and then there will be happiness. All this is true, but as a family psychologist, I often encounter what successful men on his income, many women judge the masculinity of a candidate for a husband. About his ability to support his family. A chronic lack of funds in the family is one of the main causes of divorce.

For many modern girls personal income is the ability to be independent from the whims of their husbands, to dress, the ability to give their children a good education or to help his wife create a level of family welfare. Thus, the question of financial success, especially for men, is strongly associated with the ability of a man to build a harmonious relationship in the family and not only…

Approximately 30 to 40 years most of us is the so-called "midlife crisis" which can lead to total disorientation of a person in their lives and activities. A midlife crisis is, in particular, and the crisis of self-realization. And self-actualization, especially for men, is, of course, largely a matter of income.

Below I give some, I think, the main causes of failure in business, why people doing their own business, reach your financial dreams, even if it's making a lot of effort.


The first reason is that man does not act according to their calling. Chasing the "quick" money, they forget about themselves, about their desires, and talents. As a result, there is a feeling that, like, not strong enough to achieve the goal, there may be a feeling of futility of their work and life in General.


Second reason the failure is that the entrepreneur is trying to copy the already working business model. For example, a person after receiving training from a successful coach, decided that copying his business model, his charisma, the themes of his lectures and workshops he will also be able to become successful.

In the first stage, it is effective for learning and understanding. However, You may notice that those who at some point does not make your personality, create something of their own "copies" of someone.

An example would be the widespread copying of design elements of Apple devices by other manufacturers. It only leads to more popularity and Apple revenue growth, compared to competitors, which are sometimes even operate at a loss.


Third reason is the idea that if I have a great marketing, beautiful photos, effective selling texts, if they built sales funnel, launched a powerful advertising campaign, then it will go. Yes, this is important!

While the reality tells a different story. Charisma, energy leader does much more than any marketing tricks. Analyze any successful business in the real sector and especially on the Internet. The most successful business projects in education is built on the charisma and energy of the leader, all else is secondary.

In a real business pattern is the same. If the business owner is removed from management and control, transfers control to a hired Manager, the business usually starts to wither. To avoid this in large companies, come up with a different system of incentives for TOP managers, making them the owners of the business, but always the owner or the Board of Directors sets targets and oversees their implementation.


Fourth reason is the idea that if I get specialized training, business training, if I tell all the nuances of the business, I'll be able to run your profitable business. According to statistics, only 10% of startups become successful. Therefore, you should always have a plan "B».

In business planning it is recommended to have 3 scenario "optimistic, "realistic" and "negative". Among aspiring business people can meet those who don't make any of them. Another means to reduce the probability of failure may be working on an already successful businessman in the role of "journeyman". You can first build a career in mercenary work, and then run your project in the field of business where You have built a career.


The fifth reason may be this belief: "If I try hard, make a good plan, visualize your goals, I will consider everything I can to prevent it, it can quite quickly achieve your goals". In fact, a good plan is a plan for 10-15 years and the main goals you need to plan for the end of this period. Otherwise, You risk quickly disappointed in case of failures, and they will be required. Before becoming President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln lost 18 elections.


The sixth cause failure is the belief"If I was faced with setbacks, so you just need to work harder, to learn, to strive for...". Actually, the failures we need to learn to listen to yourself. Persistence is really a useful quality, but man is not as easy as it seems at first glance.

Modern psychology claims that attitudes towards success or failure largely lay in the subconscious of the child during his upbringing. In one family the child's parents the example show how to overcome difficulties and achieve goals, foster independence in the child. And the other dad's drinking or lying on the couch watching TV. By their conduct, the parents shape us in either a focus on success, or on avoiding failure.

For example, if a child often repeated the following phrases: "You're so pale, you have so little energy," "why are you not independent?", "you can't do anything right," then as an adult, it will be very difficult to have the necessary level of energy and self to achieve goals. Such person as if something will interfere with its activities or not to give to get the desired income. Actually it is not that other, as a subconscious program to failure, which he is not aware of, but it implements. Without consideration of these "programs", if You have them, to achieve success will be difficult.

You may ask: well, what to do with statistics. Why do You think that if a person will make fewer mistakes, it would be so much more successful? Because in other countries, only 1% of the population can afford everything he wants in material terms. Why do You wrote this, because it just complicates things?

People need to keep it simple. Is the goal of life is success, money.
There are methods to achieve success books, courses, trainings, business education, the experience of others. There are statistics that 10-20% striving for success to come to it sooner or later. And those 80% who do not reach, despite education and hard work, gain valuable experience, develop humility. This model works always and everywhere and everyone is happy.

However, in my experience, the output of this model, which is "not for everyone" is. The output of this for 100% willing and not just for those who from childhood have laid the needed program, given a good education or those who possess a strong personal charisma, just genetically.

Sixty three million three hundred seventy four thousand eight hundred thirty seven

The main reason for the failure, in my opinion, is the desire for money in the first place, the desire to get rich, the desire to obtain the status, the desire to possess something that is better than the other. It creates in man the power of egoism, which pushes away potential partners or clients. This prevents the person who plans her life to see opportunities to develop themselves and their business.

The logic of success should not be: "If I do this, I'm going to get so much, then buy them something and I will be happy."

The logic should be: "If I do this, it (product or service) will bring others to this result, give new possibilities, change their lives for the better. This is the value of what I do. And I had the opportunity to do this, the client or the employer should pay a fair price for the product or service he has received."

Success in business or career often reach those who focuses on what he can give, on what will benefit the client, the employer. And secondly, that will get in return. Payment of our labor is a very important aspect activities, many of which false modesty to ignore, but it is directly proportional to what we gave.

That is the mindset of the most successful people with whom I had the opportunity to chat. Often they do without even realizing it, "give" on the level of personal energy.

Perhaps this is the secret of the charm of charismatic, energetic people. They just feed off of others their vitality, optimism, and the result is the ability to change people's lives, to realize big projects, which in turn leads to the obtaining of material goods.

When a person concentrated on what he gives, when he learns to give better and better, to be more useful for others, it not only provides your life with material possessions, but it's when life becomes meaningful. And when life is meaningful, whether Your car is powerful, home more wife or husband more beautiful, children more successful than Your friends and acquaintances to become not very principled. Because it is empty, meaningless life forces we take for granted the importance of material success and to chase his attributes of life.

However, all this does not mean that it is not necessary to get an education, marketing, learn to create and grow your business, advertise your goods or services, to grow as a professional in the business. published  

Author: Alexander Krasnov, especially for


P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©


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