The disease - not punishment and teacher, tells how to live
Each of us comes into this world with its program. Before each face specific challenges in terms of spiritual evolution.
If we do not carry out - standing still or do the exact opposite - a disease arises
. The disease - it is not punishment, but teacher prompting to live
. The disease - an indicator of our wrong actions in relation to one's own destiny. So says Ayurveda and other spiritual practices.
Modern Western medicine has created a system of suppressing the symptoms of different types of diseases using pharmacological agents based on synthetic drugs, which relieve the person from harassing his disease symptoms, such as fever, blood pressure disorder, cough, or pain in any part of the body.
However, these methods do not solve the subtle psychological causes of disease and often do not act on the cause of the disease. Symptomatic treatment only leads to a chronic process, because contribute to the fact that the disease "goes inside».
The same traditional medicine treats psoriasis hormonal ointments that are only temporarily removed skin manifestations of psoriasis, not acting on the cause of the disease. This hormonal creams sold in all pharmacies, have a lot of side effects. A psoriasis - a cry for help of the body. Leather - a gut, turned inside out, say the Vedas. And all one hundred percent of psoriasis patients have problems with digestion.
If normalize the digestive fire, forget about bad habits and harmonize the emotional sphere, the psoriasis go away by itself. It simply indicates that it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle and get rid of the enemies of the mind. A "smearing psoriatic plaques", as already mentioned, leads into a disease care.
Anyone care to disease inside, often, halloo to one another more severe disease and that the saddest thing - the formation of both benign and malignant neoplastic processes
. Thus, the disease - it is a good teacher and leader on the path to spiritual and physical healing. Communication with the disease helps the courage to honestly and directly look into the eyes of the conflicts and problems of his inner world.
Each thought is like a seed
Feel watch, just stop for a moment and look around ... Maybe we are not villains, but simply act according to some negative stereotypes: accustomed to someone envy someone to criticize and do not consider it bad. Just think, we condemn the other - in that special? And as soon as people come together, they begin to "wash up the bones" to others. Or begin to feel sorry for the other person, thinking that it was good. And, in fact, sorry man, we limit his opportunities.
Special astrological and bio-rhythm-cosmo-logical studies show that not a single person is not incompetent. Everyone has a talent, each has unique abilities, but people do not know about them or live in such conditions, when these abilities can not be shown. So he sells only 4% of their potential, and suffers from it. Its nature is constantly guides: go there, go there, go ... But man it can not hear, because it all the time in a hurry - to earn a lot of money, get the power ... But if a person still goes the wrong way, that is penalized for a foul evolution, then it stopped. Nature takes its Creator stops him. They do this by means of disease.
Illness is not a punishment, disease - is the salvation of man, because, stopped, he starts to think why he was ill. And beginning at least something to learn, it's something starts to change in yourself. The main thing is to begin to understand why this happened - and then the person will be saved from the greater of the worst, because nothing ends with the death of the body. Not bad, and ends - that's scary! When we die, the disease continues to live.
Died, we are born again. The disease - it is a certain stereotype, she lives with us, because we have deviated from the evolutionary path. We stopped, and can be stopped very seriously - we were in a wheelchair, but did not understand. We thought: "With me it's over, I'm old, I'll be dead soon. I'll start a new life with a clean slate. " But when we are born again, the old stereotype remains. It will force us to do the same thing, and again we get sick of the same disease, and again find ourselves in a wheelchair. And think again: "What do we lose?" Then it will be the third, and the fourth life, and will once again be a serious disease, and it will be harder and harder. The nature of the disease we are stopped, we are warned, are forced to reflect on the errors. In fact, if you look at your life, as often happens.
Vices, acting at the level of our psyche, in the mind inevitably sprout roots into our physical body, capturing the negative impact of destructive stereotypes of various organs. For example, there is a fear program. We think: "Tomorrow will raise the prices, I was fired from work, tomorrow something will happen to my child" - we are all the time afraid of something. When we are afraid, we razbalansiruem certain centers of its bioinformatics field.
Musician before to perform the play, is to set up your instrument on a tuning fork. He should take a sound "la" and build everything on the sound, otherwise it will start to be false. The same tuning fork that can save us from many diseases, and we have. It is our bio-information the body that regulates our state. Once disrupted the function of an organ as soon as any hormone was released in a larger amount as glucose or cholesterol were higher or lower, immediately starts a tuning fork body. But if you have some kind of negative programs, they destroy a tuning fork itself, and setting becomes impossible. Then, instead of the sound "la", sounds sound "B", your body starts to produce the wrong amount of some enzymes, and an organ begins to fail.
When the body is no longer able to work properly, it accumulates in different cell toxins. Slag will fill the entire space, they will settle in certain organs, the corresponding resonance of your program. For example, if you are afraid, then fear will compress your kidneys. Each organ on a more subtle level has its own matrix, which can see some people having excess capacity. These people see that renal matrix begins to contract, that the kidney begins to work badly, changes in the blood which is in the body the infection is exacerbated by, inflammation develops, begins urolithiasis. Do you have pain. Why? Because there is constantly projected program of fear there. A person thinks that it is all nonsense, begins to take some newfangled tablets, but nothing helps. Because the roots of the disease remain to be constantly grow.
Western medicine has reached stunning levels in surgery and in the field of computer diagnostics. So why do we have now began to turn to Ayurveda? Why not just us, the whole world turned to this knowledge? Because hundreds of thousands of physicians, biologists and scientists have realized the futility of their efforts, because we are with you all the time from the beginning to the end. When the body suddenly showed signs of distress, we started to take drugs that suppress the symptoms, we anesthetized the body, relieves nausea or lowered temperature
. Receiving a cancer, a person exposes himself to radiation therapy or chemotherapy takes that completely destroy all the mechanisms of self-regulation. And then he dies. Why? Yes, because the cause remains. Because it is the seed, is a plant that we water a long time, has left its roots in our minds. You can cut off the top of the plant many times, but somehow the roots remain. And these roots will produce new and new shoots. And the worst thing is that they will give the shoots in the next birth, and in the next, and the next - if you do not change, it will be thousands and thousands of births
. Ayurveda teaches us to look deep into the right and to identify the cause. That is why it is so effective. According to Ayurveda, a person dies, he is reborn. It goes a long way of evolution before you go down in his original form in the spiritual world. If man could see its previous incarnation, he would have seen that they are all very closely linked. That is, people have recognized himself as an actor know, playing in different performances. Roles can be very different: both tragic and comic, but the actor is always recognizable. Here also you have to know yourself, if I could see his past birth.
For a long time people did not understand why you have to be a righteous man. "Let the righteous will be holy" - thought by some people. But it turns out, no, we all have to live in resonance with the universe. We are with you - the cells of the universe, and the universe gives us signals every day, every minute, in one form or another, are not necessarily rude
. This is an extreme case - when we push or hit with a stick on the head. Prior to these extreme measures, she kept telling us gently, and we do not hear that voice, we do not hear the breath of the universe. Therefore, we are beginning to push people or circumstances, and we do not like. But as soon as we improve our attitude to life as soon as we learn to perceive the signals of the universe, we will become ownership of the flow, the disease will go away and we will not grow old. We will keep a youth to his death.
According to the materials of the book II Vetrov "Fundamentals of Ayurvedic Medicine"
If we do not carry out - standing still or do the exact opposite - a disease arises
. The disease - it is not punishment, but teacher prompting to live
. The disease - an indicator of our wrong actions in relation to one's own destiny. So says Ayurveda and other spiritual practices.

Modern Western medicine has created a system of suppressing the symptoms of different types of diseases using pharmacological agents based on synthetic drugs, which relieve the person from harassing his disease symptoms, such as fever, blood pressure disorder, cough, or pain in any part of the body.
However, these methods do not solve the subtle psychological causes of disease and often do not act on the cause of the disease. Symptomatic treatment only leads to a chronic process, because contribute to the fact that the disease "goes inside».
The same traditional medicine treats psoriasis hormonal ointments that are only temporarily removed skin manifestations of psoriasis, not acting on the cause of the disease. This hormonal creams sold in all pharmacies, have a lot of side effects. A psoriasis - a cry for help of the body. Leather - a gut, turned inside out, say the Vedas. And all one hundred percent of psoriasis patients have problems with digestion.
If normalize the digestive fire, forget about bad habits and harmonize the emotional sphere, the psoriasis go away by itself. It simply indicates that it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle and get rid of the enemies of the mind. A "smearing psoriatic plaques", as already mentioned, leads into a disease care.
Anyone care to disease inside, often, halloo to one another more severe disease and that the saddest thing - the formation of both benign and malignant neoplastic processes
. Thus, the disease - it is a good teacher and leader on the path to spiritual and physical healing. Communication with the disease helps the courage to honestly and directly look into the eyes of the conflicts and problems of his inner world.
Each thought is like a seed
Feel watch, just stop for a moment and look around ... Maybe we are not villains, but simply act according to some negative stereotypes: accustomed to someone envy someone to criticize and do not consider it bad. Just think, we condemn the other - in that special? And as soon as people come together, they begin to "wash up the bones" to others. Or begin to feel sorry for the other person, thinking that it was good. And, in fact, sorry man, we limit his opportunities.
Special astrological and bio-rhythm-cosmo-logical studies show that not a single person is not incompetent. Everyone has a talent, each has unique abilities, but people do not know about them or live in such conditions, when these abilities can not be shown. So he sells only 4% of their potential, and suffers from it. Its nature is constantly guides: go there, go there, go ... But man it can not hear, because it all the time in a hurry - to earn a lot of money, get the power ... But if a person still goes the wrong way, that is penalized for a foul evolution, then it stopped. Nature takes its Creator stops him. They do this by means of disease.
Illness is not a punishment, disease - is the salvation of man, because, stopped, he starts to think why he was ill. And beginning at least something to learn, it's something starts to change in yourself. The main thing is to begin to understand why this happened - and then the person will be saved from the greater of the worst, because nothing ends with the death of the body. Not bad, and ends - that's scary! When we die, the disease continues to live.
Died, we are born again. The disease - it is a certain stereotype, she lives with us, because we have deviated from the evolutionary path. We stopped, and can be stopped very seriously - we were in a wheelchair, but did not understand. We thought: "With me it's over, I'm old, I'll be dead soon. I'll start a new life with a clean slate. " But when we are born again, the old stereotype remains. It will force us to do the same thing, and again we get sick of the same disease, and again find ourselves in a wheelchair. And think again: "What do we lose?" Then it will be the third, and the fourth life, and will once again be a serious disease, and it will be harder and harder. The nature of the disease we are stopped, we are warned, are forced to reflect on the errors. In fact, if you look at your life, as often happens.
Vices, acting at the level of our psyche, in the mind inevitably sprout roots into our physical body, capturing the negative impact of destructive stereotypes of various organs. For example, there is a fear program. We think: "Tomorrow will raise the prices, I was fired from work, tomorrow something will happen to my child" - we are all the time afraid of something. When we are afraid, we razbalansiruem certain centers of its bioinformatics field.
Musician before to perform the play, is to set up your instrument on a tuning fork. He should take a sound "la" and build everything on the sound, otherwise it will start to be false. The same tuning fork that can save us from many diseases, and we have. It is our bio-information the body that regulates our state. Once disrupted the function of an organ as soon as any hormone was released in a larger amount as glucose or cholesterol were higher or lower, immediately starts a tuning fork body. But if you have some kind of negative programs, they destroy a tuning fork itself, and setting becomes impossible. Then, instead of the sound "la", sounds sound "B", your body starts to produce the wrong amount of some enzymes, and an organ begins to fail.
When the body is no longer able to work properly, it accumulates in different cell toxins. Slag will fill the entire space, they will settle in certain organs, the corresponding resonance of your program. For example, if you are afraid, then fear will compress your kidneys. Each organ on a more subtle level has its own matrix, which can see some people having excess capacity. These people see that renal matrix begins to contract, that the kidney begins to work badly, changes in the blood which is in the body the infection is exacerbated by, inflammation develops, begins urolithiasis. Do you have pain. Why? Because there is constantly projected program of fear there. A person thinks that it is all nonsense, begins to take some newfangled tablets, but nothing helps. Because the roots of the disease remain to be constantly grow.
Western medicine has reached stunning levels in surgery and in the field of computer diagnostics. So why do we have now began to turn to Ayurveda? Why not just us, the whole world turned to this knowledge? Because hundreds of thousands of physicians, biologists and scientists have realized the futility of their efforts, because we are with you all the time from the beginning to the end. When the body suddenly showed signs of distress, we started to take drugs that suppress the symptoms, we anesthetized the body, relieves nausea or lowered temperature
. Receiving a cancer, a person exposes himself to radiation therapy or chemotherapy takes that completely destroy all the mechanisms of self-regulation. And then he dies. Why? Yes, because the cause remains. Because it is the seed, is a plant that we water a long time, has left its roots in our minds. You can cut off the top of the plant many times, but somehow the roots remain. And these roots will produce new and new shoots. And the worst thing is that they will give the shoots in the next birth, and in the next, and the next - if you do not change, it will be thousands and thousands of births
. Ayurveda teaches us to look deep into the right and to identify the cause. That is why it is so effective. According to Ayurveda, a person dies, he is reborn. It goes a long way of evolution before you go down in his original form in the spiritual world. If man could see its previous incarnation, he would have seen that they are all very closely linked. That is, people have recognized himself as an actor know, playing in different performances. Roles can be very different: both tragic and comic, but the actor is always recognizable. Here also you have to know yourself, if I could see his past birth.
For a long time people did not understand why you have to be a righteous man. "Let the righteous will be holy" - thought by some people. But it turns out, no, we all have to live in resonance with the universe. We are with you - the cells of the universe, and the universe gives us signals every day, every minute, in one form or another, are not necessarily rude
. This is an extreme case - when we push or hit with a stick on the head. Prior to these extreme measures, she kept telling us gently, and we do not hear that voice, we do not hear the breath of the universe. Therefore, we are beginning to push people or circumstances, and we do not like. But as soon as we improve our attitude to life as soon as we learn to perceive the signals of the universe, we will become ownership of the flow, the disease will go away and we will not grow old. We will keep a youth to his death.
According to the materials of the book II Vetrov "Fundamentals of Ayurvedic Medicine"