Mashed soups are more useful than ordinary soups: cream soup from old potatoes
Mashed soup, which in restaurants is also called cream soup, is a universal dish for adults and children. The basis of the soup is vegetables, so cream soup from potatoes, pumpkins, mushrooms and other vegetables can be eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Today I will share a few simple recipes of vegetable cream soups, which are not inferior in taste to restaurant dishes.
Peels Potato Cream Soup What Can You Do with a Couple of Potatoes? To fry in a pan, bake in the oven, make dankies or cook puree. Better mashed soup. The delicate creamy taste will appeal to both children and adults. Such soup is prepared in just 20 minutes, as a result, a light and at the same time hearty dish of potatoes is obtained.
The ingredients
Pumpkin cream-soup pumpkin soup can not but please with its bright color and pleasant cream-like structure. If you do not like pumpkin sweet porridge, give a second chance to pumpkin to appear before you in a new salty role. The pumpkin contains vitamin A, and one plate of pumpkin soup-pure is the daily norm of vitamin for an adult.
The ingredients
The first thing that comes to mind when you want to make mashed soup. It is not surprising: mushrooms with onions and potatoes, seasoned with cream, are one of the most delicious and affordable cream soups.
Peels Ingredients
Carrots in raw form - a good snack, rich in vitamin A and fiber. Only lovers to chew carrots among young children, and among adults, not so much. Cream soup can become a stepping stone to the transition of the baby to normal food. It is also a good way to get your child to eat vegetables. After all, the soup is delicious, and looks very appetizing on the plate.
Peels Ingredients
Those who follow their figure know that onion soup stimulates metabolism and helps get rid of winter reserves on the stomach. Usually, several bulbs are boiled until the onions dissolve in water. It's not always pleasant to eat this soup. Another thing is onion cream soup.
The ingredients
The editorial advice of broth for cream soup is better to use chicken. If there is no broth, it can be prepared by boiling 1 head of onion in water with scented pepper and bay leaf. So the dish will be less caloric. In general, even with the addition of cream, cream soup is a low-calorie dish saturated with fiber and vitamins. On average, 100 grams of cream soup consume 96 calories. Cream soup saturates and replaces the second dish. It does not leave a feeling of heaviness after eating.

Peels Potato Cream Soup What Can You Do with a Couple of Potatoes? To fry in a pan, bake in the oven, make dankies or cook puree. Better mashed soup. The delicate creamy taste will appeal to both children and adults. Such soup is prepared in just 20 minutes, as a result, a light and at the same time hearty dish of potatoes is obtained.

The ingredients
- 500g potatoes
- 500ml broth
- 100g sour cream
- 100ml cream
- 2 tbsp soy sauce
- 50g butter
- salt
- peppery
- Peel the potatoes and chop them finely, like mashed potatoes. Boil the potatoes in the broth until ready and whip the blender to a homogeneous mass.
- Add cream and butter to the pan, add salt and pepper to taste. Stir everything well. Serve cream-soup with croutons, you can decorate the dish with greens. Bon appetit.
Pumpkin cream-soup pumpkin soup can not but please with its bright color and pleasant cream-like structure. If you do not like pumpkin sweet porridge, give a second chance to pumpkin to appear before you in a new salty role. The pumpkin contains vitamin A, and one plate of pumpkin soup-pure is the daily norm of vitamin for an adult.

The ingredients
- 300g pumpkin
- 500 ml of water
- 150g celery root
- 150g carrots
- 100g onions
- 1 tsp ginger
- 100g sweet pepper
- 3 teeth. Garlic
- salt
- peppery
- Pumpkin and carrots cut cube and decoction to a softness of 500 ml of water.
- Celery, onions, garlic and peppers grind with a knife and roast in a frying pan with vegetable oil for 3-4 minutes. Sprinkle the vegetables, add the ginger.
- Add roasted vegetables to a pot of pumpkin and carrots and whip the mass with a blender to a uniform consistency. The soup can be decorated with greens or pumpkin seeds.
The first thing that comes to mind when you want to make mashed soup. It is not surprising: mushrooms with onions and potatoes, seasoned with cream, are one of the most delicious and affordable cream soups.

Peels Ingredients
- 500g champignon
- 300g potatoes
- 150ml cream
- 200g onions
- 200g carrots
- salt
- peppery
- Cut the onion with a small cube and roast it in a frying pan with vegetable oil and grated carrots. Cut the mushrooms and separately roast them in a pan until the liquid evaporates for 10-15 minutes.
- Peel and chop the potatoes. Boil it in 500 ml of water until ready and add roasted mushrooms with the rest of the vegetables.
- Grind to uniformity all ingredients, add cream, salt and pepper. Serve the white bread soup.
Carrots in raw form - a good snack, rich in vitamin A and fiber. Only lovers to chew carrots among young children, and among adults, not so much. Cream soup can become a stepping stone to the transition of the baby to normal food. It is also a good way to get your child to eat vegetables. After all, the soup is delicious, and looks very appetizing on the plate.

Peels Ingredients
- 350g carrots
- 100g melted cheese
- 200g onions
- 1 tbsp vegetable oil
- 700ml broth
- salt
- peppery
- Onions cut and roast in a frying pan with vegetable oil until golden. Then rub the carrots on the grater and its carcasses with onions under the closed lid for 3 minutes.
- Boil the broth and add carrots and melted cheese grated on a large grater. Stir everything until the cheese melts.
- Blender combine all the ingredients to uniformity, salty and peppery soup. Bon appetit.
Those who follow their figure know that onion soup stimulates metabolism and helps get rid of winter reserves on the stomach. Usually, several bulbs are boiled until the onions dissolve in water. It's not always pleasant to eat this soup. Another thing is onion cream soup.

The ingredients
- 220g potatoes
- 220g onion
- 1 tbsp vegetable oil
- 20g butter
- 700ml broth
- salt
- peppery
- In the pan, warm the butter and vegetable oil. Cut the onion and put it out under the lid for 15 minutes.
- Peel and cut the potatoes with a cube, then boil them in broth or water until ready.
- Add an onion to the potatoes and whip it up with a blender until it's uniform. Bon appetit.
The editorial advice of broth for cream soup is better to use chicken. If there is no broth, it can be prepared by boiling 1 head of onion in water with scented pepper and bay leaf. So the dish will be less caloric. In general, even with the addition of cream, cream soup is a low-calorie dish saturated with fiber and vitamins. On average, 100 grams of cream soup consume 96 calories. Cream soup saturates and replaces the second dish. It does not leave a feeling of heaviness after eating.
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