Taoist alchemy of immortality or 100 things that kill us...
Seventy million nine hundred one thousand one hundred eight
In the book "Taoist alchemy of immortality" (preparation and translation of V. Vinogrodsky, SOPHIA ID "Helios" 2003) provides the classic Argument about one hundred diseases and one hundred drugs Glorification. As far as I know it was the only publication of extracts from his treatise on the diseases 100 Lao-Chun, in Russian. The original few thousand years, so personally I take it as a given.
The essence of the treatise: making certain actions man creates around himself the conditions that lead him to disaster. In order not to create problems for yourself, enough some things just don't do... That's all.
If you wish to escape from the disaster or to solve the problem, it is best in advance to prevent their occurrence in their lives. And then there will be difficulties. To heal the disease, get rid of the disease, it is best to be prepared for them ahead of time. Then it will be a happy outcome. Currently people don't pay attention to this and do not try to prevent, and send forces to escape. Don't try to prepare ahead of time and trying to heal with medication. Because there are sovereigns who are not able to protect the sacrificial altar of state power.
There are organisms that are not able to keep itself intact for a long life. Thus a person of wisdom, achieves happiness when there is no more omens. He gets rid of trouble, when she has not yet appeared. After all, a disaster is born of small things, and the disease arises from subtle deviations. People believe that a little good is not good, and therefore do not wish to do good. It seems that from the little evil will not damage, and because they do not seek to improve. If good does not accumulate, little by little, did not get a great Potency. If you do not refrain from evil in a small, then it will be a great crime. Therefore, select the most important to show, how it is born.
Not knowing constancy, to rejoice, to be angry is a disease.
Forgetting about the duty to strive for profit is a disease.
Loving sensual pleasure, to destroy the Potency is the disease.
Being attached with all my heart, love is a disease.
Hate, to wish someone death is a disease.
Due to promiscuity and greed to make mistakes without noticing – it is a disease.
Blaspheme people, praising yourself is a disease.
To change all the time, indulging yourself is a disease.
To be too talkative, love to chat – it is a disease.
Rejoice, pursuing wrong – it is a disease.
Being proud of knowledge, is to despise the other is a disease.
Using the power to create a tyranny is a disease.
Treat people wrong and yourself right is a disease.
To offend, carelessly treating the weak and defenseless – is a disease.
To win people by force is a disease.
Being lazy, feeling his power and strength is a disease
In speeches to try to win people is a disease.
Taking into debt is not be aware of the return of a disease.
Considering the unjust people, to think about our own righteousness is a disease.
Directness hurting people is a sickness.
Don't love men, to be set to itself is a disease.
And in the arrangement and the anger is conceited is a disease.
To consider others foolish and himself wise is a disease.
Making decent thing to do, to expose themselves is a disease.
Have known people to find flaws – it is a disease.
To complain that you have to work is a disease.
Illusion taken for reality is a disease.
Rejoice in the mistakes of others is a disease.
To boast in front of people his wealth is a disease.
Being dignified to despise the people is a disease.
Being poor, envy the rich – it is a disease.
Being in the low position, to speak evil of the noble is a disease.
Slandering people, to the location to yourself is a disease.
Manifest itself through its potency-te is a disease.
To achieve success, causing someone to lose is a disease.
Due to selfish motives to violate justice is a disease.
For my self-love not to see sense is a disease. To maintain the security due to the fact that others are in danger is a disease.
To be jealous is a disease.
Because of the temper colliding with others is a disease.
A lot to hate and little to love is a disease.
Constantly discuss what is right and wrong is a disease.
To shift the responsibility to other people is a disease.
Pushing the essence, attached only to the outer – it is a disease.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of other people is a disease.
Counting the people falsely, believe in yourself is a disease.
Helping people to hope for retribution is a disease.
To blame the man for what he has not been good to you is a disease.
Sharing with a person to repent is a disease.
Love to you exhort when you're angry, is a disease.
To criticize and denounce any living creatures is a disease.
Magical techniques to cause harm to anyone – it is a disease.
To vilify and condemn talented is a disease.
Not love people because they surpassed you is a disease.
Addicted to various potions – it is a disease.
If there is not a smooth condition in heart disease.
Go back in thought to old grudges is a disease.
Make a lot of noise about any ability is a disease.
Not to take of exhortation and criticism is a disease.
With the help of formal complaints to defeat someone is a disease.
To converse with a fool, a fool is a disease.
In a difficult situation do lightly – it is a disease.
To incite lawlessness is a disease.
Love to think you're right – it is a disease.
Much to doubt and not to believe is a disease.
To laugh at the insane and epileptic is a disease.
Sit lolling, not respecting the ritual is a disease.
Ugly words and evil speech, is a disease.
With contempt and neglect the old and the small is a disease.
Angry attitude and ugly behavior is a disease.
All the time, not having your own opinion is a disease.
To be too attached to the fun and jokes is a disease.
Love to limit people is a disease.
Cunning and flattery is a disease.
Wanting to get something, lying to get a disease.
To be deceitful and break their promises – it is a disease.
Brawl and vandalize, after drinking wine is a disease.
Cursing and swearing about the wind and rain – it is a disease.
Be willing to kill for evil words is a disease.
Inducing the termination of pregnancy is a disease.
Occupying, not to remember about the return of a disease.
To intervene in the Affairs of others is a disease.
Peek peek is a disease.
Taking in debt, hiding from creditors is a disease.
Do not listen to the opposite opinion is a disease.
Love to a sharp bounce is a disease.
Aggressively hitting on women is a disease.
Because of old misconceptions to mislead the other is a disease.
To destroy bird nests, break the eggs is a disease.
To kill the germ, cut the flesh is a disease.
To harm by water and fire is a disease.
Laugh at the blind, deaf and dumb is a disease.
Encourage the marriage is a disease.
To teach people to provocation is a disease.
To teach people to do evil is a disease.
To change their attitude to those in trouble is a disease.
Much of the unhappiness, to urge the trouble is a disease.
Seeing something nice, the desire to acquire is a disease.
The power to deprive people of things is a disease.
Not to say a lot of clever words, I will notice only that the principle here works like this: when a person does an act or allows for the idea, thereby it affects your reality (I hope that the doubt that reality is strictly individual, no one) that at the physical level either kills or cures him. Depending on the "balance" of illnesses and medications is determined by its current state.Since ancient times, the sages sought to do good in the most insignificant details. There was not the slightest misconduct that they would not fix it. If you behave thus, you can say that you are taking the medicine. The so-called one hundred drugs are presented below.
The observance of ritual in the movement and rest is the cure.
The malleability of the body and the softness of nature is the cure.
Wide behavior and kindness of the heart is the cure.
The observance of moderation in all is the cure.
Refusing benefits, be guided by sense of duty is the cure.
Not to take over what you deserve is the cure.
To strive for moral strength, rejecting the temptations of the flesh is the cure.
To get rid of the desires in your heart is the cure.
Despite the hostility, love is the cure.
To strive for wise use of all this medication.
Wish people happiness is the cure.
To save trouble, help in difficulties is the cure.
Re stupid and naive is the cure.
To call for a correction tending toward chaos is the cure.
To warn and admonish the young and immature is the cure.
To instruct and enlighten the erring and erring is the cure.
To help the old and the weak is the cure.
Use power to help people is the cure.
To sympathize with the lonely, pity the lonely is the cure.
To be merciful toward the poor and help begging this medication.
Occupying a high position, to serve the lower is the cure.
To be humble and compliant in the speeches is the cure.
With reverence and respect for Junior is the cure.
Not to demand the return of old debts is the cure.
To be capable of genuine sympathy in sorrow is the cure.
To be truthful in your words, to maintain honesty and trust is the cure.
Refusing resourcefulness, to aspire to the directness of this medication.
Not to argue, figuring out who temper, who is to blame is the cure.
When faced with aggression, do not respond roughly this medication.
Having undergone an insult, not to carry a grudge is the cure.
Escape from evil and strive for goodness is the cure.
Giving the best to the worst taking this medication.
Giving more, taking less is the cure.
When meeting with a wise to pay critical attention to yourself is the cure.
Not to prove themselves, exhibited at the show is the cure.
Yielding to the merits, to take the most difficult is the cure.
Not to brag, but my goodness is the cure.
Not to mention the merits of others is a cure.
Not to complain when the hard work is the cure.
Hide secret evil is the cure.
Being rich to serve the poor is the cure.
Moving and rising in mastery is the cure.
Being poor is not annoyed is the cure.
Not to exaggerate its value is the cure.
Good to the success of others is the cure.
Not love secret greed is the cure.
And the gains and losses to contemplate himself is the cure.
The secret virtue of the bowels of mercy is the cure.
Not to criticize and not to wear anything living is the cure.
Not to discuss other people is the cure.
Good words and good speech is the cure.
Their misfortunes and illnesses to blame yourself is the cure.
Don't shy away from the difficulties of this medication.
Doing good does not hope for retribution is the cure.
Not to scold Pets is a cure.
People wish to fulfill their desires is the medicine.
To calm his heart, rushing to the monastery is the cure.
Achieving serenity in the heart, calm the mind is the cure.
Remember the old evil is the cure.
To correct the errors and get rid of the evil is the cure.
Listening to the exhortations, to strive to change is the cure.
Not to interfere in the Affairs of others is the cure.
To restrain themselves in anger and irritation is the cure.
To dispel the stream of thoughts and thinking is the cure.
To read of the elderly is medication.
And behind a closed door, strictly to observe yourself is the cure.
Cultivate FILIAL piety and sibling love is the cure.
To eradicate the evil and promote good is the cure.
In purity and honesty to be satisfied with fate is the cure.
Helping people to remain faithful to this medication.
To help during natural disasters is the cure.
To fight fear, get rid of doubts is the cure.
In stillness and quiet to be kind and friendly is the cure.
To honor and respect the texts of the wise is a medicine.
To think about the divine and to remember about the Path is the cure.
To spread the wisdom of this medication.
Making important thing to pay attention to fatigue is the cure.
To honor Heaven and to respect the Earth is a medicine.
To honor three luminaries – this medicine.
To keep the serenity of peace in the lack of aspirations is the cure.
Be friendly, flexible, modest, and compliant is the cure.
Do not seek to accumulate wealth is the cure.
Not to break the commandments and prohibitions is the cure.
Honesty, unselfishness, faith and trust is the cure.
Not craving wealth is the cure.
If an empty cart, help those with weight is the cure.
Right to criticize, faithful to this medication.
Rejoice in the fact that a person has, the Potency of this medication.
Seek to share with the disadvantaged is the cure.
For the old man to bring the severity of this medication.
To get rid of emotions, to abandon attachment is the cure.
To be kind in heart and responsive to the thoughts is the cure.
Seek to encourage people to goodness is the cure.
With wealth, to be merciful is the cure.
Being in a great position to do good deeds is the cure
Source: /users/1077
In the book "Taoist alchemy of immortality" (preparation and translation of V. Vinogrodsky, SOPHIA ID "Helios" 2003) provides the classic Argument about one hundred diseases and one hundred drugs Glorification. As far as I know it was the only publication of extracts from his treatise on the diseases 100 Lao-Chun, in Russian. The original few thousand years, so personally I take it as a given.
The essence of the treatise: making certain actions man creates around himself the conditions that lead him to disaster. In order not to create problems for yourself, enough some things just don't do... That's all.
If you wish to escape from the disaster or to solve the problem, it is best in advance to prevent their occurrence in their lives. And then there will be difficulties. To heal the disease, get rid of the disease, it is best to be prepared for them ahead of time. Then it will be a happy outcome. Currently people don't pay attention to this and do not try to prevent, and send forces to escape. Don't try to prepare ahead of time and trying to heal with medication. Because there are sovereigns who are not able to protect the sacrificial altar of state power.
There are organisms that are not able to keep itself intact for a long life. Thus a person of wisdom, achieves happiness when there is no more omens. He gets rid of trouble, when she has not yet appeared. After all, a disaster is born of small things, and the disease arises from subtle deviations. People believe that a little good is not good, and therefore do not wish to do good. It seems that from the little evil will not damage, and because they do not seek to improve. If good does not accumulate, little by little, did not get a great Potency. If you do not refrain from evil in a small, then it will be a great crime. Therefore, select the most important to show, how it is born.
Not knowing constancy, to rejoice, to be angry is a disease.
Forgetting about the duty to strive for profit is a disease.
Loving sensual pleasure, to destroy the Potency is the disease.
Being attached with all my heart, love is a disease.
Hate, to wish someone death is a disease.
Due to promiscuity and greed to make mistakes without noticing – it is a disease.
Blaspheme people, praising yourself is a disease.
To change all the time, indulging yourself is a disease.
To be too talkative, love to chat – it is a disease.
Rejoice, pursuing wrong – it is a disease.
Being proud of knowledge, is to despise the other is a disease.
Using the power to create a tyranny is a disease.
Treat people wrong and yourself right is a disease.
To offend, carelessly treating the weak and defenseless – is a disease.
To win people by force is a disease.
Being lazy, feeling his power and strength is a disease
In speeches to try to win people is a disease.
Taking into debt is not be aware of the return of a disease.
Considering the unjust people, to think about our own righteousness is a disease.
Directness hurting people is a sickness.
Don't love men, to be set to itself is a disease.
And in the arrangement and the anger is conceited is a disease.
To consider others foolish and himself wise is a disease.
Making decent thing to do, to expose themselves is a disease.
Have known people to find flaws – it is a disease.
To complain that you have to work is a disease.
Illusion taken for reality is a disease.
Rejoice in the mistakes of others is a disease.
To boast in front of people his wealth is a disease.
Being dignified to despise the people is a disease.
Being poor, envy the rich – it is a disease.
Being in the low position, to speak evil of the noble is a disease.
Slandering people, to the location to yourself is a disease.
Manifest itself through its potency-te is a disease.
To achieve success, causing someone to lose is a disease.
Due to selfish motives to violate justice is a disease.
For my self-love not to see sense is a disease. To maintain the security due to the fact that others are in danger is a disease.
To be jealous is a disease.
Because of the temper colliding with others is a disease.
A lot to hate and little to love is a disease.
Constantly discuss what is right and wrong is a disease.
To shift the responsibility to other people is a disease.
Pushing the essence, attached only to the outer – it is a disease.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of other people is a disease.
Counting the people falsely, believe in yourself is a disease.
Helping people to hope for retribution is a disease.
To blame the man for what he has not been good to you is a disease.
Sharing with a person to repent is a disease.
Love to you exhort when you're angry, is a disease.
To criticize and denounce any living creatures is a disease.
Magical techniques to cause harm to anyone – it is a disease.
To vilify and condemn talented is a disease.
Not love people because they surpassed you is a disease.
Addicted to various potions – it is a disease.
If there is not a smooth condition in heart disease.
Go back in thought to old grudges is a disease.
Make a lot of noise about any ability is a disease.
Not to take of exhortation and criticism is a disease.
With the help of formal complaints to defeat someone is a disease.
To converse with a fool, a fool is a disease.
In a difficult situation do lightly – it is a disease.
To incite lawlessness is a disease.
Love to think you're right – it is a disease.
Much to doubt and not to believe is a disease.
To laugh at the insane and epileptic is a disease.
Sit lolling, not respecting the ritual is a disease.
Ugly words and evil speech, is a disease.
With contempt and neglect the old and the small is a disease.
Angry attitude and ugly behavior is a disease.
All the time, not having your own opinion is a disease.
To be too attached to the fun and jokes is a disease.
Love to limit people is a disease.
Cunning and flattery is a disease.
Wanting to get something, lying to get a disease.
To be deceitful and break their promises – it is a disease.
Brawl and vandalize, after drinking wine is a disease.
Cursing and swearing about the wind and rain – it is a disease.
Be willing to kill for evil words is a disease.
Inducing the termination of pregnancy is a disease.
Occupying, not to remember about the return of a disease.
To intervene in the Affairs of others is a disease.
Peek peek is a disease.
Taking in debt, hiding from creditors is a disease.
Do not listen to the opposite opinion is a disease.
Love to a sharp bounce is a disease.
Aggressively hitting on women is a disease.
Because of old misconceptions to mislead the other is a disease.
To destroy bird nests, break the eggs is a disease.
To kill the germ, cut the flesh is a disease.
To harm by water and fire is a disease.
Laugh at the blind, deaf and dumb is a disease.
Encourage the marriage is a disease.
To teach people to provocation is a disease.
To teach people to do evil is a disease.
To change their attitude to those in trouble is a disease.
Much of the unhappiness, to urge the trouble is a disease.
Seeing something nice, the desire to acquire is a disease.
The power to deprive people of things is a disease.
Not to say a lot of clever words, I will notice only that the principle here works like this: when a person does an act or allows for the idea, thereby it affects your reality (I hope that the doubt that reality is strictly individual, no one) that at the physical level either kills or cures him. Depending on the "balance" of illnesses and medications is determined by its current state.Since ancient times, the sages sought to do good in the most insignificant details. There was not the slightest misconduct that they would not fix it. If you behave thus, you can say that you are taking the medicine. The so-called one hundred drugs are presented below.
The observance of ritual in the movement and rest is the cure.
The malleability of the body and the softness of nature is the cure.
Wide behavior and kindness of the heart is the cure.
The observance of moderation in all is the cure.
Refusing benefits, be guided by sense of duty is the cure.
Not to take over what you deserve is the cure.
To strive for moral strength, rejecting the temptations of the flesh is the cure.
To get rid of the desires in your heart is the cure.
Despite the hostility, love is the cure.
To strive for wise use of all this medication.
Wish people happiness is the cure.
To save trouble, help in difficulties is the cure.
Re stupid and naive is the cure.
To call for a correction tending toward chaos is the cure.
To warn and admonish the young and immature is the cure.
To instruct and enlighten the erring and erring is the cure.
To help the old and the weak is the cure.
Use power to help people is the cure.
To sympathize with the lonely, pity the lonely is the cure.
To be merciful toward the poor and help begging this medication.
Occupying a high position, to serve the lower is the cure.
To be humble and compliant in the speeches is the cure.
With reverence and respect for Junior is the cure.
Not to demand the return of old debts is the cure.
To be capable of genuine sympathy in sorrow is the cure.
To be truthful in your words, to maintain honesty and trust is the cure.
Refusing resourcefulness, to aspire to the directness of this medication.
Not to argue, figuring out who temper, who is to blame is the cure.
When faced with aggression, do not respond roughly this medication.
Having undergone an insult, not to carry a grudge is the cure.
Escape from evil and strive for goodness is the cure.
Giving the best to the worst taking this medication.
Giving more, taking less is the cure.
When meeting with a wise to pay critical attention to yourself is the cure.
Not to prove themselves, exhibited at the show is the cure.
Yielding to the merits, to take the most difficult is the cure.
Not to brag, but my goodness is the cure.
Not to mention the merits of others is a cure.
Not to complain when the hard work is the cure.
Hide secret evil is the cure.
Being rich to serve the poor is the cure.
Moving and rising in mastery is the cure.
Being poor is not annoyed is the cure.
Not to exaggerate its value is the cure.
Good to the success of others is the cure.
Not love secret greed is the cure.
And the gains and losses to contemplate himself is the cure.
The secret virtue of the bowels of mercy is the cure.
Not to criticize and not to wear anything living is the cure.
Not to discuss other people is the cure.
Good words and good speech is the cure.
Their misfortunes and illnesses to blame yourself is the cure.
Don't shy away from the difficulties of this medication.
Doing good does not hope for retribution is the cure.
Not to scold Pets is a cure.
People wish to fulfill their desires is the medicine.
To calm his heart, rushing to the monastery is the cure.
Achieving serenity in the heart, calm the mind is the cure.
Remember the old evil is the cure.
To correct the errors and get rid of the evil is the cure.
Listening to the exhortations, to strive to change is the cure.
Not to interfere in the Affairs of others is the cure.
To restrain themselves in anger and irritation is the cure.
To dispel the stream of thoughts and thinking is the cure.
To read of the elderly is medication.
And behind a closed door, strictly to observe yourself is the cure.
Cultivate FILIAL piety and sibling love is the cure.
To eradicate the evil and promote good is the cure.
In purity and honesty to be satisfied with fate is the cure.
Helping people to remain faithful to this medication.
To help during natural disasters is the cure.
To fight fear, get rid of doubts is the cure.
In stillness and quiet to be kind and friendly is the cure.
To honor and respect the texts of the wise is a medicine.
To think about the divine and to remember about the Path is the cure.
To spread the wisdom of this medication.
Making important thing to pay attention to fatigue is the cure.
To honor Heaven and to respect the Earth is a medicine.
To honor three luminaries – this medicine.
To keep the serenity of peace in the lack of aspirations is the cure.
Be friendly, flexible, modest, and compliant is the cure.
Do not seek to accumulate wealth is the cure.
Not to break the commandments and prohibitions is the cure.
Honesty, unselfishness, faith and trust is the cure.
Not craving wealth is the cure.
If an empty cart, help those with weight is the cure.
Right to criticize, faithful to this medication.
Rejoice in the fact that a person has, the Potency of this medication.
Seek to share with the disadvantaged is the cure.
For the old man to bring the severity of this medication.
To get rid of emotions, to abandon attachment is the cure.
To be kind in heart and responsive to the thoughts is the cure.
Seek to encourage people to goodness is the cure.
With wealth, to be merciful is the cure.
Being in a great position to do good deeds is the cure
Source: /users/1077