Masks of this natural remedy will make the hair thick and healthy
Colorless henna is used more often for hair masks at home, let's see what hair mask from henna is easy to make at home.
Useful properties of colorless henna
Masks for henna hair rapidly gaining fans - colorless henna gives your hair volume, shine, moisturizes hair, dandruff, strengthens and restores brittle and split hair, so hair mask with henna recommend even professional hairdressers
Colorless henna - a natural product, which is able to solve any problems with hair and scalp. First and foremost it is worth noting the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect of colorless henna, so masks henna hair struggling with dandruff, soothe and relieve irritation, dry scalp. In addition, the mask from henna are used for the growth and strengthening of hair, as henna components act on the hair follicles, nourishing and strengthening it from within. Also, the mask of a colorless henna to help cope with the thin, dry and brittle hair due to its moisturizing and nourishing properties.
Features masks with colorless henna
To get the maximum benefit from the masks for hair with henna, you have to know some of the secrets of a colorless henna. First of all, according to arabio.ru, it should be said about the danger posed by the mask of colorless henna owners of blond hair - they can turn yellow, so fair-haired girl to keep the mask from henna can be no more than 15 minutes. Dark-haired, this problem is not threatened, so they can stretch the process to 30-40 minutes. Also important are technical issues - such masks henna is best applied to clean, slightly damp hair. Thirdly, when applying the mask do the head massage with light circular movements, so you increase blood flow and nutrients are better penetrate the scalp. And finally, the last recommendation - to apply the mask from henna, even for therapeutic purposes, you need not more than 1 time per week. And now to the recipes.
Colorless henna - recipes for hair masks
Classic mask henna hair.
Pour 3 tbsp. l. Henna colorless glass of hot, but not boiling water. Let stand 15 minutes, then apply to skin and hair.
Mask for hair henna and herbs.
2 tablespoons colorless henna pour hot green tea. While henna insists finely finely cut bunch of parsley or dill, crushed their mortar to highlight the juice of greens. After that henna connect with the green mass, grind and applied to the hair along the entire length. Blondes keep the mask to 10 minutes, brunettes - 20.
Vitamin mask for henna and avocado hair.
Avocado - vegetable, which in combination with colorless henna will give your hair a lot of useful vitamins. While henna is prepared, flooded 100 g. boiled water, half an avocado peel, remove and mash the pulp. Components of the mask, mix, let stand five minutes together and apply on the hair, especially paying attention to the tips of the hair. Mask hold for 15 minutes, then rinse hair with warm water and rinse with vinegar - 50 gr. 9 percent apple cider vinegar half a liter of pure mineral water.
Firming Mask for hair henna.
Pour 3 tbsp. l. strong welding henna black tea (1 cup), then the mixture infusion (15 minutes), add 1 h. l. lemon juice. Part of the mixture in a circular motion rub into the scalp, another part of the spread over the whole length of the hair mask. If the hair is dry, it is recommended to add to the recipe 1 tbsp. l. olive oil.
Mask for oily hair henna and blue clay.
Mix 2 tbsp. l. henna and blue clay, pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 15 minutes, then add tea tree essential oil (5 drops) and apply on skin and hair.
Nourishing hair mask from henna and yogurt.
Put a glass of buttermilk in a pan with hot water when yogurt will warm up, fill them 3 tbsp. l. henna. Wait 15 minutes, then add one beaten egg and apply the mask.
Mask for hair growth of henna.
Heat the mixture in a water bath burdock and castor oil 2 tablespoons. l. to a comfortable temperature of the scalp. Pour this mixture Shrove 3 tbsp. l. henna, stir and leave for a quarter of an hour, then spread over the entire length of the hair and scalp.
Mask for hair henna based on cocoa.
This hair mask from henna and cocoa has a firming and moisturizing effect, besides the mask will give a nice shade of dark chocolate hair, hence recommended for brunettes. So, for the mask will need a bag of ordinary colorless henna (about 3-4 tablespoons -.. It all depends on the hair length), 2 tbsp. l. cocoa powder, a glass of milk or cream and 1 hour. l. honey. Henna is mixed with cocoa, add the honey and pour a little warm milk, stir and applied to the hair, carefully distributed over the entire length. After 40 minutes, wash off.
Mask for hair henna dandruff.
To make a mask from henna dandruff you need 3 tablespoons. l. colorless henna, pour a half cup of boiling water, let stand, then add 2 tbsp. l. castor oil, 1 part. l. lemon juice plus 3 drops of essential oils of eucalyptus and myrtle. The mixture is mixed and applied to the hair along the entire length, in 40 minutes to remove the mask with warm water.
Useful properties of colorless henna
Masks for henna hair rapidly gaining fans - colorless henna gives your hair volume, shine, moisturizes hair, dandruff, strengthens and restores brittle and split hair, so hair mask with henna recommend even professional hairdressers

Colorless henna - a natural product, which is able to solve any problems with hair and scalp. First and foremost it is worth noting the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect of colorless henna, so masks henna hair struggling with dandruff, soothe and relieve irritation, dry scalp. In addition, the mask from henna are used for the growth and strengthening of hair, as henna components act on the hair follicles, nourishing and strengthening it from within. Also, the mask of a colorless henna to help cope with the thin, dry and brittle hair due to its moisturizing and nourishing properties.
Features masks with colorless henna
To get the maximum benefit from the masks for hair with henna, you have to know some of the secrets of a colorless henna. First of all, according to arabio.ru, it should be said about the danger posed by the mask of colorless henna owners of blond hair - they can turn yellow, so fair-haired girl to keep the mask from henna can be no more than 15 minutes. Dark-haired, this problem is not threatened, so they can stretch the process to 30-40 minutes. Also important are technical issues - such masks henna is best applied to clean, slightly damp hair. Thirdly, when applying the mask do the head massage with light circular movements, so you increase blood flow and nutrients are better penetrate the scalp. And finally, the last recommendation - to apply the mask from henna, even for therapeutic purposes, you need not more than 1 time per week. And now to the recipes.
Colorless henna - recipes for hair masks

Classic mask henna hair.
Pour 3 tbsp. l. Henna colorless glass of hot, but not boiling water. Let stand 15 minutes, then apply to skin and hair.
Mask for hair henna and herbs.
2 tablespoons colorless henna pour hot green tea. While henna insists finely finely cut bunch of parsley or dill, crushed their mortar to highlight the juice of greens. After that henna connect with the green mass, grind and applied to the hair along the entire length. Blondes keep the mask to 10 minutes, brunettes - 20.
Vitamin mask for henna and avocado hair.
Avocado - vegetable, which in combination with colorless henna will give your hair a lot of useful vitamins. While henna is prepared, flooded 100 g. boiled water, half an avocado peel, remove and mash the pulp. Components of the mask, mix, let stand five minutes together and apply on the hair, especially paying attention to the tips of the hair. Mask hold for 15 minutes, then rinse hair with warm water and rinse with vinegar - 50 gr. 9 percent apple cider vinegar half a liter of pure mineral water.
Firming Mask for hair henna.
Pour 3 tbsp. l. strong welding henna black tea (1 cup), then the mixture infusion (15 minutes), add 1 h. l. lemon juice. Part of the mixture in a circular motion rub into the scalp, another part of the spread over the whole length of the hair mask. If the hair is dry, it is recommended to add to the recipe 1 tbsp. l. olive oil.
Mask for oily hair henna and blue clay.
Mix 2 tbsp. l. henna and blue clay, pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 15 minutes, then add tea tree essential oil (5 drops) and apply on skin and hair.
Nourishing hair mask from henna and yogurt.
Put a glass of buttermilk in a pan with hot water when yogurt will warm up, fill them 3 tbsp. l. henna. Wait 15 minutes, then add one beaten egg and apply the mask.
Mask for hair growth of henna.
Heat the mixture in a water bath burdock and castor oil 2 tablespoons. l. to a comfortable temperature of the scalp. Pour this mixture Shrove 3 tbsp. l. henna, stir and leave for a quarter of an hour, then spread over the entire length of the hair and scalp.
Mask for hair henna based on cocoa.
This hair mask from henna and cocoa has a firming and moisturizing effect, besides the mask will give a nice shade of dark chocolate hair, hence recommended for brunettes. So, for the mask will need a bag of ordinary colorless henna (about 3-4 tablespoons -.. It all depends on the hair length), 2 tbsp. l. cocoa powder, a glass of milk or cream and 1 hour. l. honey. Henna is mixed with cocoa, add the honey and pour a little warm milk, stir and applied to the hair, carefully distributed over the entire length. After 40 minutes, wash off.
Mask for hair henna dandruff.
To make a mask from henna dandruff you need 3 tablespoons. l. colorless henna, pour a half cup of boiling water, let stand, then add 2 tbsp. l. castor oil, 1 part. l. lemon juice plus 3 drops of essential oils of eucalyptus and myrtle. The mixture is mixed and applied to the hair along the entire length, in 40 minutes to remove the mask with warm water.