Selection course with Bolgarsim perceum
Bulgarian pepper enjoys well-deserved love among our hostess. Its juicy and sweet fruits bring bright colors and sunny mood to the autumn menu. And the benefits of this vegetable to the taste: only one vitamin C, it contains 2-3 times more than lemons, and 4-10 times more than apples.
In addition, pepper greatly facilitates the absorption of iron from other foods. Therefore, its combination with iron-rich red meat, liver, beans greatly increases the effect of eating.
Regular consumption of sweet pepper helps to strengthen immunity, normalizes digestion and metabolism. And so that our readers can fully enjoy all the properties of a healthy vegetable, "Site" This is a collection of 13 recipes.
What to cook from Bulgarian pepper stew, boiled, fried, pickled and stuffed Bulgarian pepper. He will revive any salad, add a pleasant crunch to pizza, a unique aroma to stew, make juicy cutlets.
Lazy "stuffed" peppers To fill peppers, though not quickly, but not too difficult. If only the vegetables were fleshy, smooth and without flaws. Where do you put the bad peppers? The solution was found, we tell you how to cook “stuffed” peppers in the oven from non-standard.
The ingredients
Meat patties with Bulgarian pepper
The ingredients
Cod liver salad with beans and Beijing cabbage
The ingredients
Pickled sweet pepper for winter
The ingredients
Enchilada: Mexican tortillas with filling
Ingredients for corn cakes
Sauce ingredients
Filling ingredients
Azerbaijan Chhyrtma
The ingredients
Pepper stuffed with cheese
To make the dish look as spectacular as possible, it is better to use multicolored peppers. Mayonnaise can be replaced with sour cream or yogurt if you adhere to a healthy diet.
The ingredients
Molded peppers without meat
The ingredients
Fried pepper
The ingredients
Rainbow salad
The ingredients
Tomatoes with Bulgarian pepper for winter
The ingredients
Pizza with vegetables
The ingredients
Vegetable casserole
The ingredients
To take advantage of the valuable properties of Bulgarian pepper not only in summer but also in winter, housewives are looking for ways to prepare it for the future. "Site" We are happy to share with readers 5 ways of harvesting Bulgarian pepper, which allow you to enjoy it all year round in a variety of dishes.

In addition, pepper greatly facilitates the absorption of iron from other foods. Therefore, its combination with iron-rich red meat, liver, beans greatly increases the effect of eating.

Regular consumption of sweet pepper helps to strengthen immunity, normalizes digestion and metabolism. And so that our readers can fully enjoy all the properties of a healthy vegetable, "Site" This is a collection of 13 recipes.
What to cook from Bulgarian pepper stew, boiled, fried, pickled and stuffed Bulgarian pepper. He will revive any salad, add a pleasant crunch to pizza, a unique aroma to stew, make juicy cutlets.
Lazy "stuffed" peppers To fill peppers, though not quickly, but not too difficult. If only the vegetables were fleshy, smooth and without flaws. Where do you put the bad peppers? The solution was found, we tell you how to cook “stuffed” peppers in the oven from non-standard.

The ingredients
- 500g ground meat
- 125g rice
- 500g lecho (or 300g fresh pepper and 200g tomato juice)
- 1 carrot
- 1 large bulb
- 3 tbsp sour cream
- 4 cloves of garlic
- 3 tbsp vegetable oil
- salt, spices to taste
- Pour rice 200 ml of water and decoction on a slow heat until semi-ready.
- Pour the tomato juice out of the lecho, and cut the pepper in pieces. If you do not have ready-made lecho, take fresh Bulgarian pepper and tomato juice.
- Cut the onions, sod the carrots. Lightly roast vegetables in vegetable oil. If you use fresh pepper, roast it too.
- Cool rice mixed with mince, pepper and roast. Smell it and taste it. Well beat the resulting mince, throwing from hand to bowl or table for 2-3 minutes.
- From minced meat, form patties and lay out on a pan lubricated with vegetable oil.
- Mix tomato juice from lecho with sour cream, salti, add spices and crushed garlic. The resulting sauce fill the blank for 2/3. If there is little liquid, add warm water to the sauce.
- Bake the dish for about 30-40 minutes in an oven heated to 180 degrees. Don’t take out the finished “peppers” immediately, let them stand in shape for about 20 minutes.
- Serve. lazy "stuffed" peppers with sour cream or sauce in which they were baked. Bon appetit!
Meat patties with Bulgarian pepper

The ingredients
- 500g ground meat
- 2 tbsp soy sauce
- 1 Bulgarian pepper
- 1 red bulb
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 1 bundle of dill
- 1 potato
- salt
- spice
- breadcrumbs
- Get your vegetables ready first. Arbitrarily chop dill, pepper and onion. Grind them in a blender.
- Add to the minced vegetables and mix thoroughly. I advise you to use a mixture of chicken, pork and beef in equal proportions.
- Now you need to rub potatoes and garlic on a small grater. Add these ingredients to the meat, as well as pour soy sauce into the mince. Mix the mince one more time and form the patties.
- Some housewives prefer to fry patties without breading, but I always use breadcrumbs. It is with them that a delicious toasty crust comes out.
- After you collapse in the crackers, fry the cutlets on a medium fire on both sides. Bon appetit!
Cod liver salad with beans and Beijing cabbage

The ingredients
- 2-3 potatoes
- 1 can of canned "Cod liver"
- 5 quail eggs
- 100g Beijing cabbage
- 1 can of canned beans
- 1 can of canned olives
- 1 Bulgarian pepper
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 1 bundle parsley
- 1/2 lemon
- 1 tbsp mustard
- salt and pepper
- Boil eggs and potatoes. Clean it up and cut it in blocks.
- Fill cabbage and pepper with thin stripes, the olives are divided into halves.
- Put the garlic through the press, cut the parsley finely.
- The cod liver was divided with a fork into small pieces.
- To make the sauce, mix the lemon juice with mustard, salt and pepper.
- Mix all the ingredients in the bowl and make the sauce.
- Bon appetit!
Pickled sweet pepper for winter

The ingredients
- 5 kg of meaty Bulgarian pepper
- 2 l of water
- 1.5 tbsp vegetable oil
- 7 tbsp 9% vinegar
- 1.5 tables of sugar
- 0.5 tbsp salt
- garlic
- parsley
- pepper-pea
- Wash the pepper well, cut it in half, remove the core and tails.
- For a marinade, pour water, vegetable oil into a large pan, add salt, sugar, vinegar and peas. Bring it to a boil.
- Pepper dip into a boiling marinade, boil exactly 2 minutes. Add parsley and garlic passed through the press. Bring the pepper in the marinade to a boil - it is about 1 minute.
- Spread the pepper on sterilized jars, pour marinade and roll with scalded boiling water caps. Keep the cans in a cool, dark place.
Enchilada: Mexican tortillas with filling

Ingredients for corn cakes
- 480g cornmeal
- 30g wheat flour
- 50g babe
- 300g hot water
Sauce ingredients
- 100-150g butter
- 300 ml of milk
- 60-80g flour
- 200g cheese
- pepper
- salt and pepper
Filling ingredients
- 50g butter
- 2 bulbs
- 2 Bulgarian peppers
- 6 eggs
- 200g ham
- 1 tuft of cilantro
- salt and pepper
- 5 cherry tomatoes
- 1 tbsp vegetable oil
- Stir all the ingredients for the dough, form balls out of it and let them stand a little.
- Roll the balls into cakes with a diameter of 12-15 cm and quickly roast in a pan without oil.
- Warm the oven to 180 degrees.
- Lubricate the baking mold with vegetable oil.
- Make the sauce. Melt in the pan 150 g of butter.
- Ask for flour and add a little milk. Keep stirring. The consistency of the sauce should be similar to sour cream.
- Add the grated cheese and wait for it to dissolve completely.
- Add finely chopped chili peppers, salt, black pepper and stir. Cheese sauce ready.
- Cut in small cubes onions, Bulgarian pepper and ham.
- Roast the onions for two minutes, then add the Bulgarian pepper, stir and roast along with the onions for 5-6 minutes.
- Add 6 whipped eggs. Roast, stir constantly, another 5 minutes.
- Remove the filling from the fire and add 2/3 cheese sauce to it.
- Add the ham and crushed cilantro. Sprinkle and pepper. Stir it to uniformity.
- Divide the filling by the number of cakes, put it on tortillas and roll them into tubes.
- Lay the tubes in one layer in the prepared form for baking.
- Pour the remaining cheese sauce on top and evenly distribute it over the surface of the tubes.
- Put the chopped tomatoes over the sauce.
- Bake the dish in a heated oven for 25-30 minutes.
- Enchilada with ham ready. You can cut it with a knife, or you can divide it into roulettes and serve it like this. Buen apetito!
Azerbaijan Chhyrtma

The ingredients
- 3 small eggplant
- 2 medium bulbs
- 80g butter
- 3 tomatoes
- 1 Bulgarian pepper
- 1 pod of hot pepper
- 3 potatoes
- 6 cloves of garlic
- dillbundle
- cilantro
- salt
- ground black pepper
- turmeric
- Cube the eggplant.
- Put it in a bowl, salt it and leave it for a while to get bitter.
- Finely chop the onions and roast in butter until transparent.
- Peel off the skin and cut the tomato cubes.
- Cut in medium pieces of Bulgarian pepper and small pieces of hot pepper.
- Wash the sliced eggplant for salt. Squeeze the remaining water from them and add to the pan to the onions. Stir, salt, pepper, add turmeric and roast eggplant with onions.
- In the meantime, cut the potatoes in small cubes and send them to the eggplant.
- Grind garlic, cilantro and dill with a knife.
- When a golden crust appears on the potato, put tomatoes in the pan, stir, reduce the fire and carcasses for 5-10 minutes under the lid.
- After that, add Bulgarian pepper, hot pepper and garlic.
- In 2-3 minutes you can turn off.
- All that remains is to add greens, and eggplant ready.
- Bon appetit, or nush olsun (Azerbaijani)!
Pepper stuffed with cheese

To make the dish look as spectacular as possible, it is better to use multicolored peppers. Mayonnaise can be replaced with sour cream or yogurt if you adhere to a healthy diet.
The ingredients
- 3 Bulgarian peppers
- 3 chicken eggs
- 300g hard cheese
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 2 tbsp mayonnaise
- dill
- salt, pepper to taste
- Boil the hard-boiled eggs and let them cool.
- Rub the cheese on the finest grater, add to it crushed garlic, mayonnaise, chopped greens, salt, black pepper and stir.
- Wash the peppers, cut the tops, remove the seeds and partitions. Carefully dry the pepper cavity with paper napkins.
- Now parch the peppers: pick up a spoonful of cheese mass and fill the peppers tightly with it. Spread over the walls, leaving room for the egg.
- Put a boiled egg in the middle of each pepper, then fill the remaining space with a cheese mixture. The tighter the filling, the better it will hold when cutting pepper.
- Send the peppers to the fridge for 3 hours, so that all the ingredients are well grasped.
- After the specified time, remove the peppers from the refrigerator and cut with a sharp knife into mugs 2 cm thick. Bulgarian pepper with cheese And the egg is ready, put it on a plate and enjoy a fancy snack!
Molded peppers without meat

The ingredients
- 6 Bulgarian peppers
- 5 large carrots
- 2 bulbs
- 0.5 tbsp walnuts
- 4 tbsp sour cream
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 1 bundle parsley
- 200g cottage cheese
- 0.5 tsp oregano
- 5g white ground pepper
- 200g hard cheese
- First we have to prepare the pepper. For this recipe, halves are used, but if desired, you can do it with wholes. Wash the pepper, cut and peel the seeds. Put the halves on the oiled bowl and send to the oven for 20 minutes. 180 degrees would be enough.
- In the meantime, let's make a roast. Slice the onions finely and rub the carrots on a large grater. Roast them separately.
- To prepare the filling, mix roasted onions and carrots with crushed greens, cottage cheese, walnuts and garlic. Sprinkle, spice and spice. Instead of cottage cheese, you can take half-raw rice.
- Fill this appetizing filling with half the pepper and smear it with sour cream. Put it in the oven again for 20 minutes. Just before you're ready, sprinkle pepper with grated cheese.
Fried pepper

The ingredients
- 1 kg of Bulgarian peppers
- 2 tbsp vegetable oil
- 3 cloves of garlic
- 2 tsp sugar
- 1 tbsp vinegar
- celery
- salt
- Wash the pepper and thoroughly wipe all the drops of water with a towel - this will save you from hot splashes of oil when roasted.
- Put vegetable oil on the heated pan. Lay the peppers whole and cook under the covered cover for 20 minutes. Periodically turn each pepper to roast on all sides until the formation of a golden crust.
- The finished pepper should be soft, flat and roasted. Put it on a plate and peel it off. Separate the seed peduncle from the pepper pulp.
- The juice left on the pan after roasting the pepper will serve as the basis for the sauce. Squeeze garlic into it, add vinegar, salt, sugar, crushed celery greens and dill.
- Pour the pepper with the refill. You can serve immediately hot or leave to marinate in the fridge. Bon appetit!
Rainbow salad

The ingredients
- 300g hunting sausages
- 200g red Bulgarian pepper
- 200g fresh cucumber
- 200g canned corn
- 70g purple onions
- 3 boiled eggs
- 100g mayonnaise
- 2 tsp French mustard
- salt, pepper to taste
- Cut the hunting sausages in circles.
- Sweet red Bulgarian pepper is cleaned of seeds and partitions, and then cut into small cubes. In the same way we cut washed fresh cucumber.
- Clean the red onion of the husks, cut thin half rings.
- Chicken eggs in advance boil until ready, cool, clean the shell, and then finely cut, like all other products.
- In a deep bowl, combine all the prepared ingredients, not forgetting to add canned corn to them.
- To prepare a dressing in a convenient container, combine mayonnaise and mustard. Also add salt, spices, mix everything well.
- Add dressing to the salad, thoroughly mix all the components of the salad with sauce. Put the salad in the fridge for 45 minutes.
- That's it, lettuce is ready. Bon appetit!
Tomatoes with Bulgarian pepper for winter

The ingredients
- 25 Bulgarian peppers
- 1kg tomatoes
- 2 tbsp sugar
- 1 tbsp salt
- 1/3 cup of vegetable oil
- 1 tbsp 9% vinegar
- Wash the tomatoes thoroughly and pass through the meat grinder. To the resulting tomato juice add sugar, salt, vinegar and vegetable oil.
- Wash the pepper, cut it in half, remove the seeds. Cut each half of the pepper in half again.
- Pour the tomato juice into a large pan and put it on the fire. Bring to a boil and add the previously chopped pepper.
- Spread the pepper on already sterilized cans, pour tomato juice and sunset. Cool the can and you can hide it in a cellar or storage room.
Pizza with vegetables

The ingredients
- 2 tbsp flour
- 1/2 tbsp water
- 4.5 tbsp vegetable oil
- 1 pinch of sugar
- 1 pinch of salt
- 4 tomatoes
- 2 eggplant
- 1 Bulgarian pepper
- 2 zucchini
- 300g hard cheese
- 200g sour cream
- 1 tsp turmeric
- 3 tbsp Provence herbs
- Prepare all the ingredients. Mix the flour with water, gradually adding water. Then pour 3.5 tbsp of oil and mix dough. To dough without eggs and milk acquired elasticity, wrap it in a food film and leave for 30 minutes to rest.
- Roll the dough for the base and put it in the oven for 15-20 minutes. The most delicious pizza dough is not as difficult to make as it turned out.
- Sauce preparation. It can be done in advance, but it is very important that by the time of pouring it was hot, so then it will need to be heated. Mix sour cream, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, turmeric and Provencal herbs and cook the mixture for 2-3 minutes.
- Roast the zucchini. Vegetable pizza It is a seasonal dish, always waiting for the summer to cook it.
- Roast the eggplant in vegetable oil to a golden crust.
- Take the base out of the oven and grease it with sauce. Put zucchini and eggplant on top.
- Sprinkle finely chopped Bulgarian pepper.
- Pour the sauce and put in the oven for 5-7 minutes.
- Take it out of the oven and put some tomatoes on top.
- Pour some sauce.
- Sprinkle it with grated cheese.
- Bake in the oven for a few minutes.
Vegetable casserole

The ingredients
- 2 medium-sized zucchini
- 2 potatoes
- 2 carrots
- 1 bulb
- 1 Bulgarian pepper
- 4 cloves of garlic
- 4 eggs
- 4 tbsp breadcrumbs
- 1 tbsp vegetable oil
- greenery
- salt, spices to taste
- Wash all your vegetables and peel them. You can't remove the skin from the squash.
- Zucchini, potatoes and sodium carrots on a large grater. Bulgarian pepper and onions cut with straw, garlic pass through the press.
- To prepared vegetables add eggs, breadcrumbs, salt, pepper and favorite spices to taste. Stir everything if too much juice comes out, some of its sludge.
- Form for baking lubricate vegetable oil and sprinkle breadcrumbs. Put all the vegetable mass in it and send it to bake for about 45 minutes at a temperature of 200 ° C. Check the readiness of the coogel with a toothpick: it should come out of the casserole dry.
To take advantage of the valuable properties of Bulgarian pepper not only in summer but also in winter, housewives are looking for ways to prepare it for the future. "Site" We are happy to share with readers 5 ways of harvesting Bulgarian pepper, which allow you to enjoy it all year round in a variety of dishes.