Mistakes of careless housewives when cooking broth
The basis of food is broth. Without it, it is impossible to imagine a good soup. It is used as a flavor enhancer in fillings, cutlets, and sauces. Sometimes added to vegetables and greens when stewed. But how to cook broth properly?
For example, some housewives believe that the first water when cooking broth must be drained. Others say that with it all the taste will go away and the soup will no longer be so rich.
How to cook broth Cold water Cooks are advised to pour meat with cold water. Only in this way all the nutrients from it quickly pass into the liquid. When pouring hot water or boiling water, the proteins on the surface of the meat will curl up and the time for cooking will take much longer, and the broth will come out less saturated.
The meat in this case will be soft, but the taste of the broth itself will suffer. The best option is to let the meat before cooking lie down in cold water. So there's less foam in the broth.
Dark foam, which is formed when cooking broth, it is better to remove, since it is formed from blood clotting. But white foam is a protein that makes the soup more useful, so it can be left. If you do not like the unaesthetic appearance of foam, then before cooking, drop a peeled bulb into the broth.
Much more foam is formed with a strong boil. Therefore, if you do not have a goal to evaporate the volume of water faster, after boiling the broth, reduce the gas to a minimum.
Vegetables Carrots, onions, cabbage, celery will make the taste of the broth richer, and the color is more pleasant. Add vegetables to the broth only after removing the foam. It may seem strange, but vegetable peels are also perfect for broth. After all, it is in the skin that the most nutrients are contained.
Boiled carrots again absorb all the vitamins that she managed to give to the broth during cooking. For this reason, vegetables should be removed from the broth before it is ready (preferably after 1 hour).
And the time of cooking beef broth is from 2 to 6 hours. By the way, the longer the meat broth is cooked, the more saturated it becomes. The main thing is to do this on a slow fire, without covering the pan with a lid. When cooking with a closed lid, the broth will be cloudy.
There are several opinions on when to salt the broth (and whether). Some say that the broth should be salted at the end. The second clarifies that this is a delicious boiled meat. And a delicious broth will be if you salt it first. Still others, such as Latherson, advise salting the soup, but not the broth.
On the one hand, salt helps to pull out aromatic substances from the ingredients. But, salting the broth at first, you can miss firmly when some of the water boils out. Therefore, put a pinch of salt at the very beginning of the broth, and finally salt half an hour before the end.
If salted, pour some rice into the gauze and dip into the broth for 5-7 minutes. The rice will draw the extra salt. Similarly, ordinary flour or raw potatoes can be used.
Under this name hides a bouquet of fragrant herbs, which the French add when cooking broth or stewing meat.
Parsley, thyme, bay leaf, rosemary, chaber are fastened together so that at the end of cooking the bundle can be easily removed.
Should I drain the first water? Often there are recommendations to bring the water to a boil, boil the meat and bones for 2-3 minutes, then drain the water and pour again. Like, in this way the broth will be cleaned of harmful substances. In fact, there is no serious justification for this.
It is difficult to say about the substances, but the broth will definitely leave part of the proteins and surface fat. Therefore, the first decoction should be drained if, first of all, you doubt the quality of the meat purchased. Second, you need a clear or dietary broth.
How do you make the broth transparent? Let us list what we have already mentioned: boil on a small fire, do not close the lid, do not salt, drain the first water. If the broth still turned out to be cloudy, then delays will help to make it lighter.
The process is based on the ability of proteins to fold, trapping particles that form mud. In almost all cases, whipped egg white is used. Sometimes combined with minced meat or carrots.
The protein mixture is injected into the hot broth in a cold form. And absorbing everything unnecessary, removed from the dish along with foam. Folding with minced meat can be used in the preparation of other dishes or left in broth. Fruitful broth, delicious soups and a pleasant appetite!

For example, some housewives believe that the first water when cooking broth must be drained. Others say that with it all the taste will go away and the soup will no longer be so rich.
How to cook broth Cold water Cooks are advised to pour meat with cold water. Only in this way all the nutrients from it quickly pass into the liquid. When pouring hot water or boiling water, the proteins on the surface of the meat will curl up and the time for cooking will take much longer, and the broth will come out less saturated.

The meat in this case will be soft, but the taste of the broth itself will suffer. The best option is to let the meat before cooking lie down in cold water. So there's less foam in the broth.
Dark foam, which is formed when cooking broth, it is better to remove, since it is formed from blood clotting. But white foam is a protein that makes the soup more useful, so it can be left. If you do not like the unaesthetic appearance of foam, then before cooking, drop a peeled bulb into the broth.

Much more foam is formed with a strong boil. Therefore, if you do not have a goal to evaporate the volume of water faster, after boiling the broth, reduce the gas to a minimum.
Vegetables Carrots, onions, cabbage, celery will make the taste of the broth richer, and the color is more pleasant. Add vegetables to the broth only after removing the foam. It may seem strange, but vegetable peels are also perfect for broth. After all, it is in the skin that the most nutrients are contained.

Boiled carrots again absorb all the vitamins that she managed to give to the broth during cooking. For this reason, vegetables should be removed from the broth before it is ready (preferably after 1 hour).
And the time of cooking beef broth is from 2 to 6 hours. By the way, the longer the meat broth is cooked, the more saturated it becomes. The main thing is to do this on a slow fire, without covering the pan with a lid. When cooking with a closed lid, the broth will be cloudy.
There are several opinions on when to salt the broth (and whether). Some say that the broth should be salted at the end. The second clarifies that this is a delicious boiled meat. And a delicious broth will be if you salt it first. Still others, such as Latherson, advise salting the soup, but not the broth.

On the one hand, salt helps to pull out aromatic substances from the ingredients. But, salting the broth at first, you can miss firmly when some of the water boils out. Therefore, put a pinch of salt at the very beginning of the broth, and finally salt half an hour before the end.
If salted, pour some rice into the gauze and dip into the broth for 5-7 minutes. The rice will draw the extra salt. Similarly, ordinary flour or raw potatoes can be used.
Under this name hides a bouquet of fragrant herbs, which the French add when cooking broth or stewing meat.

Parsley, thyme, bay leaf, rosemary, chaber are fastened together so that at the end of cooking the bundle can be easily removed.
Should I drain the first water? Often there are recommendations to bring the water to a boil, boil the meat and bones for 2-3 minutes, then drain the water and pour again. Like, in this way the broth will be cleaned of harmful substances. In fact, there is no serious justification for this.

It is difficult to say about the substances, but the broth will definitely leave part of the proteins and surface fat. Therefore, the first decoction should be drained if, first of all, you doubt the quality of the meat purchased. Second, you need a clear or dietary broth.
How do you make the broth transparent? Let us list what we have already mentioned: boil on a small fire, do not close the lid, do not salt, drain the first water. If the broth still turned out to be cloudy, then delays will help to make it lighter.

The process is based on the ability of proteins to fold, trapping particles that form mud. In almost all cases, whipped egg white is used. Sometimes combined with minced meat or carrots.
The protein mixture is injected into the hot broth in a cold form. And absorbing everything unnecessary, removed from the dish along with foam. Folding with minced meat can be used in the preparation of other dishes or left in broth. Fruitful broth, delicious soups and a pleasant appetite!
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