Recipes best hair masks.

1. Miracle Mask, accelerating hair growth
They used within 1 month 1 time per week.
The hair rose about 15 cm.!
Prescription masks is simple and is based on the fact that mustard "bakes»,
warming the skin of the head and causing a rush of blood to the hair follicles:
2 tablespoons dry mustard powder (sold in the department of spices) diluted with hot water
2 tablespoons hot water
1 egg yolk
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive (peach, burdock or any other cosmetic oils)
2 teaspoons sugar (the more sugar, the "meaner" mustard)
Apply to the parting, trying to get on the scalp without affecting the tips, especially dry (you can for the best effect masks to lubricate dry hair ends by any cosmetic warmed oil). Wrap head with cellophane wrap or package, on top put a warm hat, scarf, or tie a towel. So someone like used!
Must wait for 15 minutes to 1 hour, depending on how much "was hot." If tolerated, so it is better to be like 1:00, dreaming of a luxurious long spit. And if you really "fire" on the head, it is only 15-20 minutes.
ATTENTION! 15 minutes should be required to sit for the first time, even if it seems that there was a nuclear war head. For 15 minutes, no harm to the scalp and hair will not (tested many), and are accustomed to, you then after sitting for half an hour and an hour.
The mask should be done 1 time per week, maximum 2 times for very oily hair (mask bit removes excess sebum).
After a rinse with lukewarm water, then rinse your hair with shampoo. You can apply for the best effect of any balm or finished mask activator of hair growth. Very good line of "Golden Silk". Accelerating growth in the components even better soak in preheated scalp.
If you really want to quickly grow long hair, then make a mask at least one month. In addition, the mask with mustard really accelerates the growth of hair, strengthens them and gives greater volume and density, it also solves the problem of oily hair, because hair is less messy. The tips of the dry or colored hair be sure to apply oil or the purchase of finished mask.
Many men after regular use of this mask with mustard began to appear on the new hair receding hairline, hair became thicker, even if they were previously rare.
Try this wonderful mask! When you see the results, you will not be stopped!
2. Mask with a strong hair loss
1 tablespoon of castor oil
1 tablespoon onion juice (juice only necessary, but not mush, otherwise the hair will actually smell slightly)
1 teaspoon tincture of calendula
1 teaspoon cayenne pepper tincture
1 tablespoon honey
1 tablespoon brandy
1 egg yolk
The size of the spoon depends on the density of hair on his head. You can have tea, I'm doing on the table.
Applied to the head, worn hat and an hour, you can safely engage in household chores.
3. Magic shampoo
I want to share the secret of thick, shiny, extraordinarily beautiful hair. The secret is simple but effective.
I take 10 pills mummy and dilute them in your regular shampoo. It will darken, but it should be. When you wash your hair, as usual soap, lather and hold the hair in the foam 3-5 minutes to mummy could affect the hair roots.
After these procedures, your hair will be transformed to become healthy, strong and thick.
4. hair become healthy. Becomes smooth. Well keep stacking.
Step 1: Mix a teaspoon of vinegar and a teaspoon of glycerin. Kneaded composition until smooth.
Step 2. Add the beaten egg mass. Stir.
Step 3. In the resulting mass add 2 tablespoons of castor oil. Mix thoroughly.
Step 4. Apply a mask over the entire length of the hair. Put on plastic cap and wrap head with a towel. Leave the mask on the hair for 2 hours. After wash your hair using shampoo. After washing, rinsing, use of decoction.
The cycle of treatment: The mask should be done 2 times a week. The cycle time of 1 month. Then you can make masks for prevention - 1 time in 2 weeks.
Result: The hair become healthy. Becomes smooth. Well keep stacking.
5. lightens hair two shades using cinnamon
It is a safe alternative to clarifying mixtures.
Your hair will become lighter, more brilliant, soft and silky to the touch.
Make a mixture of cinnamon.
In a medium bowl, mix a cup of hair conditioner, 3 tbsp. tablespoons ground cinnamon and 1/3 cup honey. Stir ingredients with plastic or wooden spoon to form a smooth paste. Do not use metal utensils - it can react to our mix.
Wash your hair as usual, your favorite shampoo. When the hair is a little dry up, divide them into strands and comb wide crest. Apply the cinnamon mixture on your hair, try to carefully paint over each strand. Make sure that cinnamon does not impinge on the face, as it is known, it can cause a slight redness or irritation. Rub cinnamon-honey mixture into the scalp is not worth it.
Wear a hat or a cellophane bag, wrap your hair with a towel. Keep the mixture on your head for about 30 minutes, then remove the towel - warm the hair is no longer needed. Leave cinnamon-honey mixture on the hair for 3-4 hours. The longer the exposure time, the more intense will be the result.
After 3-4 hours wash off the mixture with warm water. Your hair will be 2 shades lighter. The more you perform this procedure - the lighter your hair will become. In addition, not wanting to lighten your hair by 2 and three colors at once, do not add in the 3 and 4 of Art. tablespoons ground cinnamon.
6. Mask to increase hair density
The most accessible and cheap recipe: yogurt + honey + Yeast:
Take 2 teaspoons of yeast, cover them with water or milk, and wait an hour or so to "come." Next, take 2-3 tablespoons of honey, half a cup of any fermented milk product (less than - the more natural) - yogurt, yogurt, mare's milk, and mix it all. Apply to the hair along the entire length, rub into the scalp, then zamatyvaem all polyethylene top - warm shawl or towel and go so hour. Rinse can be herbal decoctions, with apple cider vinegar solution (volume increases, shine)
7. Mask welding for hair growth.
Mask promotes nutrition hair follicles, and a rush of blood to the scalp. Besides tea perfectly improves the acid-alkaline balance of the skin, removes excess sebum, the hair less oily, shine and become a beautiful chestnut ottenok.1 \ 2 bottles vodki250 gram dry tea zavarkiChay pour vodka and insist 2 hours. Filter and throw away the tea leaves, and slime (otherwise you will not name) is rubbed into the scalp, wrap cellophane head smeared and top with a towel, which zhalko.Smyvat not be easy! Hold can be for 1 hour. All this business wash off with water and shampoo. Do you need 2 times a week. After 2 weeks of admiring the newly grow hedgehog (to be seen among his short hairs long hair
8. The mask, which makes the hair voluminous, more alive, and what they are soft and silky afterwards!
For its preparation, take half a cup of yogurt, add 1 egg and 1 teaspoon of cocoa powder. It is necessary to mix well and spread on some of the hair roots. Give a little bit dry, then spread again. So three or four the approach to use the whole mixture. After that, put on a warming cap and keep for 20-25 minutes. Rinse off with warm water is recommended, using baby shampoo and rinse is best nettle broth. Making this mask should be 2-3 times a week. After 2-3 months of regular use of hair is much thicker.
9. The mask of aloe juice and brandy
You need aloe juice, brandy, honey and one egg yolk. Equal proportions of ingredients. They need to mix thoroughly until smooth. The mask must be applied to the entire length of the wet hair. On top put on a shower cap and wrap head with a towel. Hike hour and then wash away the mask.
10. "The Gypsy recipe for a chic shag»
That's half-erased text was entitled to an old piece of paper.
That once upon a time, my grandmother having spread on the bottom of a sewing box.
Four lotion that is applied to the hair in order to quickly and effectively improve the color of hair. I do not know whether the recipe gypsy, but my grandmother, and all that I know gypsies and really could boast chic hair.
Here is what was written on the sheet:
Lotion first, "Honey Cream." Take an egg, mixed with a teaspoon of honey and two teaspoons of sunflower oil. Apply to hair, promassirovat, wrap head with a towel over the steam and warm (we are in the twenty-first century, apparently, can use a hairdryer) within fifteen minutes. Wash.
Lotion second, "Brandy." The yolk of one egg whisk with two tablespoons of brandy. Vmassirovat the scalp. Rinse with warm water. Top can rinse decoction of chamomile.
Lotion third, "Gypsy." Medium onion, peeled, finely chopped, put it in half a glass of rum. Insist 24 hours. Strain. Massaging the scalp twice a day. Suitable as a cure for hair loss.
Lotion fourth, "Egg." Beat two egg yolks with a glass of warm water, drain, put on your hair, leave for an hour, then wash off without soap.
To be honest: all recipes, obtained in this way (found in the nooks of things left behind a legacy found in chests, attics gathering dust on old, seen between the pages of books published decades ago) inspire me unconditional trust.
I, like many, it seems that the earlier and the sun was shining brightly, and the soup was sour, and the women - they looked more beautiful today. Of course, a woman twenty-first century will give a hundred points ahead of any predecessor in terms of grooming and nepasportnoy youth, but the beauty of it? The big question ...