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Secrets of the preparations for the winter carrot

The use of this solar roots, hardly anyone can deny. Essential to normalize digestion and prevent colds, reduce the risk of cancer and early aging of the skin, a wonderful antiseptic — carrot contains almost all the substances necessary to our organism. So the question is "to stock or not to stock up for the winter" not worth it. The question is — how to make the blanks a little more and as diverse as possible.

I think today we will deal with it — try to consider and offer a variety of the most interesting recipes winter carrot pieces.

Procurement only of carrots. Depending on what the planned procurement, prepare them in different ways. Carrots are easy to use in dried-cured state, and a frozen or canned, so it's best to take advantage of all the options based on their opportunities.

Frozen carrots

The easiest way to preserve carrots in semi-finished form for a long time. It is sufficient to wash and peel roots, cut into rings, cubes, sticks or to put under a large grater and in plastic bags or containers to send to the freezer. In winter, this carrot is easy to use in the preparation of entrees, side dishes and any salad.

Dried carrots

Dried carrots — tasty and useful piece. In winter, it is convenient to add to soups and borscht, roast potatoes and any cereal. To dry carrots in several ways.

For this method select the bright roots. To properly dry the carrots, the roots are washed and boiled for 10-15 minutes. Then cleaned from skin and cut into strips (thickness up to 5-7 mm). Dry 1 layer in an oven at a temperature of +75ºС.

Grated on a coarse grater
Washed carrots, boil 5 minutes, to clean, to grate on a coarse grater, podvyalit in ambient conditions, drying in the oven, arranging in 1 layer, at a temperature of +75ºС. Depending on the duration of drying, carrots can be dried (a little docosanol) and dried. It is good not only for adding to meals — many children (and adults) its a pleasure to eat, and so. Try it, very tasty)

Preserved in the natural videoseite whose homes are not welcome spice and strong seasoning, you can prepare natural carrots, which in winter can be used for salads or even as a standalone course. Perfect it and for the diet.

In this video — how to prepare for the winter natural canned carrots


Solena salt carrots retained the most part of useful substances and vitamins., Like all other saline vegetables, thus harvested carrot is used in vinaigrettes and salads, in hot dishes and soups. For pickling are best table varieties (Nantes, Moscow winter, Gribovsky) juicy orange color with small core.

Carrots, salt in crude and purified form.

Salting of whole carrots in the tub

  • Water — 1 l
  • Salt — 60-65 g
Salt dissolve in boiling water, 5 minutes to boil the brine. Cool and pour carrots with cold brine.Carrots wash thoroughly, put in a container (tub), pour the cooled brine on top of the wooden circle to put oppression. The brine must be above the layer of carrots 10-15 cm Stand at room temperature for 4-5 days for fermentation, the capacity to tolerate the cold where and leave before winter.

If salting the hostess of "overdone" with salt, before use, carrots can be pre-soaked in boiled water.

Salting sliced carrots
Wash and clean the carrots, cut her circles, cubes, cubes. On the bottom of the tank to pour some salt, place the carrots in 3/4 of the volume of the container, fill almost to the top 6% cold brine, put the oppression and leave for 4-5 days for fermentation. Then transfer to the cold.

Salting sterilization

  • Water — 1 l
  • Salt - 30 g
The carrots soak in cold water for 15 minutes, wash, for 3-4 minutes, put it in hot (+90 º C) water, peel, cut into slices 1 cm thick and prepared to fill her banks. Pour the hot (+80...+90 º C) brine and sterilizing: jars with a capacity of 0,5 l — 40 minutes, 1 liter — 50 minutes.

Marinemammalcenter of the workpiece are obtained by using different marinades. Such carrots in the winter, "hurrah" goes to salads, vinaigrettes or as a garnish to meat. And of course, pickled carrot is good, as crisp, with a pleasant sweet and sour taste, appetizer Recipe 1: marinated carrots
For the marinade (on 1 l of water):

  • Salt — 50 g
  • Sugar - 90 g
  • Acetic essence — 1 tbsp
Ingredients (per 1 liter jar):

  • Carrots
  • Allspice — 8 PCs
  • Black pepper peas — 8 PCs
  • Carnation — 5 PCs
  • Bay leaf — 1-2 PCs
  • Cinnamon, garlic or herbs — optional
Carrots wash, clean, drop in salted boiling water for 3-5 minutes, cool and cut into slices (optional bars, slices). To put carrots in jars, pour hot brine to sterilized for 20-25 minutes, roll up, flip on the lid, wrap to cool. Jars with a capacity of 0.5 l to sterilize 12-15 minutes.

Recipe 2: carrot, marinated in Bulgarian
For the marinade (for 1 liter):

  • Salt — 30 g
  • Sugar — 60-70 g
Carrots wash, peel, cut into thick slices 1 cm, place them in boiling water for 3-4 minutes. In each quart jar pour 100 ml of 9% vinegar, 200 ml of vegetable oil, put the carrots and 60 grams of garlic, pour the hot marinade, sterilize 15 minutes, roll up.

Winter salads, appetizers and caviar

Salads and snacks of carrots involve the introduction of additional ingredients. It's usually tomatoes, sweet or hot peppers, onions or garlic. It should be noted that carrot salads are very tasty. In addition to direct use as a snack, simply smear on bread, add to the broth when cooking soup or borsch.

It is important that the carotenoids contained in carrots, the heat treatment is not destroyed — it makes such harvesting even more attractive. Today we offer two interesting recipe winter carrot salad:

Salad recipe "Autumn"

  • Carrots — 2 kg
  • Tomatoes — 1 kg
  • Garlic — 3 medium cloves
  • Sol — 1.St. spoon
  • Sugar — 2.St. spoon
  • Vegetable oil — 4 tablespoons
  • Apple cider vinegar — 2 tbsp.
  • Black pepper peas — 10 PCs
  • Cloves — 1-2 PCs
  • Coriander powder — 0,5 tsp
Carrots grate on a coarse grater, tomatoes peel and chop (using grinder, blender, hand), garlic also chop. On a slow heat for 5 minutes and fried the carrots, then add the tomatoes, garlic, sugar, salt and spices. Simmer under a lid for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally vegetable mass. Add the vinegar, stir and stand under the lid closed for another minute. Spread out on prepared jars, roll up, flip on cap and well wrap until cool.
Salad turns out delicious, beautiful, with original delicate flavor. It might be stored up to a year in a cool dark place.

The recipe "Carrots in Korean"

  • Carrots — 1 kg
  • Garlic — 7-8 cloves
  • Hot pepper — a small piece
For the marinade:

  • Water — 0.5 l
  • Sugar — 6 tablespoons
  • Salt — 4 tbsp.
  • Vinegar 9% — 3 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil — 1 Cup
Carrots to grate on special grater (or on a coarse grater, if there is a special "Korean"), mix with chopped garlic. In Bank to put hot pepper, fill with a mixture of carrots with garlic and pour boiling water for 15 minutes. Then drain the water, fill the jar with boiling marinade and roll immediately. Flip on the lid, wrap to cool.
Vegetable oil in the workpiece can be sunflower or olive, vinegar you can substitute wine or Apple, you can optionally add coriander or black pepper. That is, experiment, find your "Korean" taste!

And in the next video Elena Bazhenova shares his recipe for winter salad with carrots, tomatoes and peppers


Carrot caviar Is one of the most popular blanks of our hostesses. She is prepared simply, and is kept well and eaten, usually one of the first. Adding different ingredients and spices, every year to cook eggs in different ways, so it was always a new "flavor" of the winter table.

Recipe carrot caviar "ginger" (from Rjabinushka)

  • Carrots — 1.5 kg
  • Tomatoes — 2 kg
  • Garlic — 2 medium heads
  • Ground black pepper — to taste
  • Vegetable oil — 220 ml
  • Salt — 1 tbsp
  • Sugar — 4 tbsp.
  • Vinegar 9% — 2 tbsp.
Carrots and tomatoes peel and crush, add butter, sugar and salt and cook for 1.5 hours over low heat, stirring occasionally. A quarter of an hour before the end add the crushed garlic and pepper, after 10 minutes pour in the vinegar, stir, hold it under closed lid for 3-5 minutes, spread into prepared sterilized jars and roll up. Flip on the lid, wrap well and leave to cool.

Winter carrot sweets

Such blanks are extraordinarily healthy and tasty.

Carrot juice and purchase, like any juice, fresh carrot is healthier and tastier than canned. But the canned juice is a great alternative to purchase, and preparation of juice from the carrots country that just came in from the garden — always the right solution.

Juice recipe of carrots

  • Carrots — 1 kg
  • Water up to 1 l
  • Sugar — 1-2 tbsp
Carrots wash, peel, chop, cook in a small amount of water (1.5 — 2 cups) until tender. Cool, beat with a mixer until smooth. 500-600 ml of water, add sugar and boil for a few minutes. Connect the hot syrup and carrot mass, bring to boil, cook for 5 minutes, pour into sterilized jars, roll up. Flip on the lid, wrap to cool.

If you add to carrot juice the juice of apples or pumpkin, you will get a wonderful taste and usefulness of the products in the jars will wait at least until the next harvest. While in winter, canned carrot juice, you can add citrus juice or to decorate various additives and spices.

Carrot jam

Carrot jam can be a decoration and a highlight of any table (not even winter)) Beautiful orange color, delicious and a little unusual, it often becomes a favorite treat of children. It is cooked exactly the same principle as jam from fruit or berries.

Recipe of cooking "Orange miracle"

  • Carrots — 1 kg
  • Sugar — 0,5 - 1 kg
  • Citric acid — 2-3 g
Carrots wash, peel, cut into equal pieces (slices, slices, diced — optional), cover with sugar and leave for a day to let the juice. Add a little water, cook until tender on low heat. Add the citric acid (or lemon juice), boil for another few minutes, expanded into ready hot sterilized jars and roll up. Flip on the lid, wrap to cool.

Carrot jam, you can add orange peel or lemon, Melissa (leaves), cinnamon, mint, vanilla and so on. Turns out the "unrecognizable" unusual and delicious jam. They can decorate a cake and serve tea, and just spread on bread)

Some Housewives cut for jam carrot stars — then the dish turns out extremely beautiful. Try this and you will definitely be the star of culinary art new year 2015!
The following video is another videorecipe jam from young carrots with cinnamon


Carrot jam Is a rather unusual dish for us in the middle East was already known several centuries ago. There does not bother anyone that the sweet dish is prepared from vegetable. Although why vegetables? In 2001, the carrot officially became... fruit! Yes, and it happened precisely because carrot jam, which in Portugal is a national delicacy and exported, and the European Union vegetables to make jam and preserves is impossible. Had the EU officials to cheat and admit carrots fruit!

That is why today we will offer the recipe of this delicacy! And yet — a few "dumnych" nuances.

It is very important not to digest! Jam should be quite thick and a little sticky, but not stiff like jelly. It is recommended to cook it at a temperature slightly above +100 ° C (exactly: +103 to+104ºС). To determine the readiness placing in the fridge for a spoonful of jam for a few minutes. If the surface has a pellicle with wrinkles — consider the delicacy is ready!

The easiest jam of carrots — with the addition of only sugar and lemon. But you can decorate a carrot treat any Supplement — pumpkin, zucchini, beets, cinnamon, nutmeg... how much is enough imagination.

And here is the promised recipe, thanks to which our carrot is considered in the European Union with fruit. It will present the following video of Tatyana Litvinova

Carrots with fruits and berries

You can prepare carrots with fruit or berries. It will also be delicious "discovery" on a cold winter's day, Recalling a bright Sunny summer and Golden autumn carrot.

The recipe for "Carrots with apples"

  • Apple juice — 0.5 l
  • Vegetable oil — 100 g
  • Coriander seeds — 1 tbsp
  • Water — 0.5 l
Carrots wash and peel, cut into thin slices or to put under a large grater. Apples of sour grades to wash, cut into slices or wedges. Put in sterilized jars with layers of carrots and apples, pour boiling marinade and roll up. To flip to the cover and wrap.

The recipe for "Carrots and gooseberries"

  • Carrots — 1 kg
  • Gooseberry — 1 kg
  • Sugar 0.3 kg
Carrots peel, boil and wipe (mash). Gooseberries boiled in a little water and wipe. Mix grated carrots and gooseberries, add sugar, bring to a boil and immediately put into hot jars and roll up. Adding in harvesting a variety of fruits, berries and spices, you can achieve a rich "carrot-fruit" variety for winter tables.

Source: www.7dach.ru