The best masks with Burdock oil for luxurious hair

Burdock oil obtained from burdock roots, but unlike many other vegetable oils, which are directly pushed apart from certain parts of plants, seeds, fruits or seeds, it is obtained by oil extraction - burdock roots insist on olive, almond, peanut, sesame or other fat vegetable oil.
The idea to use burdock oil for hair is far from new, but nevertheless, popular to this day. And all the matter in the unique properties of this natural product, and it positively beneficial effect on the hair structure.
Masks with burdock
If detailed, the burdock helps to restore full metabolism, as well as to strengthen the capillary circulation in the scalp, and thereby significantly strengthen hair shafts and speed up the natural hair growth. In addition it can be used not only to prevent, but also to stop the progressive loss of hair already.
In particular hair burdock oil application provides the necessary nutrition of the roots and scalp, thereby eliminating the tangible dry and itchy scalp, dandruff disappears dry.

The use of classical masks for hair Burdock oil:
Slightly warm the burdock oil, and separating the hair by parting, put it completely on all the roots (this can be done with the help of a toothbrush). After the oil is spread over the rest of the length of the hair using a flat comb with a few teeth.
When applying the procedure is finished, carefully wrap the head, first with plastic wrap and top with a warm towel (this wrapping is recommended when applying any home masks).
Keep the oil on the hair should be at least 1 hour, but not more than 3 hours. Rinse with warm water, with 2 one-time use of the shampoo.
This mask is especially recommended for the restoration of the structure of weakened, damaged hair and split ends, getting rid of dandruff, stops hair loss and stimulate hair growth. Suitable for all hair types, except for overly fatty.
The frequency of use 1-2 times a week.
To strengthen the operation and efficacy of masks with Burdock oil can be, adding to the oil a variety of natural products such as honey, egg yolk, mustard, and other vegetable oils, and others.
For example, here is a good recipe for a mask against hair loss, with the addition of cocoa:
Masks with burdock
1 tbsp. a spoonful of cocoa powder, pour a small amount of warm water, so that when dissolved form a homogeneous creamy mass. After a beat 1 raw egg yolk (spoon or mixer), add to it the dissolved cocoa, mix well, and then add 3 tbsp. spoon burdock oil. The resulting mass is abundantly apply on roots, distributing little late for the rest of the length of the hair and hold for 1 hour. Washed off the mask with warm water, using a shampoo (if after the first wash the hair seem insufficiently washed, soap shampoo again).
This recipe helps to not only stop hair loss, but also contributes to their good nutrition, faster growth, filling the vitality and energy, as well as the elimination of dullness, fragility and hair section.
Apply 1-2 times a week.
People mask with burdock oil and honey to strengthen, enhance shine, and hair smoothing:
Masks with burdock
Mix 3 tbsp. spoon burdock oil, 1 tbsp. spoon of honey, 1 raw egg yolk. Put the mixture in a water bath to completely melt the honey and stir all ingredients until smooth. After that, by removing from the bath, apply a still warm part fully all the hair roots, spreading quite a bit for the rest of their length and leave for 40-60 minutes. After time, wash hair with shampoo.
This mask is actually all the other hair masks of burdock oil also helps prevent and stop hair loss, and in some degree to improve their growth.
For oily hair type of egg yolk should be abandoned. Just mix honey with burdock oil, melt in a water bath, and then add 3 tbsp. tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice.
Recipe mask for hair Burdock oil and red pepper tincture:
Masks with burdock
Mix 2 tbsp. spoon burdock oil with the same amount of castor oil, and 6-8-th item. spoons pepper tincture. Thoroughly rub the mixture into the scalp and hair roots (to do dirty and slightly damp hair along the entire length is not spread), and after 40-60 minutes, wash your hair with shampoo.
If suddenly you have no castor oil, no big deal, use 4 tbsp. spoon burdock.
Mask is especially good to accelerate growth, both existing and new hair, strengthen them, and healing. Suitable for all hair types. Do not more than 1 time in 3-4 days.
Mustard mask with burdock oil, which helps accelerate the growth of hair:
Masks with burdock
Dissolve 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry mustard powder, a small amount of warm water, after stirring to obtain a homogeneous mass of medium thickness. Add the diluted mustard 1 tbsp. spoon burdock oil, and the same low-fat sour cream (in the presence of fatty roots), or 2 tbsp. spoon burdock oil with 1 part-time art. spoon of mayonnaise (for dry hair type).
Stir all the ingredients, then rub the resulting mass in a little damp hair roots for 30-60 minutes before shampooing. Washed off the mask, like all the others listed, using shampoo.
Apply 1-2 times a week.
In particular for the prevention of hair loss, enhance their growth, and to strengthen it is recommended to mix the burdock oil with freshly juice from onion, garlic, aloe, or (2 Art. Spoon of oil taken 4-5 v. Tablespoons juice).
Masks with burdock
The resulting product is applied only on the roots and scalp (on damp hair for 30-60 minutes before washing), and then washed off with shampoo.
The frequency of use of such masks for hair of burdock oil 1-2 times a week.
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