Top of the most profitable blanks from Bulgarian pepper
Sweet pepper is undoubtedly one of the best gifts of Nature to mankind. Solar, saturated with the live energy of the sun and summer, it always becomes an ornament of any summer and autumn table. While still garden beds please summer residents with a harvest, it's time to think about harvesting pepper for the winter.
It is pepper, thanks to its taste and beautiful green, yellow and red colors of fruits, has the greatest chance with the right approach to become a hit of winter festive tables.
Top of the most profitable blanks from pepper
It is no secret that we will always strive to cook a masterpiece, and spend time and money to a minimum. And this is right in our fast-paced, stressful life. Therefore, out of thousands of different methods and recipes in today’s collection were just such... well, to quickly and “masterpiece”.
Pepper frozen
Very convenient form of preparation for the winter. Fresh frozen pepper retains its aroma, which for winter dishes is just a godsend: on a February day, the smell of fresh pepper will be akin to a holiday.
Freeze peppers for different purposes, and the method of preparation depends on the goals. What are the options?
For winter stuffing
For this purpose, they choose fruits that are more or less the same in size and shape, cut off the lids with the peduncle, remove the seeds, lower them in boiling water for 20-30 seconds (no longer!). Then the peppers are placed, like dolls, one in another with a kind of “engine”, packed in a plastic bag, wrapped plastic in the last pepper cavity – and the batch of peppers is ready for freezing. Blanched peppers don’t become as brittle and don’t break when put into one another. And the caps, if you like to close the peppers when stuffing, put together with the blanks in the freezer.
As a dressing for dishes (soups, mashed potatoes, stews)
Here it is generally simple: peel the peppers from seeds and cut as soon as you come up with - rings, straws, cubes, slices ... fold in portions or all together, fall asleep in a bag - and send to the freezer.
Like a ready-made semi.
For this type of workpiece, you need to bake peppers on the batter in the oven at a temperature of +180 ° C for half an hour, remove the skin and remove the seeds from the cooled fruits, and fold the peeled baked peppers in batches in a package or containers and send them to freezing. In winter, thawing such semi-finished products, it is enough to add pepper, garlic, butter or lemon juice to the taste - and you get an incredibly tasty and beautiful salad.
Pepper for stuffing
Very popular and profitable preparation. Parched pepper has become a favorite dish for many, so such recipes are always relevant. We present the two simplest options.
Recipe 1
Not very large pepper wash, remove the peduncles and seeds, boil in salted water for 3 minutes, making sure that the pepper does not lose its elasticity, decompose in 2 or 3 liter cans, pour to the top with brine, in which the pepper was boiled, add table 9% vinegar: 2 liter jar - 2 tablespoons,
3 liters - 3 tbsp. spoons, - and roll.
Recipe 2
Prepare the fill for calculation:
Water - 1 litre
Sugar - 70g
Salt - 35g
Lemon acid - 8g
Peeled from peduncles and seeds, dip peppers for 2 minutes in boiling water and immediately cool in cold water. Put them one in another and put in a jar or, flattening, stack peppers side by side one on top of another. Fill the finished blanks with boiling pouring, sterilize:
liter cans - 10-15 minutes,
2 litres - 20 minutes
3 litres - 25 minutes
And roll right in.
In winter it is enough to open such a jar - and you can immediately stuff peppers! Comfortable, fast and delicious!
This is an extremely interesting dish that came to us from Hungary. Classically, these are stewed vegetable mixtures flavored with spices. A characteristic feature of traditional lecho is the mandatory presence of 3 components: sweet pepper, tomatoes and onions.
But, as it often happens with popular dishes, each hostess began to interpret it in their own way, as a result of which today lecho is a variety of options for combining Bulgarian pepper, tomatoes, carrots, fried onions, smoked meat and smoked pork sausage and... even everything you think of adding there.
Recipe for almost classic Lecho
Bulgarian pepper - 2 kg
Tomatoes - 2 kg
Onions: 1 kg
Vegetable oil - 150g
Vinegar 9% - 3 tbsp.
Sugar - 4 tbsp.
Salt - 2 tsp.
Black pea peppers - 1 tspspoon
Perfume pepper - 4 pcs
Laurel leaf - 2 pieces
Wash tomatoes, grind on a meat grinder (blender) or pass through a juicer, cut onions with semi-rings, cut pepper with straw. Put everything in a bowl or pan, add sugar, salt, pepper, bay leaf and oil and stew the whole mass on a small fire for an hour. At the end, add vinegar, pour the finished lecho on the banks and roll. Turn it over and put it in a warm place.
In the next video - another recipe lecho: from Bulgarian pepper, carrots and onions
Lecho can be used as a separate dish, and as a side dish, and in winter it will be a joy for both.
The people have always had a great time, and Ajika is one of them. In the classic version, adzhika is carefully rubbed with salt red hot pepper, garlic and spicy herbs. But it just so happened that the boundaries of the recipe began to gradually expand, including what by definition should not be there – tomatoes, carrots and even apples. Agree, today almost any hot sauce containing bitter pepper and garlic is called ajika. We will not depart from the established tradition and consider 2 recipes of wonderful sauces under this traditional name.
The original non-sharp ajika
Bulgarian pepper - 1.5 kg
Tomatoes - 5 kg
Carrots 1 kg
Garlic - 350g
Sugar - 300g
Salt - 100g
Vinegar 9% - 250ml
Vegetable oil - 1 cup (250 ml)
Pepper, tomatoes and carrots grind in a meat grinder or blender, put on fire, and after boiling extinguish the mixture on a small heat for 45-60 minutes. Then add salt, sugar and butter and continue stewing for another 30 minutes. After this time, pour vinegar, after another 10 minutes add crushed garlic. After that, after 15 minutes, spread the ready adjika into prepared jars and roll.
Georgian Adjika
Bulgarian pepper - 5 kg
Bitter pepper - 500g
Tomato paste - 500g
Tomatoes - 1.5 kg
Carrots - 1 kg
Onions - 2.5 kg
Garlic - 5-6 pcs
Parsley - 1 bundle
Fresh and dry cilantro - 1 +1 bundle
Salt is to taste.
All ingredients grind in a meat grinder (blender), put the mixture on fire, cook 5-10 minutes. Put in heated jars and roll.
As you can see, both recipes are simple to perform, but different in taste, although both are "Ajiki"
Marinated pepper becomes the decoration of any table. Red, yellow and green sharp-sweet slices look great among snacks and conquer with a spicy smell and excellent taste. Properly prepared workpiece is always a win-win option: pickled peppers are matchless both in taste and in appearance!
Pickled pepper recipe
Bulgarian pepper - 8 kg
Sugar - 400g
Salt - 4 tablespoons
Vinegar 9% - 400g
Sunflower oil - 400g
Laurel sheet - 4-5 pieces
Cloves - 4-5 pcs
Black pea pepper - 12 pcs
Perfume peppers - 4-5 pcs
Water - 2 l
Release the pepper from the seeds and cut into quarters. For blanks, it is better to choose short, more or less identical fruits, then the slices will be the same. But, if the peppers are different, no problem, then you can cut long into more slices. It will be beautiful if the pepper fruits themselves are different in color - green, red, yellow.
Prepare a marinade - add sugar, salt, oil and spices to the water, boil 4-5 minutes, then pour vinegar. Harvested slices blanch in boiling water for 1.5-2 minutes and immediately move (noise or slug) into a boiling marinade. On a small fire, the pepper in the marinade should be kept for 4-5 minutes (more for the sake of prevention is not worth it) and quickly transferred to the prepared cans. Once the jar is full, roll it up.
Advice in passing
If you are not allergic to honey, then it can be entered into the recipe instead of sugar, the taste of the finished pepper will even benefit.
If you "play" a little longer and cut pepper with straw - the dish will definitely become a hit of the winter period - it looks very beautiful on the table!
If you want to make a unique note in the classic recipe, put a different set of spices in each jar at the bottom - tarragon, coriander, rosemary, you can add finely sliced circles of parsley root or celery, or even carrots. Then you will definitely please everyone, no matter what the tastes of the house or guests are!
Pepper in tomato-garlic pouring Delicious and fragrant blank for the winter. It is easy and fast, and you will find a lot of fans. We will need:
Sweet peppers - 1 kg
Tomatoes - 700g
Garlic 3-4 cloves
Sugar - 2.5 tablespoons
Salt - 1.5 tbsp.
Vinegar (apple, wine) - 30 ml
Vegetable oil - 30 ml
Tomato grind with a meat grinder (blender, juicer), add crushed garlic to the tomato mass, boil 4-5 minutes, add salt, sugar and vegetable oil, continue to boil for another 5 minutes.
Peel from seeds and cut into quarters, put in tomato-garlic mass, stir and stew on a small heat for 15 minutes. Adding vinegar, hold on the fire for another 10 minutes, spread in cooked jars and roll. From the specified amount of pepper, 2 jars of 0.5 liters of the finished product are obtained.
Fried peppers in marinade
Original workpiece; peppers in this version are not exempted not only from seeds, but even from the peduncle. In this form, they are roasted and then poured marinade. In winter, these peppers go hurly. And stacking peppers in different jars of different colors, you miraculously simultaneously make different even to taste workpieces - that's you and the winter bright variety!
In the next video - one of the options for harvesting fried pepper in the marinade
And the pepper marinade.
As cucumber brine has its “destination”, and pepper marinade, which remained after the pepper migrated to the table, can form a “second life”. Remember how much delicious marinade from canned foods you had to pour? But our summer residents here found the possibility of “waste-free cottage production”!
Sauce dressing (from SLAIER L)
Pepper marinade - 4 parts
Mayonnaise - 3 parts
Soy sauce - part 1
Greens chopped, mustard, tomato, lemon juice, horseradish, garlic, spices - for an amateur, to taste
Bulgarian pepper - 10 sh
Squash - 500g
Carrots - 1 pc
Onions: 2 pcs
Tomato juice - 1 l
Pea pepper, salt, greens
Peel the peppers, remove the peduncle and seeds. Blanche in boiling water for 4-5 minutes.
For mince: young zucchini and carrots rub on a large grater, grind onions, roast everything in vegetable oil and salt. Stuff the peppers, stack them tightly in jars and pour boiling tomato juice. Sterilize for 15-20 minutes and roll.
And in the next video - tips on how to prepare stuffed peppers for freezing for the winter
Such a sauce can be served to any meat dish, they can be lubricated with pizza dough (under the filling) or used as a dressing for salad.
Another great idea is to use pepper marinade when stewing meat. Try it and you will get an original taste with a fresh summer touch. . .
Pepper stuffed in the summer, housewives most often stuff pepper with minced meat and rice or vegetable mixtures. The same peppers can come to our winter tables. Here are two recipes that, if not useful in this version, will definitely serve as a starting point for a new idea than you can stuff pepper for sending it for long-term storage.
Recipe for peppers stuffed with zucchini
vegetable caviar
That's what everyone will like in winter, is caviar from pepper and vegetables. It can be used as a side dish, spread on bread, and just weave spoons, thanks to the summer for such a wonderful delicious opportunity! What do you have to do to do that? Just a little.
Pepper vegetable caviar recipe
Pepper - 2.5 kg (best meaty varieties)
Carrots - 150g
Onion onions - 250g
Tomatoes - 200g
Parsley root is 1 pc.
Celery root is 1 pc.
Black pepper ground - 0.5-1 tsp
Scented pepper ground - 0.5-1 h. spoon
Pepper bake in the oven, peel off the skin and seeds, pass through a meat grinder (blender). Carrots and roots of parsley and celery cut with straw, roast until half-ready, and roast the onions until a beautiful golden color. Peel and grind the tomatoes, boil and boil for 3-5 minutes, then add all the harvested vegetables and extinguish the mixture for 10 minutes. Ready caviar to spread in jars and be sure to sterilize:
banks 0.5 l - 30 minutes
banks 1 l - 40 minutes
Caviar in storage is capricious, so you should not reduce the time of sterilization, this will be a guarantee of long-term storage. After sterilization, roll the jars and leave in inverted form on the covers under the blanket for a long cooling.
It is funny that in his homeland, in America, pepper is a perennial shrub, and even grows just like that, without care and care. Our pepper (and we along with it) is not so lucky, and soon the first frosts will deprive us of the opportunity to bring from the dacha these wonderful, full of juicy summer heat fruits.
While there is time and pepper on the beds – it is necessary to “rewrite” it in cozy glass jars, so that on a frosty December day they begin their triumphal parade on our winter tables, where they will become the most welcome guests and favorites.
Source: www.7dach.ru
It is pepper, thanks to its taste and beautiful green, yellow and red colors of fruits, has the greatest chance with the right approach to become a hit of winter festive tables.
Top of the most profitable blanks from pepper
It is no secret that we will always strive to cook a masterpiece, and spend time and money to a minimum. And this is right in our fast-paced, stressful life. Therefore, out of thousands of different methods and recipes in today’s collection were just such... well, to quickly and “masterpiece”.
Pepper frozen
Very convenient form of preparation for the winter. Fresh frozen pepper retains its aroma, which for winter dishes is just a godsend: on a February day, the smell of fresh pepper will be akin to a holiday.
Freeze peppers for different purposes, and the method of preparation depends on the goals. What are the options?
For winter stuffing
For this purpose, they choose fruits that are more or less the same in size and shape, cut off the lids with the peduncle, remove the seeds, lower them in boiling water for 20-30 seconds (no longer!). Then the peppers are placed, like dolls, one in another with a kind of “engine”, packed in a plastic bag, wrapped plastic in the last pepper cavity – and the batch of peppers is ready for freezing. Blanched peppers don’t become as brittle and don’t break when put into one another. And the caps, if you like to close the peppers when stuffing, put together with the blanks in the freezer.
As a dressing for dishes (soups, mashed potatoes, stews)
Here it is generally simple: peel the peppers from seeds and cut as soon as you come up with - rings, straws, cubes, slices ... fold in portions or all together, fall asleep in a bag - and send to the freezer.
Like a ready-made semi.
For this type of workpiece, you need to bake peppers on the batter in the oven at a temperature of +180 ° C for half an hour, remove the skin and remove the seeds from the cooled fruits, and fold the peeled baked peppers in batches in a package or containers and send them to freezing. In winter, thawing such semi-finished products, it is enough to add pepper, garlic, butter or lemon juice to the taste - and you get an incredibly tasty and beautiful salad.
Pepper for stuffing
Very popular and profitable preparation. Parched pepper has become a favorite dish for many, so such recipes are always relevant. We present the two simplest options.
Recipe 1
Not very large pepper wash, remove the peduncles and seeds, boil in salted water for 3 minutes, making sure that the pepper does not lose its elasticity, decompose in 2 or 3 liter cans, pour to the top with brine, in which the pepper was boiled, add table 9% vinegar: 2 liter jar - 2 tablespoons,
3 liters - 3 tbsp. spoons, - and roll.
Recipe 2
Prepare the fill for calculation:
Water - 1 litre
Sugar - 70g
Salt - 35g
Lemon acid - 8g
Peeled from peduncles and seeds, dip peppers for 2 minutes in boiling water and immediately cool in cold water. Put them one in another and put in a jar or, flattening, stack peppers side by side one on top of another. Fill the finished blanks with boiling pouring, sterilize:
liter cans - 10-15 minutes,
2 litres - 20 minutes
3 litres - 25 minutes
And roll right in.
In winter it is enough to open such a jar - and you can immediately stuff peppers! Comfortable, fast and delicious!
This is an extremely interesting dish that came to us from Hungary. Classically, these are stewed vegetable mixtures flavored with spices. A characteristic feature of traditional lecho is the mandatory presence of 3 components: sweet pepper, tomatoes and onions.
But, as it often happens with popular dishes, each hostess began to interpret it in their own way, as a result of which today lecho is a variety of options for combining Bulgarian pepper, tomatoes, carrots, fried onions, smoked meat and smoked pork sausage and... even everything you think of adding there.
Recipe for almost classic Lecho
Bulgarian pepper - 2 kg
Tomatoes - 2 kg
Onions: 1 kg
Vegetable oil - 150g
Vinegar 9% - 3 tbsp.
Sugar - 4 tbsp.
Salt - 2 tsp.
Black pea peppers - 1 tspspoon
Perfume pepper - 4 pcs
Laurel leaf - 2 pieces
Wash tomatoes, grind on a meat grinder (blender) or pass through a juicer, cut onions with semi-rings, cut pepper with straw. Put everything in a bowl or pan, add sugar, salt, pepper, bay leaf and oil and stew the whole mass on a small fire for an hour. At the end, add vinegar, pour the finished lecho on the banks and roll. Turn it over and put it in a warm place.
In the next video - another recipe lecho: from Bulgarian pepper, carrots and onions
Lecho can be used as a separate dish, and as a side dish, and in winter it will be a joy for both.
The people have always had a great time, and Ajika is one of them. In the classic version, adzhika is carefully rubbed with salt red hot pepper, garlic and spicy herbs. But it just so happened that the boundaries of the recipe began to gradually expand, including what by definition should not be there – tomatoes, carrots and even apples. Agree, today almost any hot sauce containing bitter pepper and garlic is called ajika. We will not depart from the established tradition and consider 2 recipes of wonderful sauces under this traditional name.
The original non-sharp ajika
Bulgarian pepper - 1.5 kg
Tomatoes - 5 kg
Carrots 1 kg
Garlic - 350g
Sugar - 300g
Salt - 100g
Vinegar 9% - 250ml
Vegetable oil - 1 cup (250 ml)
Pepper, tomatoes and carrots grind in a meat grinder or blender, put on fire, and after boiling extinguish the mixture on a small heat for 45-60 minutes. Then add salt, sugar and butter and continue stewing for another 30 minutes. After this time, pour vinegar, after another 10 minutes add crushed garlic. After that, after 15 minutes, spread the ready adjika into prepared jars and roll.
Georgian Adjika
Bulgarian pepper - 5 kg
Bitter pepper - 500g
Tomato paste - 500g
Tomatoes - 1.5 kg
Carrots - 1 kg
Onions - 2.5 kg
Garlic - 5-6 pcs
Parsley - 1 bundle
Fresh and dry cilantro - 1 +1 bundle
Salt is to taste.
All ingredients grind in a meat grinder (blender), put the mixture on fire, cook 5-10 minutes. Put in heated jars and roll.
As you can see, both recipes are simple to perform, but different in taste, although both are "Ajiki"
Marinated pepper becomes the decoration of any table. Red, yellow and green sharp-sweet slices look great among snacks and conquer with a spicy smell and excellent taste. Properly prepared workpiece is always a win-win option: pickled peppers are matchless both in taste and in appearance!
Pickled pepper recipe
Bulgarian pepper - 8 kg
Sugar - 400g
Salt - 4 tablespoons
Vinegar 9% - 400g
Sunflower oil - 400g
Laurel sheet - 4-5 pieces
Cloves - 4-5 pcs
Black pea pepper - 12 pcs
Perfume peppers - 4-5 pcs
Water - 2 l
Release the pepper from the seeds and cut into quarters. For blanks, it is better to choose short, more or less identical fruits, then the slices will be the same. But, if the peppers are different, no problem, then you can cut long into more slices. It will be beautiful if the pepper fruits themselves are different in color - green, red, yellow.
Prepare a marinade - add sugar, salt, oil and spices to the water, boil 4-5 minutes, then pour vinegar. Harvested slices blanch in boiling water for 1.5-2 minutes and immediately move (noise or slug) into a boiling marinade. On a small fire, the pepper in the marinade should be kept for 4-5 minutes (more for the sake of prevention is not worth it) and quickly transferred to the prepared cans. Once the jar is full, roll it up.
Advice in passing
If you are not allergic to honey, then it can be entered into the recipe instead of sugar, the taste of the finished pepper will even benefit.
If you "play" a little longer and cut pepper with straw - the dish will definitely become a hit of the winter period - it looks very beautiful on the table!
If you want to make a unique note in the classic recipe, put a different set of spices in each jar at the bottom - tarragon, coriander, rosemary, you can add finely sliced circles of parsley root or celery, or even carrots. Then you will definitely please everyone, no matter what the tastes of the house or guests are!
Pepper in tomato-garlic pouring Delicious and fragrant blank for the winter. It is easy and fast, and you will find a lot of fans. We will need:
Sweet peppers - 1 kg
Tomatoes - 700g
Garlic 3-4 cloves
Sugar - 2.5 tablespoons
Salt - 1.5 tbsp.
Vinegar (apple, wine) - 30 ml
Vegetable oil - 30 ml
Tomato grind with a meat grinder (blender, juicer), add crushed garlic to the tomato mass, boil 4-5 minutes, add salt, sugar and vegetable oil, continue to boil for another 5 minutes.
Peel from seeds and cut into quarters, put in tomato-garlic mass, stir and stew on a small heat for 15 minutes. Adding vinegar, hold on the fire for another 10 minutes, spread in cooked jars and roll. From the specified amount of pepper, 2 jars of 0.5 liters of the finished product are obtained.
Fried peppers in marinade
Original workpiece; peppers in this version are not exempted not only from seeds, but even from the peduncle. In this form, they are roasted and then poured marinade. In winter, these peppers go hurly. And stacking peppers in different jars of different colors, you miraculously simultaneously make different even to taste workpieces - that's you and the winter bright variety!
In the next video - one of the options for harvesting fried pepper in the marinade
And the pepper marinade.
As cucumber brine has its “destination”, and pepper marinade, which remained after the pepper migrated to the table, can form a “second life”. Remember how much delicious marinade from canned foods you had to pour? But our summer residents here found the possibility of “waste-free cottage production”!
Sauce dressing (from SLAIER L)
Pepper marinade - 4 parts
Mayonnaise - 3 parts
Soy sauce - part 1
Greens chopped, mustard, tomato, lemon juice, horseradish, garlic, spices - for an amateur, to taste
Bulgarian pepper - 10 sh
Squash - 500g
Carrots - 1 pc
Onions: 2 pcs
Tomato juice - 1 l
Pea pepper, salt, greens
Peel the peppers, remove the peduncle and seeds. Blanche in boiling water for 4-5 minutes.
For mince: young zucchini and carrots rub on a large grater, grind onions, roast everything in vegetable oil and salt. Stuff the peppers, stack them tightly in jars and pour boiling tomato juice. Sterilize for 15-20 minutes and roll.
And in the next video - tips on how to prepare stuffed peppers for freezing for the winter
Such a sauce can be served to any meat dish, they can be lubricated with pizza dough (under the filling) or used as a dressing for salad.
Another great idea is to use pepper marinade when stewing meat. Try it and you will get an original taste with a fresh summer touch. . .
Pepper stuffed in the summer, housewives most often stuff pepper with minced meat and rice or vegetable mixtures. The same peppers can come to our winter tables. Here are two recipes that, if not useful in this version, will definitely serve as a starting point for a new idea than you can stuff pepper for sending it for long-term storage.
Recipe for peppers stuffed with zucchini
vegetable caviar
That's what everyone will like in winter, is caviar from pepper and vegetables. It can be used as a side dish, spread on bread, and just weave spoons, thanks to the summer for such a wonderful delicious opportunity! What do you have to do to do that? Just a little.
Pepper vegetable caviar recipe
Pepper - 2.5 kg (best meaty varieties)
Carrots - 150g
Onion onions - 250g
Tomatoes - 200g
Parsley root is 1 pc.
Celery root is 1 pc.
Black pepper ground - 0.5-1 tsp
Scented pepper ground - 0.5-1 h. spoon
Pepper bake in the oven, peel off the skin and seeds, pass through a meat grinder (blender). Carrots and roots of parsley and celery cut with straw, roast until half-ready, and roast the onions until a beautiful golden color. Peel and grind the tomatoes, boil and boil for 3-5 minutes, then add all the harvested vegetables and extinguish the mixture for 10 minutes. Ready caviar to spread in jars and be sure to sterilize:
banks 0.5 l - 30 minutes
banks 1 l - 40 minutes
Caviar in storage is capricious, so you should not reduce the time of sterilization, this will be a guarantee of long-term storage. After sterilization, roll the jars and leave in inverted form on the covers under the blanket for a long cooling.
It is funny that in his homeland, in America, pepper is a perennial shrub, and even grows just like that, without care and care. Our pepper (and we along with it) is not so lucky, and soon the first frosts will deprive us of the opportunity to bring from the dacha these wonderful, full of juicy summer heat fruits.
While there is time and pepper on the beds – it is necessary to “rewrite” it in cozy glass jars, so that on a frosty December day they begin their triumphal parade on our winter tables, where they will become the most welcome guests and favorites.
Source: www.7dach.ru