Mom taught at night to eat a little onion, tell all the advantages
A well-known vegetable with a strong smell and taste. As a child, we hated it, but in adulthood very often revealed this product from a completely different side. Some cooks are still arguing. fry right and with the greatest benefit. It is an interesting topic, but it is worth developing it a little.
Let's find out what the onion is generally useful and what its harmful sides are. Also, why eat onions at night? Many do, but for the most part there is no complete understanding of the meaning of the process. In general, we will analyze onion husks and learn a little more interesting. Here we go!
So, let’s start with frying onions. Onions can be roasted by anyone except red. This type is considered salad and from heat treatment becomes worse. When slicing onions, pairs come out of it, contacting the eyes. To avoid shedding tears, first place the bulb in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. That way she won't be so angry.
In general, the main thing is to prevent direct contact of onion juice vapors with the eyes. It will help chewing menthol gum, a fan or even just breathing with your mouth. Cooks, accustomed to onion attacks, simply moisten the knife with water and... endure.
The choice of onion slicing is not important. As it says in the recipe, so cut. Not really. The main thing is to warm up the pan with sunflower oil, roast the onions on medium heat until translucent and only then salt. Bring the dish to the desired state and at the end throw a little butter. So the onion will acquire an excellent taste, and the oil will not burn during frying.
Benefits and harms of onions Useful qualities:
Onions - powerful and cheapest aphrodisiac. In ancient Egypt, it was called “the musk of the poor.” And in the Middle Ages, for the same reason, our vegetable was completely banned.
Onions perfectly activate metabolism, contributing to rejuvenation. It seems to restart the activity of the body and thus has a positive effect on the well-being of a person. Some people with headaches start to feel better after smelling fresh onion juice.
Green onion leaves have a positive effect on skin. Remove it from spots and even small wrinkles. Even a part of the freckles on the face can be gotten rid of if you often wipe it with half a onion.
Despite the fact that onions have more sugar than pears and apples, this vegetable is useful in diets. It has fat burning properties, and it gets rid of excess water very well. For the slimming down, that's what it takes.
Onions also help with wasp bites. It's because of his potent juice. They can rub swelling, places of unwanted hair loss, rheumatic pain, lichen. This is a miracle cure.
Harm onions:
As such, No harm from onions. But there are contraindications. People who have gastrointestinal problems, pancreatitis, kidney failure, heart or kidney disease should eat onions in very moderate doses. It is even better to consult a doctor. It's okay to moderate.
Before bed, take a small piece of onion and eat it. The main thing: try to chew it very slowly and thoughtfully. Do not pay attention to the taste and smell – it is necessary for the effect.
Due to its antibacterial properties, onions are very effective in fighting bacteria in the oral cavity. Even a toothpaste brush won’t get where the onion juice gets. It happens that after a heavy dinner in the teeth remain microbits of food. They can even cause inflammation in the morning, and this greatly affects the mood of the day afterward.
Onion juice copes with this perfectly, but it also needs some time. And so, you find yourself a great assistant who struggles with such ailments, while you are still asleep.
Few people know about the beneficial properties of onions. But we are used to treating them as something popular and painful. But in fact, everything has long been proven and has a scientific background. Do not be sick, try to lead a healthy lifestyle and a pleasant appetite!

Let's find out what the onion is generally useful and what its harmful sides are. Also, why eat onions at night? Many do, but for the most part there is no complete understanding of the meaning of the process. In general, we will analyze onion husks and learn a little more interesting. Here we go!
So, let’s start with frying onions. Onions can be roasted by anyone except red. This type is considered salad and from heat treatment becomes worse. When slicing onions, pairs come out of it, contacting the eyes. To avoid shedding tears, first place the bulb in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. That way she won't be so angry.

In general, the main thing is to prevent direct contact of onion juice vapors with the eyes. It will help chewing menthol gum, a fan or even just breathing with your mouth. Cooks, accustomed to onion attacks, simply moisten the knife with water and... endure.
The choice of onion slicing is not important. As it says in the recipe, so cut. Not really. The main thing is to warm up the pan with sunflower oil, roast the onions on medium heat until translucent and only then salt. Bring the dish to the desired state and at the end throw a little butter. So the onion will acquire an excellent taste, and the oil will not burn during frying.
Benefits and harms of onions Useful qualities:
Onions - powerful and cheapest aphrodisiac. In ancient Egypt, it was called “the musk of the poor.” And in the Middle Ages, for the same reason, our vegetable was completely banned.

Onions perfectly activate metabolism, contributing to rejuvenation. It seems to restart the activity of the body and thus has a positive effect on the well-being of a person. Some people with headaches start to feel better after smelling fresh onion juice.
Green onion leaves have a positive effect on skin. Remove it from spots and even small wrinkles. Even a part of the freckles on the face can be gotten rid of if you often wipe it with half a onion.

Despite the fact that onions have more sugar than pears and apples, this vegetable is useful in diets. It has fat burning properties, and it gets rid of excess water very well. For the slimming down, that's what it takes.
Onions also help with wasp bites. It's because of his potent juice. They can rub swelling, places of unwanted hair loss, rheumatic pain, lichen. This is a miracle cure.
Harm onions:
As such, No harm from onions. But there are contraindications. People who have gastrointestinal problems, pancreatitis, kidney failure, heart or kidney disease should eat onions in very moderate doses. It is even better to consult a doctor. It's okay to moderate.

Before bed, take a small piece of onion and eat it. The main thing: try to chew it very slowly and thoughtfully. Do not pay attention to the taste and smell – it is necessary for the effect.
Due to its antibacterial properties, onions are very effective in fighting bacteria in the oral cavity. Even a toothpaste brush won’t get where the onion juice gets. It happens that after a heavy dinner in the teeth remain microbits of food. They can even cause inflammation in the morning, and this greatly affects the mood of the day afterward.

Onion juice copes with this perfectly, but it also needs some time. And so, you find yourself a great assistant who struggles with such ailments, while you are still asleep.
Few people know about the beneficial properties of onions. But we are used to treating them as something popular and painful. But in fact, everything has long been proven and has a scientific background. Do not be sick, try to lead a healthy lifestyle and a pleasant appetite!
First, gooseberry so that guests have something to eat in winter.
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