A talent from God Luke Voyno-Yasenetsky, a brilliant surgeon and Archbishop of Crimea

This unusual name I first heard in the 70s years in the Institute. Remember (and I wrote them down) the words of the Professor who gave the lecture: "If one of you will go on the hard path of a surgeon, and you will be able to find a brilliant and very rare book "Sketches of purulent surgery" Professor Voyno-Yasenetsky, you will be one of the luckiest surgeons in the world to surpass the talent of this doctor, a former Bishop at the same time, so far, it seems to me that one could not". It was a talent from God. At the time of this event coincided with the focus of the course "scientific" atheism. Don't know as most, but I listened with interest to the lecture: for some, they were the hammer, hammering the infidels, but at the same time, for me it was only, perhaps, the official source where one could find some crumbs of knowledge about religion (V. F. Voyno-Yasenetsky. 1910. the history of the Church, about God.)
Find "Essays" were possible, but I rushed to find information about a person, which so strangely combined the incompatible: the medical profession (materialist!) and a priest (only the message in the "light" of atheistic wisdom). Friends, to whom I addressed the question, thoughtfully repeated "Voyno-Yasenetsky?.. The Bishop?.. never heard of it..." Worked in the library system, not ordinary servants, a relative of nothing could not help, and I remember, even a little offended at her, not trusting and not knowing — "how is it not?..". Only in 1989 I met the first for himself in secular periodicals "the Memory of Professor V. F. Voyno-Yasenetsky" of academician in AMS of USSR I. Kashirskogo. In his memoirs of a physician-Archbishop, he wonders, how is it "religion never drowned in the voice of conscience of the doctor, scientist and humanist"?
Eccentricity he calls the invariable custom of V. F. Voyno - Yasenetsky before surgery to create a short prayer to cross the patient and be sure to draw the iodine on the patient's body to the cross. Believers, even with the education for peace was "buy" — abnormal, crazy, dark... Following the logic of unbelief, wondering: how "abnormal" was this man, combining in himself the healer of souls and bodies, not just the educated believer, but a talented surgeon-scientist with a world name and the Archbishop? Holy Panteleimon of our time was named Archbishop of Luke Orthodox priests in the Diaspora, and this comparison was prophetic: June 11, (n. V.), 1996, he was canonized as a Saint, resplendent in the Russian Land. How he was able to combine "incompatible"? On this question he responded to his words from Psalm 50: "Xie Bo, the truth loved, thou; an obscure and secret things of Thy wisdom was made manifest unto me thou". Ancient family Voyno-Yasenetsky known since the XVI century, but by the time when, in 1877, birthplace of St. Luke, their family lived a wealthy life. However, his father, who owned the Apothecary shop was able to give her children a good education. Moving Voyno-Yasenetsky from Kerch to Kiev, or rather, the proximity of the shrines of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, influenced the development of the faith of the young man Valentine. Contributed to this and the deep religiosity of parents, the love of charity towards his mother, but even more special piety of the father-Catholic, Felix Stanislavovich.
After receiving the matriculation certificate, Valentin with an unprecedented situation zeal and seriousness read given to him by the Director of the gymnasium of the New Testament, which made the young man an impression for life which determined his attitude towards Orthodoxy. He chose a difficult way of life of the Confessor of the Orthodox faith. Did not immediately identify it with study. Since childhood having a talent of the artist, Valentin, who finished with gymnasium, art school, trying to enter the Academy of arts, but a love of the Humanities leads him to law school. The desire to be useful to the common people and wise advice of the Director of public schools has defined, finally, his fate: Valentin Voyno-Yasenetsky in 1898 became a student of medical faculty of Kyiv University. St. Prince Vladimir. Talents gift is not lost.
God and parents, he not only preserved, but multiplied: "the Ability to draw very thin and my love for the form of crossed in love for anatomy... Of a failed painter, I became an artist in anatomy and surgery." The young doctor opened good prospects, but the desire to help and love the poor people, lead him to the medical unit of the red cross. Here, during the Russo-Japanese war, a graduate of the University immediately becomes the head of the surgical Department, and is able to assign responsibilities, and Voyno - Yasenetsky takes on the most difficult, as soon as it starts to operate, and operations, as noted by colleagues, passed flawlessly.
Not only in war but also in hospitals of many small towns, where he subsequently worked as a gifted surgeon, he did not try to become, as they say, a specialist. He applied his talents in all fields of medicine, operating on practically all bodies with the same Shine: surgery on joints, bones, spine and brain, kidney, biliary tract, eye and gynecological...
Now is impossible to imagine! The poverty of rural hospitals forced to face the problem of anesthesia, and the last was the impetus for the research activities — development of a new method of anesthesia — regional anesthesia, which was crowned with the degree of doctor of medicine. But special love harbored Valentin Feliksovich to purulent surgery — in difficult times purulent complications of traumas and inflammatory diseases were the rule. How often has suffered them simple working people, for which he had left at the beginning of his scientific career paths possible future Professor.
How often do you see otvorachivayutsya disgust from the festering stinking wounds students, and even some doctors, so it is difficult to imagine this special love for "dirty work" sophisticated intellectual. Maybe I exaggerate, not too often?.. But no one but he wrote "Sketches of purulent surgery", which became not only a classic of modern medicine, but also an outstanding artwork. No one else is willing to publicly confess your sins and mistakes, blaming myself for being unprofessional, and to an audience of 60,000 people (that was the edition of the book) to confess: Yes, I am the cause of a particular death. And this is a warning to others... "Perhaps no other book that has been written with such literary skill, with the knowledge of surgical cases, with such a love to the suffering people" — that's the assessment of the work of the scientist - surgeon one of the colleagues of the Central Institute of traumatology and orthopedics.

Work on the book lasted for many years difficult to Voino-Yasenetsky tests: during wars, epidemics, interviews and links. A lot of temptations endured already Vladyka Luke, is unacceptable, as it sometimes seemed, combining work in the morgue and in purulent surgical Department with pastoral Ministry. But the Lord revealed to him, and the Lord writes in his memoirs: "... my "Sketches of purulent surgery" was pleasing to God, for it greatly increased the power and importance of my profession in the midst of anti-religious propaganda", "the Sacred Synod... equated my treatment of the wounded by the brave Episcopal Ministry, and elevated me to the rank of Archbishop". Even the godless authorities were unable to appreciate the great talent: rescued from the third reference the Lord was offered a job in a large hospital, and after the war in 1946 he received for his "Essays" the Stalin prize 1 St degree.
Read the written above, you might think: we are talking about some idealized unattainable image, even mentioning the difficult years of his life drowning in enthusiasm and praise. And in many ways, it was like all his worries about family, hard work, sad and happy, tired, suffered insults and bravely, as many of our compatriots who endured the outbreak of mockery and outright abuse of the most expensive — faith, Tsar and Fatherland. Happened terrible — rearing, the wounded revolutionary Russia moaned in Tashkent, where by that time, Valentin Felixovich was appointed surgeon and the chief physician of a large city hospital, was shot. Miraculously escaped the death sentence of the three, any difficulties he endured calmly and firmly. Work in an evanescent mode is not for the benefit, in the name of love of neighbor, and a constant prayer, and therefore God's help, not allowed to Express anger, to break.
The death of his wife was a bit freaked out. Left with four children, he asks for help from God and He sends good assistant, who became a second mother to children, a childless widow, surgical nurse Sofia Sergeevna. A lot of speculation and suspicions hovered around the family, but in thoughts and attitude to your Sofia the S. V. F. Voyno-Yasenetsky were clean. He works days and nights, writes, prays. He becomes the organizer of the University of Turkestan, where the medical faculty is Professor, head of Department of topographic anatomy. Moreover, participates in the meetings of the Church brotherhood, don't miss the Sunday and holiday services, speaks at the debates, defending the purity of Orthodoxy against the heresy javierano, which the godless authorities tried to replace the faith of the fathers. At the end of one of the debates, Bishop Innokenty, who was present at the meeting, said Mr. F., "Doctor, You need to be a priest." Soon it happened, causing a sensation in Tashkent, a storm of feelings among students and professors, resentment and anger of the authorities.

He is not afraid to suffer for the faith, endure the attacks of atheists, the lack of understanding by the godless colleagues and students, insults and threats of the representatives of the new government. On the stage of the country played monstrous in its false essence of the play, where one of the characters, you can learn Voyno - Yasenetsky, as an enemy of Soviet power, as a brake in the development of advanced proletarian science. Two famous Soviet writer fighting and suing among themselves, challenging the priority of authorship. Priority dastardly accusation! But, combining the work of the doctor, scientist and pastor, he read lectures in anatomy in a cassock with a cross, doesn't operate not having prayed before the icon, which is always before him in the operating room. Only the highest talent of the surgeon, professionalism, honesty, demanding of themselves and subordinates, long time protecting it from repression.
"Work should look like a diamond, nor where it will turn, it shines." So shone in the work of an outstanding surgeon-scientist, so shone and faith of an Orthodox pastor. He could not be unnoticed, he must continue his journey was to be long and arduous, and end only when it will execute drop measured him on earth for a purpose. Even while working in the local hospital of the town, when the young doctor decided to write a book on purulent surgery, he was surprised to notice the appearance of yourself nagging thoughts: "When a book is written, it will be the name the Bishop." It happened, but the publishers of the word "Bishop" dropped.

During the split, when Patriarch Tikhon rose supported Living Church clergy, father Valentin Voyno - Yasenetsky becoming Bishop of Luke. Soon, the first arrest, searches the cellars of the GPU, links. About twelve years of prison and exile: Krasnoyarsk, Arkhangelsk, Bolshaya Murta, Krasnoyarsk region, Yeniseisk, Turukhansk... From the hot Tashkent to the permafrost. No circumstances can not break, Archbishop Luka — he never leaves his medical practice, he and in reference to the Archbishop. Humiliation, camera raw, sleepless nights, questioning the conveyor, do not diminish his love of neighbor: once donated to them half naked, shivering from the cold panenku sheepskin, makes a save During arrests and references. The Lord from the inevitable bullying criminals in stages: they politely greet him, calling "father". Every thief and bandit, as it saw the Lord, feels and appreciates the simple human respect. At the beginning of the great Patriotic war to the people and authorities required a unique surgical talent of the master. He leads the largest hospital, advises, operates and at the same time, saving soldiers, participates in the work of the Holy Synod, borne the hardest Church service — manages the Department in Krasnoyarsk, then from 1944 — Tambov. The surgeon's name of the Hierarch became famous throughout the world. Dozens of scientific papers and books, 11 volumes of theological works, sermons left behind Vladyka Luke, who was elected in 1954, an honorary member of the Moscow theological Academy.
Classic steel "Sketches of purulent surgery" (first edition in 1936.) and only recently published in Russia theological work "Spirit, soul, body", where anatomist and surgeon, who spent countless operations and autopsies, writes about the heart as the seat of the immaterial soul, as the organ of knowledge of God! The last fifteen years of his life, Archbishop Luke (1946 to 1961) were held in Simferopol, where, occupying the Episcopal chair, he leaves the scientific and practical activities of the doctor, until that moment, until moved to 20 years the disease has not led to complete blindness. There hungry post-war years in the kitchen of the Bishop, always ready, have simple lunch for a few people: "For lunch we met a lot of hungry children, the lonely old women, poor, deprived of their means of livelihood. Every day I boiled a large pot, and scraped to the bottom. In the evening uncle asked: "today How much was the table? Are you all fed? Everyone's got one?" (From the memoirs of V. Prozorovskii, niece of Archbishop Luke). The Lord advises patients coming from far and wide, setting a diagnosis, arranging treatment and surgery... But blindness does not become a hindrance in serving the Church and helping people. In the Commission of worship of the temple, did not know that the Bishop is blind. And God in his weakness, gave him a new grace-filled power to cure disease.

Each, assessing what is happening, is based on judgments of their experience, invest in it education, education of the soul and of the mind, instilled the opinion of loved ones and favorite influencers: in literature, in culture, in science, in faith. In disbelief, including. The notion of miracle, therefore, for someone- a coincidence, for someone- just grandma's tale, for someone that is a cold pattern for the product of a sick imagination. Anyway, strangeness, unnaturalness, or rather, adjustmenttest miracle — a violation of the laws of the physical world.
For the believer in God a miracle every day and everywhere: why did the Creator of the world and the laws cannot be broken by usual order for any good purposes? The power to perform miracles or "wonders" that the Lord has given the people directed to Him, clean morally, with love for one's neighbor no less than yourself.
Maria Mitrofanovna Peredri received help from Archbishop surgeon and in life after death. Even when he was alive, Lord Luke, lady Mitrofanovna began to fester and hurt lip. Where it is not treated, no doctor could help her. Then she turned to the Lord, and he cured her. In 1989 ill, her husband Gregory. She went to the grave of the Saint and tearfully asked him about the recovery of her husband. Came home and was surprised that her husband got up and started to walk around the room and subsequently felt good.
Larissa Yatskova suggests that in the summer of 1993 until the spring of 1994 she was very ill left eye. The pain spread to the left side of the head. It was especially worse towards evening. Tormented by a heavy illness, she came to the grave of the Saint and was healed. These are just some of the wonders of St. Luke, list them all hard. He died in St. Luke 11 Jun 1961. 24-25 may 1996 in the Simferopol and Crimean diocese hosted a celebration of the canonization of Saint Luke the Crimean.
"The Church considers the saints ascetics of faith and piety, Confessors and martyrs. And today she praised the new the Saint, which is now to be our intercessor and patron..." — said after the service, his Beatitude Vladimir, Metropolitan of Kiev and all Ukraine. Ending with a brief description of man's way of life, as many of us now, a believer physician, we see that he was better than us, and seeing it as unattainable for us Holiness, we can easily turn to him as the mediator, intercessor before God, with the request to consecrate our lives, our work: "the Sainted father Luco, pray to God for us." published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: sv-luka.orthodoxy.ru/live.php