St Luke: and after his death in the service of medicine
Yesterday the Orthodox Church celebrated the memory of St. Luke, we published the report of Archimandrite Nektarios (Antonopoulos) at the Third scientific-practical conference "the Spiritual and medical heritage of St. Luke – Professor V. F. Voyno-Yasenetsky" (the Railway, the village of Kupavna may 19, 2011). The report is devoted to the modern miracles of St. Luke.
The son of God, God the word in his immeasurable love came to earth, took on human flesh to save lost man. He took upon himself all human pain and his sins. On earth he taught people, healed them, helped them in need and died for them. After his Resurrection, the Lord commanded His disciples to preach the gospel to every creature – to educate, to baptize and heal. And the apostles "went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word with signs following" (Mark, 16-20). Holy Apostles will chudotvorec not his strength and not in order to impress or gain fame and notoriety, as do all wizards and deceived. The apostles the sole purpose my have the Glory of God and the salvation of people.
In acts confirms the words of Christ: "he that Believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also and greater than these shall he do" (John 14-12).
This promise of Christ could not refer only to Apostolic times. Christ has not ceased to work miracles today in the Church through the saints. In our days It has not ceased to show Their love. And if the saints, in the apt words of father Justin Popovic, "Christ is penetrating through the ages", then it is not surprising that, doing miracles, saints heal people, and thus continue the work of Jesus Christ.
Saint Luke is one of the links of that long chain, which originates in Apostolic times. He loved Christ and people. He served as the image of God – man, and especially the suffering, served with incredible love and dedication. St. Luke considered the treatment of patients with the greatest case, which is the imitation of Christ himself.
Archimandrite Nektarios (Antonopoulos)
In one of his sermons, he clarifies his understanding of this issue. And we clearly understand the motives that prompted him to devote himself to medical science. Not fame or money's sake, not for any other purposes, and in order to serve, to encourage, to heal the afflicted.
Saint Luke said: "...have You ever wondered why the Lord sent His disciples not only to preach but also to heal the sick? If the Lord considered the treatment of diseases such an important affair that put it on par with the preaching of the Gospel, then it means that this is one of the most important Affairs of man. He never said, "Preach the gospel and teach the people how to organize their social life."
He is absolutely nowhere it is said. But he gives the apostles the commandment to heal the sick. Why? Because Our Lord Jesus Christ himself healed people, cast out demons, raised the dead and gave the disciples the commandment to heal the sick. Because disease is the biggest pain and the biggest problem of mankind.
There are many diseases, worst diseases that have plagued man, ruin his life and lead him to despair. But the Lord loves man and is good and from us he demands that we be merciful and do works of love. And the first work of mercy is the healing of the sick. In this way we show our compassion and our love to his unhappy brethren and sisters who are suffering".
Blessed is the doctor who practices medicine podgey this love balasamy who became a doctor in order to have a good and a great place to live, but in order to help man to help his neighbor. Blessed is he, the doctor, for he does one of those two services, committed disciples of Christ.
Truly blessed was Saint Luke. He's like the Lord himself came into the world to "do good and to heal." And therefore received from God the gift of wonderworking. His countless miracles and incredible from the point of view of human logic.
St. Luke after his martyrdom life's journey departed into the heavenly Jerusalem, 11 June 1961. But he did not leave us nor forget his profession of surgeon. In his earthly life he was in a hurry to help people, using all means – their own feet, horses, sleds, cars, trains, planes. And now he is already not a barrier neither distance nor borders. He hurries wherever he is called.
I first heard about Saint Luka in the summer of 1996. I was shocked by his life, and I decided to learn more about this man. I made several trips to the Crimea, and later went to the places where he lived and worked Saint. In January 1999, we published the life of St. Luke in Greek, later translated it into Romanian, English, French, and Albanian languages. This book was reedited in the Greek language. Its circulation is about 80 thousand copies. This alone is proof of how loved the Greek of St. Luke.
Throughout Greece Saint Luke built about 30 chapels and almost every Greek Church is his icon. In our monastery in 2004, is also consecrated the chapel of St. Luke, which holds the particles of his venerable relics. Next we created a small Museum. Here, the personal belongings of the Saint and photos about his life. Just two months after the book about St. Luke's has occurred and the first miracle associated with him.
The relics of St. Luke in the monastery of the Transfiguration of Sagmata (Greece, Thebes)
Over the years we have heard many stories about the miracles of St. Luke, recorded the testimony of people about how a Saint appeared to them and helped.
He was the relatives of patients or to themselves – in homes, hospitals, operating theatres, intensive care units. He was in a dream, in visions, and sometimes stood before the man clearly as the living. Saint Luke did, or as Bishop, or as a doctor.
Sometimes people saw him with a scalpel and bandages in his hands. He did the surgery, and many, waking up, saw on his body traces of blood or stitches. Someone of the patients saw him in the operating room assisting or directing other surgeons during operations. And doctors themselves often acknowledge that if they are not operated, but the hand itself was moving. As some patients, Saint Luke advised them to visit our monastery, saying, "There is my home, come and see me". And when people come to us, they were surprised to immediately recognize the Saint on the icon, or any pictures of him.
From the enormous mass of evidence of the miracles of Saint Luke, I chose just a few, which fully confirm already cited the words of Christ: "...he that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also and greater works shall he do" (John 14-12).
1. "I have glorified God and St. Luke, the patron Saint of my family!"
SVT. Luke
Father G knows Russian language and Orthodox Russian emigrants living in Greece. He told us an incredible story about surgical care he has received from St. Luke in may 2002:
"In connection with the compression of the spine spinal cord herniated disc between 4 and 5 cervical vertebrae have ceased to operate left hand, her muscles had atrophied, barely acted and brush. The neurologists and neurosurgeons, mentored me, advised to have surgery. One of the doctors, however, advised me not to rush. I as a diabetic recommended to take sea baths, to carry out physiotherapy and physical therapy. In the fall I was convinced that all my efforts to improve my health but to no avail.
To doctors I do not go. I began to pray with faith the Holy doctor Luka. Every night I read him a hymn in Russian. And St. Luke has answered my prayer.
At dawn on 8 December 2002 in my dream was St. Luke in his Bishop's vestments. On top of clothing on it was draped a white doctor's coat, and on his head wearing a hat, which is usually the surgeons during the operation. In his left hand he held a pair of scissors and the bandages and the right scalpel. St. Luke, turning to me, said, "they sent Me to you. Know how much you love Russian as you help them spiritually here in Athens. Therefore, out of love for you I'll handle myself. Turn around". I turned around and in one second surgery was done. I hear again the voice of St. Luke: "All you all right now. Tomorrow will hand calmly raised, and in three days I will come to you". After a few minutes I woke up.
It was 4:30 in the morning. I stood up, walked to the mirror and began moving the arm up and down and realized that I am healthy! Hand fully functioned. Even traces of atrophy left. What struck me more was the fact that on the shirt, just a sick place, were visible drops of blood!
I glorified God and St. Luke, the patron Saint of my family!
After all that I decided to go to my doctor. The surprised doctor asked me what happened and how your health has recovered so quickly. In response, I gave him the book of the Holy Luke and said, "Doctor, read this book and then be able to understand what happened to me".
I waited environment. After all, St. Luke promised in three days to visit me. On Wednesday I went to the temple and literally followed me went to Mr. D. G., and handed me the icon of St. Luke with fragments of his relics! The icon now resides in our Church!
2. "St. Luke was here..." Mrs. T. out of town Consists of sent us in the magazine the following letter:
"18 September 2005 our son Konstantin was involved in a car accident, the result of which was a severe fracture of both legs. We, his parents, were at this time in the trip. After learning about the accident, we began to pray to God to protect the life and health of our child.
From Athens, Livadia urgently was sent a helicopter to transport the boy to the Central city children's hospital. Because of great blood loss the results of the first analyses done was depressing. All the doctors advocated the amputation of both legs. To change of their own free will the decision of doctors, we could not. We just prayed to God and asked to arrange everything so that the child will not remain disabled.
Luckily for us, operating this day came head of the orthopaedic clinic of Mr. G. P. and took full responsibility for making decisions and conducting operations. This surgeon cancelled the decision about amputation and, as we were told later, literally fought to keep the baby's feet, and defended his position against the opinion of all the other doctors. The result is the left leg of the boy is completely preserved, and on the right was amputated just heel.
After the surgery a month our son was in intensive care in Athens a children's hospital named Aglaia to Chiriac. Many doctors who participated in the consultations, doubted that leg in the future will be able to save. Feared various infections and complications. Began a series of plastic surgery at the children's hospital "Saint Sophia". All doctors in one voice say: the baby's feet had left, but one of them to move will never be, it has left no vessels, no nerve fibers or skin. This leg will remain forever lifeless.
November 26, 2005 our son for the first time mentioned the name of his, as he said, a friend, some bows. This friend, according to the child, waking him up from anesthesia and said, "Constantine, Wake up and go to mom". This was repeated, according to our son, after each operation. We thought that we are talking about a particular doctor working in this hospital. Began to ask. We were told that a doctor with that name at the hospital. And now, after another surgery Constantine told us quite specifically: "Today I have seen St. Luke". We asked plastic surgeon Mr N. P. what these words mean. The doctor with a smile took from his pocket of his robe, the icon of St. Luke and said, "That's about who tells you all the time, Constantine. This Saint is indeed the most complex operations, like the one that was your son."
It should be noted that on this Holy we previously knew nothing. On the advice of our doctor we read a book about Saint Luke the Crimean. Seeing in my hands the book of the Holy Luke, Constantine showed one of the photos and said, "Here, mother, see, this is my friend."
A miraculous apparition of St. Luke continued. Was a celebration of the triumph of Orthodoxy. Leg our boy was beginning to act, and he was even able to wiggle your toes. The doctors, seeing the recovery process, only bred hands, and said, "Yeah, Constantine has its own Saint".
St. Luke was our child several times directly in the operating room (he was made a total of more than 30 transactions of different complexity). March 27, Holy in the operating room appeared in his Episcopal robes, over which was thrown a lab coat, and said, "Constantine, you pray, and I will try to fix you".
Psychologists working at the hospital, trying to cheer Constantine and told him that all treatment will end well, in the future he will not be able on the bike, like all the other kids. However, Constantine was released from the hospital not only perfectly began to walk and to run, but mastered the bike! Full restoration of mobility of the feet is a true miracle!
We very quickly forgot my sorrow and all my experiences. But what are our experiences in comparison with the great grace of God so generously bestowed upon us through the prayers of St. Luke.
M. T., Livadia".
3. "I came to get you to surgery" "15 Jan 2006 day quite unexpectedly I have a very sore right ear. A friend of mine, a very revered Saint Luke, gave me a book with his life. The first thing that came to my mind is to ask the Saint to help me, in my heart I believed that this great Saint. I put in the ear piece of fleece, put in the ear with oil from the lamps, from top to put the icon of St. Luke and tied the head scarf.
My cousin mother of A. we began to think, if I go to a hospital on duty or not. In the end I decided not to go anywhere. Even though he knew that sleep I won't have unbearable pain. However, I soon fell asleep. In the dream, I is the Archbishop of Thessalonica in the Bishop's vestments. In his hand was some kind of medical instrument, similar to a long needle. Beside him stood A. P. – that is my friend who gave me a book about St. Luke. Saint tells me.
"St. Luke and I came to get you to surgery. Don't worry, you won't hurt". And then turns to my friend and said, "Look, I'll do the surgery".
He put the phone to my ear. I felt like a puncture, but there was no pain.
Waking up in the morning, I realized that my ear does not hurt. Fleece ear was soaked with pus. I went to the ENT doctor to Mr. A. G. for examination. He confirmed that made a puncture of the tympanic membrane and was diagnosed with acute inflammation of the middle ear. "My lady, – said in conclusion ENT-doctor – who operated on you? Surgeon, made surgery, a true master.” And I replied: "Doctor, I see you have on the table icon, you're a believer, so I will tell you".
I told him about what happened last night, told about Saint Luke and gave him a book with the life of the Saint and his icon.
The doctor agreed with me. Prescribed antibiotics and added – it is fortunate that pus came out, otherwise you could lose your hearing.
After a week I again went to the doctor and he told me that I'm perfectly healthy.
S. P. Athens".
4. "I came to the surgery" "my name is Maria K. In your letter, I would like to Express my gratitude to St. Luke for the miracle of my spiritual and physical healing.
In 2008 I had to do a surgery in gynecology. The operation was done at the hospital named Metaxas in Piraeus. In difficult situations I always turned to God and to the saints for help. And still my faith was weak, I was so-called faith.
Three years ago I read a book about St. Luke. I literally shook the life of a Martyr of this man and his feat of a doctor. When I had to make a decision about surgery, then boldly prayed to God and to St. Luke for help. For the first time in my life, I fully relied on the will of God and sought the help of St. Luke. Before the operation I prayed to Saint Luke: "Holy Luke, I know you will help me during the surgery and tell the doctor how to act. You yourself be present at the operation." For the first time, I felt unable to ask for help.
11 Nov 2008 everything was ready for surgery. When I wasn't operating table, I started to have palpitations. I was approached by the anesthesiologist and three nurses. Seeing my anxiety, the doctor sat me down. At this moment in the operating room became a doctor in scrubs of a surgeon. He sat down on the edge of my bed and took a good look at me. That look I never in my life forget. I said to myself: this is the true doctor who for me is very worried and really sympathizes with me. Suddenly I hear the anesthesiologist asked him: "who are you? Unfortunately, I don't know you". Unknown to the doctor she replied: "I went in for surgery for this girl".
After a few minutes the anesthesiologist again asked: "Please tell me who you are?" The answer was: "I on operation to the girl." Then the anesthesiologist bent over me and quietly asked: "Who is it? A relative of yours? You asked him to come to you for surgery?" "No, – I replied. I don't know this man." Then the doctor spoke again: "This operation is performed by Mr. K. V. why are you here?" The third time was the answer: "I went in for surgery for this girl". We do not know the doctor something else he said quietly, and then left.
I calmed down, the heart worked fine. I remember that in the book of the Holy Luke cited are his words: "People before surgery is always fearful, he is desperate, his heart is broken... the Doctor must not only drugs to calm the heart, but the very attempt to remove patient fear and psychological stress..."
In that moment, I could not imagine that in the operating room came by St. Luke. Meanwhile the nurses and the anesthesiologist commented: "probably a Wrong number. On another operation, most likely, had to go. Why is he so confused, don't know what operating it a go?"
My surgery was successful. Operate on me doctor, in talking with my husband said, "you Know, I've done thousands of similar gynecological surgeries, but I assure you, none of them were so relaxed and easy. Hands if they themselves were moving!"
The next day I asked him to bring me a book about St. Luke. It is difficult to convey my excitement when I realized that coming to the operating room the doctor like two drops of water was similar to St. Luke when he was the doctor of the hospital in Pereslavl-Zalessky in 1910. Help St Luke's to me had more spiritual significance than physical. St. Luke has literally torn from my heart the pain of little faith, who for years tormented me. I realized that the miracle takes place with man only when he fully surrenders to God.
Very soon my husband and I went to the monastery of Sagmata to Thebes to serve thanksgiving St. Luke. We were very worried. My eyes kept pouring tears. I couldn't utter a word. And my husband was thinking, what are we going to donate to the monastery in gratitude to the Saint. He had with him was the only valuable thing is a watch, a present from my godfather. 19 years ago this watch was worth 2 thousand dollars. Husband loved them very much and never parted with them. But he decided to leave a monetary donation. Some inner voice told him: "No, leave here your watch". It is this voice listens to and counts the money. Three times he heard that voice, and in the end donated to the monastery of your precious hours. "As soon as I left here,' he said to me, something I felt like I was freed from something that I was very tied to this stuff."
"Sainted father Luco, teach us to love God as you are." M. K., the island of Zakynthos.
5. "In intensive care"
Tools owned by SVT. Luka
At the end of June 2009, the 24-year-old Elena K. from the island of Leros had surgery to replace a heart valve. The doctor said that after surgery the patient will stay for two days in intensive care. However, after this period, the girl in the norm came, "not Wake up". It was in this state for 27 days.
A family friend learned of the incident, sent the girl's parents a book with a biography of St. Luke the text of St. Luke prayer and oil from his relics from Simferopol. The parents began to pray to St. Luke. Two days later, the patient finally opened his eyes and began to speak. All the joy he gave thanks to God and St. Luke for help.
While nurses from the intensive care unit, meanwhile, told the following story. During the next duty, the day before the "awakening" of the patient, the Department got a strange doctor, dressed in a white long gown the old model of dense tissue. He, without saying a word, he passed by on duty in a separate block, where there was sick. Strange doctor firmly closed the door and drew the blinds to the glass partition. After some time he again appeared at the door, walked past me and walked out of the office. Nurses rushed to the unit to the patient, and saw her awake, and is absolutely adequately responds to the others.
6. "When it was all over..." my name is E. H. I am 37 years old. I come from the city of Morphou. Now I live in Limassol. I work as a flight attendant and taught Italian. June 28, 2008, Sunday morning, I woke up very early and felt a slight discomfort. It turned out that I have a fever, and I decided to go to the clinic, ask to do a shot of something to the weakness passed. My mom and I planned a trip to the island of Andros, and put it not like.
On Tuesday, June 29, I did not become better, and I decided again to go to the doctor. The trip was approaching. In the clinic I visited my mother's doctor. They ran tests but found nothing. Small had fever and I felt dizzy. In any case, the doctor asked me to go to the hospital, and I refused and asked: "can I go to bed after our trip? I will come and then go to the hospital."
The doctor insisted, though, and didn't say anything about a serious disease. Weakness and temperature don't count.
The next day, June 30, on Tuesday, I was in the hospital came to the daughter-in-law and gave the small paper icon of St. Luke. I had not known of this Saint. I put the icon under the pillow.
Wednesday, July 1, my health deteriorated. I had a scan and found that I have some kind of infection in the intestines. During the examination, I saw me carefully watching four eyes.
I tried to look at the faces of people around me, but I couldn't. After the survey I was transferred to the intensive care unit, and I remember I was upset that I lost the icon of St. Luke. Daughter-in-law gave me another one, but soon the loss was found the icon somehow strangely stuck to my back. So I kept firmly in the hands of both icons.
At dawn on 2 July 2008 the infection has given complication on the lungs. And on Saturday the doctors who could not explain what me infection and could not cope with the disease, but only gave me the strongest antibiotics and did some intravenous fluids, decide to put me surgery. Blood poisoning (sepsis) occurred so rapidly that I thought, until the evening will not live.
And I, despite all the difficulties, felt better and with icons in hands to get the surgery. I gave the icons to the anesthesiologist to the surgery to pick them up. I removed the gallbladder, although in the end it turned out that he was all right. Came a coma, where I stayed for three days. My health was so critical that everyone was waiting for the worst. The doctors were not hopeful of my family. My infected lungs refused to breathe. But a miracle occurred then, when he spoke of my end.
On Tuesday came the priest – father Clause and brought with them the relics of St. Luke a piece of his heart. As I was later told, he crossed me the relics (part of the heart of the Holy). At this point I first opened my eyes. From that moment my body began to fight, and sepsis absolutely inexplicably began to recede. I was healed completely. For doctors it was incredible. Religious people said that a miracle happened. Someone tried to give this fact a pseudo-scientific explanation, but it convinced nobody.
In the hospital I brought a book – the life of St. Luke – a doctor (my doctor is in my situation). And I thought that he was helping the Saints Anargyroi Cosmas and Damian.
And then I realized whose eyes gazed at me while imaging 1 July. It was the feast day of Saints Cosmas and Damian, and they were the right hand of St. Luke in the operating room.
My sister was in that day in Veria in the monastery. All had prayed for my health, and then the elder of the monastery said, "St. Luke and saints Cosmas and Damian be together with her."
E. H. Limassol – Cyprus".
From left to right: Professor George K. Papageorgiou, Archimandrite Nektarios (Antonopoulos), Natalia G. Nicolaou, Chairman of the organizing Committee Valery Vladimirovich Marchik
This is only a small part performed miraculous healings. They confirm not only the sanctity of St. Luke, but the proof of the love of God who even in our time of apostasy does not leave us.
Us humans share distance, borders and language. But we are United by the Church, in the bosom of the Church to overcome all the differences, distances and borders. And the saints they are not a barrier, because the saints are supranational, they are above racial differences. They don't make discriminations and not lazaretto.
I would like to conclude my speech with the words of another modern Saint, father Paisii, who wrote about the Holy elder father Arseny: "I think the most active of our Holy father begins now, after his death."
I think it is natural that it helps more now than when he lived on earth, for now he is close to heavenly Father and His child by his intercession, which he had before, may receive in abundance the Grace to go to needy people and help them by giving the appropriate treatment.
His great feats for the sake of love for Christ, his love and humility, has brought him great spiritual development, and today he soars with the angels and rejoicing, because it helps a greater number of suffering people and that is famous for the name of God.
Today our Holy hurries to people are not in the flesh of his legs, when, panting, he tried to catch up to each patient to serve a public prayer and heal him, but now he flies like an angel with one end of the world to another and can catch all who reverently calls upon his help.published
Translation: N. Nicolau
Contributed by Irina Akhundov
Photo: Oleg Karpushin
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.pravmir.ru/svyatitel-luka-cherez-chudesa-i-posle-smerti-v-na-sluzhbe-mediciny/

The son of God, God the word in his immeasurable love came to earth, took on human flesh to save lost man. He took upon himself all human pain and his sins. On earth he taught people, healed them, helped them in need and died for them. After his Resurrection, the Lord commanded His disciples to preach the gospel to every creature – to educate, to baptize and heal. And the apostles "went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word with signs following" (Mark, 16-20). Holy Apostles will chudotvorec not his strength and not in order to impress or gain fame and notoriety, as do all wizards and deceived. The apostles the sole purpose my have the Glory of God and the salvation of people.
In acts confirms the words of Christ: "he that Believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also and greater than these shall he do" (John 14-12).
This promise of Christ could not refer only to Apostolic times. Christ has not ceased to work miracles today in the Church through the saints. In our days It has not ceased to show Their love. And if the saints, in the apt words of father Justin Popovic, "Christ is penetrating through the ages", then it is not surprising that, doing miracles, saints heal people, and thus continue the work of Jesus Christ.
Saint Luke is one of the links of that long chain, which originates in Apostolic times. He loved Christ and people. He served as the image of God – man, and especially the suffering, served with incredible love and dedication. St. Luke considered the treatment of patients with the greatest case, which is the imitation of Christ himself.

Archimandrite Nektarios (Antonopoulos)
In one of his sermons, he clarifies his understanding of this issue. And we clearly understand the motives that prompted him to devote himself to medical science. Not fame or money's sake, not for any other purposes, and in order to serve, to encourage, to heal the afflicted.
Saint Luke said: "...have You ever wondered why the Lord sent His disciples not only to preach but also to heal the sick? If the Lord considered the treatment of diseases such an important affair that put it on par with the preaching of the Gospel, then it means that this is one of the most important Affairs of man. He never said, "Preach the gospel and teach the people how to organize their social life."
He is absolutely nowhere it is said. But he gives the apostles the commandment to heal the sick. Why? Because Our Lord Jesus Christ himself healed people, cast out demons, raised the dead and gave the disciples the commandment to heal the sick. Because disease is the biggest pain and the biggest problem of mankind.
There are many diseases, worst diseases that have plagued man, ruin his life and lead him to despair. But the Lord loves man and is good and from us he demands that we be merciful and do works of love. And the first work of mercy is the healing of the sick. In this way we show our compassion and our love to his unhappy brethren and sisters who are suffering".
Blessed is the doctor who practices medicine podgey this love balasamy who became a doctor in order to have a good and a great place to live, but in order to help man to help his neighbor. Blessed is he, the doctor, for he does one of those two services, committed disciples of Christ.
Truly blessed was Saint Luke. He's like the Lord himself came into the world to "do good and to heal." And therefore received from God the gift of wonderworking. His countless miracles and incredible from the point of view of human logic.
St. Luke after his martyrdom life's journey departed into the heavenly Jerusalem, 11 June 1961. But he did not leave us nor forget his profession of surgeon. In his earthly life he was in a hurry to help people, using all means – their own feet, horses, sleds, cars, trains, planes. And now he is already not a barrier neither distance nor borders. He hurries wherever he is called.
I first heard about Saint Luka in the summer of 1996. I was shocked by his life, and I decided to learn more about this man. I made several trips to the Crimea, and later went to the places where he lived and worked Saint. In January 1999, we published the life of St. Luke in Greek, later translated it into Romanian, English, French, and Albanian languages. This book was reedited in the Greek language. Its circulation is about 80 thousand copies. This alone is proof of how loved the Greek of St. Luke.
Throughout Greece Saint Luke built about 30 chapels and almost every Greek Church is his icon. In our monastery in 2004, is also consecrated the chapel of St. Luke, which holds the particles of his venerable relics. Next we created a small Museum. Here, the personal belongings of the Saint and photos about his life. Just two months after the book about St. Luke's has occurred and the first miracle associated with him.

The relics of St. Luke in the monastery of the Transfiguration of Sagmata (Greece, Thebes)
Over the years we have heard many stories about the miracles of St. Luke, recorded the testimony of people about how a Saint appeared to them and helped.
He was the relatives of patients or to themselves – in homes, hospitals, operating theatres, intensive care units. He was in a dream, in visions, and sometimes stood before the man clearly as the living. Saint Luke did, or as Bishop, or as a doctor.
Sometimes people saw him with a scalpel and bandages in his hands. He did the surgery, and many, waking up, saw on his body traces of blood or stitches. Someone of the patients saw him in the operating room assisting or directing other surgeons during operations. And doctors themselves often acknowledge that if they are not operated, but the hand itself was moving. As some patients, Saint Luke advised them to visit our monastery, saying, "There is my home, come and see me". And when people come to us, they were surprised to immediately recognize the Saint on the icon, or any pictures of him.
From the enormous mass of evidence of the miracles of Saint Luke, I chose just a few, which fully confirm already cited the words of Christ: "...he that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also and greater works shall he do" (John 14-12).
1. "I have glorified God and St. Luke, the patron Saint of my family!"

SVT. Luke
Father G knows Russian language and Orthodox Russian emigrants living in Greece. He told us an incredible story about surgical care he has received from St. Luke in may 2002:
"In connection with the compression of the spine spinal cord herniated disc between 4 and 5 cervical vertebrae have ceased to operate left hand, her muscles had atrophied, barely acted and brush. The neurologists and neurosurgeons, mentored me, advised to have surgery. One of the doctors, however, advised me not to rush. I as a diabetic recommended to take sea baths, to carry out physiotherapy and physical therapy. In the fall I was convinced that all my efforts to improve my health but to no avail.
To doctors I do not go. I began to pray with faith the Holy doctor Luka. Every night I read him a hymn in Russian. And St. Luke has answered my prayer.
At dawn on 8 December 2002 in my dream was St. Luke in his Bishop's vestments. On top of clothing on it was draped a white doctor's coat, and on his head wearing a hat, which is usually the surgeons during the operation. In his left hand he held a pair of scissors and the bandages and the right scalpel. St. Luke, turning to me, said, "they sent Me to you. Know how much you love Russian as you help them spiritually here in Athens. Therefore, out of love for you I'll handle myself. Turn around". I turned around and in one second surgery was done. I hear again the voice of St. Luke: "All you all right now. Tomorrow will hand calmly raised, and in three days I will come to you". After a few minutes I woke up.
It was 4:30 in the morning. I stood up, walked to the mirror and began moving the arm up and down and realized that I am healthy! Hand fully functioned. Even traces of atrophy left. What struck me more was the fact that on the shirt, just a sick place, were visible drops of blood!
I glorified God and St. Luke, the patron Saint of my family!
After all that I decided to go to my doctor. The surprised doctor asked me what happened and how your health has recovered so quickly. In response, I gave him the book of the Holy Luke and said, "Doctor, read this book and then be able to understand what happened to me".
I waited environment. After all, St. Luke promised in three days to visit me. On Wednesday I went to the temple and literally followed me went to Mr. D. G., and handed me the icon of St. Luke with fragments of his relics! The icon now resides in our Church!

2. "St. Luke was here..." Mrs. T. out of town Consists of sent us in the magazine the following letter:
"18 September 2005 our son Konstantin was involved in a car accident, the result of which was a severe fracture of both legs. We, his parents, were at this time in the trip. After learning about the accident, we began to pray to God to protect the life and health of our child.
From Athens, Livadia urgently was sent a helicopter to transport the boy to the Central city children's hospital. Because of great blood loss the results of the first analyses done was depressing. All the doctors advocated the amputation of both legs. To change of their own free will the decision of doctors, we could not. We just prayed to God and asked to arrange everything so that the child will not remain disabled.
Luckily for us, operating this day came head of the orthopaedic clinic of Mr. G. P. and took full responsibility for making decisions and conducting operations. This surgeon cancelled the decision about amputation and, as we were told later, literally fought to keep the baby's feet, and defended his position against the opinion of all the other doctors. The result is the left leg of the boy is completely preserved, and on the right was amputated just heel.
After the surgery a month our son was in intensive care in Athens a children's hospital named Aglaia to Chiriac. Many doctors who participated in the consultations, doubted that leg in the future will be able to save. Feared various infections and complications. Began a series of plastic surgery at the children's hospital "Saint Sophia". All doctors in one voice say: the baby's feet had left, but one of them to move will never be, it has left no vessels, no nerve fibers or skin. This leg will remain forever lifeless.
November 26, 2005 our son for the first time mentioned the name of his, as he said, a friend, some bows. This friend, according to the child, waking him up from anesthesia and said, "Constantine, Wake up and go to mom". This was repeated, according to our son, after each operation. We thought that we are talking about a particular doctor working in this hospital. Began to ask. We were told that a doctor with that name at the hospital. And now, after another surgery Constantine told us quite specifically: "Today I have seen St. Luke". We asked plastic surgeon Mr N. P. what these words mean. The doctor with a smile took from his pocket of his robe, the icon of St. Luke and said, "That's about who tells you all the time, Constantine. This Saint is indeed the most complex operations, like the one that was your son."
It should be noted that on this Holy we previously knew nothing. On the advice of our doctor we read a book about Saint Luke the Crimean. Seeing in my hands the book of the Holy Luke, Constantine showed one of the photos and said, "Here, mother, see, this is my friend."
A miraculous apparition of St. Luke continued. Was a celebration of the triumph of Orthodoxy. Leg our boy was beginning to act, and he was even able to wiggle your toes. The doctors, seeing the recovery process, only bred hands, and said, "Yeah, Constantine has its own Saint".
St. Luke was our child several times directly in the operating room (he was made a total of more than 30 transactions of different complexity). March 27, Holy in the operating room appeared in his Episcopal robes, over which was thrown a lab coat, and said, "Constantine, you pray, and I will try to fix you".
Psychologists working at the hospital, trying to cheer Constantine and told him that all treatment will end well, in the future he will not be able on the bike, like all the other kids. However, Constantine was released from the hospital not only perfectly began to walk and to run, but mastered the bike! Full restoration of mobility of the feet is a true miracle!
We very quickly forgot my sorrow and all my experiences. But what are our experiences in comparison with the great grace of God so generously bestowed upon us through the prayers of St. Luke.
M. T., Livadia".

3. "I came to get you to surgery" "15 Jan 2006 day quite unexpectedly I have a very sore right ear. A friend of mine, a very revered Saint Luke, gave me a book with his life. The first thing that came to my mind is to ask the Saint to help me, in my heart I believed that this great Saint. I put in the ear piece of fleece, put in the ear with oil from the lamps, from top to put the icon of St. Luke and tied the head scarf.
My cousin mother of A. we began to think, if I go to a hospital on duty or not. In the end I decided not to go anywhere. Even though he knew that sleep I won't have unbearable pain. However, I soon fell asleep. In the dream, I is the Archbishop of Thessalonica in the Bishop's vestments. In his hand was some kind of medical instrument, similar to a long needle. Beside him stood A. P. – that is my friend who gave me a book about St. Luke. Saint tells me.
"St. Luke and I came to get you to surgery. Don't worry, you won't hurt". And then turns to my friend and said, "Look, I'll do the surgery".
He put the phone to my ear. I felt like a puncture, but there was no pain.
Waking up in the morning, I realized that my ear does not hurt. Fleece ear was soaked with pus. I went to the ENT doctor to Mr. A. G. for examination. He confirmed that made a puncture of the tympanic membrane and was diagnosed with acute inflammation of the middle ear. "My lady, – said in conclusion ENT-doctor – who operated on you? Surgeon, made surgery, a true master.” And I replied: "Doctor, I see you have on the table icon, you're a believer, so I will tell you".
I told him about what happened last night, told about Saint Luke and gave him a book with the life of the Saint and his icon.
The doctor agreed with me. Prescribed antibiotics and added – it is fortunate that pus came out, otherwise you could lose your hearing.
After a week I again went to the doctor and he told me that I'm perfectly healthy.
S. P. Athens".
4. "I came to the surgery" "my name is Maria K. In your letter, I would like to Express my gratitude to St. Luke for the miracle of my spiritual and physical healing.
In 2008 I had to do a surgery in gynecology. The operation was done at the hospital named Metaxas in Piraeus. In difficult situations I always turned to God and to the saints for help. And still my faith was weak, I was so-called faith.
Three years ago I read a book about St. Luke. I literally shook the life of a Martyr of this man and his feat of a doctor. When I had to make a decision about surgery, then boldly prayed to God and to St. Luke for help. For the first time in my life, I fully relied on the will of God and sought the help of St. Luke. Before the operation I prayed to Saint Luke: "Holy Luke, I know you will help me during the surgery and tell the doctor how to act. You yourself be present at the operation." For the first time, I felt unable to ask for help.
11 Nov 2008 everything was ready for surgery. When I wasn't operating table, I started to have palpitations. I was approached by the anesthesiologist and three nurses. Seeing my anxiety, the doctor sat me down. At this moment in the operating room became a doctor in scrubs of a surgeon. He sat down on the edge of my bed and took a good look at me. That look I never in my life forget. I said to myself: this is the true doctor who for me is very worried and really sympathizes with me. Suddenly I hear the anesthesiologist asked him: "who are you? Unfortunately, I don't know you". Unknown to the doctor she replied: "I went in for surgery for this girl".
After a few minutes the anesthesiologist again asked: "Please tell me who you are?" The answer was: "I on operation to the girl." Then the anesthesiologist bent over me and quietly asked: "Who is it? A relative of yours? You asked him to come to you for surgery?" "No, – I replied. I don't know this man." Then the doctor spoke again: "This operation is performed by Mr. K. V. why are you here?" The third time was the answer: "I went in for surgery for this girl". We do not know the doctor something else he said quietly, and then left.
I calmed down, the heart worked fine. I remember that in the book of the Holy Luke cited are his words: "People before surgery is always fearful, he is desperate, his heart is broken... the Doctor must not only drugs to calm the heart, but the very attempt to remove patient fear and psychological stress..."
In that moment, I could not imagine that in the operating room came by St. Luke. Meanwhile the nurses and the anesthesiologist commented: "probably a Wrong number. On another operation, most likely, had to go. Why is he so confused, don't know what operating it a go?"
My surgery was successful. Operate on me doctor, in talking with my husband said, "you Know, I've done thousands of similar gynecological surgeries, but I assure you, none of them were so relaxed and easy. Hands if they themselves were moving!"
The next day I asked him to bring me a book about St. Luke. It is difficult to convey my excitement when I realized that coming to the operating room the doctor like two drops of water was similar to St. Luke when he was the doctor of the hospital in Pereslavl-Zalessky in 1910. Help St Luke's to me had more spiritual significance than physical. St. Luke has literally torn from my heart the pain of little faith, who for years tormented me. I realized that the miracle takes place with man only when he fully surrenders to God.
Very soon my husband and I went to the monastery of Sagmata to Thebes to serve thanksgiving St. Luke. We were very worried. My eyes kept pouring tears. I couldn't utter a word. And my husband was thinking, what are we going to donate to the monastery in gratitude to the Saint. He had with him was the only valuable thing is a watch, a present from my godfather. 19 years ago this watch was worth 2 thousand dollars. Husband loved them very much and never parted with them. But he decided to leave a monetary donation. Some inner voice told him: "No, leave here your watch". It is this voice listens to and counts the money. Three times he heard that voice, and in the end donated to the monastery of your precious hours. "As soon as I left here,' he said to me, something I felt like I was freed from something that I was very tied to this stuff."
"Sainted father Luco, teach us to love God as you are." M. K., the island of Zakynthos.
5. "In intensive care"

Tools owned by SVT. Luka
At the end of June 2009, the 24-year-old Elena K. from the island of Leros had surgery to replace a heart valve. The doctor said that after surgery the patient will stay for two days in intensive care. However, after this period, the girl in the norm came, "not Wake up". It was in this state for 27 days.
A family friend learned of the incident, sent the girl's parents a book with a biography of St. Luke the text of St. Luke prayer and oil from his relics from Simferopol. The parents began to pray to St. Luke. Two days later, the patient finally opened his eyes and began to speak. All the joy he gave thanks to God and St. Luke for help.
While nurses from the intensive care unit, meanwhile, told the following story. During the next duty, the day before the "awakening" of the patient, the Department got a strange doctor, dressed in a white long gown the old model of dense tissue. He, without saying a word, he passed by on duty in a separate block, where there was sick. Strange doctor firmly closed the door and drew the blinds to the glass partition. After some time he again appeared at the door, walked past me and walked out of the office. Nurses rushed to the unit to the patient, and saw her awake, and is absolutely adequately responds to the others.
6. "When it was all over..." my name is E. H. I am 37 years old. I come from the city of Morphou. Now I live in Limassol. I work as a flight attendant and taught Italian. June 28, 2008, Sunday morning, I woke up very early and felt a slight discomfort. It turned out that I have a fever, and I decided to go to the clinic, ask to do a shot of something to the weakness passed. My mom and I planned a trip to the island of Andros, and put it not like.
On Tuesday, June 29, I did not become better, and I decided again to go to the doctor. The trip was approaching. In the clinic I visited my mother's doctor. They ran tests but found nothing. Small had fever and I felt dizzy. In any case, the doctor asked me to go to the hospital, and I refused and asked: "can I go to bed after our trip? I will come and then go to the hospital."
The doctor insisted, though, and didn't say anything about a serious disease. Weakness and temperature don't count.
The next day, June 30, on Tuesday, I was in the hospital came to the daughter-in-law and gave the small paper icon of St. Luke. I had not known of this Saint. I put the icon under the pillow.
Wednesday, July 1, my health deteriorated. I had a scan and found that I have some kind of infection in the intestines. During the examination, I saw me carefully watching four eyes.
I tried to look at the faces of people around me, but I couldn't. After the survey I was transferred to the intensive care unit, and I remember I was upset that I lost the icon of St. Luke. Daughter-in-law gave me another one, but soon the loss was found the icon somehow strangely stuck to my back. So I kept firmly in the hands of both icons.
At dawn on 2 July 2008 the infection has given complication on the lungs. And on Saturday the doctors who could not explain what me infection and could not cope with the disease, but only gave me the strongest antibiotics and did some intravenous fluids, decide to put me surgery. Blood poisoning (sepsis) occurred so rapidly that I thought, until the evening will not live.
And I, despite all the difficulties, felt better and with icons in hands to get the surgery. I gave the icons to the anesthesiologist to the surgery to pick them up. I removed the gallbladder, although in the end it turned out that he was all right. Came a coma, where I stayed for three days. My health was so critical that everyone was waiting for the worst. The doctors were not hopeful of my family. My infected lungs refused to breathe. But a miracle occurred then, when he spoke of my end.
On Tuesday came the priest – father Clause and brought with them the relics of St. Luke a piece of his heart. As I was later told, he crossed me the relics (part of the heart of the Holy). At this point I first opened my eyes. From that moment my body began to fight, and sepsis absolutely inexplicably began to recede. I was healed completely. For doctors it was incredible. Religious people said that a miracle happened. Someone tried to give this fact a pseudo-scientific explanation, but it convinced nobody.
In the hospital I brought a book – the life of St. Luke – a doctor (my doctor is in my situation). And I thought that he was helping the Saints Anargyroi Cosmas and Damian.
And then I realized whose eyes gazed at me while imaging 1 July. It was the feast day of Saints Cosmas and Damian, and they were the right hand of St. Luke in the operating room.
My sister was in that day in Veria in the monastery. All had prayed for my health, and then the elder of the monastery said, "St. Luke and saints Cosmas and Damian be together with her."
E. H. Limassol – Cyprus".

From left to right: Professor George K. Papageorgiou, Archimandrite Nektarios (Antonopoulos), Natalia G. Nicolaou, Chairman of the organizing Committee Valery Vladimirovich Marchik
This is only a small part performed miraculous healings. They confirm not only the sanctity of St. Luke, but the proof of the love of God who even in our time of apostasy does not leave us.
Us humans share distance, borders and language. But we are United by the Church, in the bosom of the Church to overcome all the differences, distances and borders. And the saints they are not a barrier, because the saints are supranational, they are above racial differences. They don't make discriminations and not lazaretto.
I would like to conclude my speech with the words of another modern Saint, father Paisii, who wrote about the Holy elder father Arseny: "I think the most active of our Holy father begins now, after his death."
I think it is natural that it helps more now than when he lived on earth, for now he is close to heavenly Father and His child by his intercession, which he had before, may receive in abundance the Grace to go to needy people and help them by giving the appropriate treatment.
His great feats for the sake of love for Christ, his love and humility, has brought him great spiritual development, and today he soars with the angels and rejoicing, because it helps a greater number of suffering people and that is famous for the name of God.
Today our Holy hurries to people are not in the flesh of his legs, when, panting, he tried to catch up to each patient to serve a public prayer and heal him, but now he flies like an angel with one end of the world to another and can catch all who reverently calls upon his help.published
Translation: N. Nicolau
Contributed by Irina Akhundov
Photo: Oleg Karpushin
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.pravmir.ru/svyatitel-luka-cherez-chudesa-i-posle-smerti-v-na-sluzhbe-mediciny/