Fragrant cold deep-fried, a new recipe for 2023
Meat chiller He has long been a frequenter of all festive feasts. It can be relished with great pleasure along with horseradish or mustard. And if necessary, you can lie down with your face directly on the plate, relax and refresh. These are, of course, jokes. We offer you an interesting recipe for a new way from the Ukrainian cook Evgeny Klopotenka.
Meat refrigeration The main advantage deep-fried It can be served like regular snacks. Just incredibly convenient and suitable not only for holiday gatherings. For example, such tastiness is easy to take with you to work. Nourishing and nutritious, and nothing falls apart. I bet my coworkers won't even recognize a good old-fashioned delicacy.
Interesting treat Ingredients
The secret of preparing this chill It consists in its long pre-cooking. As expected, meat in broth should be kept at least 3 hours on a minimum fire. A mixture of spices will help add savory notes to the pork. The finished dish will be a synergy of crunch and tenderness. The unique sound of an old recipe.
Meat delicacy Preparation
Divide the chilled meat into separate fibers and prepare breading. In some bowls slightly beat the eggs, sprinkle flour and breadcrumbs. Pieces of meat should not be too large. Wet them alternately in flour, then in the egg and then in the crackers. Then again immerse the meat piece in the egg and crackers. Pour a large amount of oil into the saucer and heat it at low power until bubbles appear. Throw it in deep. cold and roast it for about 3 minutes before the golden crust forms.
Frozen meat: a gentle delicacy in breading Interested in such a recipe? Fair enough. The culinary ideas that Yevgeny Klopotenko throws up are definitely worth your attention. Rather, start cooking an unusual cold deep-fried to surprise all your household. Season it. spicy Sour cream and shit. This treat will surely be able to move meat from the pedestal of festive dishes.

Meat refrigeration The main advantage deep-fried It can be served like regular snacks. Just incredibly convenient and suitable not only for holiday gatherings. For example, such tastiness is easy to take with you to work. Nourishing and nutritious, and nothing falls apart. I bet my coworkers won't even recognize a good old-fashioned delicacy.

Interesting treat Ingredients
- 500g meat
- 4 liters of water
- 1 bulb
- 1 carrot
- 250g breadcrumbs
- 3 tbsp flour
- bay-leaf
- spice
- 2 eggs
- 50g sour cream
- 50g horseradish (white)
- vegetable-oil

The secret of preparing this chill It consists in its long pre-cooking. As expected, meat in broth should be kept at least 3 hours on a minimum fire. A mixture of spices will help add savory notes to the pork. The finished dish will be a synergy of crunch and tenderness. The unique sound of an old recipe.

Meat delicacy Preparation
- For deep-fried cooking, choose pork meat without veins of fat. It will taste better if you don’t have to chew too much. ready-cook. The back of a pig, shoulder blade or neck is ideal. Fill the pot with water, throw the meat with spices and put everything on the fire.
- While the meat is boiling, carefully remove the foam with a spoon. Add your favorite spices and keep the stove power to a minimum. Boil the meat for 3.5-4 hours. While the pork is cooked, chop and throw heavily cut vegetables into the pan.
- Once the meat is ready, remove it from the broth and let it cool to room temperature. It's important. pig out from the liquid so that it can get rid of unnecessary moisture.
Divide the chilled meat into separate fibers and prepare breading. In some bowls slightly beat the eggs, sprinkle flour and breadcrumbs. Pieces of meat should not be too large. Wet them alternately in flour, then in the egg and then in the crackers. Then again immerse the meat piece in the egg and crackers. Pour a large amount of oil into the saucer and heat it at low power until bubbles appear. Throw it in deep. cold and roast it for about 3 minutes before the golden crust forms.

Frozen meat: a gentle delicacy in breading Interested in such a recipe? Fair enough. The culinary ideas that Yevgeny Klopotenko throws up are definitely worth your attention. Rather, start cooking an unusual cold deep-fried to surprise all your household. Season it. spicy Sour cream and shit. This treat will surely be able to move meat from the pedestal of festive dishes.
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