This year I was not in the mood to cook for the holidays until I went to the Olga Matvey channel, now I have a ready-made menu.

As soon as I lose any mood to cook, I immediately run to the Olga Matvey culinary channel. I have been following her from the beginning. If you remember, she had one of the first amazing videos with the preparation of cake Prague according to the recipe of her grandmother. Since then, I have taken inspiration from her blog and have never come across a failed recipe. Therefore, I also went to look for my simple menu for the New 2024 – recipes – on the Olenka channel.

What I like most about this menu is that it doesn’t take long. I don’t feel the strength to get up with the first roosters this year to spend the whole day at the stove. I thought that it would take me a maximum of 4 hours to prepare all the treats according to Olga Matvey’s recipes. And that's if nobody helps me!

In the selection you will find three types of non-banal snacks, a luxurious meat dish and a festive dessert. Olga emphasizes that this menu is perfect for those who do not want to cook only salads. Instead, the host of the channel “Prepare Easy” advises to replace some of them with hearty and not banal snacks, so that the ratio is approximately 50 to 50.

Fish canapes on Borodino bread Ingredients
  • 4 herring fillets
  • 1 bulb
  • green-onion
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 beet
  • 2 tbsp mayonnaise
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 100g melted cheese
  • 1 egg
  • 3 tsp Dijon mustard
  • pepper, paprika, salt, dill to taste

  1. Pre-cook a small beet and egg.
  2. Borodino bread cut into small rectangles, which can be additionally dried in the oven or roasted in a pan with butter to crunch.
  3. Prepare the first type of smear: boiled and grated beets mixed with a finely chopped clove of garlic and a spoonful of mayonnaise. For the second spread, break the egg with melted cheese and mix with mayonnaise and dill.
  4. Half the pieces of bread should be spread beet, and the second egg. On top, lay out salted fish cut with bars or cubes.
  5. The beetroot canapes are decorated with finely tinted onions, dill and Dijon mustard. Egg canapes make with small triangles of lemon - it will give the appropriate sourness.
  6. Serve such canapes Olga advises on a wooden piece and in a chess order. It looks really nice! And perfectly replaces the already familiar herring under the coat.


Salad from pickled mushrooms Ingredients
  • 300g champignon
  • 1 bulb
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 30ml vinegar (9%)
  • 150 ml of water
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 3 sprigs of parsley
  • 1 tsp mustard
  • Salt, pepper, paprika to taste.

  1. First of all, you need to pickle the onions. Use half an onion: cut into thin half rings and marinate in a mixture of water and vinegar. Add a teaspoon of sugar and leave for half an hour.
  2. Wash the champignons and dry them. Cut into pieces of medium size (if the mushroom is small, then each can be cut into 8 parts, if large, then just plates, but not too thin). Roast the mushrooms in a pan in a small amount of oil until golden blush. It is important not to extinguish the mushrooms, namely to roast slightly! So do it in small portions.
  3. Mix the mushrooms with onions, a small amount of marinade, salt sliced parsley, paprika, black pepper and a spoonful of mustard. You can also add a sprig of cilantro or use lemon juice instead of vinegar. Stir everything well and leave to marinate for at least 30 minutes. Such a snack salad stands perfectly in the refrigerator for several days and even a week.


Menu for the New 2024: recipes for baked potatoes with herring
  • 8 potatoes
  • 0.5 red bulb
  • green-onion
  • 3 fillets of herring
  • 1 tsp mustard
  • Salt, pepper, vegetable oil, sugar and vinegar (9%) to taste

  1. First marinate the onion: cut it with thin, thin semi-rings and pour an equal amount of water and vinegar. Add a spoonful of sugar and leave it there for about half an hour.
  2. Potato decoction in salted water (you can directly in the skin) almost to full readiness. Let it cool, cut into halves and take out each core to make a potato basket. Bake a basket in the oven to ruminate, previously lubricating them with sunflower oil, salting and peppering.
  3. Cut the herring into small cubes and mix it with mustard, pepper and salt to taste. Put the herring in potato baskets and decorate on top with pickled and green onions.
  4. An important nuance: this is a hot snack, it is best to cook it half an hour before the arrival of guests. Potatoes can be boiled in advance, but it is better to bake before serving. Unfortunately, after a day, potato baskets lose their unique taste.


Diner Roulettes from ham Ingredients
  • 10 ham slices
  • 2 eggs
  • 50g boiled or smoked chicken fillet
  • 3 pineapple rings
  • 1 tbsp mayonnaise
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 60g melted cheese
  • 3 feathers of green onions
  • salt and pepper

  1. A salad filling is used for this snack. Cut the boiled chicken fillet in small cubes. Do the same with pineapple rings. Mix chicken and pineapple with grated or finely sliced garlic, mayonnaise, boiled eggs, melted cheese, salt and eggs. Carefully break the filling with a fork.
  2. In the middle of each piece of ham, put a teaspoon of fillings with a slide. Take a roll and tie it with an onion feather. If the feathers are large, cut them into stripes. These roulettes are a great alternative to sausage cutting. They look good on a plate with pickles and just vegetables.


Menu for the New 2024: a recipe for a salad to replace fish under a fur coat
  • 3 small beets
  • 3 tbsp mayonnaise
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 2 tbsp raisins
  • 1 carrot
  • 50g hard cheese
  • 100g prunes
  • 50g walnuts
  • pepper, paprika, salt to taste

  1. This time, Olenka decided to experiment and add a zest, so as not to repeat the previous New Year salads. Start cooking with carrots: rub it on a grater and mix with soaked raisins, crushed cloves of garlic, a tablespoon of mayonnaise, paprika and black pepper.
  2. Beet decoction or baked in the microwave until full readiness. Rub the beets on a coarse grater, mix with salt, pepper, paprika, a pair of cloves of finely sliced garlic and a spoonful of mayonnaise.

Using a round shape, lay out the first layer of carrots. Then a layer of heavily grated cheese. On top is a soaked and sliced prunes. It's better to miss it with mayonnaise, too. Lastly, lay out the beets and sprinkle it with a small nut crumb. Done! Salad can be served immediately on the table, but if you let it brew, it will only benefit from this.


Holiday Salad with Heart Ingredients
  • 1 pork heart (or 300g chicken heart)
  • 5 eggs
  • 1 bulb
  • tastefully
  • 1 tsp Dijon mustard
  • 150g champignon
  • 150g hard cheese
  • 2 small cucumbers
  • mayonnaise, parsley, salt, pepper, vinegar (9%) to taste

  1. Marinate the onions first. Cut the bulb with thin semi-rings and pour water and vinegar 1 to 1. Add the sugar, stir and leave for half an hour.
  2. Boil the eggs, peel them and rub them on a large grater. By the way, I also learned how to clean eggs quickly from Olga Matvey: you just need to lower them in ice water immediately after cooking and leave them to cool. Rub the eggs, mix with salt, pepper and a spoonful of mayonnaise.
  3. Cut and extinguish the mushrooms with butter until ready for 15 minutes. While the mushrooms are cooked, cut the boiled heart into small cubes. Put them in and out.
  4. Let's start forming a salad! The first layer is an egg mixture, the heart is laid out on top and lubricated with a tablespoon of Dijon mustard and another spoonful of mayonnaise. By the way, instead of a heart, you can even take a liver. A layer of mushrooms mixed with pickled onions is distributed over the meat filling. Now it remains only to distribute on top a layer of cucumber sliced, lubricated with mayonnaise and sprinkled with grated cheese with parsley. Done!


Simple and fresh tuna salad Ingredients
  • 200g salad leaves
  • 1 apple
  • 2 boiled eggs
  • 1 red bulb
  • 1 tsp lemon juice
  • 100g cherry tomatoes
  • 50g feta
  • 1 yolk
  • 1 tsp mustard
  • 30 ml of vegetable oil
  • olive

  1. The simplest salad that looks no less festive! Just cut the salad leaves, spread them over the dish. On top lay out pieces of fish, tomatoes and pieces of feta.
  2. Pour the salad with thinly sliced onions mixed with apple straw. Sprinkle the salad with lemon juice.
  3. Prepare a dressing: beat 1 yolk with mustard and vegetable oil. Pour the salad with it and spread the olives on top. Essential dish on the menu for the New 2024: recipes are just divine.


Festive bouzhenina from Olga Matvey Ingredients
  • 1kg collar
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 200g prunes
  • 1 head of garlic
  • 6 slices of bacon
  • salt, pepper, mayonnaise, mustard and paprika to taste

  1. Cut the pig necks into bacon slices on one side, without finishing them so they stick together. Like steaks that can be opened by a fan. Soak it up, peep it, and pop every piece in the papillar.
  2. The garlic was divided into slices and cut into small pieces. Soaked prunes cut in half and press slightly so that the pieces are flat. Cut the tomatoes into thin crumbs and start decorating the ham.
  3. Put the necks whole, not cut, part on spread out slices of bacon. Slices should be laid on prepared parchment paper or foil, in which you are going to bake (it is better to put it in two layers at once). Each piece of meat miss mayonnaise and Dijon mustard, lay out a layer of prunes and cover with the next meat steak. Only miss it with mayonnaise, put garlic and tomato on top. So alternate the layers until they run out.
  4. Now lubricate the resulting meat product with mayonnaise from all sides, cover the remaining slices of bacon, wrap in foil and bake 2 hours at 190 degrees. The main thing is not to spare foil, so as not to lose a drop of meat juice!


Menu for the New 2024: recipes for duck with apples and berries
  • 1 small duck (about 3 kg)
  • 2 apples
  • 1 small carrot
  • 250g cabbage
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 100g frozen berries
  • Salt, pepper, paprika to taste.

  1. Duck thoroughly rub salt, pepper and paprika outside and inside. It is good that she lies a day or two in spices, but at least 40 minutes.
  2. Sweat the cabbage and put some sense into it. Mix with the grated carrots, salt and pepper, followed by some extinguishing. Add to the cabbage thawed berries and mix.
  3. Cut the apples into big slices and start stuffing the duck. Alternate apples with cabbage with berries so that all the filling is distributed simultaneously. Apples are very convenient to tamp cabbage.
  4. Wash or close the duck with toothpicks and place the duck on a foil-covered batter. It is better to take two or three layers and carefully rewind the duck so that it is completely closed and does not lose moisture when baking.
  5. Bake the duck for 2 hours at 190 degrees, then cut, grease with honey and bake for another 10 minutes. You can serve the table! A duck baked in this way will have a crispy crust, but will remain tender and juicy inside.


Amazing menu for the New 2024: recipes are amazing! A detailed video with the preparation of the duck you will find in the festive issue on the channel Olga Matvey:


I know that all the dishes will turn out exactly like in the video. It used to be a mystery to me, but then I read in an interview that every recipe a popular cooking blogger and her husband check two or three times before airing. Now I have a great holiday menu. Thank you Olga Matvey for such a wonderful selection of dishes!


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