HOW TO OPEN butcher shop

Who would not say, but the business of selling products will exist at all times. In every city there are plenty of grocery stores and their concentration is so high that it seems unlikely their survival in this tough competition. These shops sell everything in a row, milk, meat, bread and rolls, groceries, vegetables - fruits and so forth.
Not so long ago began to appear in the specialty shops for the sale of some specific types of foods - sweets, bread, meat. As you can see, these specialty stores are in its range of wide range of products, ie, is much wider than in a department store.
Today I want to tell you about an interesting kind of business - specialty meat department. You probably met some big supermarkets such departments that sell chilled meat.
The assortment in the supermarket is not as big as could be. The range can be much wider if the matter has been the host department and not the people who work for a salary.
So ...
Meat shop as a business
Meat shop, as the name implies, is a commercial enterprise retail and wholesale trade in meat products, sausages, deli meats and semi-finished goods. Profitability - 30%.
It should be noted that in the meat business is traditionally high competition.
Also, the difficulties that will be faced is the presence of seasonality, due to which the price of meat products can vary throughout the year several times. The drop in demand in the summer is almost inevitable. People are very difficult to get to eat meat at this time, especially on very hot days. In addition, many simply go on vacation.
For business this should prepare psychologically and tactically. Experienced "meat" business at the time the minimum purchase volumes, reduce butchering make discounts, changing assortment, to cooperate actively with the cafe. In general, the more flexible methods of work of the butcher shop will use those with smaller losses will survive the summer.
Even before the opening of the butcher's shop entrepreneur is desirable to learn about all the nuances of this business and not learn from their costly mistakes. For example, many entrepreneurs do not realize how much potential is hidden in the correct cutting meat for sale. Of course, the state of the butcher shop is a professional butcher, but he, too, these subtleties may not know.
For example, when butchering if cut a piece on the wrong line, you get a different proportion of fat and bone, and sell such "goods" will only be possible at a price two times lower than the purchase price, simply because he is a great value in the eyes of the buyer does not have a .
However, such nuances full of every business, because you can give a recommendation: a lesson while the entrepreneur in bringing success in this business.
How much money is required to start meat business?
The minimum amount with which you can open a butcher shop - $ 2,000. Approximately 40% of this amount will go directly to the purchase of the first batch of goods, and the rest will need to:
- Space rental and utilities;
- The purchase or lease;
- Transport of goods (however, the first phase can do it yourself);
- Wage workers;
- Additional expenses (penalties in the case of damage to production, etc.).
This is the "budget" version of the opening of the butcher shop, it is understood that you just open a little meat department at a large grocery store. But experts recommend starting with this. Then, with experience, you can extend the meat business.
Documents needed to start meat business
To start the activity, you must register and SP Ltd., gathering quite a standard package of documents to open a commercial enterprise for the sale of food products.
Important: For several years, there is no licensing of food trade. These activities (excluding the sale of alcohol) does not require a license. Do not use outdated information:
sanepidemstantsii either. Sanepidemzaklyuchenie Rospotrebnadzor you need to get, if you produce goods (eg semi-finished meat) and selling it is not the place of production. Rospotrebnadzor comes only on complaints or planned - no more than once every three years.
Choose a room for retail meat
First of all, the room must be located in a convenient place for people. Second, meet your strategic goals. Third, all other requirements already. Refer to the most important principle of choice location of the outlet any business looking for a place where sales (and therefore profits) will be maximized.
As we have said, it is recommended to start with the meat department of the grocery store. Suffice it to an area of 6 square meters -7 Rent it you have the option of two ways: either to enter into a contract with a shop on joint activities, or just rent the premises for trade. In the latter case, all the required equipment you will need to purchase their own. The cost of rent depends on the location and contractual conditions, and ranges from $ 300. Or more.
Practice shows that the Russians are sensitive primarily to prices for meat, and only then may make a complaint to the room. The price in the meat business, because of the tough competition - the most important element.
The equipment needed for the butcher's shop
Ideally, you will need to buy: freezer counter, cash register, grinder, ax razrubochnuyu deck, set of knives, scales, etc. It is advisable to equip the counter near the sink. Bright sign over the counter can serve both aesthetic and advertising goals. Also, you need to purchase clothing for butchers.
However, in the meat business, there are thousands of ways to save. For example, you can not buy cutting equipment (at least in the first stage), and may help with the butchering supplier, that is to cut in his shop, and bring to the store ready-made.
Where to buy? What to buy?
In the procurement of goods guided by providers offering high-quality meat products. Nothing so quickly kills the meat business as stale meat. Because the main task when working with suppliers is quality control. Be sure to check the presence of the mark and a certificate obtained from suppliers. Keep in mind that the responsibility for poor quality products is on you, including criminal.
At the beginning of the business do not pursue a large range and large volumes because of unsold goods small firm without loss can not be written off. About 20 kinds of product lines - that is necessary. Sometimes, you can add here something exotic: turkey or rabbit meat, but especially do not get carried away. It's just an opportunity to give a little to stand out in a competitive environment.
Purchased goods must be at least once a week, from hundredweight and more. Also, consider trading other product categories: bread, dairy products, cheese, fish, groceries, juices. This is especially important in the summer months, due to the already mentioned seasonality.
Staff needed to butcher
The main actors in the butcher shop is the seller and the butcher. In the first stage, and no one is required, and in the future, all related functions (security, accounting, cleaning, purchase of consumables) is better to outsource. Over time, of course, it needs managing.
How to attract customers?
When attracting customers give preference to low-cost methods. In the meat business, we are aware that we advertise a particular retail store, in a particular area at a particular radius, because the meat and bread on a kilometer, people usually do not go.
Focus on putting up flyers with news and information at the entrances. This is an old method, however, works perfectly, even better than direct mail. Newsletter expensive to the same people often these booklets out of the box do not take or discard, and leaflets at the entrance porch hanging for some time.
Store signs, sidewalk signs, signs, stretching over the road near the shop - it's not even a way to attract customers, but a vital necessity.
Become a real expert in their field. In the meat business, again, thousands of secrets and tricks. Knowing how best to carve the carcass; a complete chain of processing of meat; methods to increase profitability; what margin is optimally set; how to avoid theft, both from customers and staff; how to bring down the price from suppliers, and so on., and so on. Only the knowledge of the intricacies turn your store or chain of stores in the highly profitable business.
And most importantly - the range of products. The wider it is, the greater will be purchasing the path to your store.