Why all young citizens need to remember about onion juice and how to use it
One head of onions can replace half of the first aid kit. For the first time to heal people with onions began Hippocrates, he used the plant as a universal remedy for inflammation, problems with overweight and other ailments. The Romans, for example, used tear onions to prevent and treat eye ailments and even applied pieces of onions to the sockets for better effect. The properties of onions are amazing, researchers are still studying the composition of onions to use them for the benefit of human health.
Properties of onions: Onions improve brain function and protect it from damage to healthy cells. Onion phytoncides inhibit pathogens of fungi and other pathogenic bacteria. Onions are used for digestive problems, inflammations of different etiology and for liquefying blood cells.
Onions contain vitamin C, a group of vitamins B, which makes the plant effective in fighting colds and runny noses, general strengthening of the immune system, and also prevents hair loss, fights dry skin when applied externally. Interestingly, onions have a positive effect on the health of the gums, and if you eat onions fresh, you can notice that the teeth become whiter and healthier.
Onions are used in traditional medicine more often, but in evidence-based medicine, it shows good results. The antimicrobial effect of onions has, if used fresh, and during heat treatment, the plant loses most of its useful properties.
Onion juice contains vitamins and minerals: calcium, zinc, iodine, fluoride, iron. In addition, onions have essential oils and organic acids, which have antimicrobial and immunostimulating effects. Onion juice normalizes the digestive system, cleanses the body and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
You can take onion juice inside only with the permission of the therapist. Onion juice, although it has a specific smell, has a good effect on the skin. It is used to improve hair growth and healing of the skin.
What won’t you do for the sake of luxury hair? Onions have long been known as a hair growth stimulant. Also, onions relieve redness, fight dandruff. Due to the content of vitamin C, onions moisturize the skin, remove peeling and itching. Make a mask of onions should be fresh every time: soap onions on a small grater, then strain through gauze so that only the juice remains.
Rub the onion juice into the roots of the hair before washing the head. Pay special attention to problem areas. Put on a shower cap and leave the mask for 30 minutes. Then wash your head well with shampoo. After such a mask, the hair becomes soft and shiny, and hair loss stops after 2-3 weeks of regular use of such a mask.
If there is no allergic reaction, onions can be used to fight pigment spots. A face mask with onions whitens the skin, makes it elastic. Onion mask can be done to moisturize, fight rashes.
Live yeast, milk and grated onions are mixed in equal proportions. Put the mask on your face and hold it for 15-20 minutes. Then wash the mask with warm water. The mask helps to remove greasy shine, redness and tightens the skin of the face.
In the fight against excess weight helps onion soup since the time of Hippocrates. Modern nutritionists approve onion soup in the diet of wards watching their figure. Some are so encouraged by the rapid weight loss that they are willing to eat only onion soup for a few days. It is better not to risk your health and not expose your body to such stress. Moreover, only with proper nutrition can you achieve long-term results.
Onions contain fiber, which quickly saturates the stomach, fluid fills the volume of the stomach and a person is fed faster. Onion soup can be eaten in unlimited quantities, because 100 g of the product contains 35 calories. B vitamins suppress appetite, and potassium accelerates metabolism in the body.
You will need 6 heads of onions, 2 liters of water, 250 g of cabbage, 100 g of sweet pepper, 200 g of carrots, 150 g of tomatoes. All products are cut and boiled until ready. Soup should be tasted only when it is prepared. Vegetables can not be roasted with oil, as this increases calorie content and adds extra fat to the dish.
Before any manipulations, seek advice from a specialist so as not to harm your health. When applied externally, be sure to conduct a sensitivity test and keep the onions away from pets. For all its benefits, onions have a number of contraindications, and for animals this product is toxic in any form.

Properties of onions: Onions improve brain function and protect it from damage to healthy cells. Onion phytoncides inhibit pathogens of fungi and other pathogenic bacteria. Onions are used for digestive problems, inflammations of different etiology and for liquefying blood cells.

Onions contain vitamin C, a group of vitamins B, which makes the plant effective in fighting colds and runny noses, general strengthening of the immune system, and also prevents hair loss, fights dry skin when applied externally. Interestingly, onions have a positive effect on the health of the gums, and if you eat onions fresh, you can notice that the teeth become whiter and healthier.
Onions are used in traditional medicine more often, but in evidence-based medicine, it shows good results. The antimicrobial effect of onions has, if used fresh, and during heat treatment, the plant loses most of its useful properties.

Onion juice contains vitamins and minerals: calcium, zinc, iodine, fluoride, iron. In addition, onions have essential oils and organic acids, which have antimicrobial and immunostimulating effects. Onion juice normalizes the digestive system, cleanses the body and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
You can take onion juice inside only with the permission of the therapist. Onion juice, although it has a specific smell, has a good effect on the skin. It is used to improve hair growth and healing of the skin.

What won’t you do for the sake of luxury hair? Onions have long been known as a hair growth stimulant. Also, onions relieve redness, fight dandruff. Due to the content of vitamin C, onions moisturize the skin, remove peeling and itching. Make a mask of onions should be fresh every time: soap onions on a small grater, then strain through gauze so that only the juice remains.
Rub the onion juice into the roots of the hair before washing the head. Pay special attention to problem areas. Put on a shower cap and leave the mask for 30 minutes. Then wash your head well with shampoo. After such a mask, the hair becomes soft and shiny, and hair loss stops after 2-3 weeks of regular use of such a mask.

If there is no allergic reaction, onions can be used to fight pigment spots. A face mask with onions whitens the skin, makes it elastic. Onion mask can be done to moisturize, fight rashes.
Live yeast, milk and grated onions are mixed in equal proportions. Put the mask on your face and hold it for 15-20 minutes. Then wash the mask with warm water. The mask helps to remove greasy shine, redness and tightens the skin of the face.
In the fight against excess weight helps onion soup since the time of Hippocrates. Modern nutritionists approve onion soup in the diet of wards watching their figure. Some are so encouraged by the rapid weight loss that they are willing to eat only onion soup for a few days. It is better not to risk your health and not expose your body to such stress. Moreover, only with proper nutrition can you achieve long-term results.

Onions contain fiber, which quickly saturates the stomach, fluid fills the volume of the stomach and a person is fed faster. Onion soup can be eaten in unlimited quantities, because 100 g of the product contains 35 calories. B vitamins suppress appetite, and potassium accelerates metabolism in the body.
You will need 6 heads of onions, 2 liters of water, 250 g of cabbage, 100 g of sweet pepper, 200 g of carrots, 150 g of tomatoes. All products are cut and boiled until ready. Soup should be tasted only when it is prepared. Vegetables can not be roasted with oil, as this increases calorie content and adds extra fat to the dish.

Before any manipulations, seek advice from a specialist so as not to harm your health. When applied externally, be sure to conduct a sensitivity test and keep the onions away from pets. For all its benefits, onions have a number of contraindications, and for animals this product is toxic in any form.
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