How to celebrate St. Olga Day
On July 24, all Orthodox people celebrate the Day of Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga. This great woman has done so much for Christianization in Russia.
Princess Olga is the wife, and later the widow of the Grand Duke of Kiev Igor. After its capture by the rebels Drevlyans in 945, she never married again, but took over the government until the adulthood of her son Svyatoslav.
Olga is revered as a saint, since it was she who brought Christianity to Kievan Rus. She was baptized in 954 during a pilgrimage to Constantinople. And it was Princess Olga who became erect the first Christian temples in Russia! By the way, its main attraction - St. Sophia Cathedral - Kiev owes Olga.
According to legend, Olga once saw in the east three light rays that came down from the sky. This vision was the beginning of a special veneration of the Holy Trinity. Not far from where the vision was, a temple was erected in honor of the Most Holy Trinity.
Saint Olga is considered the patroness of mercy, as she helped the good and punished the evil, was generous towards the poor. Historians believe that, largely thanks to the example of Olga, her grandson subsequently chose Christianity as the state religion of Russia and baptized the country in 988.
And today, on the Day of St. Olga, the editorial office "Site" He asks you to know how best to spend this holiday, as well as what to do. Absolutely not to be done on July 24..
What not to do on St. Olga’s Day
It's also good to have a house. icon of St. Olga. It is able to protect the house from intruders and people with impure thoughts. In addition, such an icon must have at home all women bearing the name Olga.
And there is an opinion that this saint helps young girls successfully get married and live a happy family life. To do this, you need to go to church on this day and ask Olga for help.
On St. Olga Day, as well as other Orthodox holidays, it is forbidden to swear. When a person fights on holidays, he defiles a part of his soul.
It is also worth refraining from such things as cleaning, washing, needlework and work in the garden.
People say that July 24 comes the time of thunderstorms. On this day, Saint Olga is also prayed that she might send good weather and help finish the harvest as soon as possible. The rains on this day promise a good catch for fishermen. There is even a popular proverb: “Thunder thundered – it will be good to catch fish.” And if the weather is sunny on St. Olga Day, farmers can expect a rich harvest.
And most importantly: on St. Olga Day, do not forget about your loved ones! Behave so as not to offend anyone, and by all your deeds show mercy and forgiveness.
In Christianity, it is believed that each of us has a personal guardian angel, who can be identified by name or date of birth of a person. I suggest you determine by date of birth, which icon-intercessor you need.
Olga is one of the most common names in the post-Soviet space. Therefore, Olga’s name day is quite a popular holiday here. Do not forget to congratulate your friends who have this beautiful name.
Be pure in thought and deed and, if you have the opportunity, go to church on this day - pray, light a candle and thank for all the good that you have. Be happy!
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Princess Olga is the wife, and later the widow of the Grand Duke of Kiev Igor. After its capture by the rebels Drevlyans in 945, she never married again, but took over the government until the adulthood of her son Svyatoslav.

Olga is revered as a saint, since it was she who brought Christianity to Kievan Rus. She was baptized in 954 during a pilgrimage to Constantinople. And it was Princess Olga who became erect the first Christian temples in Russia! By the way, its main attraction - St. Sophia Cathedral - Kiev owes Olga.
According to legend, Olga once saw in the east three light rays that came down from the sky. This vision was the beginning of a special veneration of the Holy Trinity. Not far from where the vision was, a temple was erected in honor of the Most Holy Trinity.

Saint Olga is considered the patroness of mercy, as she helped the good and punished the evil, was generous towards the poor. Historians believe that, largely thanks to the example of Olga, her grandson subsequently chose Christianity as the state religion of Russia and baptized the country in 988.
And today, on the Day of St. Olga, the editorial office "Site" He asks you to know how best to spend this holiday, as well as what to do. Absolutely not to be done on July 24..

What not to do on St. Olga’s Day
- On July 24, everyone who bears the name of the saint should go to church and worship the icon of his mentor. On this day, festive services are held in churches in memory of the holy princess. On St. Olga Day, it is customary to pray for the comfort of widows, as well as for the strengthening of the Christian faith.
It's also good to have a house. icon of St. Olga. It is able to protect the house from intruders and people with impure thoughts. In addition, such an icon must have at home all women bearing the name Olga.

And there is an opinion that this saint helps young girls successfully get married and live a happy family life. To do this, you need to go to church on this day and ask Olga for help.

On St. Olga Day, as well as other Orthodox holidays, it is forbidden to swear. When a person fights on holidays, he defiles a part of his soul.

It is also worth refraining from such things as cleaning, washing, needlework and work in the garden.

People say that July 24 comes the time of thunderstorms. On this day, Saint Olga is also prayed that she might send good weather and help finish the harvest as soon as possible. The rains on this day promise a good catch for fishermen. There is even a popular proverb: “Thunder thundered – it will be good to catch fish.” And if the weather is sunny on St. Olga Day, farmers can expect a rich harvest.

And most importantly: on St. Olga Day, do not forget about your loved ones! Behave so as not to offend anyone, and by all your deeds show mercy and forgiveness.

In Christianity, it is believed that each of us has a personal guardian angel, who can be identified by name or date of birth of a person. I suggest you determine by date of birth, which icon-intercessor you need.

Olga is one of the most common names in the post-Soviet space. Therefore, Olga’s name day is quite a popular holiday here. Do not forget to congratulate your friends who have this beautiful name.
Be pure in thought and deed and, if you have the opportunity, go to church on this day - pray, light a candle and thank for all the good that you have. Be happy!
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